Regional Transport Committee Agenda

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Regional Transport Committee will be held in Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga on:

Friday 19 February 2021 COMMENCING AT 1:30 pm




 This meeting will be recorded and available after the meeting on Council’s YouTube Channel: .

Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

11 February 2021



Regional Transport Committee


Chairperson (BOPRC)

Cr Lyall Thurston

Deputy Chairperson (BOPRC)

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Norm Bruning (Alternate)




Mayor Malcolm Campbell

Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui (Alternate)

Ōpōtiki District Council

Mayor Lyn Riesterer

Cr David Moore (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council

Mayor Steve Chadwick

Deputy Mayor David Donaldson (Alternate)

Tauranga City Council


Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Mayor Garry Webber

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour (Alternate)

Whakatāne District Council

Mayor Judy Turner

Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles (Alternate)

External Members


New Zealand Transport Agency

Alternate member to be nominated by NZTA appointed member

David Speirs – Director Regional Relationships

External Advisors


Environmental Sustainability Advisor

Glen Crowther

Freight Advisor

John Galbraith

Road Safety Advisor

Inspector Brent Crowe – Roading Police Manager

Port Advisor

Dan Kneebone – Property and Infrastructure Manager

Ex Officio

Chairman Doug Leeder


Five members, consisting of more than half the number of members




Section 105(1) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 requires every regional council to establish a Regional Transport Committee for its region.


·                Prepare a regional land transport plan, or any significant variation to the plan, for the approval of the Regional Council.

·                Approve any non-significant variation to the regional land transport plan.

·                Adopt a policy that determines significance in respect of:

§  variations made to regional land transport plans under section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003; and       

§  the activities that are included in the regional land transport plan under section 16 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

·                Monitor implementation of the regional land transport plan.

·                Make recommendations in support of land transport activities that are eligible for national funding and align with the regional land transport plan.

·                Co-ordinate, integrate and adopt regional transport and land-use strategies and plans
e.g. sub-regional spatial plans.

·                Provide advocacy on strategic regional and inter-regional transport matters to Central Government and other key stakeholders as appropriate.

·                Provide the Regional Council with any advice and assistance the Regional Council may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.

·                Approve submissions to Central Government, local authorities and other agencies on Regional Transport Committee matters.

·                Monitor and provide advocacy on regional road safety matters.

Committee Procedures

·                Membership consists of two representatives of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, the Mayor of each territorial authority in the region and a representative of the New Zealand Transport Agency.

·                In the case of an equality of votes, the chair, or any other person presiding the meeting does not have a casting vote (and therefore the act or question is defeated and the status quo is preserved).

·                The Regional Transport Committee may appoint external advisors to assist it in the exercise of its specific responsibilities and delegated authority. For the purposes of clarity, external advisors may be given full speaking rights at the discretion of the committee, but are not entitled to vote on committee matters.

·                Under the Local Government Act 2002, the Regional Transport Committee is not defined as a joint committee however, the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 concerning the meetings of committees of regional councils, so far as they are applicable and with the necessary modifications, apply in respect of meetings of the Regional Transport Committee.

Power to Act

To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the committee subject to the limitations imposed.

Power to Recommend

The Regional Transport Committee recommends and reports to the Regional Council.

Regional Transport Committee                                                                                19 February 2021

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.


1.       Apologies

2.       Public Forum

3.       Items not on the Agenda

4.       Order of Business

5.       Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

6.       Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed

6.1      Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 3 December 2020               4

7.       Presentations

7.1      Climate change/ Transport Emissions in the Bay of Plenty Context

Presented by: Glen Crowther - Environmental Sustainability Advisor

8.       Reports

8.1      Chairperson's Report                                                                               4

Attachment 1 - Road safety education and promotion update from sub-regions      4

Attachment 2 - Indicative Work Programme 2021                                                          4

8.2      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency update                                          4

Attachment 1 - Waka Kotahi NZTA Quarterly Update                                                  42

Decisions Required

8.3      Approval of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 and Statement of Proposal for Public Consultation                                    4

