Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Agenda

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee will be held in Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga on:

Tuesday 17 October 2023 COMMENCING AT 2.30 pm

This meeting will be livestreamed and recorded.

The Public section of this meeting will be livestreamed and recorded and uploaded to Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website.  Further details on this can be found after the Terms of Reference within the Agenda. Bay of Plenty Regional Council - YouTube


Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

9 October 2023



Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee


Chairperson (BOPRC)

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Deputy Chairperson (TCC)

Commission Chair Anne Tolley



Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Cr Paula Thompson

Tauranga City Council

Commission Chair Anne Tolley

Commissioner Stephen Selwood


Two members, consisting of half the number of members, of which one must be from each respective Council.

Meeting Frequency

Bi-monthly or as required by the need for decisions.

Appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair and associated administrative support to be rotated between the two partner councils on an annual basis.


Provide strategic and operational advice and direction for an integrated public transport system for Tauranga city and monitor implementation delivery.

The aim is to ensure that decisions in relation to all relevant parts of the transport system are taken collectively, and deliver outcomes that are greater than the sum of these parts. These outcomes are set out in the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) Programme Business Case and Tauranga Transport System Plan (TSP).


The Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee is a joint committee of Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Tauranga City Council that report to their respective councils.

The area covered by the Joint Committee extends to the Tauranga City Council boundaries. The role includes:

·            Enabling integrated decision making for Public Transport in Tauranga City.

·            Preparing and reviewing a Tauranga City Integrated Public Transport work Programme.

·            The Work Programme to include:

o      Projects and business cases as outlined in Annex 1 (and prioritised accordingly).

o      Providing advice and guidance on Tauranga-specific content of the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP), for consideration by the Public Transport Committee.

o      RPTP policy implementation in relation to the Tauranga City Council area.

o      Tauranga city parking strategy and implementation.

o      Travel behaviour management programmes (including The Wednesday Challenge).

·            Funding and financing (includes updates on Tauranga road pricing, bus fares, parking charges and third party funding).

·            Monitor and review the implementation of the Work Programme.

·            Receive reporting on the performance of public transport services and infrastructure, and making recommendations for improvement.

·            Provide quarterly implementation updates to the Public Transport Committee.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Joint Committee’s role does not include adopting, varying or renewing the Regional Public Transport Plan, which is a function of the Regional Council.

Reports to the Joint Committee will be prepared in partnership between the two councils. Where differences of view at officer level are apparent, these will be clearly set out in order for Councillors and Commissioners to make an objective and balanced decision.

Power to Act

To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Joint Committee; with relevant powers delegated from the respective council committees.

Any recommendations that impose financial commitments to either party are to be referred to the respective councils for approval.

Any variation to the Joint Committee’s terms of reference are by formal agreement by both councils.

Power to Recommend

The Joint Committee has a recommendatory power in relation to Tauranga City public transport matters to be considered as part of the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) process.


Recording of Meetings

Please note the Public section of this meeting is being recorded and streamed live on Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website in accordance with Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Meetings Protocols which can be viewed on Council’s website. The recording will be archived and made publicly available on Council's website within two working days after the meeting on www.boprc.govt.nz for a period of three years (or as otherwise agreed to by Council).

All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery or as a participant at the meeting, your presence may be recorded. By remaining in the public gallery, it is understood your consent is given if your image is inadvertently broadcast.

Opinions expressed or statements made by individual persons during a meeting are not the opinions or statements of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Council accepts no liability for any opinions or statements made during a meeting.


Annex 1: Projects and Business Cases

Priority Projects

The following projects are to be implemented, commencing in the next six months:

·       Tauranga CBD Interchange Temporary Relocation.

·       Bus Stop Improvements.

·       Bus Shelter Improvements.

The following projects are to be implemented, commencing in the next twelve months:

·       Low Cost Low Risk projects relevant to public transport.

·       Tauranga Network Refresh Phase 2.


Business Cases

The following business cases will be progressed, broadly in priority order:

·       Tauriko Early Works.

·       Arataki Bus Interchange.

·       Public Transport Services & Infrastructure.

·       Tauriko Long Term.

·       Hewlett’s Road Sub-area.

·       Turret Road / 15th Avenue.

·       Cameron Road Stage 2.

·       Accessible Streets Area A (Mount / Papamoa / CBD).

·       Accessible Streets Area B (Otumoetai / Bellevue / Brookfield).



Matters could include:

·       Coordination of highway works to minimise bus service disruption.

