Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Agenda NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Bay of Plenty Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee will be held in Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga on: Friday 16 December 2022 COMMENCING AT 10:00 am
Fiona McTavish Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana Administering Authority 8 December 2022 |
Chairperson |
To be appointed |
Deputy Chairperson |
To be appointed |
Members |
Bay of Plenty Regional Council |
Councillor Malcolm Campbell Councillor Ron Scott (Alternate) |
Kawerau District Council |
Mayor Faylene Tunui Deputy Mayor Aaron Rangihika (Alternate) |
Ōpōtiki District Council |
Mayor David Moore Councillor Tom Brooks (Alternate) |
Rotorua Lakes Council |
Mayor Tania Tapsell Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong (Alternate) |
Tauranga City Council |
Commission Chair Anne Tolley Commissioner Bill Wasley (Alternate) |
Western Bay of Plenty District Council |
Mayor James Denyer To be advised by WBOPDC (Alternate) |
Whakatāne District Council |
Mayor Victor Luca To be advised by WDC (Alternate) |
Observer |
Lily Foulds - Representative from the National Emergency Management Agency |
Quorum |
Four members, consisting of the majority of the number of members |
Purpose and Role
The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group was established in accordance with Section 12 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 as a joint standing committee of the BOP member Councils under clause 30(1)(b) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. Membership includes all local authorities in the Bay of Plenty region. The Group operates pursuant to a Constitution approved by the Councils.
Power to Act
The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group has a constitution and this specifies the functions and powers of the group.
By virtue of section 12(2) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, this committee is a permanent committee and is not deemed to be discharged at, and continues in existence following local authority triennial elections.
Under Section 23(1) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council is the Administering Authority for the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group.
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group reports to the various Councils.
Recording of Meetings
Please note the Public section of this meeting is being recorded and uploaded to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website in accordance with Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Meetings Protocols which can be viewed on Council’s website. The recording will be archived and made publicly available on Council's website within two working days after the meeting on for a period of three years (or as otherwise agreed to by Council).
All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery or as a participant at the meeting, your presence may be recorded. By remaining in the public gallery, it is understood your consent is given if your image is inadvertently broadcast.
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee 16 December 2022
Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.
1. Apologies
2. Public Forum
3. Items not on the Agenda
4. Order of Business
5. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
6. Public Excluded Business to be Transferred into the Open
7. Minutes
Minutes to be Confirmed
7.1 Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 23 September 2022 1
8. Reports
Decisions Required
8.1 Confirmation of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee for the 2022 - 2025 Triennium 1
Attachment 1 - Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Constitution (July 2013) 1
Attachment 2 - 2022-11-24 2022-2025 Adopted BOPRC Standing Orders 2022 1
8.2 Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 December 2022 1
Attachment 1 - 2022-12-05 Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan Dashboard 1
8.3 Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller and Recovery Manager Statutory Appointments 1
Attachment 1 - Schedule 1 - Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Appointed Controllers 16 December 2022 1
Information Only
8.4 Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) 1
Lily Foulds - Regional Emergency Management Advisor - National Emergency Management Agency Te Rākau Whakamarumaru
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes |
23 September 2022 |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee
Open Minutes
Commencing: Friday 23 September 2022, 10:00 am
Venue: Mātaatua Room, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatāne and Via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)
Chairperson: Cr David Love (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)
Deputy Chairperson: Mayor Judy Turner (Whakatāne District Council)
Members: Kawerau District Council (KDC): Mayor Malcolm Campbell; Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui (Alternate)
Ōpōtiki District Council (ODC): Mayor Lyn Riesterer
Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC): Deputy Mayor David Donaldson (Alternate) (via Zoom)
Tauranga City Council (TCC): Commissioner Bill Wasley (Alternate) (via Zoom)
Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): Mayor Garry Webber (Via Zoom)
Whakatāne District Council (WDC): Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles (Alternate)
Observer: National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Jaci Sinko - Regional Emergency Management Advisor and Lily Foulds - Regional Emergency Management Advisor
In Attendance: Kawerau District Council (KDC): Russell George - Chair of Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) & Chief Executive Officer
Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP): Clinton Naude – Director; Stace Tahere - Acting Planning Manager; Malinda Meads – Senior Advisor, Tsunami Readiness; Cara Gordon – Principal Advisor; Lisa Glass – Senior Advisor (Via Zoom); Theo Ursum – Advisor, Planning (Via Zoom); Andrea Thompson – Executive Assistant
BOPRC: Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive (via Zoom), Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services; Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor
Apologies: Mayor Steve Chadwick (RLC)
Commission Chair Anne Tolley (TCC)
Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson for lateness (RLC)