Attachment 1 - RTC Resolutions                                                                                        4

Attachment 2 - RLTP Communications and Engagement Plan                                      4

Attachment 3 - RLTP - draft Statement of Proposal and Submission Form                4

Attachment 4 - Draft RLTP 2021 Document - To be circulated under separate cover 4

9.       Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

10.     Verbal Update Opportunity for Members and Advisors



Regional Transport Committee Minutes

3 December 2020


Regional Transport Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Thursday 3 December 2020, 12:00 pm

Venue:                         Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:               Cr Lyall Thurston - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Jane Nees - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Members:                    Cr Norm Bruning – Alternate, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui – Alternate, Kawerau District Council, Mayor Lyn Riesterer - Ōpōtiki District Council (via Zoom), Deputy Mayor David Donaldson – Alternate, Rotorua Lakes Council, Deputy Mayor Tina Salisbury – Tauranga City Council, Mayor Garry Webber - Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles – Alternate, Whakatāne District Council, Cole O’Keefe - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Cr Larry Baldock – Alternate, Tauranga City Council

Councillors:                 Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Cr Paula Thompson, Cr Andrew von Dadelszen, Cr Stacey Rose

                                    Tauranga City Council: Cr Kelvin Clout, Cr John Robson

                                                      Whakatāne District Council: Cr Gavin Dennis

In Attendance:                  Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor, Dan Kneebone – Port of Tauranga Advisor

                                                      Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Namouta Poutasi – General Manager, Strategy and Science, Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate, James Llewellyn – Transport and Urban Planning Manager, Rachel Pinn – Contractor, Andrew Williams – Transport Planner, Amanda Namana – Committee Advisor

Apologies:                  Inspector Brent Crowe – NZ Police, Mayor Malcolm Campbell – Kawerau District Council, Mayor Steve Chadwick – Rotorua Lakes Council, Steve Mutton – Waka Kotahi NZTA


1.     Apologies


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Accepts the apologies from Inspector Brent Crowe – NZ Police, Mayor Malcolm Campbell – Kawerau District Council, Mayor Steve Chadwick – Rotorua Lakes Council and Steve Mutton – Waka Kotahi NZTA tendered at the meeting.



2.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

3.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 7 August 2020



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Confirms the Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 7 August 2020 as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendments:

·      Remove Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson from attendance as he was not present



4.     Reports


Chairperson's Report



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.






Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update

Presentation - Waka Kotahi Update: Objective ID A3685903   

Cole O’Keefe – Lead Strategic Planner, Waka Kotahi NZTA presented this item.

Key Points:

·          A separate session would be held with members via Zoom to cover a number of projects in the region, including the Takitimu North Link

·          The significant impacts of Covid-19 was expected to last for several years, including travel patterns and the drop in revenue for Waka Kotahi

·          Outlined the proposed changes at Pilot Bay and Marine Parade at Mount Maunganui.

Key Points - Members:

·          Noted the late timing of the Waka Kotahi prioritisation framework and the need for the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) to align with this

·          Highlighted concerns over the road condition of State Highway 29 over the Kaimai Ranges and State Highway 36 to Rotorua

·          Design work and the purchase of land would absorb a large proportion of the $933M allocated to the Takitimu North Link project

·          Requested speed management outside of schools in Rotorua to be progressed at pace.


In Response to Questions:

·          Was unable to comment on specific work around the maintenance programme or delays in relation to Takitimu but would respond to the committee on these matters in detail at the Waka Kotahi Zoom session to be held in December 2020

·          Arataki was in place as a ten year outlook and this was a key document in assisting with forming RLTP’s, the next stage of this document would be extended to a 30 year outlook.



Items for Staff Follow Up:

·          An update to come to the next meeting regarding implications of proposed legislative changes from the Strategic Planning Act and potential impacts on the RLTP process going forward.




That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update.




Decisions Required


Appointment of an External Advisor – NZ Automobile Association

Key Points - Members:

·          It was important to consider the structure, role and purpose of the Committee in appointing external advisors.




Items for Staff Follow Up:

·    The Committee requested a report of options for role and function of external advisors including tangata whenua.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Appointment of an External Advisor;

2        Appoints a member of the New Zealand Automobile Association as an external advisor to the Regional Transport Committee




Mayor Webber opposed the motion.





Regional Land Transport Plan Variation - Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review

Transport and Urban Planning Manager James Llewellyn responded to questions.

In Response to Questions:

·       The request was to fund undertaking an indicative business case in the current RLTP - the upcoming draft RLTP would decide whether any further business case work was required.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan Variation - Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review;

2        Approves the proposed variation – Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review – to be included in the Bay of Plenty Regional Land Transport Plan 2018;

3        Determines that the proposed variation is not significant for the purposes of public consultation.




Information Only


Regional Land Transport Plan Annual Report Card 2019/20

Presentation - RLTP Annual Report Card 2019/20: Objective ID A3698196   

Transport and Urban Planning Manager James Llewellyn and Transport Planner Andrew Williams presented this item.

Key Points:

·       State Highway traffic volumes continued to increase across the region

·       There had been approximately 5% growth in traffic volumes per annum on all major corridors

·       Almost 442,000 containers were transported within the region

·       Road fatalities had increased by six from the previous year

·       Nitrogen dioxide levels were a marker for exposure to traffic related emissions.

In Response to Questions:

·       There had been an increase in electric vehicles, however with the overall increase in traffic it was difficult to determine the contribution this made to the lowered emissions recorded

·       The Rotorua site on the nitrogen dioxide slide was located at the corner of Old Taupō Road and Pukuatua Street

·       Clarified that the transport emissions stated on Page 43 of the agenda referred to nitrogen dioxide only.




That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan Annual Report Card 2019/20.




5.     Round the Table – verbal update from members and advisors

Mayor Riesterer – Ōpōtiki District Council

·           Ōpōtiki District Council had completed the road to be used for trucks out to the site for the  Ōpōtiki Harbour development project

·           Waka Kotahi report on page 26 of the agenda correction: a future wharf was not being developed, rather harbour walls or groynes would be developed

·           Expressed safety concerns over the lack of action in reducing speeds on Ōpōtiki state highways as requested.

Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles – Whakatāne District Council


·           Wainui Road safety improvements were well underway

·           Bay of Plenty Regional Council had offered support in principle to work together with Whakatāne District Council on cycle trail opportunities

·           Whakatāne District Council were also interested in working together on the upcoming review of public transport services to the Eastern Bay of Plenty due to commence in 2021

·           Met with Waka Kotahi planners to discuss the upcoming Eastern Bay of Plenty Mode Shift Plan due to commence in 2021

·           Work would be commencing with Waka Kotahi on the Eastern Bay of Plenty speed management review within the next six months

·           Whakatāne access project was nearing completion and would inform improvements for access into and through Whakatāne

·           Requested the Waimana Gorge resilience report be reinstated in the review of Waka Kotahi projects for the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson – Rotorua Lakes Council


·           Noted that drivers had not been adhering to the 30km/hr speed limit imposed at the State Highway 30 Te Ngae Road upgrade which was a concern for the safety of those working on the road.


Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui – Kawerau District Council


·           State Highway 30 speed reviews were a key issue.  Provincial Growth Fund industrial development investment was an opportunity to join these programmes of work together and get them completed

·           Disappointed at the lack of KiwiRail involvement in the Committee.


Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor


·           Commended the Climate Change Action Plan released by Whakatāne District Council and noted its relevance to all Bay of Plenty councils.


Dan Kneebone – Port of Tauranga Advisor


·           The Port was progressing plans for the southern berth extension at Sulphur Point

·           Welcomed the prioritisation of Totara Street and Hewletts Road under the Transport System Plan (TSP).

1:33 pm – the meeting closed.



                                                                                                                                   Cr Lyall Thurston

Chairperson, Regional Transport Committee




Report To:

Regional Transport Committee

Meeting Date:

19 February 2021

Report Authoriser:

Namouta Poutasi



Chairperson's Report


Executive Summary

As we look to the new year, our Long Term Plans and forward work programmes this will be a year of delivery.  Now more so than ever is the importance of working collaboratively to ensure our transport system is aligned sustainable, resilient, efficient, and meets the needs of our diverse and growing communities and regional economy.

