Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 24 November 2023, 9.30am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana) (BOPRC)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

                                    Cr Te Taru White (Alternate)

Tapuika Iwi Authority

Dean Flavell

Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust

Rawiri Kingi (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)

Nick Chater (Lakes Community Board)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Cr Andy Wichers

Cr Grant Dally (Alternate) (via Zoom)

Informal Members:     Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue

Maru Tapsell

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

Cr Jane Nees (via Zoom)

Te Hunga i Tae Ake

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana: Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Jo Watts – Senior Planner (Water Policy); Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor; Anna Dawson - Land Management Officer; Rawiri Bhana - Senior Advisor (Treaty) (via Zoom); Jenny Teeuwen – Committee Advisor

Western Bay of Plenty District Council: Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour; Jason Crummer - Recreation Planner; Elva Conroy – Consultant; Katy McGinity – Senior Policy Analyst (via Zoom)


External: Roana Bennett – Ngāti Whakaue (via Zoom); Andy Gowland-Douglas - Tapuika Iwi Authority (via Zoom)

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston – TCC, Commissioner Bill Wasley - TCC (Alternate), Cr Lani Kereopa - RLC (Alternate), Nicki Douglas - Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust, Erin Thompson - Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust (Alternate), and Piki Thomas - Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust for absence; Cr Jane Nees – BOPRC and Cr Te Taru White - BOPRC for early departure.



1.          Chair’s Opening Statement

In order for a quorum to be present, Cr Matemoana McDonald, Deputy Chair, assumed the Chair to enable Dean Flavell, Chair, to act as the Tapuika Iwi Authority representative.

Chair McDonald formally opened the hui and advised that the hui was being recorded and that the recording would be uploaded to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website and could be accessed via this link: Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Meeting - 24 November 2023 - YouTube


2.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Karakia

A karakia was provided by Dean Flavell.


3.     Ngā Hōnea


That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Accepts the apologies from Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston, Commissioner Bill Wasley, Cr Lani Kereopa, Nicki Douglas, Erin Thompson, and Piki Thomas for absence, and Cr Jane Nees and Cr Te Taru White for early departure tendered at the meeting.




4.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.


5.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 4 August 2023



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Confirms the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 4 August 2023 as a true and correct record.




6.     Whakaaturanga


Kaituna River Re-diversion - Monitoring results after three years

Presentation:      Kaituna River Re-diversion - Monitoring results after three years: Objective ID A4535835  

Presented by:     Pim De Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager


Key Points

·           Provided recap of the history/timeline of the re-diversion.

·           Highlighted the changes in the Kaituna River flow levels since the gates opened in 2020.  The tidal flushing in the Maketū Estuary/Papahikahawai Creek area had been hugely beneficial, but there were other effects.

·           Survey and monitoring results were provided for:

-      erosion of the spit

-      E.coli bacteria monitoring in pipi

-      water column nutrients and bacteria levels, salinity, and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels

-      algae cover

-      pipi densities pre and post increased diversion

-      sea grass monitoring.

·           Highlighted the rock armouring that had been undertaken in the new diversion channel.

·           Sheetpile monitoring had uncovered some corrosion which was at the upper end of the acceptable range – will continue to monitor.

In Response to Questions

·           Sediment movements were happening as expected and slightly better than hoped for, while acknowledging that the exceptionally wet 2022/23 year had generated high levels of mud and fine sediment in the river during floods, and some of this has deposited noticeably in the estuary. Council was investigating whether the gates could be used as a tool during flood events to reduce sediment yield to the estuary while still allowing flushing flows as much as possible.

·           Prior to the diversion in 2020, sand movement was generally east to west heading up the estuary; while post-diversion showed that on average, sand was now moving out of the mouth of the estuary and back into the coastal marine area, causing a deepening of the channel.

·           There was a permanent shellfish gathering warning for the Waihī estuary.    Shellfish could still be gathered from the Maketū estuary; however, it was not recommended for the first three to five days after rainfall.

·           Pipi monitoring results provided were for the Maketū estuary only.

·           It was important that warning signs for shellfish gathering at Waihī estuary were clear, easily understood and were clearly visible to the public.  Staff would check with Toi Te Ora Public Health and WBOPDC to ensure signage was adequate.

·           Some recent international research had shown that seagrass absorbed carbon at rates comparable with trees; this may encourage a greater focus on restoring coastal wetlands from salt marsh seagrass in the future.