·       Bus service and work programme disruptions as a result of COVID-19.


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee               17 October 2023

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.


1.      Apologies

2.      Public Forum

3.      Items not on the Agenda

4.      Order of Business

5.      Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

6.      Public Excluded Business to be Transferred into the Open

7.      Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed

7.1      Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023      4

8.      Presentations

8.1      Transport System Plan (TSP) Update

Presented by: Shaun Jones – TSP Programme Manager

9.      Verbal Updates

9.1      Terms of Reference Update

Presented by: Mike Seabourne - Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)

9.2      Willow Street Buses Update

Presented by: Mike Seabourne - Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)

10.    Reports

10.1    Chairperson's Report                               4

Information Only

10.2    Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report                                         4

Attachment 1 - Projects update - TCC and BOPRC projects                                                      4

11.    Public Excluded Section

Resolution to exclude the public

Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting as set out below:

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Public Excluded Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

To remain in public excluded.


Park and Ride Update

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Projects Update

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Tauranga City Centre Movement Plan

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Cameron Road Stage 2

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

At the conclusion of the Business Case.


Minutes to be Confirmed

11.1    Public Excluded Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023

Verbal Updates

11.2    Park and Ride Update

11.3    Projects Update

Information Only

11.4    Tauranga City Centre Movement Plan

11.5    Cameron Road Stage 2

12.    Public Excluded Business to be Transferred into the Open

13.    Readmit the Public

14.    Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

 Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes

16 August 2023


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Wednesday 16 August 2023, 2.00 pm

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:               Cr Andrew von Dadelszen - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Deputy Chairperson:  Commission Chair Anne Tolley - Tauranga City Council (TCC)

Members:                    Cr Paula Thompson (BOPRC)

Commissioner Stephen Selwood (TCC)

In Attendance:            BOPRC:

Cr Kat Macmillan (via Zoom); Cr Lyall Thurston (via Zoom); Oliver Haycock – Acting Director, Public Transport; Matthew Kilpatrick – Senior Transport Planner; Claudia Cameron – Committee Advisor.


Nic Johansson – General Manager, Infrastructure; Brendan Bisley – Director of Transport; Rachel Pinn – Consultant; Emily McLean – Programme Lead: City Development; Tom McIntyre – Team Lead, Transport Development.


On behalf of Priority One: Nigel Tutt, Melissa Conrad, Greg Simmonds, Timothy Allan and Gemma Hignett.

New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi):

Simon Fendall – Principal Investment Advisor (via Zoom).

Apologies:                  None.


1.     Items not on the Agenda


Park and Ride Update



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Accepts the late item, Park and Ride Update;

2       Notes the reason the item is not on the Agenda is that the information was not available at the time the Agenda was prepared;

3       Notes the reason the item cannot be delayed is that the Tauranga City Council meeting requiring an update on this item is before the next scheduled meeting of the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee;

4       Agrees that the item be heard in the Public Excluded section.



2.     Order of Business

Agenda item 10.1, Chairperson’s Report, would be heard after item 8.1 and the late item, Park and Ride Update, would be heard in the Public Excluded section after item 11.2.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Accepts the changes to the order of business.

von Dadelszen/Thompson


3.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

4.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 23 May 2023



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Confirms the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 23 May 2023 as a true and correct record.



5.     Presentations


Shift Hub - Shifting Minds and Modes of Communities

Presentation: Shifting Minds and Modes of Communities: Objective ID A4454370   

Presented by: Nigel Tutt, Melissa Conrad, Greg Simmonds, Timothy Allan and Gemma Hignett - On behalf of Priority One


Key Points:

·    A key focus of the project was mode shift, particularly away from on-peak, private vehicle use

·    Acknowledged the support from local partners

·    The project provided a safe space to test different transport modes

·    Current public perceptions included:

o Car commutes were the quickest mode – although there was evidence to the contrary

o There was a lack of public transport (PT) shelter from weather

o Safety, lighting and bike storage at PT stops was important

·    Key messages included:

o Shift modes when you can, it was not a one size fits all approach

o Multi-modal commutes, utilising micro-mobility (Lime Scooters), and PT were increasing

·    Next Steps:

o A series of focus groups for deeper analysis of the data

o Learnings and next steps from the project would be compiled and a report made available.

Key Points - Members:

·    Congratulated Shift Hub on the project initiative

·    Supported bringing the business community on board and noted the potential for quick wins with CBD workers

·    An instructional video demonstrating how to use the bus may be a useful resource to reach new users.

