Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Rārangi Take (Agenda)

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group will be held at the BOPRC Rotorua Office, Waiariki Room, Corner Fenton & Pukaki Street, Rotorua on:

Friday 14 June 2024 COMMENCING AT 11:30 am or following the conclusion of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Workshop.

This meeting will be livestreamed and recorded.

The Public section of this meeting will be livestreamed and recorded and uploaded to Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Bay of Plenty Regional Council - YouTube. Further details on this can be found after the Terms of Reference within the Agenda.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council,

Rotorua Lakes Council and

Te Arawa Lakes Trust.

Working as one to protect our lakes with funding

assistance from the Ministry for the Environment

Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

6 June 2024



Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group


Poū Tākiwaiora

(Independent Chairperson)

Arapeta Tahana

Deputy Chairperson

(Appointed by Group)

Cr Kevin Winters (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana)



Two representatives from each of the partner Councils one of whom must be the Chair/Mayor:


Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr Te Taru White (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council

Mayor Tania Tapsell

Cr Gregg Brown

Phill Thomass (Lakes Community Board) (Alternate)  

Governance representatives from Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Nuki Nicholson

Mariana Te Rangi

Rangitihi Pene (Alternate)

Georgina Whata (Alternate)

Observer from the Ministry for the Environment

Lorena Stephen (Director of Sustainable Land Use Delivery)


One appointed member from each of the partner organisations

Meeting frequency



To contribute to the promotion of the sustainable management of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes and their catchments, for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations, while recognising and providing for the traditional relationship of Te Arawa with their ancestral lakes.


·                Provide leadership to the organisations and the community in relation to implementation of the Vision and Strategy for the Lakes of the Rotorua District originally adopted in 2000 and refreshed version adopted by the Strategy Group in 2013.

·                Identify significant existing and emerging issues affecting the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes and respond appropriately.

·                Approve, monitor, evaluate, and review agreements, policies and strategies and all other proposals to achieve integrated outcomes for the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes.

·                Identify, monitor, and evaluate necessary actions by the partner organisations and other relevant organisations.

·                Receive reports on activities being undertaken by the partner organisations and other relevant organisations.

·                Participate in the preparation of statutory plans in relation to significant issues. Such plans include but are not limited to Iwi and hapū management plans, district and regional plans, reserve management plans and annual plans.

·                Participate in applications for activities in relation to significant issues not addressed by existing policies of the partner organisations. Such activities include but are not limited to resource consents, designations, heritage orders, water conservation orders, restricting access to the lakes (during special events or in particular circumstances), and transferring and/or delegating of statutory authority.

Strategy Group Procedures

The Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group is a permanent joint committee established under the Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act 2006 (Te Arawa Lakes Deed of Settlement - Cultural Redress: Lakes Management and Relationships, clauses 9.1 to 9.3 - December 2004) and is not disestablished as a consequence of a Local Government election.

The Group’s Terms of Reference are derived from the Rotorua Lakes Strategy Agreement included in Part 1 of the Relationship Schedule to the Deed of Settlement, December 2004.


Organisations” means the Te Arawa Lakes Trust, the Rotorua Lakes Council, and the
Bay of Plenty Regional Council; sometimes referred to as “Partner Organisations”.

“Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes” means Lakes Rotorua, Rotoiti, Rotoehu, Rotomā, Ōkataina, Tikitapu, Ōkāreka, Tarawera, Rotomahana, Rerewhakaaitu, Ōkaro.

“Group” means the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group, formed as a Joint Committee under Clause 30 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002; sometimes referred to as the “Strategy Group”.


·                The non-voting Poū Tākiwaiora (Independent Chairperson) is appointed by the members for a three year term in alignment with the Local Government triennium and is to be reviewed and confirmed at the first meeting of the Group following the Local Government elections.

·                The Poū Tākiwaiora is not deemed to be a member of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group for the purposes of a quorum.

·                The Poū Tākiwaiora shall assume the role and responsibilities as defined in the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Poū Tākiwaiora Guidelines.

·               The Deputy Chairperson shall be appointed from the membership at the first meeting of the Group following the Local Government elections.