Declaration of Public Recording
Committee members were reminded that the public section of the meeting was being recorded and would be made available on the BOPRC website and archived for a period of three years:
Recording of Meeting: CDEMG Meeting Video Recording 23 September 2022 - YouTube
1. Apologies
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Accepts the apologies from Mayor Steve Chadwick and Commissioner Chair Anne Tolley and Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson (for lateness) tendered at the meeting. Campbell/Riesterer CARRIED |
2. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
3. Minutes
Minutes to be Confirmed
3.1 |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 8 July 2022 Matters Arising In relation to Minute Item 4.6, “Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)”, members noted that the newly appointed Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty was unable to attend the 23 September 2022 meeting due to prior commitments. An invitation would be extended to the Minister for attendance at a future meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee in the next triennium. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1. Confirms the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 8 July 2022 as a true and correct record. Turner/Campbell CARRIED |
4. Reports
Decisions Required
4.1 |
Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 September 2022 Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 September 2022. Turner/Campbell CARRIED |
4.2 |
Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan 2022/2023 Budget Update Tabled Document 1 - Updated Budget - BOP CDEM Group Annual Plan 2022/2023: Objective ID A4209652 Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. Key Points: · Since the annual budget allocation had not been finalised pending the adoption of respective Local Authority Annual Plans, the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee had adopted the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Annual Plan at its meeting held on 8 July 2022 subject to the updated annual budget allocation to be submitted to the September 2022 meeting · Accordingly, provided the updated current CDEM annual budget allocations for Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP) and respective Local Authority members · Tabled document provided the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan 2022/2023 Budget in the correct format. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan 2022/2023 Budget Update. 2 Approves the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan budget allocation Love/Riesterer CARRIED |
10:07 am – Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson entered the meeting (via Zoom).
4.3 |
Draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Report 2021 - 2022 Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Report 2021 - 2022. 2 Approves the Draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Report 2021-2022. Campbell/Riesterer CARRIED |
4.4 |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan Development 2023/2028 Update Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. Key Points: · The new Emergency Management Bill to replace the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 was still in progress · Since the direction in the New Emergency Management Bill needed to be aligned with the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan 2023/2028, extending the timeline for developing the Group Plan 2023/2028 was essential · Furthermore, the proposed extended project timeline would also provide incoming Joint Committee members with the opportunity to contribute to the Group Plan development · Extension would also ensure the Group Plan review process included meaningful engagement with stakeholders, community groups and iwi · Extended timeline had been endorsed by both the Coordinating Executive Group Local Authorities Sub Committee and Coordinating Executive Group. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan Development 2023/2028 Update. 2 Endorses the revised timeline for the Group plan review. Webber/Turner CARRIED
4.5 |
Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Tsunami Ready Programme Update Presentation - Tsunami Ready Programme - Update to Joint Committee - 23 September 2022: Objective ID A4216809 Tabled Document 2 - Draft Example Tsunami Maps - CDEMG JC - 23 September 2022: Objective ID A4214691 Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP) and Malinda Meads Senior Advisor, Tsunami Readiness. Key Points: · “Tsunami Ready Programme Update” was a standing item on the Joint Committee Agenda to provide regular updates on progress · Reaffirmed the aim of the programme as unchanged: “to develop a coordinated Tsunami Ready programme for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group to ensure regional consistency; alignment to national projects and standards; and giving effect to current science” · Programme priorities: o Review of the programme risks o Update Tsunami Evacuation Zone Maps for the region o Future Tsunami modelling for the region o Public education/community engagement o Tsunami Response Plan · New risks added to the Project Risk Register were as follows: o National Tsunami Evacuation Map and un-synced regional data causing inaccuracy with online maps o Moving to a ‘one zone’ approach for tsunami evacuation zone maps for the Region not aligned with national guidelines for public-facing maps o Different approach for community maps/planning o Timely completion of the tsunami evacuation zone map project with accurate science explanation of regional tsunami inundation modelling reports to ensure communities have the correct information on the tsunami hazard · Tsunami Evacuation Zone Mapping – “One Zone Approach” (remained the highest priority piece of work in the programme) · Work was being led through EMBOP with geographic information system (GIS) and Local Authority support · Timeline for launching the national maps was end of October 2022, to align with the National Shakeout Event (27 October 2022) · Snapshots of the draft public facing maps were tabled as examples – demonstrating the “One Zone Approach” (refer tabled document) · Maps would include future proofing mechanisms for map updates (i.e. bar codes linking to online maps) · GNS Science was currently conducting work on human behaviour around maps.