Key Points - Staff:

·    BOPRC had developed scoping studies for travel demand management which would lead to a programme of initiatives. This was reported to the Regional Transport Committee.

6.   Reports



Chairperson’s Report

Presented by: Oliver Haycock – Acting Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)

Key Points:

·    Environment Canterbury would pilot the new National Ticketing System (NTS), BOPRC would be second

·    There was an 18% buffer of drivers, which reduced the risk of missed trips due to driver shortage

·    BOPRC Annual Plan process had approved funding for the Tauranga on-demand trial

·    BOPRC had responded quickly to the recent security issues, reallocating security hours to cover the school afternoon peak. Information was being collated and reviewed to ascertain a complete picture of the network security level

·    Other regions were also experiencing anti-social behaviour on their networks.

Key Points - Members:

·    There was a perception that walking/taking the bus to school was less safe than being driven. A demonstration of the actual number of walking/PT incidents compared to driving incidents may encourage a perception shift.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Chairperson’s Report.




7.     Verbal Updates


Verbal Updates from the Previous Meeting

Presentation: Intro Slide: Objective ID A4454368   

Presented by: Oliver Haycock - Acting Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)


Key Points:

·    The Tauranga Network Refresh continued to be a priority project, with November 2023 as the targeted go-live date

·    Alternative locations for layover bus parking were being investigated by BOPRC and TCC staff.

Key Points - Members:

·    Concern was raised that buses parked in the CBD were impacting businesses, particularly in the evening peak. Staff were encouraged to find an alternative location for bus layovers with urgency.


6.     Reports (continued)

Decisions Required


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Terms of Reference Amendment

Presented by: Oliver Haycock – Acting Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1.      Receives the report, Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Terms of Reference Amendment;

2       Endorses the amendment to the Terms of Reference to allow for the appointment of a representative and alternate representative for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport, as a non-voting, external member of the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee;

3       Recommends that the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Tauranga City Council approves the above amendment to the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Terms of Reference.




Information Only


Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report

Presented by: Oliver Haycock – Acting Director, Public Transport (BOPRC), Matthew Kilpatrick – Senior Transport Planner (BOPRC), Brendan Bisley – Director of Transport (TCC) and Tom McIntyre – Team Lead, Transport Development.

Key Points:

·    18 bus shelters had been installed, with 35 currently being assembled. Glass installation problems had been resolved and concrete pads had been poured, meaning the installation of the next group of shelters would occur quickly

·    The Cameron Road bus shelters were unable to be red due to paint longevity issues.

Key Points - Members:

·    A bright shelter colour as a point of difference was key, not the particular colour

·    The Cameron Road Joint Venture partners (JV team) and TCC staff had made changes to reduce disruptions to Cameron Road traffic. Site visits by TCC and the JV team were regular and on-going

·    Cameron Road stage one was due to be completed in December 2023, stage two was currently out for consultation

·    Highlighted the need for the completion of the Arataki Public Transport Interchange Business Case; emphasised that clear communication from TCC and BOPRC with the Arataki community was important

·    BOPRC and TCC must work together to ensure the early identification of issues or mis-communications.

In Response to Questions:

·    The Network Refresh would benefit the Arataki community by reducing the number of layover buses in the vicinity of Farm Street.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report.





Western Bay of Plenty Public Transport Services and Infrastructure Business Case - Project Update

Presented by: Matthew Kilpatrick – Senior Transport Planner (BOPRC) and Rachel Pinn – Consultant (on behalf of TCC).

Key Points:

·    This business case explored the services and infrastructure necessary to meet the needs of the future network. It looked at areas of the Tauranga network that were not currently included in other business cases

·    The project was scalable, flexible and able to extend to outer growth areas to follow growth projects such as Tauriko West and Te Tumu

·    The long list workshop developed high level options which would then be reduced to the short list options

·    PT services having the continuous ability to avoid/fast track through congestion was required, particularly on the key PT corridor of Tauriko – CBD – Mount Maunganui - Arataki

·    The expected completion date and submission to Waka Kotahi was February 2024.

Key Points - Members:

·    Emphasised the importance of having appropriate consultation with the community

·    Expressed frustration at the length of the business case process, but noted it was necessary to meet Waka Kotahi’s requirements for funding

·    Suggested staff update the Committee on improvements to current infrastructure that could be achieved quickly and in budget. This would allow short term gains.

In Response to Questions:

·    The work undertaken to reach this point enabled the business case to continue at pace

·    Much of the infrastructure improvements were being progressed via TCC business cases, this business case ensured the network was ready to capitalise on the improvements once completed

·    Although network refreshes provided incremental improvements, the business case was required for funding purposes, identification of risks and to outline projects delivery time frames.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Western Bay of Plenty Public Transport Services and Infrastructure Business Case - Project Update.

von Dadelszen/Tolley



8.     Public Excluded Section


Resolution to exclude the public

1       Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting as set out below:

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Public Excluded Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 23 May 2023

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

To remain in public excluded.


Tauranga City Council Memorandum - City Centre Public Transport Business Case

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.

New Item

Park and Ride Update

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On completion of the Park and Ride facility.

2       That Simon Fendall and Marea Goodin-McKay (Waka Kotahi) be permitted to stay in the public excluded section of the meeting due to their knowledge of the matter under discussion, being Tauranga City Council Memorandum - City Centre Public Transport Business Case and Park and Ride Update



4:30 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                    Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Chairperson, Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee






Report To:

Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee

Meeting Date:

17 October 2023

Report Authoriser:

Mike Seabourne – Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)



Chairperson's Report


Executive Summary

This report highlights matters of interest that the Committee Chair considers to be relevant to the business of the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee.

The report includes updates on:

·          National and local context including Sustainable Public Transport Framework, National Ticketing Solution Update, CERF and bus driver terms and conditions update, Rotorua bus network refresh implementation update, Return to full timetable update - Tauranga bus network refresh implementation update, Tauranga On-Demand Trial, Community Connect Extension update and a security update.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.


1.        Purpose

The purpose of this report is to make Committee members aware of items of interest in relation to public transport.

2.        Matters of Potential Interest

2.1.1    Sustainable Public Transport Framework (SPTF) Update

The Land Transport Management (Regulation of Public Transport) Amendment Bill has now completed its journey through Parliament.

The Act now enshrines the principles of the Sustainable Public Transport Framework (SPTF), thereby replacing the Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM).

The SPTF brings to light the following:

·     Establishment of new governing principles for public transport;

·     Creation of flexibility around asset ownership and service provision models;

·     Enables innovation in the types of service provided;

·     Creates new transparency and planning requirements;

·     Clarifies the regulation of exempt services.

Staff will continue to assess the opportunities created by the SPTF, and will keep this committee abreast of progress.

2.1.2    National Ticketing Solution (NTS) Update

The National Ticketing Solution (NTS) is an enabler for change.

·     A flexible, modern ticketing system will make it easier for people to pay for public transport anywhere in the country including making it easier to support national concessions such as Super Gold and Community Connect 

·     This will encourage more people to use public transport, more often.

·     Increased access will ultimately contribute to reducing New Zealand’s carbon emissions and improving safety and congestion on our roads.

·     Public Transport Authorities will gain a digitally enabled system with more choice, transparency, and simplicity.

·     A deeper understanding of customer journeys will mean optimised services and better targeted investment.

               Funding is met through the National Land Transport Fund.

·     The funding model being used is different to the usual Waka Kotahi co-funding approach. Waka Kotahi is providing 100% Finance Assistance Rate (FAR) funding to design, build and operate the NTS. This means across the whole NTS Waka Kotahi will cover 93% of the cost and the PTAs 7%. PTAs will fund 50% of transition costs and their front office costs on an ongoing basis.

·     Currently, there are five disparate systems operating in NZ. NTS is an opportunity to achieve economies of scale and to provide smaller PTAs with a world leading ticketing system which otherwise would be outside their reach.

·     Centrally contracting and operating the system will ensure the best value for money across Aotearoa.

·     PTAs will see a substantial reduction in the running costs of their ticketing systems. PTAs will also receive full fare revenue, collected by the NTS.

   Bay of Plenty Regional Council Transport Operations.

·     We are currently planning our local response to this national project being led by Waka Kotahi. Environment Canterbury is currently preparing to pilot NTS in 2024 and Bay of Plenty has agreed to be the second Regional Council to implement NTS.

·     Discussions are taking place with bus operators with an aspirational Go-Live date is Q1 2025.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Transport Operations Team have identified the changes required within the team structure including the subsequent resourcing required to be able to successfully lead and deliver this project.

Recent update: Two members of the Transport Operations team have attended a workshop facilitated by Cubic Transport Systems. Cubic will be providing the new Account Based Ticketing solution which will roll out across New Zealand.

