Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Rārangi Take (Agenda)

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group will be held in Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga on:

Friday 8 September 2023 COMMENCING AT 9.30 am


Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

31 August 2023



Tauranga Moana Advisory Group



(Appointed by the Group)

Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Deputy Chairperson

(Appointed by the Group)

Charlie Tawhiao (Ngāi Te Rangi)


Tangata Whenua Members


Two appointed representative each:


Ngāti Ranginui

Te Pio Kawe


Ngāti Pūkenga

Rehua Smallman

Keepa Smallman

Ngāi Te Rangi

Pia Bennett

Council Members


Four appointed representatives from:


Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Cr Matemoana McDonald

Cr Kat Macmillan

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen (alternate)


Two appointed representatives each:


Tauranga City Council

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Commissioner Bill Wasley

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Cr Murray Grainger

Cr Allan Sole

Observer – Department of Conservation

Raponi Wilson (covering for Jeff Milham from June 2023)


The Advisory Group is not required to follow Standing Orders

Meeting frequency


The Tauranga Moana Advisory Group acts under a partnership agreement between iwi and local authorities and the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Statement of Purpose. The Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Deed of Settlement, once passed into law, will require a Tauranga Moana Governance Group to be established. To prepare for the Governance Group, this Tauranga Moana Advisory Group has been established. The Advisory Group meet, share information and provide direction to staff of partner agencies until replaced by the Governance Group.

He aha ai - Purpose

Whanaungatanga and kaitiakitanga are the basis on which we want to move forward together.

To continue building strong working relationships to support and enhance the health of our harbour and catchments.

Ngā turanga - Role

The role of participants in the Advisory Group is to:

§    Whakataurite - coordinate: oversee and contribute to the work that partners do in the harbour and catchments

§    Whakarongo - listen: ensure the views of the hapu, iwi and wider community are represented in the work we do

§    Whakawhanaungatanga - involve: promote and support hapū, iwi and the wider community participating in our work

§    Whakatohatoha - share: provide regular updates to, and share information with partners

§    Whakakotahi - integrate: promote the integration of our work so we can achieve our purpose together

Power to Recommend

To the partner organisations on any matters within the Advisory Group’s delegated role as it deems appropriate.

Tauranga Moana Advisory Group members report directly to their respective organisations.


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group                                   8 September 2023

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as policy until adopted.

Rārangi Take

1.      Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

2.      Ngā Hōnea

3.      Wāhanga Tūmatanui
Public Forum

4.      Ngā Take Tōmuri
Items not on the Agenda

5.      Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business

6.      Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

7.      Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed

7.1      Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 9 June 2023                                            2

8.      Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpū
Update from Partners

8.1      Ngāi Te Rangi

8.2      Ngāti Ranginui

8.3      Ngāti Pūkenga

8.4      Western Bay of Plenty District Council

8.5      Tauranga City Council

8.6      Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Will include commentary on the Te Whatu Ora NZ Health Mount Airshed report.

9.      Ngā Whakamārama a Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

9.1      Department of Conservation

Presented by: Raponi Wilson – Operations Manager.

10.    Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates

10.1    Te Mana o Te Wai Update

Presented by: Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi.

10.2    Port of Tauranga Update

Presented by: Dan Kneebone - GM Property and Infrastructure.

10.3    Wairoa River Valley Strategy Update

Presented by: Bay of Plenty Regional Council Staff. Information for this update will be circulated prior to the hui.

11.    Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only

11.1    Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update                                                     2

Attachment 1 - Te Raranga Wā - Timeline          2

Attachment 2 - Surface and Groundwater Allocation Status Maps - Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit                               2

Attachment 3 - A Framework for a Future Focussed Plan (Portals Approach)                       2

12.    Report Back/Discussion

12.1    Tauranga Moana Strategic Document - Initial Learnings and Observations

Presented by: Antoine Coffin, Manager, Spatial Planning BOPRC. Information for this item will be circulated prior to the hui.


12.    Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro
Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

13.    Rā Hui Whai Ake: 1 December 2023
Next Meeting Date: 1 December 2023

14.    Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

 Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes

9 June 2023


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 9 June 2023, 9.30 am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC) - Appointed at the Meeting

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Charlie Tawhiao - Ngāi Te Rangi - Appointed at the Meeting

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi

Te Pio Kawe - Ngāti Ranginui

Commissioner Bill Wasley - Tauranga City Council (TCC)

Cr Kat Macmillan - BOPRC

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen (Alternate) - BOPRC (via Zoom)

Cr Allan Sole - Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Cr Murray Grainger - WBOPDC

Raponi Wilson - Department of Conservation (DOC) in place of Jeff Milham – Observer

In Attendance:            Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services BOPRC; Radleigh Cairns – Drainage Services Manager TCC; Jim Summers – Environmental Programme Leader TCC; Shadrach Rolleston on behalf of Ministry for the Environment (MfE) (via Zoom); Isabella Wilson and Rohario Murray – MfE (via Zoom); Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning BOPRC, Tone Nerdrum Smith – Committee Advisor BOPRC

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Paula Thompson – BOPRC; Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston – TCC (Attended via Zoom on behalf of MfE); Rehua Smallman - Ngāti Pūkenga; Keepa Smallman - Ngāti Pūkenga; Jeff Milham - DOC Observer  


Opening Statement

Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services opened the hui, welcomed those present and advised that he would be chairing the hui until the Chairperson had been appointed.

1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1       Accepts the apology from Cr Thompson, Cr Rolleston (attending for MfE), Rehua Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga) and Keepa Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga) tendered at the meeting.



3.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

4.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Received


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 16 September 2022

Matters Arising

Noted that the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Action Plan was reflected in today’s agenda item: Discussion Paper for the Strategic Direction



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1       Receives the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 16 September 2022.



5.     Ngā Pūrongo

Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana
Decisions Required


New Triennium: Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson and Other Meeting Matters

Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services facilitated the process for appointing a Chairperson for the Advisory Group.


Nominations for Chairperson:


Nominations were called for the appointment of the Chairperson.


Cr McDonald was nominated for the position. No further nominations were received. 



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1       Receives the report, New Triennium: Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson and Other Meeting Matters;

2       Elects Cr Matemoana McDonald as the Chairperson for the 2022-2025 term.



Reuben Fraser vacated the chair and Cr McDonald assumed the chair.

Nominations for Deputy Chairperson:

The Chair called for nominations for the position of a Deputy Chairperson.


Charlie Tawhiao was nominated for the position. No further nominations were received. 

3       Elects Charlie Tawhiao as the Deputy Chairperson for the 2022-2025 term.






4       Notes its membership as:

a)      Ngāti Ranginui: Te Pio Kawe and one vacancy;

b)      Ngāti Pūkenga: Rehua Smallman and Keepa Smallman;

c)      Ngāi Te Rangi: Charlie Tawhiao and Pia Bennett;

d)      Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Cr Matemoana McDonald, Cr Kat Macmillan, Cr Paula Thompson, and Cr Andrew von Dadelszen (alternate);

e)      Tauranga City Council: Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston and Commissioner Bill Wasley;

f)       Western Bay of Plenty District Council: Cr Murray Grainger and Cr Allan Sole;

g)      Observer – Department of Conservation: Jeff Milham.

5       Confirms the following meeting dates for the remainder of 2023:

·        Friday 8 September 2023;

·        Friday 1 December 2023. 



6.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpū
Update from Partners

6.1    Ngāi Te Rangi

Charlie Tawhiao - Key Points:

·    Settlement progress was currently slow due to the aspects of the settlement that were giving status to Iwi/Hapū outside Tauranga with historical, rather than current relationship/connection with Tauranga

·    Kaumatua had presented alternative options to the Minister for Treaty Negotiations that could enable settlement to proceed and at the same time protect local interest, with the Minister expressing a level of interest that provided hope for progress.

6.2    Ngāti Ranginui

Te Pio Kawe - Key Points:

·    Ngāti Ranginui were keen to reach agreement and settle the claims negotiations

·    Noted that that the Deed of Settlement could not progress into law unless there was support from Ngāi Te Rangi, which could not yet be achieved

·    Noted that Ngāti Pūkenga had already reached a satisfactory settlement.

In Response to Questions:

·    Supported the mana whenua issue raised by Ngā Te Rangi, and recognised that the Tauranga Moana management framework could not be established/implemented until agreement had been reached with the Crown

·    Information circulated by BOPRC Toi Moana regarding the Iwi/Hapū Management Plans provided a strong starting point for the strategic discussion.

6.3    Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Cr Murray Grainger - Key Points:

·    Council was currently undertaking ground testing in preparation for replacing the wharf/jetty at Pane Pane Point

·    Had recently commenced pine tree harvesting at the Point

·    The draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 and Representation Review were both in their early engagement phase to seek community feedback.

Cr Allan Sole - Key Points:

·    Work was progressing on the development at the end of Beach Road, Katikati to increase access to the harbour, with the existing jetty being replaced

·    Noted the significant weather damage to Kauri Point Historical Reserve

·    There was budget allocation in the 2024 financial year to enhance and provide information regarding the history of the Reserve

·    The recent major weather event in Waihī Beach had had a significant impact on the community and the natural environment, e.g. silt deposits

·    Acknowledged the damage to coastal structures and loss of land due to erosion.

6.4    Tauranga City Council

Radleigh Cairns Drainage Services Manager - Key Points:

·    The Kopurererua Stream alignment was progressing on schedule, with two bridges having been installed

·    Wetland development as part of the alignment project would take place the coming planting season

·    Interpretive story boards for Gordon Carmichael Reserve had been ordered and would be brought to a future meeting of the Advisory Group for information.

Commissioner Bill Wasley- Key Points:

·    Noted the recent changes to the Three Waters model from four to 10 entities

·    Tauranga City Council would deliver an early LTP 2024-2034, with consultation taking place in November/December 2023, and adoption in March/April 2024

·    Water conservation had not been required this summer due to the wet weather. However, Council’s water conservation plan focussed on long-term behaviour change in preparation for dry weather conditions, and such change commenced during the wet seasons

·    Significant work progressing at Te Maunga waste treatment plant to increase capacity and efficiencies

·    The interface between the Mount Industrial area and the surrounding residential area was being reviewed and monitored

·    A legal opinion had been received by Council regarding the change of land use in the Mount Industrial area, with this matter being an item for the next meeting of the Advisory Group (an action form the April 2023 SmartGrowth Leadership Group meeting). The legal opinion had also been provided to Whareroa Marae.

6.5    Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Cr McDonald – Key Points:

·    Recognised the updates from the partners and the importance of a collaborative approach

·    Such collaboration should be extended beyond the Advisory Group Members to ensure the community was well informed and included. This was particularly important when Members fulfilled more than the role on the Group.

Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services – Key Points:

·    Noted the discussion document prepared for today’s strategic direction workshop

·    Noted the freshwater management drop-in public session taking place in the Chambers foyer at 12.00 pm

·    BOPRC Toi Moana was enhancing its ability to respond to oil spill through its marine services by establishing new and fit for purpose facilities at end of The Strand (by the Matapihi rail bridge)

·    Focus on improving water quality was supported by 11 new Active Environmental Plans across the Bay of Plenty region

·    Had worked with Tauranga City Council to remove and dispose of two large, deteriorating vessels at Tauranga Marina that represented an environmental risk.

Action for Next Meeting:

·    Waihī Beach remediation work update/information to be provided at the next meeting, including visual updates/illustrations of the damage.

10.26 am – The meeting adjourned.

10.49 am – The meeting reconvened.

7.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

7.1    Department of Conservation

Raponi Wilson (in place of Jeff Milham) - Key Points:

·    Would be replacing Jeff Milham, who would for a period of time be seconded to another role, as the Department of Conservation Observer

·    Attendance today was primarily to listen and learn, with the intent to continue and grow the existing foundation

·    Noted the ongoing environmental impact of the current extreme weather events.

Key Points - Members:

·    Noted and looked forward to the continued cooperation between the Advisory Group and the Department of Conservation.

8.     Whakaaturanga


Presentation: Resource Management Reforms  Ministry for the Environment)

Presentation - Resource Management Reforms MfE - 9 June 2023: Objective ID A4406138   

Presented by: Shadrach Rolleston, Isabella Wilson and Rohario Murray - Ministry for the Environment (via Zoom)


Key Points:

·    Would normally attend the meeting in his capacity as a Tauranga City Council Commissioner, however, was supporting the Crown in upholding the treaty settlement, and was accordingly stepping away from  the Advisory Group for the time being to ensure there was no conflict of interest.

Key Points - Presentation:

·    Resource Management Reforms

·    New Legislation

·    Comparison with the RMA System

·    Plan making in the new system

·    Tauranga Moana Framework

·    Potential transition to the new system

·    Amending the Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Settlement Deeds.

Key Points - Members:

·    Noted that the new structure would mirror that of the Rangitāiki River Forum and Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group.

In Response to Questions:

·    Under the new legislative framework, i.e. when settlement had been reached, a potential structure included the establishment of a Regional Planning Committee (refer slide 10 of presentation)

·    Regional Planning Committee would need to recognise and provide for the Tauranga Moana Strategic Document/Plan, which was yet to be developed

·    The transition to the new legislative framework was expected to take up to 10 years

·    Noted that there could be a combination of elected and appointed officials on the Regional Planning Committee.

Key Points - Members:

·    Concerned that the establishment of further committees would not effectively address and resolve the current resource management challenges the legislative reforms were intended to rectify

·    Queried if handing over decision making responsibilities to appointed official could affect the close relationship between the Advisory Group and the communities it represented.



9.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Workshop Discussion: Strategic Direction for Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Tabled Document 1 - Discussion Document_huarahi ki te pae_TMAG - 9 June 2023: Objective ID A4393938   

Led by Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana.


Key Points:

·    The discussion paper was intended to generate discussion, rather than seeking a decision

·    Recognised the window of opportunity for the development of the Strategic Document/Plan as outlined in the earlier MfE presentation

·    Recognised the opportunity to shape the future of Tauranga Moana for future generations/our mokopuna

·    Noted there were different approaches to strategic development, with the traditional being the development of an overarching strategic document which generated actions (e.g. as for Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority)

·    Changing a status quo was challenging and required determination, clear and agreed direction, and a brave mindset

·    The discussion needed to be ‘big’, i.e. mountain to sea/water from the sky/interconnections

·    A focussed approach to reaching solutions on select key issues was often more valuable and successful than being spread to thinly over a number of goals as the overall outcome may be less successful

·    Recognised the legislative changes and levers that could be pulled and how they would affect the strategic direction the Advisory Group chose to pursue.

Key Points - Members:

·    Recognised that the Advisory Group, although not yet a formal co-governance entity, had the ambition and drive to place itself in a position where it was ready for the settlement to occur

·    The thinking was that developing a Strategic Document would be the appropriate path, however also recognised that the Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group was currently exploring alternative options being an Aspiration Document to feed into the National Policy Framework

·    Recognised the importance and relevance of the Waikato River Document

·    Suggested that a combination of options 3-5 as identified in the paper would be the best way forward

·    Supported the ‘do something’ option, with the preferred approach being the development of a Strategic Document

·    Recognised that there were a number of documents/plans for the Advisory Group to review to ascertain the best way forward

11.45 am – Commissioner Wasley withdrew from the meeting.

·    Recognised the importance of the legislative reforms in that the new Regional Planning Committee would have to recognise and provide for the Strategic Document of the Advisory Group

·    Encouraged the Advisory Group to be drivers and leaders, rather than followers

·    One of the largest pieces of work/responsibility would be to ensure iwi/hapū were walking alongside the Advisory Group in the development of the Strategic Document as this would be essential to a successful outcome.

Next Steps:

·    Staff to report back at next meeting (Friday 8 September 2023) what the development of a strategic document would entail. This information to be circulated well in advance of the meeting (minimum two weeks) so members can be well prepared for the kōrero at the meeting

·    The development of a Strategic Document should include clear action plans to be implemented in support of the health of Tauranga Moana

·    Draw on learnings from enacted co-governance entities, i.e. the documents/plans referenced in the discussion paper

·    A multifaceted/layered development approach that could run simultaneously should be considered

·    Staff to circulate the Tauranga City Council legal opinion regarding the change of land-purpose/managed retreat in the Mount Industrial area.


10.   Rā Hui Whai Ake: 8 September 2023
Next Meeting Date:8 September 2023

11.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Raponi Wilson.


12.07 pm – the meeting closed.






                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group






Pūrongo Ki:
Report To:

Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Rā Hui:
Meeting Date:

8 September 2023

Kaituhi Pūrongo:
Report Writer:

Glenys Kroon, Senior Policy Analyst (Water Policy) and Margaret Courtney, Senior Advisor

Kaiwhakamana Pūrongo:
Report Authoriser:

Namouta Poutasi, General Manager, Strategy and Science


To provide the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group an update on freshwater policy work underway in the draft Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit.



Essential Freshwater Policy Programme update


Executive Summary

This report provides the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group (TMAG) with an update on Toi Moana’s Essential Freshwater Policy Programme (EFPP). This programme is to implement the requirements of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM) in the Tauranga Moana FMU, primarily via changes to the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) and Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP). The programme includes:

·          Technical work and policy development

·         Tangata whenua and community engagement

·          Tangata whenua involvement.  Several iwi-led projects are now funded and launched. 

·          The communication and engagement events held to date. 

·          The proposed ‘portals’ approach for incorporating future mātauranga into the RNRP plan change.

The continued involvement and feedback of TMAG (as a forum but also as individual members) is welcome on all aspects of the programme and particularly the ‘portals’ approach.


Ngā tūtohutanga

That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1       Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme update.



1.      He Whakamārama

The Essential Freshwater Policy Programme (EFPP) is Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s (Toi Moana) work programme to implement the requirements of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM), primarily via changes to the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) and Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP). Staff last updated the TMAG at the 16 September 2022 meeting. This report includes both region-wide programme matters and issues and options relating to the Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit (FMU). 

The Tauranga Moana FMU includes all catchments that drain into the Tauranga harbour, including Matakana Island.

Map showing Toi Moana FMUs.



2.      Implementation update

The EFPP continues to be implemented according to the agreed programme plan which set public engagement as the primary focus of 2023. 

The technical work and policy options that were the focus of 2021 and 2022 are still progressing although there has been some slippage. Ongoing national regulatory changes are adding complexity and delivery challenges to an already very demanding work programme.

A request to extend the notification date for the freshwater plan change (from June to December 2024) was agreed to by the Strategy and Policy Committee on 14 February, because our ability to deliver a complete plan change to a reasonable standard would otherwise be compromised.

Consultation with iwi and hapū on content including vision, outcomes, policy issues and options is still being sought. Staff maintain an open invitation for tangata whenua to make contact to discuss freshwater in whatever way works best for them. Staff acknowledge iwi and hapū have competing priorities and for some, limited capacity and capability to attend to all environmental matters including the impending regulatory changes.

However, there is still substantial policy options material to engage on and it is important to progress this so that public feedback can be genuinely considered and assessed prior to making policy recommendations to Council for decision in late 2023 and early 2024.   Community engagement is discussed in section 2.6.


2.1      Progress on technical work relating to water quality and quantity

Technical work to assist identifying management options and limits relating to freshwater health has been undertaken. Water quality issues identified in this FMU includes:

·     Sedimentation of estuaries

·     Bacterial contamination affecting swimming site and mahinga kai

·     Heavy metal contamination in urban/industrial areas

Draft minimum flows for surface water, based on retaining regionally consistent levels of habitat for target fish species have been identified. A preliminary review of science relating to groundwater has indicated that in some units in the northern Tauranga Moana FMU are over allocated. Further work, including a review of trends in monitoring bores and an assessment of actual use compared to allocation are underway. Attachment 2 contains maps showing current and proposed allocation status for Tauranga Moana FMU.