The Regional Land Transport Committee work annual work programme is also attached for approval.

This report highlights matters of interest of particular relevance to the Regional Transport Committee.  The report includes an update on Road Safety Education and Promotion across the region, then highlights changes in our operating environment including in Climate Change and with the Resource Management Act reform.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Chairperson's Report;

2        Receives the attachment Regional Road Safety Education and Promotion Update;

3        Approves the Regional Land Transport Committee Work Programme 2021.


1.        Purpose

The purpose of this report is to highlight matters of interest that the Committee Chair considers to be of relevance to the business of the Committee.


2.        Matters of Potential Interest

2.1      Regional Road Safety Education and Promotion

Each of the sub regional road safety clusters work with various road safety partners to deliver programmes targeting road safety issues.  Attachment 1 includes an update on progress of each area: Eastern Bay, Rotorua and the Western Bay.

2.2      Climate Change

In December 2020 the New Zealand Government declared a climate emergency in response to the finding of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that, to avoid a rise in global warming of more than 1.5°C, global emissions need to fall by around 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030 (reaching net zero by around 2050).

In declaring an emergency, New Zealand joins over 1,800 jurisdictions in 32 countries who are committed to reducing emissions to avoid a greater than 1.5°C rise in global warming.

The Climate Change Commission is consulting with the public (from 1 February - 14 March 2021) ona draft first package of advice to the New Zealand Government on the actions it must take to reach net-zero by 2050, and ensure a transition to a low-emissions, climate resilient and thriving Aotearoa.

This package of advice is made up of:

·      The proposed first three emissions budgets and guidance on the first emissions reduction plan, advising the Government on how the emissions budgets could be met.

·      Whether Aotearoa’s first Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with contributing to the global efforts to limit warming above 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

·      Advice on what potential reductions in biogenic methane might be needed in the future (this is not a review of current targets).

In terms of the Regional Transport Committee, these highly significant developments are reflected in the much greater priority now being given to climate change in both the draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) document and the initial prioritised list of activities.  As we move forward into delivery of the next RLTP, both business cases and projects will need to convincingly demonstrate that climate change objectives are being clearly reflected in the outcomes and benefits being realised.

2.3      Resource Management Act Reform

On 10th February 2021 the Government announced the resource management reform package based on the findings of the independent review undertaken in 2020.  The Resource Management Act (RMA) will be repealed and replaced with three new Acts being:

·      The Natural and Build Environments Act

·      The Strategic Planning Act.

·      The Climate Change Adaptation Act

Together, Central Government intends that the new suite of legislation will:

·      protect and restore the environment and its capacity to provide for the wellbeing of present and future generations;

·      better enable development within natural environmental limits;

·      give proper recognition to the principles of Te Tiriti of Waitangi and provide greater recognition of te ao Māori including mātauranga Māori;

·      better prepare for adapting to climate change and risks from natural hazards, and better mitigate emissions contributing to climate change; and

·      improve system efficiency and effectiveness, and reduce complexity while retaining appropriate local democratic input. 

Of particular relevance to the Regional Transport Committee is the Strategic Planning Act which seeks to integrate legislation relevant to development including the Land Transport Management Act, the RMA, the Local Government Act and the Climate Change Response Act.  It will provide strategic and long term approach to how we plan for using land and the coastal marine area with long-term strategies developed.  Council staff are contributing advice into the Ministry for the Environment as part of Local Government input.

Reform process timeframes:

·      May 2021: An exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environment Bill will be agreed by Cabinet and then referred to a special select committee inquiry.   

·      June to September 2021: A special select committee inquiry will consider this exposure draft. The Strategic Planning Bill and Climate Change Adaptation Bill will be developed in a parallel process.