The special quorum for a meeting of the Group will be four members of the Group.

In the event that the ordinary quorum is not satisfied at three consecutive meetings of the Group in circumstances, where in the case of each such meeting:

·                It was notified in accordance with the Standing Orders;

·                Order papers were sent to each member of the Group in accordance with the Standing Orders; and

·                The meeting had not been cancelled for any reason, then the members in attendance may declare the third meeting inquorate according to the Standing Orders and the special quorum will then be substituted.

At any subsequent meeting, the ordinary quorum will be restored.

No matters that were not on the order paper for the meeting at which the special quorum was established can be considered by a special quorum meeting.

Power to Act

To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role of the Strategy Group subject to the limitations imposed.

Each Council participating in a joint initiative will fund its own proportion of that joint initiative as determined by the Joint Committee.

Power to Recommend

To the partner organisations on any matters within the Strategy Group’s delegated functions as it deems appropriate.

The Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group report directly to their respective organisations.


Recording of Meetings


Please note the Public section of this meeting is being recorded and streamed live on Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website in accordance with Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Meetings Protocols which can be viewed on Council’s website. The recording will be archived and made publicly available on Council's website within two working days after the meeting on for a period of three years (or as otherwise agreed to by Council).


All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery or as a participant at the meeting, your presence may be recorded. By remaining in the public gallery, it is understood your consent is given if your image is inadvertently broadcast.

Opinions expressed or statements made by individual persons during a meeting are not the opinions or statements of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Council accepts no liability for any opinions or statements made during a meeting.

Please note that the live streaming of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group hui will be dependent on the location and availability of Wi-Fi/Technology to facilitate live-streaming.



Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group                                                                       14 June 2024

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.

Rārangi Take

1.       Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

2.       Ngā Hōnea

3.       Wāhanga Tūmatanui
Public Forum

4.       Ngā Take Tōmuri
Items not on the Agenda

5.       Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business

6.       Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

7.       Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed

7.1      Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes – 22 March 2024    4

8.       Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only

8.1      Growing Hedged Mānuka in the Lake Rotorua Catchment - Verbal Update

Presented by: Rosemary Cross, Senior Projects Manager – Rotorua Catchments, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana, Andy Dick - Forestry Consultant and Bill Young - Te Arawa Primary Sector Inc.

PowerPoint Presentation and report on the Hedged Manuka Trial to be tabled at the meeting.


Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana
Decisions Required

8.2      Draft Golden Clam Letter to Ministers for approval                             4

Attachment 1 - 2024-06-14: Draft Final Gold Clam Letter to Ministers                         4

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only (continued)

8.3      Ministry for the Environment - Verbal Update

Presented by: Representatives from the Ministry for the Environment

8.4      Essential Freshwater Programme Status - Verbal Update

Presented by: Gemma Moleta - Senior Planner (Water Policy). Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

8.5      Climate Change Technical Working Group - Verbal Update

Presented by: Helen Creagh - Rotorua Catchments Manager Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

9.       Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro
Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

10.     Next meeting: Friday, 20 September 2024

110.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

 Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes

22 March 2024


Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 22 March 2024, 12:00pm following the conclusion of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Workshop

Venue:                         BOPRC Rotorua Office, Waiariki Room, Corner Fenton & Pukaki Street, Rotorua and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)


Chairperson:               Pou Tākiwaiora Arapeta Tahana

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Deputy Chair Kevin Winters (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC))

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT)

Rangitihi Pene (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)

Cr Gregg Brown; Phill Thomass – Lakes Community Board Chair (Alternate)


Cr Te Taru White (Alternate)

Ministry for the Environment (MfE) (Observer)

Eugene Berryman-Kamp, Director Te Mana o Te Wai and Implementation, Partnerships

Te Hunga i Tae Ake

In Attendance:            TALT: Geoff Rolleston- Interim Chair; Soweeta Fort-D'Ath - Lakes Programme Coordinator

RLC: Andrew Moraes  – Chief Executive; Stavros Michael – Deputy Chief Executive Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions

BOPRC: Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Helen Creagh – Rotorua Catchments Manager;  Rosemary Cross - Senior Projects Manager, Rotorua Catchments; Melissa Williams - Communications Partner; Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor

Presenters: Angus McKenzie - Environmental Consultant/Director, Place Group Limited

External: Chris Sutton - Rerewhakaaitu Incorporated Society; Don Atkinson - Member Lakes Water Quality Society


Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Mayor Tania Tapsell (RLC); Chairman Doug Leeder (BOPRC); Mariana Te Rangi (TALT); Nuki Nicholson (TALT)


Declaration of Public Recording

Committee members and the public were reminded that the meeting was being recorded and would be made available on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website following the meeting and archived for a period of three years: Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group - 22 March 2024 (

1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Karakia

Karakia whakatuwhera provided by Arapeta Tahana as part of the workshop preceding the meeting.

Pou Tākiwaiora Arapeta Tahana acknowledged and welcomed newly appointed Rotorua Lakes Council Chief Executive, Andrew Moraes.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Accepts the apologies from Mayor Tania Tapsell, Chairman Doug Leeder, Mariana Te Rangi and Nuki Nicholson tendered at the meeting.



3.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest


4.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes - 22 September 2023



That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1          Confirms the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes - 22 September 2023 as a true and correct record.



5.     Ngā Pūrongo

Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana
Decisions Required


Correspondence received for information: previous Minister David Parker (Incentive Funding Transfer)



That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Receives the report, Correspondence received for information: previous Minister David Parker (Incentive Funding Transfer).





Correspondence received for information: Lakes Water Quality Society Letter to Chair, Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group



That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Receives the report, Correspondence received for information: Lakes Water Quality Society Letter to Chair, Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group.





Effectively addressing the aquatic weed challenge in Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes

Presentation 1 - Angus McKenzie Place Group PowerPoint - Weed BC PDF: Objective ID A4636933   

Presented by BOPRC Rotorua Catchments Manager, Helen Creagh and Angus McKenzie, Environmental Consultant/Director, Place Group Limited.

Key Points:

·    TALT, BORPC, RLC, Lakes Water Quality Society (LWQS) and Waikato Regional Council (WRC), with the support from Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), had commenced work on developing a business case to explore options for enhancing the management of lake weeds in the Te Arawa Lakes catchments

·    Was seeking support from the Strategy Group to continue with Phase 2/complete the remaining four cases, and to elevate the importance of addressing the lake weed problem with the relevant Crown agencies

·    Highlighted key issued faced and benefits of developing a business case

·    Emphasised the long term cost savings/fulfilment of Treaty settlement obligations and realising of mana whenua aspirations to restore the health of the Rotorua Te Arawa lakes

·    Was important to act swiftly as the window for restoration was closing with concerns around native seed bank viability.

In Response to Questions:

·    LINZ was supportive of the business case and had previously invested in weed control within Te Arawa Lakes, in partnership with TALT. However, there was uncertainty around ongoing funding from LINZ, hence the importance of the business case

·    The current level of investment by BOPRC, LINZ, RLC and TALT was $730k per annum; this allowed for both trimming the hedges and removing weeds washed up on the foreshore

·    Looking at the removal and/or reduction of potential policy and regulatory roadblocks/restrictions to enable operational efficiencies would form part of the business case

·    Biodiversity impact was yet to be assessed

·    Key learnings from successes achieved at Lake Ōkāreka with regard to weed control/management would be considered as part of developing the business case

·    Was important to keep the business case/scope tight, with a focus on weed management.

 Key Points - Members:

·    Acknowledged that continued underfunding of weed control/management over the years had contributed to the long standing challenge/was also the key driver for the establishment to the Lakes Water Quality Society (which was originally formed in 1961 as the Lakeweed Control Society) 

·    Required a holistic approach to water quality improvement/weed control

·    As part of the business case, the relativity of funding by region could be considered/funding of the Lakes as a strategic resource/taonga should be within the total quantum of the Lakes areas/funding to be equitable

·    Emphasised the importance of magnifying the impact of  collaborative/cohesive partnership, and demonstrating ability to deliver

·    Acknowledged that the Strategy Group was in the process of reviewing its purpose/strategy but accepted that it would be important to have a business case ready for when funding opportunities became available.