2.2      The Portals approach

Under the NPSFM 2020 and Te Mana o Te Wai, there is an implicit assumption that specific cultural values and attributes (such as those that identify mahinga kai) would be available. However, engagement process to date has produced broad information to enable policy development but limited specific detail. To meet the intent of the NPSFM regarding Māori freshwater values, we need to identify how future cultural material will be incorporated into the plan change.


These future processes to incorporate Māori freshwater values into the plan are as important or more important as the journey to date. The processes will increase in importance as partnership relationships build and cultural information becomes more accessible. Therefore, the plan is being designed to provide portals or gateways for tangata whenua to contribute Mātauranga to processes and decision-making. The term “portal” is used in the sense of being “an entrance, entry point, or means of entry”. Sometimes, regardless of the amount of information made available to Council, local engagement, and assessment by tangata whenua will still be needed.

These portals would provide for Māori Freshwater values to be considered in resource management processes and decisions. The portals process will initiate conversations and engagement and will presume the presence of cultural values and attributes that will influence consenting outcomes.

It is noted that the absence of numeric or quantifiable provisions for Māori freshwater values in the future plan will add cost and complexity to processing of resource consents, as well as increasing the consultation burden to tangata whenua. The paper is provided at Attachment 3.

2.3      First round of Hui-a-Rohe

The first round of Hui ā rohe events were held in May 2023. For Mauao 26 participants attended out of 38 who had pre-registered. Hui were also held in Ōkurei (Rotorua) and Kōhī (Whakatāne).  These hui proved to be an effective means to communicate to tangata whenua on the NPSFM, our progress towards implementation including the critical opportunities that lie within Te Mana o te Wai, the mahinga kai compulsory value and work towards a responsive RNRP.

The hui also highlighted the tangible opportunities for tangata whenua and kaitiaki to help inform regional freshwater decision making.  Attendees particularly enjoyed the iwi presentations. Ngāti Rangiwewehi presented at the Ōkurei hui ā rohe in Rotorua, John Rapana from Ngati Makino presented at the Kōhī hui ā rohe and Pia Bennett presented the Tauranga Moana project at the Mauao hui ā rohe.  These presentations provided a good understanding of how some iwi have approached this kaupapa.

The presentations were a valuable catalyst that has generated additional interest from tangata whenua about how they could potentially participate.  The audience at these hui ā rohe events are at varying stages of their wai Māori journey and the kōrero reflected that.  There were some robust discussions about allocation, the draft FMUs and the current state of the health of freshwater, water bodies and the surrounding environment.

Toi Moana staff made a particular effort to clarify and delineate the NPSFM / EFPP scope, Te Mana o te Wai and its associated work programmes from other hot topics such as Affordable Waters, the question of water ownership and resource management reforms.  This was extremely valuable to focus discussions on implementing the NPSFM whilst acknowledging the importance of other kaupapa to tangata whenua.


2.4      Upcoming targeted engagement in September

Staff are currently planning a round of targeted engagement with iwi, hapū and tangata whenua to be held in September.

As noted above staff maintain an open invitation to iwi, hapū and tangata whenua to engage with us, when they are ready to do so. Where there are requests for further engagement, these requests have been and will continue to be followed up by staff. 

2.5      Te Mana o Te Wai – Ministry for Environment Funded project for Tauranga Moana

A number of BOPRC staff are supporting the establishment of a “by Māori, for Māori” freshwater project centred around Tauranga Moana - Ko Wai Matou. The primary objectives of the programme are to 1) build the capacity and capability of Māori to participate in and make decisions for freshwater management, including implementation of Government’s Essential Freshwater reforms and 2) to help Māori improve the health of the freshwater bodies that are of importance to them.

At the Regional Council hui held on 9 August 2023, Councillors approved the financial and administration arrangements to support the Te Mana o Te Wai Project for Tauranga Moana. The Councillors also endorsed the Chief Executive to sign the funding agreement between the Ministry for Environment and Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Tauranga Māori Advisory Group Iwi Representatives, a collective comprising Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pūkenga.

To secure the funding for this work into the region, MfE agreed that the Council could act as the interim fund holder until such time as a legal entity is established by Tauranga Moana. All activities under the funding agreement will then pass to that new entity.

The project itself will be overseen by a Project Steering Group made up of three Tauranga Moana iwi leaders and one representative from Toi Moana. Operationally, the project will be delivered by the ‘Ko Wai Matou” project team made up of a project lead, project coordinator, 4 hapū project leads, 18 kaitiaki assessors and 3 flow technicians, who will implement and deliver the project on the ground. The project covers four koawa identified in the map below numbers 2 to 5.

   A small, dedicated team of Council staff will support the project lead to establish the project.

2.6      Community Engagement

Over the last few months Tauranga Harbour has been the focus of freshwater community engagement. This engagement finishes in September. This will help shape freshwater policy for the Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit. As Kaitiaki, TMAG has an important role in freshwater management, particularly in the future as arrangements directed by the NPSFM begin to play out.

Section 3.4 of the NPSFM - Tangata whenua involvement requires Councils to work with tangata whenua and consider how to better involve them in freshwater management. This includes how to be actively involved in decision-making processes relating to Māori freshwater values, helping confirm the application of Te Mana o te Wai in the rohe, considering transfer of powers, working with tangata whenua around the incorporation of Mātauranga into plans.  These are important aspects of the NPSFM that align well with TMAG’s strategic intent. Council would welcome any guidance able to be provided on these things.

Alongside the Hui ā-Rohe events held in May, public engagements in the form of drop-in sessions were also held across the region. This public engagement process is nearly complete and has been made all the more complex by the release of new national regulations and the national election period. Council is still required however, to meet the legislated December 2024 deadline for notifying freshwater related plan changes.

Our public engagement process has:

·       Acknowledged the multiple changes affecting the rural sector in particular.

·       Remained objective and impartial.

·       Being open to receiving a wide range of feedback, some of which has been negative.

·       Explained national regulations as well as the draft regional issues and options, and to help people to navigate these to the extent we can.

·       Delivered genuine engagement to the best that we can in the time, resources, and context that we have.


3.      Ngā Whakaarohanga

3.1      Ngā Mōrea me Ngā Whakangāwaritanga
Risks and Mitigations

There are a number of risks and issues associated with the freshwater policy process. These range from pressure on resourcing through to engagement fatigue.

Specifically in relation to kaupapa Māori, we are aware that many tangata whenua groups have projects intended to deliver into the freshwater policy process, but that timelines to do so are very tight. Staff are working to understand where timelines can be aligned.

3.2      Huringa Āhuarangi
Climate Change

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts. Climate change impacts will be considered by Toi Moana as part of implementing the NPSFM and reviewing the RNRP.

3.3      Ngā Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori

The NPSFM 2020 clearly sets out increased expectation of the active involvement of tangata whenua in freshwater management, and provision for cultural values and mātauranga Māori.

Staff acknowledge the various pressures on iwi, hapū and tangata whenua, their time, capacity, and capability to address the numerous environment kaupapa and the legislative reforms that are being carried out.

Toi Moana staff however, continue to maintain an open invitation and support to iwi and hapū to the extent they want to be involved or have capacity to be involved. Tangata whenua engagement will continue throughout 2023 and staff are maintaining a good faith approach to implementing the aspirations of the NPSFM.


3.4      Ngā Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications

There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.


Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps

1.      Feedback from TMAG regarding the proposed portals approach is encouraged.

2.      Draft RNRP plan change text will be available for feedback from tangata whenua in early 2024.

3.      Note the approval of the financial and administrative arrangements by Council in respect of the MfE funded Tauranga Moana project, as an interim measure until such time as Tauranga Moana establish a legal entity.

4.      Please encourage participation in any BOPRC hui and community workshops.



Tuhinga Tautoko

Attachment 1 - Te Raranga Wā - Timeline

Attachment 2 - Surface and Groundwater Allocation Status Maps - Tauranga Moana Freshwater Management Unit

Attachment 3 - A Framework for a Future Focussed Plan (Portals Approach)  




Tauranga Moana Advisory Group                       8 September 2023

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Tauranga Moana Advisory Group                       8 September 2023

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