·      Dec 2021: The Natural and Built Environments Bill and the Strategic Planning Bill will be introduced to Parliament in late 2021. A standard select committee process will consider them. The Climate Change Adaptation Act will be developed in a similar timeframe. 

·      December 2022: It is intended that all three pieces of legislation are passed by the end of 2022.


Attachment 1 - Road safety education and promotion update from sub-regions

Attachment 2 - Indicative Work Programme 2021  


Regional Transport Committee                                                                      19 February 2021

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                                       19 February 2021

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Report To:

Regional Transport Committee

Meeting Date:

19 February 2021

Report Writer:

Amanda Namana, Committee Advisor

Report Authoriser:

Namouta Poutasi, General Manager, Strategy & Science


To provide an update from Waka Kotahi



Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency update


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency update.




Attachment 1 - Waka Kotahi NZTA Quarterly Update  


Regional Transport Committee                                                                                       19 February 2021

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Report To:

Regional Transport Committee

Meeting Date:

19 February 2021

Report Writer:

James Llewellyn, Transport & Urban Planning Manager and Andrew Williams, Transport Planner

Report Authoriser:

Namouta Poutasi, General Manager, Strategy & Science


To request Regional Transport Committee (RTC) member approval of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) for public consultation



Approval of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 and Statement of Proposal for Public Consultation


Executive Summary

The Regional Transport Committee (RTC) has gone through a thorough process to develop the draft Regional Land Transport Plan having started in December 2019. This report presents a draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 (draft RLTP 2021), and supporting statement of proposal document for the RTC to consider and approve for public consultation. The report also outlines the proposed approach to consultation and seeks RTC direction on the composition of the RLTP hearings and deliberations sub-committee.  This is a critical decision point for the RTC. 

The draft RLTP 2020 has been updated to address feedback received at the 3 December 2020 RTC workshop.  Further amendments will likely result from the 19 February 2020 RTC workshop preceding this meeting.  Staff will provide a verbal update at the meeting of any additional changes requested. 

The project nears a critical stage and timeframes to completion are now tight to reach the final document deadline of June 2021.

A copy of the draft RLTP 2021 will be circulated under separate cover.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report - Approval of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 and Statement of Proposal for Public Consultation.

2        Approves the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 document and programme, including the following amendments __________ arising from discussion of the report, for public consultation in accordance with the requirements of the Land Transport Management Act 2003;

3        Undertakes a Special Consultative Procedure, as provided for by the Local Government Act, to consult on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021;

4        Approves the statement of proposal, including the consultation questions;

5        Authorises the General Manager Strategy and Science, in consultation with the Chair where appropriate, to make any necessary formatting and minor grammatical changes to the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 and statement of proposal prior to its release to the public; and

6        Appoints a subcommittee to undertake hearings and deliberations on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, comprising of the following representatives: 


1.       Background

The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the Bay of Plenty draft RLTP 2021, a supporting statement of proposal and to undertake a Special Consultative Procedure (SCP). Additionally, the RTC are required to confirm the appointment of a hearings and deliberations committee.

RTC has made a number of decisions that have supported the development of the draft RLTP 2021 to date and a copy of all resolutions are included as Attachment 1 and are summarised in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Regional Transport Committee Regional Land Transport Plan Development Process

In support of developing the draft RLTP 2021, a number of stakeholders identified as directly impacted have been consulted on throughout the development process. This includes each of the region’s Territorial Local Authorities (TLAs) via the Regional Advisory Group (RAG). Staff have also had a number of one to one meetings with technical officers at TLA level, and advisors, throughout the region to ensure the document reflects the aspirations of impacted sector groups, each TLA, the sub-regions, and the region as a whole.


2.       The Draft RLTP 2021

The daft RLTP 2021 sets out a regional 10-year land transport programme and investment strategy.  The key to a successful RLTP investment strategy is that it should:

·      Clearly align with government priorities – as expressed through the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) and Transport Outcomes Framework;

·      Take a system-based approach whereby all transport assets and services work together to deliver outcomes greater than the sum of their parts;

·      Reflect the fact that transport must be integrated with spatial planning in order meet the four well beings – economic, social, environmental and cultural; and

·      Recognise the distinct perspectives, stories and values of the Bay of Plenty and its communities.