2.1.3    CERF and Bus Driver Terms and Conditions Update

The all-parties Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), developed by Waka Kotahi for Public Transport Authorities (PTAs), aims to improve bus driver terms and conditions initiative under the Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

We are currently in discussion with local PTOs and Unions to define the next viable steps we intend to take towards improving the bus driver terms and conditions (e.g., increase hourly rates, implement split shift allowances, and/or implement penal rates for work after 9pm).

We will progress with seeking CERF Funding Approval subject to agreements being confirmed. Funding will be backdated to 1 November 2022.

2.1.4    Rotorua Bus Network Refresh Implementation Update

The project is now in the pre-implementation phase. Design work for new bus stop locations along Amohau Street has been successfully concluded by WSP, marking a pivotal achievement aligned with TCP requirements. On September 6th, Rotorua Lakes Council will present the upcoming changes to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee.                                                                                                                                                 

Additionally, a cooperative initiative involving Waka Kotahi, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, and Rotorua Lakes Council is set to launch, aiming to engage with businesses impacted by the new stops and shelters.

2.1.5    Tauranga Bus Network Refresh Implementation - Return to Full Timetable Update

Staff will provide a verbal update on the progress of Phase 2 of the Tauranga Bus Network Refresh.

2.1.6    Tauranga – On Demand

Patronage on some traditional public transport services in Tauranga is relatively low, particularly at off-peak times.  To better understand how an on-demand service can complement and/or replace fixed public transport towards increasing patronage, Bay of Plenty Regional Council intend to commence an 18-month trial of an on-demand transport solution in Tauranga South.

The defined area includes Pyes Pā, The Lakes, Greerton, Gate Pā and Tauranga city south of 17th Avenue.

Key destination within this area are Tauranga Hospital, Grace Hospital, Tauranga Crossing, Fraser Cove and Greerton Library.

The Tauranga On-Demand Project will plan and implement a service that provides better access to public transport, enhancing the quality of the bus service for current users and encouraging non-users to utilise the bus network.

A Project Initiation Document has been completed and the Transport Operations Group are preparing to support this project with an expected Go Live date being early March 2024.

Recent milestone: Contract secured with ‘Via’ the Technical Software provider.

2.1.7    Community Connect Extension Update

In 2022, Central Government made funding available and changed relevant regulations to support Public Transport Authorities to implement 50 percent concessions for Community Services Card holders on bus, train, and ferry services. A project team was established to deliver the new concession effective 1 July 2023.

Budget 2023 announced additional funding for an extended Community Connect package to provide free public transport for children under 13, and half-price fares for people under 25 in addition to the Community Connect concession.

At the Extraordinary General Meeting held 9th June Council directed staff to implement the extended Community Connect fares on 1 July 2023. Staff leveraged the existing Community Connect project team to deliver the new fare structure at short notice.

·     120 new Bee cards issued to Community Services card holders,

·     922 Community Connect (CSC) concessions applied to existing and new Bee cards,

·     15,109 existing student concessions automatically converted to the Youth concession,

·     5,279 Youth Plus (age 19-24) concessions applied to Bee cards,

·     with 23,310 trips taken using these concessions to 15 August 2023.          

Staff continue to progress the remaining operational changes required under the Community Connect Memorandum of Understanding with Waka Kotahi, with all work due to be completed by 31 October 2023.

2.1.8    Security Update

The safety of patrons engaged in Transport Services continues to remain a priority for the Transport Operations team.  A code of conduct notice has been finalised and is presently being installed into the buses on the transport network.

Further, a proposed code of behaviour agreement has been provided to schools should they wish to implement a similar document when dealing with young people that have been identified as having contributed to inappropriate behaviour.

Rotorua Lakes Council are developing a Community Safety Hub located centrally at Te Manawa and should commence in mid-November 2023. This joint operation reflects a collaborative approach between Rotorua Lakes Council, New Zealand Police, Māori Wardens, Community Patrols and Neighbourhood Watch.

The initiative is aimed at improving the visibility of Police, Safe City Guardians and Māori Wardens and it will improve safety while decreasing anti-social behavior and criminal activity.

The Manager of Transport Operations has reviewed the Incident Escalation Process to ensure a more agile and timely reporting process. This ensures that appropriate responses have been made in a timely fashion.

A review of Standard Operating Processes is also taking place ensuring that our responses to serious incidents are current, appropriate, and aligned to best practice. These SOPs will dovetail into the actions taken by the Tauranga Bus Operators.