10.23am – Cr White left the meeting.


7.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Chairperson's Update

Presented by:     Chair, Dean Flavell


Key Points

·           As this was the last hui for the year, acknowledged Te Maru o Kaituna Authority (TMoK) members’ for their hard work over the year and their commitment to this kaupapa to ensure the future was a good one for coming generations. 

·           On behalf of TMoK, expressed thanks to all council staff involved for their work and commitment to the Kaituna River.

·           Expressed pride for TMoK’s Te Tini a Tuna action plan; the programme had been a great success with several projects progressing well over the past year.

·           Believed TMoK was a good example of what co-governance could be.

·           Extended best wishes to all for a safe and healthy Christmas/New Year holiday period.


8.     Ngā Pūrongo


Kaituna/Waiāri River Access Project Update

Presentation:      Kaituna/Waiāri River Access Project Update: Objective ID A4546035  

Presented by:     Elva Conroy – Consultant (WBOPDC)

Jason Crummer - Recreation Planner (WBOPDC)

Anna Dawson – Land Management Officer (BOPRC)

Key Points

·             Project 11 of Te Tini a Tuna.

·             The scope of project included Kaituna River from the Paengaroa area downstream, and the Waiāri Stream.

·             Identified three priority areas - Te Kopua (Bell Road), Waiāri Landing, and Waitangi Area, and outlined what needed to/could be done now and what could be done in the future for each area.

·             All three areas needed a concept plan and a collaborative approach (tangata whenua, councils and other agencies).  Resource consents (BOPORC/WBOPDC) and bylaw authority may be required for the Bell Road and Waiāri Landing areas.

·             Future opportunity areas included Otaiparia (83 Ford Road), Muriwharau (Canaan’s Landing, Kenana Road), and Kaituna Oxbow/Paraiti confluence.

·             Areas not currently being considered but on the radar included Maungarangi Road, Te Matai Marae, and the Waiāri Water Treatment Plant site.

·             The project’s feasibility findings, including indicative costs for the priority areas, would be presented to WBOPDC for consideration in the new year.

In Response to Questions

·             The repair and safety issues around the Te Kopua (Bell Road) boat ramp were acknowledged and would be addressed as part of the concept plan for this area.

·             BOPRC was currently reviewing their Navigation Safety Bylaws.  The review draft would be going to the 14 December 2023 Council meeting for approval for public consultation.  The consultation period would be from 18 December 2023 to 29 February 2024, with submission hearings scheduled for early April 2024.  The review would be of interest to TMoK as it addressed safe swimming areas in the Kaituna River, and other recommendations in the review may also overlap with this project.  The Navigation Safety Bylaws Review consultation document would be provided to TMoK members following the Council meeting on 14 December 2023.


11.05am - Cr Nees left the meeting.


·             Boat mooring sites were not currently being considered for the Bell Road area.  Suggested this be considered in the development of the concept plan to potentially accommodate a waka hourua festival being considered for two/three years’ time.

·             Muriwharau (Canaan’s Landing, Kenana Road) was not currently highly used so was currently being considered as a future development area.  Due to its significant historical significance, it was suggested that this be looked at as a priority area now.

·             Providing opportunity for the stories of these areas to be told as part of the concept plans, would be considered.

·             An invitation was extended to present to BOPRC’s Komiti Māori.




That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Kaituna/Waiari River Access Project Update;

2          Provides feedback on the preliminary findings outlined in the attached report.





Essential freshwater policy programme update

Presentation:      Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update: Objective ID A4546201  

Presented by:     Jo Watts – Senior Planner (Water Policy)

Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor

Key Points

·           Provided overview of the freshwater community engagement activities delivered during April-September 2023, including participation numbers at events.

·           Outlined the options being considered for possible retirement and/or restrictions of lowland areas affected by salinity or frequently saturated, to reduce contaminate losses into Maketu and Waihī estuaries.

·           Options for stock exclusion and setbacks from water bodies and drains, and restrictions on steep erosion prone slopes would also be considered, including what minimum standards may apply and where.  There were different costs and benefits associated with the options being considered.

·           Outlined key themes from tangata whenua feedback and the Kaituna specific feedback.




That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Essential freshwater policy programme update.




9.     Karakia Kati
Closing Karakia

A closing karakia was provided by Dean Flavell.


11.52am – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 23 February 2024                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                            Dean Flavell

Chairperson, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority