Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 4 August 2023, 10.30 am

Venue:                         Whakaue Marae, 721 Maketū Road, Maketū


Chairperson:               Dean Flavell (Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Tapuika Iwi Authority

Geoff Rice (Alternate)

Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust

Rawiri Kingi (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council

Cr Lani Kereopa

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Cr Andy Wichers

Cr Grant Dally (Alternate)

Informal Members:     Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue

Maru Tapsell

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

Cr Jane Nees

Te Hunga i Tae Ake

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana: Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Jo Watts – Senior Planner (Water Policy); Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor; Rawiri Bhana – Senior Advisor (Treaty); Anna Dawson – Land Management Officer; Tegan Arnold – Land Management Officer; Shari Kameta – Committee Advisor; Jenny Teeuwen – Committee Advisor

Western Bay of Plenty District Council: Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour; Katy McGinity – Senior Policy Analyst; Elva Conroy – Consultant


External: Roana Bennett – Ngāti Whakaue; Raewyn Bennett – Ahi Kaa Maketū; Peter and Rititia Kerr - Ahi Kaa Maketū; Mokoera Te Amo – Te Kapu o Waitaha; Scott Stephens – Chief Scientist for Coasts and Estuaries, Danielle Johnson – Social Scientist, and Paula Holland – Environmental Economist - NIWA; and several members of the Maketū community.

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Te Taru White (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana), Nick Chater (Lakes Community Board), Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston (Tauranga City Council), Commissioner Bill Wasley (Tauranga City Council), Nicki Douglas (Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust), Piki Thomas (Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust)  



1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Karakia

The Chair, Dean Flavell, acknowledged the karakia from Kahi Hanara in the Whakaue Kaipapa Marae Wharenui during the powhiri.


2.     Chair’s Opening Statement

The Chair, Dean Flavell, formally opened the hui, acknowledged those in attendance, and thanked Ngāti Whakaue for hosting the hui.  He advised that the hui would not be recorded.


3.     Ngā Hōnea


That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Accepts the apologies from Cr Te Taru White, Nick Chater, Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston, Commissioner Bill Wasley, Nicki Douglas, and Piki Thomas for absence tendered at the meeting.




4.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.





5.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 19 May 2023



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Confirms the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 19 May 2023 as a true and correct record.




6.     Whakaaturanga


Local Community Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Presented by:     Roana Bennett - Ngati Whakaue, on behalf of the local community

Presentation:      Maketu Climate Change Adaptation Plan (includes video link): Objective ID A4446053  


Key Points

·            The Maketū Climate Change Adaptation Plan project was a major kaupapa for Maketū.

·            The project had received $15,000 from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s (Regional Council) Community Led Climate Change Adaptation Fund.

·            The vision was that the Maketū community was prepared for, could adapt, and would be resilient to a changing climate.

·            “Our why” included the flooding of Little Waihī and the Kaituna River, beach cliffs slipping, and the risk of flooding of the Whakaue Marae.

·            Provided overview of the project’s five interconnected strategic priorities – Haumarumaru (Security and self-sufficiency), Te Puna Mātauranga (Collective knowledge and wisdom), Manaaki Kāinga (Caring for our home), Manaaki Whenua (Caring for our lands), and Manaaki Wai (Caring for our waters).

·            Outlined the values which underpinned everything – Rangatiratanga/Self-determination, Kotahitanga/Collective action, Tikanga/Practice, Māramatanga/Collective enlightenment, Manaakitanga/Collective care, Kaitiakitanga/Safeguarding our future, and Whānaungatanga/ Connectivity.

·            Listed the priority projects.  The approach would be to work/partner with councils and central government to achieve these.

·            The project had received two awards from the 2023 New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI) Awards – Best Non-statutory Plan, and the Overall Supreme Award.  The judges’ vote had been unanimous.

In Response to Questions

·           The funding received from Regional Council had been important to start the project, but most of the work carried out to date had been through volunteers.

Key points – Members

·           It was important to clearly understand the values outlined.

·           Every community needed to undertake this work.

·           Congratulations were extended to the Maketū community for the project.

·           It was suggested that the community submit and present to the upcoming Regional Council’s Long Term Plan.



7.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Chairperson's Update

Presented by:     Chair, Dean Flavell

Presentation:      Ahi Kaa Maketu: Objective ID A4443400  

The Chair advised that there was no Chairperson’s update, but as part of this item, there would be a presentation from Raewyn Bennett on behalf of Ahi Kaa Maketū, and a brief verbal update from Elva Conroy – Consultant, Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) on the Waka Landing project.