That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Receives the report, Effectively addressing the aquatic weed challenge in Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes;

2        Supports the continuation of this business case through to the final stages of completion, which includes exploration of options for delivery through the development of the: economic, financial, commercial and management cases;

3        Supports the business case partners to elevate the importance of the issues addressed in the business case with the relevant Crown agencies (our funding partners).





Mahere Mahi ā-tau (2024-2025), Purongo ā-ono Marama (2023-2024), Deed Funded Project Status Updates

Presentation 2 - Strategy Group Update - 22 March 2024: Objective ID A4636938 

Presentation 3 - Winiata Rural Drain Wetland Update to RTALSG 22 March 2024: Objective ID A4636933   

Presented by BOPRC Rotorua Catchments Manager, Helen Creagh and Rosemary Cross - Senior Projects Manager, Rotorua Catchments.

Key Points - Presentations:

·    Outcome of Lake Rotorua Science Review (Required 5-yearly)

o Undertaken by Professor Warwick Vincent, Quebec (Laval University)

o Was highly complementary of the programme/seen as a world class programme 

·    Key Findings – Science Review

o Long-term water quality trends appeared to be improving

o Alum had been effective in reducing phosphorus loads from the Utuhina and Puarenga inflows

o Nitrogen load to land had reduced from 982 tonnes to 761 tonnes between 2017 to 2022

o Needed to better explain variability of lake water quality

o Needed to review internal nutrient loading and the fate of (dosed) alum in the lake

o Ongoing support for catchment management activities was critical to the programme

·    Key Programme Updates

o Winiata Rural Drain Wetland (refer PowerPoint Presentation 3)

§ 9 hectare constructed wetland (engineering solutions)

§ construction completed

§ planting had commenced

o Progress on weed harvesting at Okawa Bay

o Puarenga riparian restoration partnership

o Update on progress made by the Climate Change Technical Working  Group

o Overview of lake algae blooms over summer 2023

·    Update on deed of funding reporting.

Key Points - Members:

·    Noted the reference made in the Mahere Mahi ā-tau (page 49 of the agenda) to Rotorua Lakes Council’s reimbursement of the Deed funding for Regional Council’s Incentives Scheme for Lake Rotorua; that Rotorua Lakes Council had intended to include a rate in their Long-Term Plan 2024-2034; and on confirmation of this rate, changes would be made to Schedule 2 of the Deed to transfer an additional $10,000,000 to Rotorua Lakes Council to complete the Lake Rotoiti Reticulation Scheme which would be paid back to the Crown in annual instalments

·    Highlighted the importance of funding to be available to secure 100 tonnes of nitrogen reduction from Lake Rotorua via the Incentives Scheme (required to meet the sustainable nitrogen load for Lake Rotorua by 2032).

Key Points - Staff:

·    BOPRC: Planned to schedule a site visit for Strategy Group Members to  view the Winiata Rural Drain Wetland

·    RLC: Suggested that a letter be drafted for submission to the Minister for the Environment to express the Strategy Group’s support for the transfer of the $10,000,000 to Rotorua Lakes Council to complete the Lake Rotoiti Reticulation Scheme.



That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Receives the report, Mahere Mahi ā-tau (2024-2025), Purongo ā-ono Marama (2023-2024), Deed Funded Project Status Updates;

2        Adopts the Mahere Mahi ā-tau 2024-2025 and Purongo ā-ono Marama 2023-2024 for provision to the Ministry for the Environment, in accordance with the requirements of the Deed of Funding for the Programme;

3        Agrees to defer the development of the Three-Year Plan for the Programme (2024-2025 – 2025-2027) until the recommendations of the 2023 review of Strategy Group are resolved.



