
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee

Meeting Date:

5 April 2024



Item under Separate Cover

As noted on the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Agenda for the meeting on Friday 5 April 2024, the following item is included under separate cover:


Decisions Required

Agenda Item 7.8    Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 - Adoption of Group Plan                                                                           1

Attachment 1 - 2024.03.22 Hon Mitchell to Mayor Tunui - BoP CDEM Group draft plan 2024-2029                                                                                                                              1

Attachment 2 - Overview of feedback from Minister for EM and recovery with EMBOPs recommendations                                                                                                                 1

Attachment 3 - 5619 BOP CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029                                                1






Report To:

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee

Meeting Date:

5 April 2024

Report Writer:

Cara Gordon, Principal Advisor, Emergency Management

Report Authoriser:

Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty


Seek approval of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-29 following comment from the Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery.



Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 - Adoption of Group Plan


Executive Summary

The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (Group Plan) sets the strategy and direction for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group (CDEM Group) over a five-year period.

The draft 2024-29 Group Plan has been developed over a 2-year period and has included engagement with community and stakeholders across the Bay of Plenty. The final stage of this development has now been completed, having received comment from the Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery. The Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-29 is therefore able be approved by the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1        Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 - Adoption of Group Plan.

2        Receives the letter from Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister of Emergency Management and Recovery, titled Draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-29 (Attachment 1);

3        Revokes the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2018-23 as per section 56(3) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002;

4        Approves replacing the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2018-23 with the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029, as per section 56(3) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002.

1.       Background

The Group Plan review was initiated in early 2022 with a series of workshops being undertaken with CDEM Group Members and partner agencies. The focus of the Group Plan development then transitioned to a first public consultation phase with the community and Iwi ensuring the Group Plan reflected the needs and requirements of the Group, its partners, and the community.

The second public consultation phase, along with public hearings, and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) technical review, concluded in August 2023. Changes were then integrated into the draft following the feedback from both processes.

On 27 September 2023, the Joint committee approved the draft plan to be sent to the Minister of Emergency management for the legally required Ministerial review.

The response from the Minister was postponed until March 2024 due to national elections occurring in October 2023.


2.       Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 - Adoption of Group Plan

2.1      Ministerial Comment

Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery, provided comment on the draft Group Plan as required under Section 49(1) of the CDEM Act 2002, see Attachment 1. Section 49 (1A) of the CDEM Act 2002 requires CDEM Group to have regard for any comments made by the Minister.

The comments provided support the new strategic approach taken by the Bay of Plenty and specifically commended the inclusion of Māori engagement throughout the Plan.

The Minister provided five specific comments on the draft Group Plan, the Ministers comments alongside staff recommendations, are detailed in Attachment 2. Three of the five comments are noted, and do not require any action, with the further two suggesting minor text changes. Noting the minimal nature of these changes, and to ease the approval process, staff have incorporated these into the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 attached (see  Attachment 3).

2.2      Group Plan Approval

By receiving and considering the comments of the Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery, the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group has now completed the steps required to review a CDEM Group Plan under Section 56 of the CDEM Act 2002.

This committee is therefore in the position, should it choose to do so, to revoke the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2018-23 and replace it with the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029. 

3.       Considerations

3.1      Risks and Mitigations

A risk register was maintained throughout the development of the Group Plan, this register will close on the completion of the project.

3.2      Climate Change

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts in this paper. The impacts of Climate Change will be addressed in the CDEM Group Plan work programme and the Group Plan itself.

3.3      Implications for Māori

The Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan draft acknowledges the value the Māori worldview brings through the value placed on community ties and connections; understanding natural and social history; enduring perspectives and understandings; and the inter-connectedness of all things.

3.4      Community Engagement

In adherence with obligations under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, a formal phase of community engagement (public consultation) took place from 8 July to 13 August 2023, these hearings and deliberations are the completion of this process. Additionally, the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group undertook a community engagement in late 2022.

3.5      Alignment with Strategic Framework

This paper supports the statutory requirements of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group to review the Bay of Plenty Group Plan every five years.

3.6      Financial Implications

There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.

4.       Next Steps

Staff will organise a roadshow for Group Members and stakeholders to introduce them to the new Group plan and assist them in mapping out how to accomplish the plan's goals.



Attachment 1 - 2024.03.22 Hon Mitchell to Mayor Tunui - BoP CDEM Group draft plan 2024-2029

Attachment 2 - Overview of feedback from Minister for EM and recovery with EMBOPs recommendations

Attachment 3 - 5619 BOP CDEM Group Plan 2024-2029 WEB  



Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee 5 April 2024

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Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee             5 April 2024

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Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee 5 April 2024

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