The RLTP document supports investment proposals set out in the various programmes, including:

·      Continuous programmes – which deal with ongoing expenditure such as bus services and highway maintenance;

·      Low Cost Low Risk – activities under $2 million; and

·      Significant activities (existing and new) – investments over $2 million

On 03 December 2020, the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) considered and provided feedback on the Bay of Plenty draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 (draft RLTP 2021).  Key feedback was provided and resulted in amendments to the document. Key changes relate to:

•    Emphasising the importance of rail as part of the RLTP

•    Better reflecting the importance of the Port of Tauranga to the region and New Zealand as a whole

•    Updating the document to better reflect that urgent Climate Change action both in terms of adaptation and mitigation is needed

•    Emphasising the Eastern Bay and Rotorua more in the document

•    Providing for better links between investment strategy, key outcomes and the prioritised programme of activities.

•    Providing more detail on the key economic and social challenges for high growth areas and rural communities.

•    Emphasizing investment logic

•    Providing more details on economic function and importance

•    Providing more examples of spatial planning, transport programmes and their benefits.

•    Providing a stronger approach to programme management

•    Emphasising the importance of asset management and maintenance.

The draft RLTP 2021 includes those changes made and will be circulated under separate cover.  A summary of the document is contained in Attachment 3 which will be used to support public consultation. The final RLTP 2021 will need to comply with section 14 of the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA): core requirements of regional land transport plans. To support this compliance, a statement of compliance has been included in the draft RLTP 2021 at Appendix 5.

A further RTC workshop is planned for 19 February and a verbal update will be provided at the meeting of further changes requested if any.

Once the draft RLTP 2021 has been adopted, staff will commence consultation processes.

The draft RLTP 2021 is, in effect, a work in progress up until the time it is submitted to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) by end of June 2021.  This is because the RLTP and its programme of activities can only be confirmed once a number of other planning processes are completed, including finalisation of the Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal, public consultation and development of local authority Long Term Plans (LTPs). The proposed draft RLTP 2021 programme can only be considered affordable once the activities within it are committed by each of the region’s local authorities, via their respective LTPs.

The critical next steps for the RLTP project are:


1.   Approval of the draft RLTP 2021 for consultation (19 February RTC meeting);

2.   Submission period (26 February – 26 March);

3.   Hearings (13-15 April); and

4.   Deliberations (11 May).


3.       Consultation process

In accordance with section 18CA of the LTMA, once RTC has carried out a review of the RLTP, it must have regard to the views of representative groups of land transport users and providers. Therefore, a consultation processes is necessary to fulfil this requirement. Section 18 of the LTMA provides two options for public consultation on an RLTP:

1.  Consult in accordance with section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA 2002) consultation principles; or

2.  Use a special consultative procedure as provided for by section 83 of the LGA 2002.

It is recommended that consultation via a SCP is the most appropriate for the draft RLTP 2021 because:

·      Section 83(1)(a)(ii), notes that where a local authority considers that it is necessary “to enable public understanding of a proposal”, a summary of information via a statement of proposal is required. The draft RLTP 2021 has the potential to significantly impact the region and its communities, therefore, it is deemed necessary to enable public understanding of the proposal via a statement of proposal.  Section 82 does not require a statement of proposal.

·      Section 83 requires that public views on the proposal be provided for not less than one month; and that the statement of proposal is as widely available as is reasonably practicable. Section 82 does not specify a timeframe for feedback or detail how information should be made publically available.

·      Section 83 outlies what “must” be done to fulfil the consultation requirements, whereas, section 82 provides a guide only outlining what “should” be done. Section 83 provides a clearer scope for staff and the RTC.

·      Section 83 necessitates an approach that is robust and ensures that RTC is required to do as much as it can to inform the public and seek its views.

Consultation on the draft Regional Council LTP is scheduled for the same period as that of the draft RLTP 2021. Regional Council is required to undertake an SCP to support developing its LTP. As the LTP is being developed in parallel with the RLTP, this provides an opportunity for efficiencies and enables staff to leverage consultation and communication modes and methods being utilised for both processes.

Staff therefore recommend undertaking option 2; utilising an SCP and adopting a statement of proposal.

3.1      Statement of proposal

A statement of proposal is intended to be a summary of the information contained in the draft RLTP 2021 (pursuant to Section 83AA LGA) and is contained in Attachment 3. It is recommended for adoption for the purpose of public consultation.

It meets the relevant Section 83AA of the LGA which requires that a statement of proposal must:

a.   be a fair representation of the major matters in the statement of proposal; and

b.   be in a form determined by the local authority; and

c.   indicate where the statement of proposal is available; and

d.   state the period within which persons interested in the proposal may present their views to the local authority.

To meet the requirements of section 83 of the LGA, staff have prepared a statement of proposal (Attachment 3), which outlines the following:

·      The RTC requirement under the LTMA to develop an RLTP, or review it, every three years and what an RLTP is;

·      What the “big picture” is, including the region’s transport problems, the draft RLTP 2021 vision, including the objectives, policies and targets that will support achieving the vision;

·      What opportunities and priorities are considered appropriate for the region to progress to support achieving the RLTP vision;

·      How submissions can be made and what questions should be answered by the public; and

·      Key dates on the RLTP process from now until it is adopted by the Regional Council in June.

3.1.1    The consultation questions

RTC must enable public understanding of the proposal. The statement of proposal and its questions will assist the public to understand the document’s intent, strategic direction, and programme to a level that does not require reading the full draft RLTP 2021 document. Alongside the statement of proposal, a copy of the draft RLTP 2021 will also be made publically available.

The questions, as outlined below, aim to test the fundamental concepts and direction of the draft RLTP 2021 with the public. The provision of good information and questions should provide informed responses from the public, ultimately enabling the public’s opinions to permeate the document.

The statement of proposal includes the following questions, as a feedback loop for the submission process:

1.           The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 aims to shift the focus of our investment strategy to better provide for alternative modes of transport (walking, cycling, buses and micro-mobility) and move away from continued car dependency. Do you think this is a positive shift?








2.           Climate change poses a significant challenge to our region. Do you think the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 does enough to support changing the way we travel, provide more sustainable forms of transport, and assist in reducing emissions to contribute to our climate change responsibilities? 








3.           The draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 includes a number of projects, within the prioritised list of activities that aim to reflect a desire to further utilise alternative modes of transport and mitigate the effects of climate change. Do you think the prioritised list of activities will help to achieve these desires?








4.           Do you have any other comments you would like to make regarding the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021? Please elaborate below.


Further comments:


It is recommended that RTC adopt the statement of proposal, alongside the draft RLTP 2021 for consultation.

3.2      Communication and engagement plan

Staff have prepared a communication and engagement plan, included as Attachment 2. It briefly outlines various operational aspects of the consultation programme, including proposed advertising and approaches to engagement with Māori partners, key stakeholders, and the public.

Once the submission period closes, all feedback will be collated, themed, and summarised. The processed submissions will support submitter and stakeholder feedback, hearings, deliberations and submitter amendments to the draft RLTP 2021 before it is finalised.

3.3      Hearings and deliberations

An SCP requires that an opportunity for submitters to present their views in person. Partners, stakeholders and members of the public will be provided with the opportunity to be heard in respect of their submission. Hearings are scheduled for 13-15 April.  Following hearings, deliberations are scheduled for 11 May.

Staff are seeking direction from the RTC about the make-up of the committee for hearings and deliberations. The RTC has the following two options:

1.  The full RTC hears and deliberates on submissions; or


2.  The RTC establishes a smaller sub-committee for this purpose.

The RTC has previously utilised smaller sub-committees for hearings and deliberations when developing the RLTP. These have generally been comprised of elected members, with a Waka Kotahi representative present in an advisory capacity. Staff recommend establishing a sub-committee of five, made up of:

·      The RTC Chair;

·      An RTC representing each of the sub-regions (western Bay, Rotorua and eastern Bay); and

·      A Waka Kotahi representative.