6.     Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro
Consideration of Items not on the Agenda


Verbal Update - Ministry for the Environment


Presented by Ministry for the Environment (MfE) representative Eugene Berryman-Kamp, Director Te Mana o Te Wai and Implementation, Partnerships:

Key Points - Observations:

·    Highlighted changes in the political environment/context and outlined relevant legislative/perspective changes

o The Spatial Planning Act (SPA) and the Natural and Built Environment Act (NBA) had been repealed as part of the Government’s coalition commitments for its first 100-days in office

o Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) was still in place

o Had introduced the Fast-track Approvals Bill to Parliament for Select Committee review on 7 March (to make it easier to consent new infrastructure including renewable energy and other developments)

o Review and replacement of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 had begun and was expected to take 18-24 months

·    Emphasised the need for resetting/reforming the Strategy Group, and its partners’ relationship with the new Government

·    Was important for the Strategy Group to demonstrate its collaborative/concerted focused approach/strong relationships and ability to generate evidence based outcomes

·    Outcome of the Review of the Strategy Group would be important.



Verbal Update – Essential Freshwater Programme


Noted that electronic correspondence had been sent to members of the Strategy Group to provide them with an update on the Essential Freshwater Programme following changes in resource management and freshwater policy direction from Central Government. The BOPRC Strategy and Policy Committee, at its meeting held on 20 February 2024, had resolved to extend the notification date for the freshwater plan change to September 2025.

7.     Karakia Kati
Closing Karakia

Karakia kati provided by Eugene Berryman-Kamp.

1:30pm – the meeting closed.



                                                                                                          Pou Tākiwaiora Arapeta Tahana

Chairperson, Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group





Pūrongo Ki:
Report To:

Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group

Rā Hui:
Meeting Date:

14 June 2024

Kaituhi Pūrongo:
Report Writer:

Helen Creagh, Rotorua Catchments Manager

Kaiwhakamana Pūrongo:
Report Authoriser:

Chris Ingle, General Manager, Integrated Catchments


To present the draft letter regarding Golden Clam (to Ministers) to the Strategy Group for approval.



Draft Golden Clam Letter to Ministers for approval


Executive Summary

On Friday 3 May staff held an Informal Briefing of Strategy Group in relation to the risk of Gold Clam spread from the Waikato River System where an incursion is confirmed, to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes.

At that briefing, Strategy Group members asked that staff prepare a letter to relevant Ministers seeking further support to prevent the spread of Gold Clam to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes.


Ngā tūtohutanga

That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group:

1        Receives the report, Draft Golden Clam Letter to Ministers for approval.

2        Approves the draft letter to Ministers in Attachment 1 of this report.


1.       He Whakamārama

At the Informal Briefing on 3 May, staff outlined where Gold Clam has been identified in Aotearoa to date, the possible impacts of an incursion on the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes, the measures that have been taken by the Ministry for Primary Industries and locally (including each of the programme partners and mana whenua) to prevent spread of this species to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes. Environment Waikato staff also attended and outlined their experience following the identified incursions on the Waikato River system.


As part of the briefing staff also outlined that there were opportunities to implement further interventions to give us a better chance at preventing the spread of Gold Clam from the Waikato River System to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes. These were:


·      Request MPI urgently develop and implement a National Long Term Management Plan (should include the development of a National Aquatic Pathway Management Plan under the Biosecurity Act).

·      Request that the Minister completes the review of the Biosecurity Act with urgency to enable fines.

·      Support investment in research to improve aquatic pest surveillance (e.g. detection dogs), cleaning methods and control methods.

·      Investigate the use of Automated gates for boat ramps which require proof of wash before entry.

·      Invest in strategically located wash station to support voluntary compliance.

·      Request additional funding and formalise on-going resourcing for compliance and wash stations.

·      Ensure response plans for any confirmed incursion on Te Arawa Lakes include management of competing social and cultural views on lake use.


A draft letter to Ministers is included in Attachment One of this report, developed with input of staff from all partners, to request support for further interventions to prevent the spread of Gold Clam, and other invasive species to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes.


2.       Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps

Once Strategy Group members are happy to approve the draft letter attached in Attachment One, and any requested changes are made, staff will arrange for the letter to be delivered and advise members of any response.



Tuhinga Tautoko

Attachment 1 - 2024-06-14_Draft Final Gold Clam Letter to Ministers  


Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group                                                            14 June 2024

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PDF Creator