Key Points - Members: · Provided opposing feedback regarding the blue coloured arrows used on the draft public facing maps: seemed confusing to some but clear to others. Noted that the blue colour used was consistent/aligned with national groups and in line with hex colour codes · Was concerned about the durability of colours on outdoor maps when continuously exposed to the sun · Suggested that the science of tracking tsunami be reflected/included on maps to identify/model the likelihood/direction/occurrence of tsunami · Suggested that the coastline colour on maps be slightly darker to make a clear distinction in terms of where water was and where water would be moving after a tsunami, clearly identifying risk areas · Highlighted the need for receiving communities to be sufficiently resourced; noted that this concern was being addressed as part of response planning/welfare planning following lessons learnt from the March 2022 events.
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Tsunami Ready Programme Update. 2 Approves the current priority of work for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Tsunami Ready Programme. 3 Accepts the current risks highlighted with the Tsunami Ready Programme. Webber/Turner CARRIED |
Information Only
4.6 |
Declaring States of Local Emergency during Local Government Elections Tabled Document 3 - Fact-Sheet-Local-government-election-governance-arrangements: Objective ID A4209651 Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. Key Points: · Confirmed that during Local Government Elections there would be a period from the official announcement of the election results to the date of the first meeting of the local authority when elected members were sworn in, that there would be no authorised members to declare a state of local emergency · During this period, the Minister for Emergency Management could declare a state of local emergency · In the Bay of Plenty, Commissioners appointed for Tauranga City Council could declare a state of local emergency as authorised through the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2018-2023 · The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) had updated the “Local Government Election Governance Arrangements: Guidance for Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups Fact Sheet” to reflect the scenario where a triennial general election was postponed for a local authority (e.g. Tauranga City Council in 2022) (Refer tabled item). |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Declaring States of Local Emergency during Local Government Elections. Webber/Wasley CARRIED |
4.7 |
Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Presentation - NEMA Update to BOP Joint Committee 230922: Objective ID A4216812 Presented by: Jaci Sinko, Regional Emergency Management Advisor - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Key Points: · Introduced Lily Foulds, NEMA Regional Emergency Management Advisor · Summarised progress with the Trifecta programme: o Was not a fundamental transformation of the emergency management system but would instead address identified shortcomings to ensure that the system could meet current and future needs o Drafting of the Emergency Management Bill was underway: proposals were being refined based on sector feedback o Submissions on the Bill would be called for during November 2022 and scheduled to be heard in early 2023 o Review of the National Civil Defence and Emergency Management Plan/accompanying Guide was happening alongside the development of the new Emergency Management Bill to ensure alignment · Foot and Mouth Disease – currently found in Indonesia/South East Asia. Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) was the lead agency for biosecurity and planning was underway. Given the importance of the Agricultural sector for New Zealand’s economy and communities, Foot and Mouth disease was considered a major risk · Severe weather events: o Several weather events across the country this winter required the support from staff across the country o Acknowledged the hard work that has occurred at the local and regional level to respond to events and keep communities safe · Strengthening emergency management cooperation between New Zealand and the United States: o NEMA had signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the United States’ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) o Agreement would allow the sharing of best practices and lessons learned from past emergencies which would contribute towards building a more disaster resilient global community o MoC would formalise information and data sharing between the two countries and boost opportunities to engage in joint research, conferences, workshops and exercises. Key Points - Members: · Voiced concern/frustration about the timing of numerous national reforms driven by central government and passed on to local government simultaneously resulting in the lack of sufficient time/resources to respond/contribute with quality feedback. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1 Receives the report, Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Love/Riesterer CARRIED |
