Strategy and Policy Committee Informal Workshop Pack


DATE: Tuesday 19 March 2024

COMMENCING AT TIME: 12.00 pm - or at the conclusion of the Representation Review Workshop

VENUE: Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga



Table of Contents


Informal Workshop Papers

1         Freshwater Policy Programme - Progressing draft Regional Policy Statement Change 7 (Freshwater) and draft Regional Natural Resources Plan Change 19 (Freshwater)                                               1

Attachment 1 - Pending changes to national freshwater policy and regulations        2

Attachment 2 - Identification of policy options requiring further attention                 2



Informal Workshop Paper


Strategy and Policy Committee Workshop


19 March 2024


Nicola Green, Principal Advisor, Policy and Planning; James Low, Team Leader Policy (Freshwater); Stephen Lamb, Environmental Strategy Manager and Julie Bevan, Policy and Planning Manager


Namouta Poutasi, General Manager, Strategy and Science



Freshwater Policy Programme - Progressing draft Regional Policy Statement Change 7 (Freshwater) and draft Regional Natural Resources Plan Change 19 (Freshwater)

1.       Purpose

To discuss how and which freshwater policy topics should be progressed in light of pending changes to national freshwater policy and regulations.  The top four topics requiring some further consideration are –

·       Farming provisions

·       Te Mana o Te Wai hierarchy of obligations

·       Vision, outcomes & targets

·       Wetlands & river controls

2.       Guidance Sought from Councillors

Guidance is sought on:

1.    the amended Freshwater Policy Programme timeline.

2.    the select policy topics Councillors wish to consider further at their 9 April Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting and 21 May Workshop, prior to approval of draft plan changes for targeted release and feedback.

3.       Introduction

On 20 February 2024, the Strategy and Policy Committee decided to extend the timeframe for notifying freshwater related changes to the Regional Policy Statement and Regional Natural Resources Plan to September 2025, from December 2024.  This paper sets a new timeline for council reports and decisions (section 4).

Councillors have requested a discussion and analysis about what should proceed in the draft RPS Change 7 (Freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater), in light of pending changes to national freshwater policy and regulations (outlined in Attachment 1). This paper sets out an approach for this assessment, as well as findings and recommendations (sections 5).

4.       Timeline

Freshwater Policy Programme timelines have been reset to reflect the new date for notifying proposed changes.  Key milestones for reporting to Council are outlined below. Importantly, Council paused making a decision to release the draft plan change for feedback.  This decision would now be sought in June, to provide reasonable time for feedback to be received and assessed before finalising policy decisions and the plan changes in 2025.


Council reports and decisions

9 April 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee meeting – reconsider key policy options

21 May 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee workshop – reconsider key policy options

5 June 2024

Full Council Meeting: Approval of draft RPS Change 7 (Freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater) for targeted release, discussions and feedback with key partners and stakeholders.   

1 July 2024

Draft RPS Change 7 (Freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater) released.

End of August 2024

Feedback period closes

30 October 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee workshop – summary of feedback received

10 December 2024

Substantial policy amendments recommended in response to feedback

February 2025

Convene iwi and co-governance discussions to support their appointment of a Freshwater Hearings Panel representatives.

February – April 2025

1.  RMA, Section 80A decisions – approval that changes are freshwater related topics to go through Freshwater Planning Process

2.  Select two Freshwater Hearings Panel representatives

February -June 2025

Policy topics – Receive final text and s.32 evaluations and approve position. 

Receive and approve draft approach to Action Planning, draft Implementation Plan and draft Monitoring plan (required by the NPSFM 2020)

August 2025

Full Council meeting: Adoption of proposed RPS Change 7 (Freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater)

September 2025

Notify proposed RPS Change 7 (freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater)

5.       Approach & Assessment

Councillors considered policy options for most topics covered by RPS Change 7 (Freshwater) and RNRP Change 19 (Freshwater) at informal briefings, workshops and meetings in 2023.  Policy recommendations were approved in principle for inclusion in draft plan changes, noting final decisions on policy position would not be sought until after feedback is assessed and s.32 evaluations are complete.

Councillors are alert to likely changes nationally (see summary of key coalition statements in Attachment 1), and have indicated they may wish to revisit some policy options before releasing the draft changes for feedback.   Attachment 2 outlines the approach used to assist Councillors in prioritising key policy options to revisit (Figure 1, Attachment 2).

The many policy topics already considered by Council in 2023 are listed in Attachment 2 and categorised. Many of the topics and recommendations fall into categories 1-3 and it is recommended they are carried forward into the draft plan change to be released for feedback.  In summary, the key policy topics (in category 4) that may need further consideration prior to finalising the draft are:

1.    Farming Provisions - What changes do we propose for pastoral, arable and horticultural farming and discharges in catchments that need small, moderate, or large reduction of nutrients (nitrogen/phosphorus), sediment and/or E.coli?

2.      Te Mana o te Wai hierarchy of obligations -  How does this affect/direct use of water and discharges to water in particular in the plan change?

3.    Vision, outcomes and targets – how shall we deliver an “aspirational”, as well as “reasonable and achievable” approach for water quality?

4.    Wetlands & Rivers Controls - How stringent is the “No loss of river and wetland extent and values” national policy when it comes to controlling activities in wetlands and rivers?

It is recommended that category 4 policy topics and options are brought back to the Strategy and Policy Committee’s 9 April meeting and 21 May workshop to confirm the preferred approach, before approving release of the draft plan changes. This will include some evaluation of those options, noting the evaluation process is still being delivered.

Note the draft plan change is not Council’s final position.  The purpose of releasing it and seeking feedback from key organisations, iwi organisations, and other tangata whenua orgnisations is to elicit comprehensive feedback that will help evaluation of options and inform decision making.  At the time the draft plan change is released, staff can highlight those parts of the Plan that are most likely to be subject to change as a result of future government policy changes, and those parts that Council most wants feedback on.  The draft plan change will represent a draft position, but alternatives can also be highlighted for feedback if needed.  

6.       Next steps

·       9 April Strategy and Policy Committee meeting: Seek approval of timeline and confirm approach to some key policy topics.

·       21 May Strategy and Policy Committee workshop: Discuss approach to remaining key policy topics.

·       Staff will inform council of any clarification received from central government.

·       Staff will continue to make editorial amendments to draft text up until the release date.  

·       Staff will continue to work on developing evidence base and s.32 evaluation.



Attachment 1 - Pending changes to national freshwater policy and regulations

Attachment 2 - Identification of policy options requiring further attention  


Strategy and Policy Committee Workshop                                                       19 March 2024

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Strategy and Policy Committee Workshop                                                       19 March 2024

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