It is recommended that a sub-committee, with members from each of the sub-regions, is an efficient approach that still allows for the region to be represented. The sub-committee will be required to make a recommendation to the RTC based on the hearings and deliberations processes. This will ensure:

·      The RTC is satisfied with proposed changes to the RLTP document recommended by the sub-committee; and 

·      Any perceived risk with the delegation of the hearings and deliberations processes to a sub-committee is mitigated by the Committee itself. 

If the RTC agrees with the recommended approach, a decision is required as to who each of the sub-regional and Waka Kotahi representatives are to be, to form the sub-committee.

4.       Considerations

4.1      Risks and Mitigations

Development of the draft RLTP 2021 is at a critical stage, and timeframes are tight. If the recommendations within this report are not accepted by the Committee, there will be consequent delays which risk delivering the final RLTP by the June 2021 deadline. If the Committee decide to take an alternative consultation approach to that recommended implications would need to be considered however its likely there could be a risk to delivery. 

With consultation on both RLTP and LTP occurring in unison, the communications of each need to be distinct and ensure the public is not confused by one, over another. The RLTP communications team is aware of this risk and will ensure it is mitigated by clearly explaining each plan’s purpose while ensuring advertising and website information uses different graphic design and imagery.

4.2      Climate Change


The draft RLTP 2021 document features a significant focus on climate change and this is reflected in the statement of proposal.

4.3      Implications for Māori

The development of the RLTP sets out the region’s proposed land transport programme and seeks funding for activities included.  Therefore, the RLTP has a range of impacts on Māori and Council partnerships with Māori. It is vital that the RTC engage with Māori effectively during the development of the RLTP to ensure it takes into account and reflects Māori aspirations. The RTC is well placed to actively engage Māori through consultation processes with requests for iwi submissions, the provision of information via channels, and targeted engagement. Further information on the approach to Māori engagement is included in the communications and engagement plan (Attachment 2)

4.4      Community Engagement


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To obtain input or feedback from affected communities about our analysis, alternatives, and /or proposed decisions.

This paper outlines the proposed approach to directly consult with the public on the draft RLTP 2021.

4.5      Alignment with Strategic Framework

The development of the RLTP directly contributes to the Vibrant Region Community Outcome in the Council’s Long Term Plan 2018-2028.

The LTMA requires every regional council to establish an RTC; and also sets the functions of the RTC and a mandate for preparing the RLTP. The RLTP supports regional collaboration on transport issues and the provision of a more effective and efficient transport network. This ultimately supports the Regional Council’s strategic framework and specifically the Vibrant Region outcome within the Long Term Plan 2018-2028.

Financial Implications

The development of the RLTP is being undertaken within the current budget for the Transport Planning Activity in the Regional Council’s Long Term Plan 2018-2028.

5.       Next Steps

The following table sets out a proposed timeline for consultation and approval of the final RLTP. The next phase in development of the RLTP will be to undertake consultation as provided for by a SCP.  This requires a four week consultation and submission period before hearings and deliberations.



19 February

RTC meeting: approve the draft RLTP for consultation

26 Feb – 26 Mar

Submission period

13-15 April


11 May


28 May

RTC meeting: recommend final RLTP to Regional Council

17 June

Regional Council meeting: approve RLTP or refer back to RTC

30 June

Final RLTP submitted to Waka Kotahi

30 August

Waka Kotahi releases 2021/24 National Land Transport Plan



Attachment 1 - RTC Resolutions

Attachment 2 - RLTP Communications and Engagement Plan

Attachment 3 - RLTP - draft Statement of Proposal and Submission Form

Attachment 4 - Draft RLTP 2021 Document - To be circulated under separate cover  


Regional Transport Committee                                                                      19 February 2021

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                      19 February 2021

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                      19 February 2021

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                      19 February 2021


Attachment 4


Item 8.3


Draft RLTP 2021 Document - To be circulated under separate cover