Report To:

Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee

Meeting Date:

17 October 2023

Report Writer:

Matthew Kilpatrick, Senior Transport Planner (BOPRC) and Brendan Bisley, Director of Transport (TCC)

Report Authoriser:

Michael Seabourne, Director, Public Transport


To provide the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee with an update on the current progress, next steps and identified risks with key transport projects.



Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report


Executive Summary

This report outlines the progress being made in relation to key projects that Tauranga City Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) are leading and that are important to progressing public transport aligned to the direction provided by the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) and the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan. The report also provides an update on key projects that Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency are leading which have a significant public transport component and which Tauranga City are involved.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report.



1.      Tauranga City Council Projects

Of specific note relevant to Tauranga City Council led projects are:

(a)    The City Centre Parking Management Plan – The first stage of the parking changes was implemented prior to Christmas with the reintroduction of charges in the core city centre. Stage 2, which enlarges the area of paid parking, will be implemented in November 2023 to allow time for bus services to be running at full schedule so they are viable alternatives for workers.  

(b)    Progress is being made with priority TSP business cases for projects such as Hewlett’s Rd sub-area (Waka Kotahi led), 15th/Hairini Causeway/Welcome Bay Road, Area B Innovating Streets and Cameron Rd Stage 2. Engagement with the community and stakeholders is underway and the business cases are on track for delivery in late 2023 or early 2024.

(c)    The construction of the Takitimu North Link (TNL) project by Waka Kotahi is now underway. The operational matters of the potential for tolling, how managed lanes are to be provided and the revocation of the existing SH2 are still to be progressed by Waka Kotahi.

(d)    The Tauriko Enabling Works Business Case was endorsed by both Tauranga City Council and by Waka Kotahi Board. Waka Kotahi are leading the delivery phase including consenting, property acquisition and construction project. Tendering of the construction contract is expected to occur later in 2023.

(e)    The Tauriko Long Term business case (Waka Kotahi led) is planned to be considered by the Waka Kotahi board for endorsement.

(f)     The Area B project has closed for public consultation and the project team are working through the community feedback to review the preferred option and make changes to address the community concerns raised.

(g)    Cameron Road Stage 1 is progressing, with construction anticipated to be completed in December of this year.

2.      Bay of Plenty Regional Council Projects

Of specific note relevant to Bay of Plenty Regional Council led projects are:

(a)    The BOP Regional Land Transport Plan Review is progressing accordingly, with the RTC having agreed most of the strategic framework (e.g., vision, objectives, headline targets) and prioritisation process agreed in August 2023. The RTC workshop discussion of the proposed work programme is planned for the 9th of November 2023.

(b)    The Western Bay of Plenty Public Transport Services and Infrastructure Business Case will identify the case for change in the Western Bay of Plenty sub-region’s public transport system by supporting the preferred service model and identifying the supporting infrastructure. The business case will identify both a short term (10 year) and a longer term (30 year) improvement programme. This project is now at the shortlisting stage and is scheduled to complete in early 2024.

(c)    Staff will provide a verbal update on the progress of Phase 2 of the Tauranga Bus Network Refresh.

(d)    The On Demand Public Transport Trial in Tauranga South is scheduled to go-live in March 2024. BOPRC staff have recently evaluated the tenders received for the contract to operate the service.

(e)    The Travel Demand Management and Behaviour Change Programme has completed its three scoping studies which have been endorsed / accepted by the Regional Transport Committee. This work is being further investigated with project partners. The Western BOP scoping study is currently being visited in line with the requirements of the VKT Reduction Programme which is coordinated by TCC. Funding to support the rollout of the TDM programme will be requested through the RLTP.

(f)     Work has resumed on the feasibility study into passenger ferry services in Tauranga and the Western Bay. A workshop was held with staff from partner organisations and stakeholders on 27 September to capture perspectives. The findings of this study are planned to be reported to the next meeting of the Public Transport Committee on 14 November. This study will recommend the next steps for investigating passenger ferry services, including the potential timing/triggers for undertaking a formal business case.

3.      Considerations

3.1      Strategic/Statutory Context

The transportation projects covered in this report are framed under the strategic direction of SmartGrowth and UFTI, the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan and the Councils Long-Term Plans.

4.      Next Steps

The TSP partners continue to progress the projects and workstreams identified in this update report.


Attachment 1 - Projects update - TCC and BOPRC projects  


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee          17 October 2023

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