Presentation – Raewyn Bennett - Ahi Kaa Maketu

Key Points

·            Provided a definition of ahi kaa being “continuous occupation by tangata whenua”.

·            The Maketū Ahi Kaa were a mix of different iwi.

·            Provided evidence of the assertion of ahi kaa kaitiakitanga, using the Waitangi Tribunal (WAI) 676 claim (1997).

·            The Maketū Ahi Kaa’s main focus was sustaining their culture.

·            Suggested that Regional Council work with the Maketū Ahi Kaa to address their concerns, let them be the decision makers for their estuary, let them be the kaitiaki, practice their kaitiakitanga and develop their future kaitiaki, and enable them in developing their màtauranga.

Verbal Update on Waka Landing Project – Elva Conroy – Consultant, WBOPDC

Key Points

·            The Waka Landing project was part of Project 11 of Te Tini a Tuna (Kaituna Action Plan) – to enhance access to the Kaituna River.

·            The project was looking for opportunities for access to the water for waka launching, swimming, fishing, as well as for monitoring purposes.

·            Areas of focus were the Kaituna River from Paengaroa area downstream, and the Waiari Stream from the water treatment plant south.

·            Over the coming months, iwi, hapū, marae, and others undertaking projects in the area, would be contacted for input/feedback.

·            Project progress would be reported back to the November meeting of Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority.


8.     Ngā Pūrongo


Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Annual Report and Budget

Presented by:  Pim De Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager

Key Points - Members

·           It was proposed that funding be considered for He Toka Tū Moana Mo Maketū (Maketū Climate Change Adaptation Plan) project.

The following amendment was PUT:



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Contributes $5,000 to the He Toka Tū Moana Mo Maketū (Maketū Climate Change Adaptation Plan) project, and reduces the proposed $10,000 contribution towards other projects in Te Tini a Tuna by $5,000.


The amendment was CARRIED

The substantive motion was PUT.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Annual Report and Budget;

2          Adopts the attached 2022/23 Annual Report;

3          Notes the current balance set out in the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Statement of Financial Position; and

4          Amends and adopts the Annual Budget for 2023/24 to achieve its priorities as follows, acknowledging the role of the Secretariat and contributions from partner agencies.




Implementation of Project 3: Consented takes and discharges


Implementation of Project 9: Pataka Kai (noting co-funding available)


Implementation of Project 10: Community Connection


Implementation of Project 13: Kaituna Cultural and Historic Heritage


Contribution towards other projects in Te Tini a Tuna, such as the restoration fund

          $5, 000

Lawrence Oliver wetland project


Waiari swimming site access improvement


Giant kokopu translocation?


He Toka Tū Moana Mo Maketū (Maketū Climate Change Adaptation Plan)








Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update

Presented by:     Jo Watts – Senior Planner (Water Policy)

Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor Te Amorangi

Key Points

·            Community engagement was continuing with feedback closing at the end of September.

·            There had been a good response to hui ā rohi to date and a second round of hui would be scheduled for September, where all co-governance iwi members and their organisations would be invited.

·            The hui ā rohe incorporated the opportunity for mātauranga Māori input, rather than only focussing on freshwater management issues.

·            There was an open invitation for tangata whenua to provide feedback, and all feedback/input was welcomed.

·            A planning methodology to support Kaupapa Māori into the future was outlined in Attachment One to the agenda report for this item.  This methodology had been presented to Regional Council’s Strategy and Policy Committee at their meeting on 16 May 2023 and had been endorsed by the Committee.

Key Points - Members

·           Suggested that Regional Council staff took the opportunity to speak with Raewyn Bennett to reach understanding and agreement on what her community wanted.




That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update.









May - July 2023 Te Maru o Kaituna Quarterly Report

Presented by:     Pim De Monchy – Coastal catchments Manager

Key Points

·            The Quarterly Report included updates for the projects in Te Tini a Tuna (Kaituna Action Plan) for the period May to July 2023.

·            The report would be presented six monthly going forward.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, May - July 2023 Te Maru o Kaituna Quarterly Report.




9.     Karakia Kati
Closing Karakia

A karakia was provided by Mr Paruhiterangi O’Callaghan.


11.55 am – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 24 November 2023                                                                                                     

                                                                                                                                            Dean Flavell

Chairperson, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority