Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Rārangi Take (Agenda) NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group will be held in Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting) on: Friday 16 September 2022 COMMENCING AT 09:30 am
Fiona McTavish Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana 6 September 2022 |
Chairperson (Appointed by the Group) |
Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) |
Deputy Chairperson (Appointed by the Group) |
Charlie Tawhiao (Ngāi Te Rangi) |
Tangata Whenua Members |
Two appointed representative each: |
Ngāti Ranginui |
Te Pio Kawe Vacant |
Ngāti Pūkenga |
Rehua Smallman Keepa Smallman |
Ngāi Te Rangi |
Pia Bennett |
Council Members |
Four appointed representatives from: |
Bay of Plenty Regional Council |
Cr Norm Bruning Cr Paula Thompson Cr Jane Nees |
Two appointed representatives each: |
Tauranga City Council |
Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston Commissioner Bill Wasley |
Western Bay of Plenty District Council |
Cr Grant Dally Cr Mark Dean |
Observer – Department of Conservation |
Jeff Milham |
Quorum |
The Advisory Group is not required to follow Standing Orders |
Meeting frequency |
Quarterly |
The Tauranga Moana Advisory Group acts under a partnership agreement between iwi and local authorities and the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Statement of Purpose. The Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Deed of Settlement, once passed into law, will require a Tauranga Moana Governance Group to be established. To prepare for the Governance Group, this Tauranga Moana Advisory Group has been established. The Advisory Group meet, share information and provide direction to staff of partner agencies until replaced by the Governance Group.
He aha ai - Purpose
Whanaungatanga and kaitiakitanga are the basis on which we want to move forward together.
To continue building strong working relationships to support and enhance the health of our harbour and catchments.
Ngā turanga - Role
The role of participants in the Advisory Group is to:
§ Whakataurite - coordinate: oversee and contribute to the work that partners do in the harbour and catchments
§ Whakarongo - listen: ensure the views of the hapu, iwi and wider community are represented in the work we do
§ Whakawhanaungatanga - involve: promote and support hapū, iwi and the wider community participating in our work
§ Whakatohatoha - share: provide regular updates to, and share information with partners
§ Whakakotahi - integrate: promote the integration of our work so we can achieve our purpose together
Power to Recommend
To the partner organisations on any matters within the Advisory Group’s delegated role as it deems appropriate.
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group members report directly to their respective organisations.
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group 16 September 2022
Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as policy until adopted.
1. Karakia
Opening Prayer
2. Ngā
3. Wāhanga
Public Forum
4. Ngā Take
Items not on the Agenda
5. Raupapa o Ngā
Order of Business
6. Whakapuakanga o
Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
7. Ngā
Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed
7.1 Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 17 June 2022 1
8. Ngā
Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpū
Update from Partners
8.1 Ngāi Te Rangi
8.2 Ngāti Ranginui
8.3 Ngāti Pūkenga
8.4 Western Bay of Plenty District Council
8.5 Tauranga City Council
8.6 Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana
9. Ngā
Whakamārama a Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update
9.1 Department of Conservation
Presented by: Jeff Milham
10. Whakaaturanga
At 09:35am:
10.1 Health of the Tauranga Moana - mahi by the University of Waikato
Presented by: Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences - University of Waikato
10.2 Te Mana o Te Wai update
Presented by: Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi
10.3 Port of Tauranga Update
Presented by: Dan Kneebone, Property & Infrastructure Manager Port of Tauranga
10.4 Maritime Navigation Safety - Harbourmaster Update
Presented by: Jon Jon Peters, BOP Harbourmaster/Manager
11. Ngā
Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only
11.1 Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update 1
11.2 2022 Local Government Elections Update 1
11.3 Activities of Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium 1
Attachment 1 - Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium in Review 1
12. Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro
Consideration of Items not on the Agenda
13. Rā Hui Whai Ake:
Next Meeting Date: March/April 2023 – detail to be advised
14. Karakia
Closing Prayer
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes |
17 June 2022 |
Ngā Meneti
Open Minutes
Commencing: Friday 17 June 2022, 09:30 am
Venue: Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)
Chairperson: Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana)
Heamana Tuarua
Deputy Chairperson: Charlie Tawhiao (Ngāi Te Rangi)
Ngā Kopounga
Members: BOPRC Toi Moana: Cr Norm Bruning; Cr Jane Nees (via Zoom); Cr Paula Thompson (via Zoom)
Ngāti Pūkenga: Keepa Smallman
Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): Cr Mark Dean
Tauranga City Council (TCC): Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston (via Zoom); Commissioner Bill Wasley (via Zoom)
Observer – Department of Conservation (DOC): Jeff Milham – Pou Matarautaki/District Manager Te Papa.
In Attendance: BOPRC Toi Moana: Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Pim De Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Kataraina O'Brien - Director of Strategic Engagement (via Zoom); James Low – Team Leader Policy (Freshwater); James Dare - Environmental Scientist (Water Quality); Josie Crawshaw – Environmental Scientist (via Zoom); Mereana Toroa (via Zoom), Rawiri Bhana (via Zoom); Reuben Gardiner – Senior Planner (Water Policy) (via Zoom);; Claudia Cameron – Committee Advisor
WBOPDC: Peter Watson – Reserves and Facilities Manager
TCC: Radleigh Cairns – Environmental Programme Leader Infrastructure; Wally Potts – Acting Director of City Waters (via Zoom).
External: Presenters: Louise Saunders – CEO Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust; Kia Maia Ellis – Project Manager Tauranga Moana Iwi Customary Fisheries Trust (via Zoom); Elva Conroy – Consultant Planner (via Zoom); Chris Battershill – Toihuarewa, Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences; Raul Galimidi – Senior Planning Engineer, Waters (TCC).
Ngā Hōnea
Apologies: Pia Bennett (Ngāi Te Rangi); Cr Grant Dally (WBOPDC); Te Pio Kawe (Ngāti Ranginui); Rehua Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga).
For early departure: Cr Jane Nees (BOPRC), Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston(TCC); Commissioner Bill Wasley (TCC).
1. Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer
A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.
2. Ngā Hōnea
Resolved That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group: 1 Accepts the apologies from Pia Bennett, Cr Grant Dally, Te Pio Kawe and Rehua Smallman for absence; and from Cr Nees, Commissioner Rolleston and Commissioner Wasley for early departure tendered at the meeting. McDonald/Dean CARRIED |
3. Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business
Members agreed to the reordering of items to accommodate an external presenter for item 9.3 “Waikato University Update: Changes in seagrass beds and modelling the impact of urban growth in Tauranga Moana catchments on the health of the harbour”.
4. Whakapuakanga o Ngā
Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
· Cr Norm Bruning: Item 10.1 Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust Kaupapa; declared an interest in his capacity as Co-Chair of the Kaimai Mamaku Trust
· Cr Matemoana McDonald: Item 10.2 New Care Plan for Mauao and Strategy for Mauao Trust / Mauao Kaitiaki Group Update; declared an interest in her capacity as Chair of the Mauao Trust.
5. Ngā Meneti
Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed
5.1 |
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 25 March 2022 |
Resolved That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group: 1. Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 25 March 2022 as a true and correct record. McDonald/Dean CARRIED |
6. Ngā Whakamārama
a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners
6.1 Ngāi Te Rangi
Ngāi Te Rangi Representative Charlie Tawhiao provided a verbal update:
Key Points:
· Recognised delay in formalising this committee was a result of the delay in finalising the treaty settlement, but acknowledged progress on two fronts:
o At the Crown level - through Pia Bennett and Ngāi Te Rangi’s engagement with the Hauraki Iwi Collective and the Minister; and
o At an individual iwi level - through positive discussion with the constituent iwis of the Hauraki Iwi Collective
· Some concern raised by hapū over proposed extension to the Port of Tauranga, with discussions taking place regarding the environmental impact. Pia Bennett was compiling evidence if required to present to court, although hoping for a mediative outcome.
Members comments:
· Acknowledged the successful introduction and use of the tikanga process by the iwi of Tauranga Moana into the treaty process.
6.2 Ngāti Ranginui
Following an apology received from Ngāti Ranginui Representative Te Pio Kawe, update deferred to the next meeting.
6.3 Ngāti Pūkenga
Ngāti Pūkenga Representative Keepa Smallman provided a verbal update:
Key Points:
· Ngāpeke land block development progress (Welcome Bay):
o Phase two of the weed suppression was underway and planting to commence in June, which was supported by BOPRC
o Archaeological investigations completed
o Soil testing was underway and an organic seaweed fertiliser plan being investigated
· Awaiting sign off for proposed planting of vines.
6.4 Western Bay of Plenty District Council
WBOPDC Councillor Mark Dean provided a verbal update:
Key Points:
· Progress was underway for desludging the Katikati waste water column; sludge has been pumped into geobags in a sealed wastewater pond with effluent pumped back into the treatment process. Once the sludge had dried sufficiently, it would be tested for suitability for composting
· Ōmokoroa boat ramp repairs completed
· Crown infrastructure partner funded project: the Rerewhakaaitu wastewater articulation project and connection to lower houses had been completed
· Marae On Site Effluent Treatment (OSET) upgrade was near completion, with all Marae that requested an upgrade having received one, and Poututerangi Marae’s upgrade was currently underway
· Water Sports and Recreation Facility Plan – asset list assessment was in progress
· Ōmokoroa Cycle bridge was completed, but on-going works on the path meant it was currently closed.
Key Points - Members:
· Complimented the design of the new Ōmokoroa playground
· Acknowledged mahi of WBOPDC for their collaborative efforts to achieve the OSET upgrade projects.