4.8 |
Update - Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Presentation - Director Update to Joint Committee - 23 September 2022: Objective ID A4216813 |
Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty. Provided an overview of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group highlights for the period 2019-2022: Key Points: · Events/activations within the Group o Whakaari White Island Eruption 2019 o COVID-19 responses 2020 o March 5 Tsunami events 2021 o East Coast roading event 2022 · Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa – Award for Manaakitanga o Award for demonstrating respect and hospitality to others in a way that upheld mana across any aspect of the 4Rs o Recognised exceptional manaakitanga in the emergency management environment o Whakaari White Island eruption was a tragedy that impacted many people: the manaakitanga displayed by Ngāti Awa gave the grief, anger and despair people were feeling a voice, and enabled victims, whanau and first responders to face the horror of the event and find solace · Deployments (Group staff supporting other regions): o Westport Floods 2021 (15 deployed) o Tairawhiti Floods 2021 (1 deployed) o West Coast Weather Event 2022 (1 deployed) o Nelson-Tasman Floods 2022 (9 deployed) o Marlborough Floods 2022 (1 deployed) · Growth in the Bay of Plenty Emergency Management Capability o Following the signing of the Bay of Plenty Partnership agreement in 2019 Councils have committed internal resources to undertake their roles and responsibilities. There were 33 emergency Management positions across the CDEM Group o Emergency Management Staff have been working collaboratively across the region to ensure a collective and consistent approach · Emergency management professionals offered a wide range of experience: o Five Bay of Plenty CDEM Group team members were part of the National Emergency Management Assistance Team (NZEMAT) o Three Bay of Plenty CDEM Group team members have achieved International Association of Emergency Managers AEM/CEM certification - at least ten others in progress · Highlights and Milestones · Community Engagement · NEMA Resilience Fund · Challenges and focus areas for the incoming Joint Committee: o Legislative reviews § Emergency Management System Reforms § Review into the future for Local Government § Three Waters Review o Ongoing legal reviews following the Whakaari White Island Eruption o Sector fatigue o Implementation of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-28 o Climate Change and the increasing regularity of emergency events o Increasing misinformation, disinformation and reduced trust in Government o Appropriate support for Iwi, Hapū & Marae o Population growth and diversity o Comprehensive risk analysis (including compound risk factors) and effective integrated planning o Increasing expectations in a time of limited resources. Key Points - Members: · Expressed a sincere appreciation for the professional work undertaken by Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP), all EMBOP staff as well as Territorial Authority Emergency Management Staff across the region; requested that the appreciation be conveyed to all staff · Critical for all groups to increase their internal capability, particularly with the evident increase of events across the region/nationally as a result of climate change - smarter spatial planning was particularly critical · Acknowledged the valuable contribution by retiring Mayors over the past triennium and wished them well on their future journeys · Wished all candidates for the 2022 Local Government Elections well. |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1. Receives the report, Update - Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty; and
2. Expresses appreciation and congratulates all to staff for the outstanding work and response to events over the triennium. Love/Riesterer CARRIED |
5. Public Excluded Minutes
Minutes to be Confirmed
5.1 |
Public Excluded Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 8 July 2022 |
Resolved That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee: 1. Confirms the Public Excluded Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 8 July 2022 as a true and correct record. Love/Campbell CARRIED |
13. Date of next meeting
16 December 2022 (Inaugural Meeting 2022-2025 Triennium)
11:52am – the meeting closed.
Chairperson, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee
Report To: |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee |
Meeting Date: |
16 December 2022 |
Report Writer: |
Merinda Pansegrouw, Committee Advisor |
Report Authoriser: |
Yvonne Tatton, Governance Manager Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty |
Purpose: |
Confirmation of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group following the 2022 local authority triennial election |
Confirmation of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee for the 2022 - 2025 Triennium
Executive Summary At its first meeting following a local authority triennial election the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEMG) is required to elect its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson for the three-year term of the triennium. Until these positions have been appointed the Chairperson of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Coordinating Executive Group will open and chair the meeting. This report sets out the process to conduct that election. The report also seeks confirmation of the standing orders to be used by the CDEMG Joint Committee (Joint Committee) and confirmation of its membership.
That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:
1 Receives the report, Confirmation of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee for the 2022 - 2025 Triennium;
2 Confirms its membership is:
a. Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Councillor Malcolm Campbell and Councillor Ron Scott (alternate)
b. Kawerau District Council; Mayor Faylene Tunui and Deputy Mayor Aaron Rangihika (alternate)
c. Ōpōtiki District Council; Mayor David Moore and Councillor Tom Brooks (alternate)
d. Rotorua Lakes Council; Mayor Tania Tapsell and Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong (alternate)
e. Tauranga City Council; Commissioner Chair Anne Tolley and Commissioner Bill Wasley (alternate)
f. Western Bay of Plenty District Council; Mayor James Denyer and ___________ (alternate)
g. Whakatāne District Council; Mayor Victor Luca and ________________ (alternate);
3 Confirms System B as its voting system to elect a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson as set out in Clause 25, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002;
4 Elects the Group Chairperson for the 2022-2025 local authority triennium;
5 Elects the Group Deputy Chairperson for the 2022-2025 local authority triennium;
6 Adopts as its standing orders the document attached as Attachment 2, as adopted by the administrating authority on 24 November 2022 pursuant to Clause 27 (1) and (2), Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, and Section 19(1) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002;
7 Confirms the following 2023 meeting dates:
a. Friday, 31 March 2023
b. Friday, 30 June 2023
c. Friday, 29 September 2023
d. Friday, 15 December 2023
The “Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Constitution (July 2013)” (“the constitution”) directs the governance arrangements for the CDEMG. The constitution determines that the CDEMG be established as a joint committee under the Local Government Act 2002. (The constitution is attached to this report, Attachment 1.)
Under clause 3.5 of the constitution, it determines that: “Each local authority will be represented on the Group by one person only, being the mayor or chairperson of that local authority or an elected person from that local authority who has delegated authority to act for the mayor or chairperson (“Representative”).
The delegated alternate representative shall represent their respective local authority on the CDEMG in the absence of the mayor or chairperson of that local authority.
3. Administering Authority
Clause 10.1 of the constitution states that: “Under section 23 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, the administering authority for the Group is the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. The administering authority is responsible for providing administrative and related services that are required by the Group. The functions of the Administering Authority are described in section 24 of the Act and in the Service Level Agreement.”
4. Election of Joint Committee Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
Under Clause 13.1 of the constitution, it determines that; “The Group will appoint its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson at the first meeting of the Group following each triennial Local Government Election.”
Under Clause 25, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 if a vote is required, the joint committee must select a voting system to elect its Chair and deputy. The two voting system options are set out below.
The Chair of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group will conduct the election and firstly ask the CDEMG to confirm its voting system for each appointment (should it be needed), and once this has been decided, will then call for nominations. It is proposed that each nomination for each position (and vote) be dealt with separately.
It is recommended that the CDEMG confirms System B as its voting system. System B aligns with Clause 13.2 of the constitution, which states there will only be one round of voting and if two or more candidates ties for the most votes, the tie will be resolved by lot.
5. Voting Systems
Under Clause 25, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, if a vote is required the following provisions apply:
“Voting Systems for Certain Appointments
(1) This clause applies to-
(a) the election or appointment of the chairperson and deputy chairperson of a regional council; and
(b) the election or appointment of the deputy mayor; and
(c) the election or appointment of the chairperson and deputy chairperson of a committee; and
(d) the election or appointment of a representative of a local authority.
If this clause applies, a local authority or a committee (if the local authority has so directed) must determine by resolution that a person be elected or appointed by using one of the following systems of voting.
(a) the voting system in subclause (3) (system A):
(b) the voting system in subclause (4) (system B).”
“(3) System A
(a) requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives the votes of a majority of the members of the local authority or committee present and voting; and
(b) has the following characteristics:
(i) there is a first round of voting for all candidates; and
(ii) if no candidate is successful in that round there is a second round of voting from which the candidate with the fewest votes in the first round is excluded; and
(iii) If no candidate is successful in the second round there is a third, and if necessary subsequent round of voting from which, each time, the candidate with the fewest votes in the previous round is excluded; and
(iv) In any round of voting if two or more candidates tie for the lowest number of votes, the person excluded from the next round is resolved by lot.
(4) System B-
(a) requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives more votes than any other candidate; and
(b) has the following characteristics:
(i) there is only one round of voting; and
(ii) if two or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot.”
6. Standing Orders
Under Clause 12.2 of the constitution, representatives may agree to use other standing orders in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 (1) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEM Act).
Section 19 (1) of the CDEM Act states that if three quarters of the representatives of the CDEMG agree, they may follow standing orders other than the New Zealand Standard for standing orders.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC) adopted the new Standing Orders on 24 November 2022. Some minor amendments to the LGNZ model standing orders have been made (Highlighted in yellow in Attachment 2). Those relevant to the Joint Committee are:
a. 14.2 Chairperson may vacate the chair
The Chairperson may agree to vacate the Chair to enable the Deputy Chairperson to chair the meeting at pre-agreed times. Where this occurs, the Chairperson will need to formally vacate the Chair at the start of each meeting that it is pre-agreed the Deputy Chair will chair, and this must be recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The Chairperson is then able to be present and participate in the meeting, including voting, while not chairing the meeting. (New practice introduced for 2022 – 2025 Standing Orders)
b. 22.1 Speaking and moving a motion
Option C applies. (Changed from Option B in 2019 – 2022 to Option C for 2022 - 2025)
These changes have been incorporated into the Standing Orders attached to this report, Attachment 2.
It is recommended the CDEMG adopt the new Standing Orders for the 2022-2025 triennium, as appended to this report as Attachment 2.
7. Quorum
Under Clause 12.4 of the constitution it determines that the quorum for a meeting will consist of; “ … half the members if the number of members (including vacancies) is even; or a majority of members if the number of members (including vacancies) is odd.”
This is consistent with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Standing Orders.
Therefore, a quorum for the CDEMG is four members.
8. 2023 Meeting Dates
The following dates are confirmed for CDEMG Joint Committee Meetings in 2023:
• Friday, 31 March 2023
• Friday, 30 June 2023
• Friday, 29 September 2023
• Friday, 15 December 2023
Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023 – 2028 Development
The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan sets the strategy and direction for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group (CDEM Group) over a five-year period. Emergency Management Bay of Plenty are currently undertaking a review of the Group Plan for 2023 – 2028 for adoption at the end of 2023. Accordingly, there will be hearings/deliberations for the Group Annual Plan 2023-2028 during 2023. Further detailed dates would be provided to Group members once confirmed.
9. Considerations
9.1 Risks and Mitigations
There are no significant risks associated with this matter.
9.2 Climate Change
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts.
9.3 Implications for Māori
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature.
9.4 Community Engagement
Engagement with the community is not required as the recommended proposal / decision relates to internal Council matters only. |
9.5 Alignment with Strategic Framework
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature.
9.6 Financial Implications
There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.