6.5 Tauranga City Council
TCC Representative Radleigh Cairns provided a verbal update:
Key Points:
· Waste water management – de-sludging to begin next month, increased monitoring of seepages during the process to ensure continued compliance with resource consents
· Environmental Mitigation Enhancement Fund to open soon, applications to be assessed by an independent panel
· Upgrades underway at Te Manga wastewater treatment to manage continued growth
· Noted the continued issue with wet wipes entering the wastewater network and highlighted the new flushability standard to be introduced. Voluntary scheme to provide clarity on testing required to establish product flushability, and a flushable symbol for packaging. TCC to engage with larger retailers and relaunch the ‘save our pipes from wipes’ campaign to raise awareness of new standard
· Continued work to improve stormwater discharge into waterways and harbour through a monitoring and investigation programme, including stormwater treatment in new CBD roading upgrades, to reduce contaminant loads and monitor effectiveness of treatments
· Kopurererua stream – southern stream realignment completed and southern wetland area was progressing. Excavation of the northern stream realignment was to begin later this year
· Gordon Carmichael Reserve story board was currently with local hapū for consultation.
Key Points - Members:
· Acknowledged the Canadian geese population growth in the Gordon Carmichael Reserve, and noted the success of the addling project from the previous year to control the geese population
· Questioned public engagement options for storyboard project for the Gordon Carmichael Reserve
· Pukehinahina Charitable Trust tree planting event was taking place in June 2022.
6.6 Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Toi Moana General Manager, Integrated Catchments Chris Ingle provided a verbal update:
Key Points:
· Collaboration with TCC to investigate increased demand for private bores from homeowners in the Mount Maunganui/Pāpāmoa area. Increases in compliant new bores were less than 20/year in 2018, but this has increased to almost 100/year in 2022. This raised concern over the cumulative impact on the water take
· There had been a recent prosecution of container storage facility (CRS Tauranga Ltd) for discharge of contaminated stormwater into Tauranga Moana. CRS Tauranga Ltd have offered to provide $50,000 of environmental enhancement work
· Dairy effluent monitoring programme inspected 400 dairy farms, with non-compliance slightly higher this year. 2.5% were serious non-compliance issues requiring formal action, which had been taken. Follow up action to address the impact would be undertaken
· Recent stormy weather had required increased responses from the Maritime Team
· Identified the ongoing Athenree saltmarsh partnership in collaboration with WBOPDC, DOC, Waka Kotahi and local Tangata Whenua and the restoration and future management project of Tahataharoa in collaboration with WBOPDC, Pirirakau and consultants.
Key Points - Members:
· Questioned the level of public maritime safety education, following a recent incident between a yacht and a ship.
Items for Staff Follow Up:
· Maritime Team to provide a report to a future meeting of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group on the following matters:
o Responses to the recent stormy weather and vessel salvage
o Maritime safety education report
7. Ngā Whakamārama
Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update
7.1 Department of Conservation
Presented by Jeff Milham, Pou Matarautaki/District Manager Te Papa.
Key Points:
· Assistance was provided to Ngāi Te Rangi to identify potential impacts on marine mammals from the proposed Port of Tauranga development
· Funding support was available for iwi and hapū kaupapa, including the Jobs for Nature Fund
· Training was provided for hapū in partnership with other organisations, including Resource Management Act (RMA) training in conjunction with BOPRC
· Noted the recent change in the political landscape with the appointment of a new Minister of Conservation, Hon Poto Williams
· As a follow up from the previous meeting, as many interested parties were wanting to conduct research on Great White sharks, a hui would take place to co-ordinate
· Provided clarification over the relationship between DOC and Fish and Game, noted their legislative relationship but independence with separate structures and roles.
Key Points - Members:
· Concern raised over potential lack of alignment of Fish and Game with Iwi partners in relationship to the use of the environment.
10:15 am The meeting adjourned.
10:30 am The meeting reconvened.
Whakahoutanga Kōrero |
8.1 |
Port of Tauranga Update Item deferred to next meeting. |
9. Ngā Pūrongo
Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only
9.1 |
Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update Presented by James Low, BOPRC Team Leader Policy (Freshwater), and James Dare, BOPRC Environmental Scientist (Water Quality). Key Points: · Update provided on progress with the Essential Freshwater Policy Programme (EFPP) · Demonstrated tools to develop visions for freshwater - Essential Freshwater Visions and Outcomes | Participate BOPRC · Public feedback was sought via the online tool to provide quantitative results based on values - participants who provided feedback could enter a draw to win a $200 gift voucher · Demonstrated the interactive Water Ecology Tool (WET) which provided access to water quality information from monitoring of Bay of Plenty rivers, groundwater and lakes: WET - Bay of Plenty Regional Council (shinyapps.io) · Data could be refined by indicator, freshwater management unit or rohe to view baseline states, current states, and trends - with public access to data on a user-friendly platform, and the ability to view multi-layer information, including raw data via excel · Encouraged members to access WET and provide feedback · Videos to demonstrate how to use WET were being considered · Confirmed WET aligned with the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) workstream · Endeavoured to capture differences in visions between Freshwater Management Units (FMUs), although there would be some commonalities between FMUs. Key Points - Members: · Questioned how use of the tool by the public would be recorded · Suggested making the tool more accessible to the public by developing a game element, similar to the prototype Marae-opoly adaption planning game In Response to Questions: · At this stage WET did not encompass Mahinga Kai · Regarding WET’s potential use for multiple-owned Māori land in terms of best use for future development, WET could potentially provide contextual information about the state of the environment in that area only.