10. Next Steps
Following confirmation of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee for the 2022 - 2025 Triennium membership will be published to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website.
Attachment 1 - Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Constitution (July 2013) ⇩
Attachment 2 - 2022-11-24 2022-2025 Adopted BOPRC Standing Orders 2022 ⇩
Report To: |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee |
Meeting Date: |
16 December 2022 |
Report Writer: |
Benjamyn Neave, Advisor, Planning |
Report Authoriser: |
Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty |
Purpose: |
Receive the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan Reporting Dashboard as at 5 December 2022 |
Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 December 2022
Executive Summary The Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 December 2022 attached for the information of members. |
That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:
1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 5 December 2022.
Attachment 1 - 2022-12-05 Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Plan Dashboard ⇩
Report To: |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee |
Meeting Date: |
16 December 2022 |
Report Writer: |
Andrea Thompson, Executive Assistant |
Report Authoriser: |
Clinton Naude, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty |
Purpose: |
To appoint Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group/Local Controllers and Recovery Managers for the Bay of Plenty Civil CDEM Group |
Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller and Recovery Manager Statutory Appointments
Executive Summary The CDEM Act (2002) requires the statutory appointment of Group/Local Controllers and Recovery Managers. The Joint Committee is requested to appointment and rescind the appointments of Group /Local Controllers and Recovery Managers. |
That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:
1 Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller and Recovery Manager Statutory Appointments;
2 Appoints Kerrie Little as Local Controller for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, as defined under s27(1) of the CDEM Act 2002;
3 Rescinds the appointment of Phillip Martelli as Local Controller for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, as defined under s27(1) of the CDEM Act 2002;
4 Appoints Sarah Omundsen as Local Controller for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, as defined under s27(1) of the CDEM Act 2002.
1. Background
The CDEM Act 2002 provides for a CDEM Group to appoint persons to be Group/Local Controllers and Recovery Managers.
All appointments of statutory positions are required to be endorsed by the Bay of Plenty CDEM Coordinating Executive Group and approved by the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Joint Committee.
Bay of Plenty CDEM Coordinating Executive Group have met on the 25 November 2022 and endorsed the appointment of Kerrie Little.
2. Statutory Appointments
2.1 Western Bay of Plenty District Council
John Holyoake, Chief Executive, Western Bay of Plenty District Council advises that on the 15 September 2022 the Council passed a resolution to approve the nomination of Kerrie Little, Operations Manager, Infrastructure Group as a Local Controller for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group under Section 27(1) of the CDEM Act 2002.
Kerrie has been actively involved in CDEM for many years, has served as the Emergency Operations Centre Manager, is currently appointed as a Local Recovery Manager, and currently manages the Emergency Management team for the Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
Western Bay of Plenty District Council also advised of the retirement of Phillip Martelli from his position within the council and requests the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Joint Committee to rescind his appointment as a Local Controller.
2.2 Tauranga City Council
Paula Naude, Manager, Community Development & Emergency Management, Tauranga City Council has advised that on the 28 November 2022, the council passed a resolution to endorse Sarah Omundsen, General Manager, Regulatory and Compliance as a Local Controller, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group under Section 27(1) of the CDEM Act 2002.
Sarah had previously been appointed as Alternative Group Controller for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group and this was rescinded due to her resignation from Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
3. Considerations
3.1 Risks and Mitigations
There are no significant risks associated with this matter/subject/project/initiative.
3.2 Climate Change
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts.
3.3 Implications for Māori
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there are no implications for Māori.
3.4 Community Engagement
Engagement with the community is not required as the recommended proposal/decision relates to internal matters only.
3.5 Alignment with Strategic Framework
This report addresses the statutory requirements of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act (2002), to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced persons to perform the functions and duties and exercise the powers of Group/Local Controllers and Group/Local Recovery Managers
3.6 Financial Implications
There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.
All appointed CDEM Controllers and Recovery Managers will be required to undergo the RRANZ Response and Recovery Leadership Programme.
Attachment 1 - Schedule 1 - Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Appointed Controllers 16 December 2022 ⇩