Resolved That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group: 1. Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update. Wasley/Dean CARRIED |
10. Whakaaturanga
10.1 |
Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust Kaupapa Presentation 1 - Louise Saunders: Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust Presentation - 17 June 2022: Objective ID A4119701 Presented by: Louise Saunders, CEO Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust. |
Key Points: · The key message was the health of the forest directly impacted Tauranga Moana – “fish need forests” · An overview of the whakapapa, role and key achievements of the Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust was provided, including: o Created a vision and mission to guide the mahi o Formed the Joint Agency Committee (BOPRC, Waikato Regional Council, DOC and Representatives of the Manaaki Kaimai-Mamaku Trust) o Protected the wide variety of species in the Kaimai-Mamaku ranges o Developed the Pest Control Management Document to improve methods and co-ordination between agencies o Produced the State of the Environment Report o Created Ngā Iwi Tōpū as a rōpū for iwi and hapū with mana whenua interests in the Kaimai Mamaku area, and Māori with an interest in the kaupapa, to share ideas and opportunities o Noted the change from a Forum to a Trust was to establish a formal entity which was required for funding eligibility, and to formalise the co-governance structure o Management was taken over by the Trust from Te Papa Atawhai on the 1st April 2022 which was identified as a key milestone o Secured funding from the Covid Recovery Package and Jobs for Nature, with $19.4 million received for restoration principally on public conservation land and through iwi and hapū led projects o Changed the kaupapa from just pest control to a more holistic conservation and restoration role · Key areas of focus were identified: o Projects, monitoring, relationships and communication o Improved the website and increased communication through a regular newsletter o Increased project efficiency, coordination and reporting, with a focus on conservation and employment outcomes and milestones, with cultural health and social indicators to be reported o Shared knowledge and collective action through Geographic Information System (GIS) database to connect projects and groups · Emphasised the importance of people re-engaging with the whenua. This increased individual’s wellbeing and gave benefits from collaboration, which provided momentum to projects · Where to from here: o Establish Monitoring Working Group to provide better data visibility and transparency o Ensure pest control methods remained effective o Increase use of Mātauranga Māori and development of measurable cultural health indicators o Increase community engagement, especially on the Waikato side – online engagement platform o Jobs For Nature ends in June 2024 – sources of long term funding needed to be secured. Focussed on the measurability of outcomes to ‘sell’ to potential funders through the GIS dashboard and data transparency. Key Points - Members: · Commended the comprehensive update, passion and mahi for the project.
11:30am - Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston and Cr Jane Nees withdrew from the meeting.
10.2 |
New Care Plan for Mauao and Strategy for Mauao Trust / Mauao Kaitiaki Group Update Presentation 2 - Elva Conroy: New Care Plan for Mauao and Strategy for Mauao Trust - 17 June 2022: Objective ID A4121536 Presented by: Elva Conroy, Consultant Planner. Presentation 3 - Kia Maia Ellis: Mauao Kaitiaki Group Update - 17 June 2022: Objective ID A4121548 Presented by: Kia Maia Ellis, Kairangahau Phd Student at the University of Waikato/Project Manager Tauranga Moana Iwi Customary Fisheries Trust. |
Key Points – Elva Conroy: · Introduced the 10 year strategy developed for the Mauao Trust as a care plan for Mauao - He Korowai Ariki o Mauao · The plan is an adaption of Sir Mason Durie's Te Whare Tapa Whā model with the 15 actions grouped into 5 key wellbeing focus areas for Mauao: o Te Tinana – physical wellbeing § Included planting, restoration and the long term aspiration of being predator free o Te Hinengaro – emotional and mental wellbeing § Ensured historical and cultural context of Mauao was strong and heritage sites were maintained o Te Wairua – spiritual wellbeing § The use of cultural practices and Mātauranga Māori in restoration projects § Mauao allowed appropriate time to rest o Te Whānau – connection to iwi and hapū § Whānau were able to demonstrate their role as kaitiaki through engagement projects, events and conservation training o Hautūtanga – governance § Included an appropriate allocation of resources for administrational support and regular meetings of the Mauao Trust § Financial sustainability through funding being secured. Key Points – Kia Maia Ellis: · The first project from the Mauao care plan was focussed on Te Tinana and Te Whānau · Mauao physical health check discovered mertyl rust: o On Pohutukawa trees on Mauao since April 2022 - emphasised that Pohutukawa were the Taonga of Mauao as they protected other species o Infected plants removed where people walk, as walkers were the assumed carriers of spores. This aimed to prevent spread to larger trees · Kaitiakitanga encouraged for Mauao’s wellbeing · Te Ao Māori perspective used in conjunction with a mertyl rust expert · Rangitahi group has been utilised to ensure active succession planning, focussed on training, surveillance and commitment · Needed more members of the active kaitiaki group trained to do the mahi of checking plants. Key Points - Members: · Questioned whether local native seedlings were being used for planting on Mauao. The Matakana Nursery was identified as a primary source of plants, with schools involved with cultivating seedlings from Mauao · Background information was provided regarding the co-management of Mauao by the three iwi making up the Mauao Trust (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pūkenga) and TCC through Ngā Poutiriao ō Mauao · Emphasised the collaborative nature of the relationship between the Mauao Trust, Ngā Poutiriao ō Mauao and the Kaitiaki group being formed.
11:50 am – Commissioner Bill Wasley withdrew from the meeting.
10.3 |
Presentation 4 - Professor Chris Battershill: Changes in Seagrass Beds and Modelling the Impact of Urban Growth in Tauranga Moana Catchments and the Health of the Harbour - 17 June 2022: Objective ID A4121551 Presented by: Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences - University of Waikato. |
Key Points: · Identified the significant reduction in seagrass in Tauranga Moana and the entire moana was due to a variety of factors: o Marine heatwaves stressing the habitat o Fast changing marine environment which included disease and increased competition o Increased populations of black swan and Canadian geese § Consumption of seagrass by the birds had almost overtaken seagrass regrowth rate. Research would be undertaken and a humane mitigation method to reduce bird numbers and maintain a balance of species investigated § Appeared nitrogen produced by the birds had a negligible effect compared to nitrogen and phosphorus from rivers, although the effect of coliform production through faecal matter was still unknown, with research to be conducted o Land use changes had increased pollutants o Boats anchored on seagrass beds had caused damage, but more likely brought invasive species from other areas of Aotearoa. Future attention was needed around mooring sites o The potential environmental impact of dredging from the port company would be assessed via hearings · Introduced the Oranga Taiao Oranga Tāngata - Integrated Spatial Planning Tool (ISPT) which has been developed as a modelling tool from previous hydrology research. This assessed the effect of land use, climate change and other actions which impacted the environment · Future planning for land around Tauranga Moana would be aided by the modelling tool · Research specific to Tauranga Moana would be conducted and a report provided once scenarios had been run through the modelling tool. The accuracy of the modelling tool would be tested during the development of the Ngāti Pūkenga Ngāpeke block. Key Points - Members: · Expressed concern that culling of birdlife should only be done after sufficient research and through a strictly evidence based approach. Information regarding the working group looking into the Canadian geese and black swan numbers was requested · Addressed the rate of urban growth of Tauranga and its potential negative impact on kai moana, in particular the loss of titiko and tuangi. In response to questions: · Noted that continued urban development must be matched by improved practices to mitigate harm to Tauranga Moana · Recognised that some improvements were being seen, but were not keeping pace with the rate of development o A positive change in practice included algal scrubbing which used seaweed to strip nutrients from sewerage. A fully operational plant was operating in Te Puke and additional plants would be developed · Acknowledged the health of Tauranga Moana was fairly good considering it held the busiest commercial port in the country · More research was required to understand why certain kai moana species were not returning. |
10.4 |
Tauranga City Council: Freshwater Management Tool Presentation 5 - Raul Galimidi: Tauranga City Council Freshwater Management Tool - 17 June 2022: Objective ID A4121558 Presented by: Raul Galimidi - Senior Planning Engineer Waters. |
Key Points: · A brief overview of the remit of the City Waters team was provided: o Undertaking assessments of streams and identified areas vulnerable to erosion and other factors o Comprehensive flood modelling tool to inform city planning was being developed · Outlined the current Freshwater Management Tool project: o Software model was being developed to improve the understanding of groundwater and surface water interactions, and urban contaminants within the Tauranga district area o Value for money investment opportunities would be identified o The previous 15 years of data would be used to simulate the hydrology and water quality of run off, to predict the future state o Different scenarios and potential management interventions would be tested · Identified the key driver of the project: o Assisted the review of consents for water take and predicted water availability o Tested proposed water quality targets set by BOPRC and informed future target setting o Improved water quality management and city planning · Focussed on Tauranga urban stormwater area, and included the catchments that drained into them - not intended to link to harbour contaminant model at this stage · Early engagement with some Tauranga hapū had been conducted, with more engagement proposed. Key Points - Members: · Emphasised the scope and complexity of the water space
· Highlighted the potential for public confusion and stressed TCC, WBOPDC and BOPRC needed to work collaboratively before seeking community engagement. |
11. Rā Hui
Whai Ake
Next Meeting Date
Friday 16 September 2022 at 09.30 am
12. Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer
A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.
12:40 – the meeting closed.
Cr Matemoana McDonald
Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group
Pūrongo Ki: |
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group |
Rā Hui: |
16 September 2022 |
Kaituhi Pūrongo: |
Gemma Moleta, Senior Planner (Water Policy) |
Pūrongo: |
Namouta Poutasi, General Manager, Strategy & Science |
Kaupapa: |
To update the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group on Essential Freshwater Policy Programme implementation progress relevant to the draft Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit. |
Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update
Whakarāpopototanga This report provides the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group (TMAG) with an update on Toi Moana’s Essential Freshwater Policy mahi relevant to the draft Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) This includes: · Encouraging iwi involvement in the freshwater kaupapa now, prior to public engagement in 2023. · An update on the online engagement on visions and environmental outcomes. · Noting that summary information and draft policy options are developing, and Toi Moana staff intend to invite iwi to provide feedback this year, prior to public engagement in 2023. |
Ngā tūtohutanga
That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:
1 Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update .
The Essential Freshwater Policy Programme (EFPP) is Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s (Toi Moana) work programme to implement the requirements of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM) and also review the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP). Overall, the EFPP continues to be implemented according to Toi Moana’s agreed programme plan, although there are some parts which are behind schedule.
The tight timeframes are driven by the statutory requirement to notify by 2024. This year, the focus is primarily on developing draft policy options, and continuing to involve tangata whenua. An extensive public engagement period will occur in 2023.
2. Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update
2.1 Draft policy options
Toi Moana staff are now progressing tangata whenua and some targeted stakeholder engagement on working draft policy options for region-wide freshwater related chapters of the RPS and RNRP that have been reviewed. These include:
• RPS Water Quality and Land Use, and Water Quantity chapters.
• RNRP Integrated Management, Beds of Water Bodies, Wetlands, Discharges to Water and Land, and Land Management chapters.
The RNRP Kaitiakitanga chapter review is progressing and will be made available for tangata whenua engagement in September 2022. The RNRP Kaitiakitanga chapter review is currently under internal review and has been provided to Ngā Kaitohutohu (kaupapa Māori technical advisory group) on 2 August for comment (a follow up workshop is pending). It has also been provided to two external resource management consultants with comprehensive iwi and Māori resource management experience.
Work is also underway on other policy review and development topics including:
• Early draft long-term vision and outcomes for draft Freshwater Management Units (FMU), there will be an opportunity to discuss these at the meeting.
• Water quality targets, limits and options to achieve them in FMUs. The aim is to have some draft science summaries by mid-September. Tangata whenua involvement in the preparation of attributes/indicators for mahinga kai will be a critical part of this work.
• Groundwater and surface water quantity limits and management options.
The aim is to have draft policy options ready for public engagement in 2023. There are likely to be some gaps. For clarity, no decisions on policy options will be sought from Toi Moana Councillors until late next year.
This is the last TMAG meeting for the year (due to local body elections in October 2022). Letters inviting consideration of further draft policy review and development topics will be sent out to tangata whenua, including TMAG iwi organisation members as they come to hand. An EFPP briefing can be provided for any new TMAG members either ahead of or at the first TMAG hui in 2023.
2.2 Tangata whenua engagement
Freshwater is a taonga and integral to the whakapapa of tangata whenua. The NPSFM clearly sets out increased expectation of active involvement of tāngata whenua in freshwater management, including recognition and provision of mātauranga Māori and identifying attributes or indicators relating to the compulsory mahinga kai value and any other values identified by tangata whenua and council. These are critical with respect to setting limits for Freshwater Management Units (FMUs), informing environmental outcomes, and the recognition of mātauranga Māori monitoring methodologies.
Toi Moana staff continue to invite and support iwi and hapū involvement via the Māori engagement process under Te Hononga to the extent they want to or have the capacity to be involved. Several iwi are now participating in the freshwater policy mahi whether that be through considering draft policy options or via other projects and engagements.
Staff continue to work with those hapū/iwi who have indicated that they would like to participate in the implementation process. These groups include those hapū of the Wairoa River Valley that they would like to enhance the tangata whenua provisions in the Wairoa Valley River Strategy. An additional hui to discuss aspects of the strategy is yet to be confirmed.
Ngāi Te Rangi received LTP funding to support the implementation of the Ko Wai Matou project. The funding enables the iwi to prepare a vision, identify values including those relating to mahinga kai that will inform limit setting. A three-day workshop is scheduled as one of the first activities to provide an opportunity for kaitiaki to discuss freshwater provisions and other aspects of the Ko Wai Matou Project.
In June 2022 Pou Taiao Ltd presented to Komiti Māori in its Aroturuki Cultural Monitoring and Guide. The guide clarifies the role of a cultural monitor and provided a framework for preparing aroturuki (monitor) skill sets. These would be transferrable to all aspects of monitoring Te Taiao including freshwater. A follow up meeting with staff has been requested to see how the guide can be further extended. An extensive amount of research was undertaken to inform the guide including aspects of Mātauranga Māori alongside quantitative methods of monitoring.
Involvement in early working draft policy reports
As outlined under the draft policy options section above, tangata whenua, via iwi organisations and co-governance groups have been invited to consider draft region wide policy options, to hold workshops with Toi Moana on these, and to provide feedback. The letter received by TMAG has been forwarded to members and can be discussed at the hui.
TMAG may consider requesting a combined hui for tangata whenua with associations to the draft Tauranga Moana FMU or may wish to wait until more Tauranga Moana and/or tangata whenua specific draft policy material is available.
2.3 Community engagement
Throughout the remainder of this year, Toi Moana staff will provide information for the public and aim to develop community interest and readiness to engage on policy options relevant to them in 2023.
Online engagement (through Participate BOP) on long-term visions for freshwater and environmental outcomes for freshwater values closed on 1 August.
31 contributions were provided for the Tauranga Moana FMU which covered values such as recreation, natural character, mahinga kai, fishing, drinking water supply, ecosystem health, economic uses and cultural values.
Many of the entries acknowledged the recreational value of the Kaiate Falls, the Wairoa River, Poripori waterhole and McClaren Falls. Significant improvements were sought to the Uretara River in Katikati, and concerns were raised about areas with permanent no swim health warnings there and at Kaiate Falls. Requests were also made to improve the water quality and habitat of stormwater bodies in Tauriko and Pāpāmoa.
The majority sought some improvement to access, natural character or water quality to provide for clean, swimmable water with thriving aquatic life and healthy kaimoana downstream. Project Parore was identified as a good example of improvements to streams feeding into the Tauranga Harbour.
In terms of water quantity, entries sought the economic value of water be protected, Taumata Stream remains available to support existing local property use, that water storage was encouraged, and town water supply moved to groundwater.
Suggested measures included: fencing of waterways more than 1m wide, native planting of riparian margins, synthetic fertiliser controls, reduced stock numbers, forest pest control, encouraging water storage and groundwater municipal supply. All contributors sought freshwater goals to be achieved within the next 10 years.
As outlined above, draft issue and option topics as well as the draft communication and engagement plan can be shared with iwi (and TMAG members prior to the election) for consideration. Initial consideration may include whether or how to be involved in communication and engagement next year.
3. Ngā
3.1 Ngā
Mōrea me Ngā Whakangāwaritanga
Risks and Mitigations
There are no significant risks associated with this matter/subject/project/initiative.
3.2 Huringa
Climate Change
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and impacts will be considered as part of implementing the NPSFM and reviewing the RNRP.
3.3 Ngā
Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori
The NPSFM sets out requirements to involve tāngata whenua in the management of freshwater and Council is progressing this in accordance with Te Hononga, Toi Moana’s Māori engagement approach for implementing the NPSFM and review of the regional plan.
Te Mana o Te Wai in the NPSFM 2020 represents a significant shift by central government to recognise the importance of tangata whenua involvement in the management of freshwater. Importantly, it signals inclusion of mātauranga Māori in shaping up the policies to be included in the notified plan change. In particular, the NPSFM makes mahinga kai a compulsory value in Te Anga Whāinga ā-Motu (National Objective Framework, NOF) that needs to be provided for in the setting of objectives, water quality and quantity targets and limits on resource use for freshwater bodies. Toi Moana staff acknowledge iwi and hapū organisations have a heavy workload crossing a wide range of matters, as well as freshwater, and yet still we seek to support and encourage tangata whenua to express their values (such as mahinga kai) and their tohu (that indicate whether a value is provided for in freshwater bodies).
3.4 Whakawhitiwhiti
Community Engagement
CONSULT Whakauiuia |
To obtain input or feedback from affected communities about our analysis, alternatives, and /or proposed decisions. |
Community engagement on freshwater visions, values and outcomes has been online via Participate BOP over the last year. See the section on community engagement within the report. In 2023, Toi Moana will engage across the region on policy options and implications.
3.5 Te
Hāngai ki te Pou Tarāwaho Rautaki
Alignment with Strategic Framework
NPSFM implementation is a core Toi Moana function.
3.6 Ngā
Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications
There are no financial implications for TMAG associated with this report.
4. Ngā
Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps
Toi Moana staff will:
1. Continue to invite and support involvement of tangata whenua in draft policy options for region-wide chapters, and in the preparation of draft long-term vision for freshwater and environmental outcomes.
2. Continue to support various iwi led projects to advance their input and advice into this work programme.
3. Continue to progress key policy workstreams at pace, including surface water quantity, groundwater quantity, water quality and ecosystem health in Freshwater Management Units.
4. Share summary information and draft policy option material relevant to the draft Tauranga Moana FMU with TMAG and iwi and hapū organisations. Invite tangata whenua to provide feedback prior to public engagement in 2023.
5. Continue to develop the Communications and Engagement Plan for 2023.
Ki: |
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group |
Hui: |
16 September 2022 |
Pūrongo: |
Merinda Pansegrouw, Committee Advisor |
Kaiwhakamana Pūrongo: |
Chris Ingle, General Manager, Integrated Catchments |
Kaupapa: |
To provide key information regarding the upcoming local government elections. |
2022 Local Government Elections Update
Whakarāpopototanga The Local Government elections are being held on 8 October 2022 which effectively ends the 2019-2022 Council triennium and its associated committee structure and Councillor representative appointments on various co-governance forums. This report provides key information regarding the upcoming local government elections, the process required to establish the new council for the 2022-2025 triennium and how this affects the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group’s meeting schedule. |
That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:
1 Receives the report, 2022 Local Government Elections Update .
1. He Whakamārama
Elections of members to all local government councils are held once every three years with the close of polling day for the 2022-2025 triennium being Saturday 8 October 2022. Elections for local government are conducted by way of postal voting.
2. Establishing a new council
Following the elections, the 2019-2022 Council triennium will end, and all the Councils’ committees established under the Local Government Act are disestablished. This does not affect any co-governance forums which are established under separate legislation. However, the term for the Councils’ elected representatives on the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group will end.
After the official election results have been declared sometime between 13-19 October, the new Council will be established over the October – December period. This involves swearing the Councillors into office, electing the Regional Council’s Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, undertaking the Councillors’ induction programme, adopting a new governance committee structure and associated appointments of committee chairpersons and deputies, membership appointments to the various committees and co-governance forums, and establishing the 2023 Council and committee meeting schedule. Due to the number of procedural requirements, it is anticipated that Council’s representative appointments won’t be in place until late November therefore is anticipated that the next meeting of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group will be held in early 2023.
In developing the 2023 Meeting Schedule, staff anticipate keeping Tauranga Moana Advisory Group meetings to the current quarterly meeting cycle and day of the week unless otherwise advised by the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Chair.
3. Ngā Whakaarohanga
3.1 Huringa Āhuarangi
Climate Change
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature only.
Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature only.
3.2 Ngā Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications
There are no material unbudgeted financial implications.
4. Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps
Informal notice will be provided of the new Councils’ membership appointments and 2023 meeting dates once they have been confirmed as well as being reported to the next meeting of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group for confirmation.
The 2023 meeting cycle will be modelled on the 2022 meeting cycle. Members will receive notice of the 2023 meeting calendar and meeting invites once the meeting schedule has been confirmed.
Pūrongo Ki: |
Tauranga Moana Advisory Group |
Rā Hui: |
16 September 2022 |
Kaituhi Pūrongo: |
Merinda Pansegrouw, Committee Advisor |
Pūrongo: |
Yvonne Tatton, Governance Manager Chris Ingle, General Manager, Integrated Catchments |
Kaupapa: |
To provide the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group with an update on its activities over the past triennium |
Activities of Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium
Whakarāpopototanga This report provides members of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group with an overview of its activities for the 11th Triennium (March 2020 to September 2022). |
That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:
1 Receives the report, Activities of Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium.
2 Notes the activities of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group for the 11th Triennium.
1. He Whakamārama
The Tauranga Moana Advisory Group acts under a partnership agreement, between iwi and local authorities and the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Statement of Purpose.
The Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Deed of Settlement, once passed into law, will require a Tauranga Moana Governance Group to be established.
To prepare for the Governance Group, this Tauranga Moana Advisory Group has been established.
The first Advisory Group meeting was held on 17 November 2014 and it will continue to meet, share information and provide direction to staff of partner agencies until replaced by the Governance Group.
He aha ai – Purpose of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:
• Whanaungatanga and kaitiakitanga - the basis on which we want to move forward together.
• To continue building strong working relationships to support and enhance the health of our harbour and catchments.
Ngā turanga - the role of participants in the Advisory Group is to:
• Whakataurite - coordinate: oversee and contribute to the work that partners do in the harbour and catchments
• Whakarongo - listen: ensure the views of the hapu, iwi and wider community are represented in the work we do
• Whakawhanaungatanga - involve: promote and support hapū, iwi and the wider community participating in our work
• Whakatohatoha - share: provide regular updates to, and share information with partners
• Whakakotahi - integrate: promote the integration of our work so we can achieve our purpose together
2. Triennium in Review
Appendix 1 shows the Tauranga Moana Advisory Groups’ activities for the period March 2020 to September 2022.
Two meetings (20 March 2020 and 9 April 2021) were cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
3. Ngā Whakaarohanga
3.1 Ngā Mōrea me Ngā
Risks and Mitigations
There are no significant risks associated with this subject.
3.2 Huringa Āhuarangi
Climate Change
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts.
3.3 Ngā Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature.
3.4 Whakawhitiwhiti ā-Hapori
Community Engagement
Engagement with the community is not required as the report relates to internal Council matters only. |
Members of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group will have the opportunity to participate in the development of an agenda planner for 2023.
3.5 Te Hāngai ki te Pou Tarāwaho Rautaki
Alignment with Strategic Framework
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and information only.
3.6 Ngā Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications
The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and information only. Accordingly, there are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.
4. Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps
Following the 2022 Local Government Elections in October, the newly established Tauranga Moana Advisory Group for the 12th Triennium would be engaged to develop a draft Agenda Planner for 2023.
Attachment 1 - Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium in Review ⇩