Informal Workshop Notes

LTP 2023- 2024 Workshop 5

Regional Council

Held:                            9:30am, Tuesday 19 September 2023, Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:               Chairman Doug Leeder

Deputy Chairperson:  Deputy Chairperson Jane Nees

Present:                       Cr Malcolm Campbell

Cr Stuart Crosby

Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Cr Matemoana McDonald

Cr Kat Macmillan

Cr Ron Scott

Cr Ken Shirley

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Lyall Thurston (via Zoom)

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Cr Te Taru White

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:            Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive; Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate; Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Namouta Poutasi – General Manager Strategy & Science; Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services; Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager – Strategic Engagement (via Zoom); Karen Aspey - Director, People & Leadership; Kumaren Perumal - Chief Financial Officer; Olive McVicker – Corporate Performance Team Lead; Jenny Teeuwen – Committee Advisor.


1.     Introduction

For LTP 2024- 2034 Workshop 5, direction was sought on the following components to create version two (V2) draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (DLTP) budget:

1.        each of the Forecasting Assumptions in Table 1;

2.        each Activity, and the preferred scenario to use;

3.        each Activity as to the preferred funding mix; and

4.        any other aspect of the Draft LTP.




2.     Discussion


Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Financial Estimates and Related Material

Presented by:     Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive

Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate

Kumaren Perumal – Chief Financial Officer

Presentation:     LTP Workshop No. 5: Objective ID A4484847  


Key Points – Staff

·         Overview of where Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (Regional Council) currently was in the 2024-2034 Draft Long Term Plan (DLTP) process and what was expected from today’s workshop.  Any overflow from today’s workshop would be forwarded to a DLTP workshop scheduled for 26 September 2023.

·         Explained the bubble diagram which would continue to be refined throughout the DLTP process.

·         Outlined the six significant forecasting assumptions for version one (V1) of the DLTP.  These would be updated as required.

·         Outlined Rates assumptions – general and targeted.

·         Explained the funding “Gap” between the 2023/24 Annual Plan and DLTP V1.

·         Outlined efficiencies and cost savings that had been taken into account.

·         Provided context for the three scenarios.  Where possible, the scenarios had been linked to the Goals and Objectives.

·         Direction was sought to identify the scenario to be applied to each activity, and if any other scenarios were possible.

Key Points – Members

·         Needed to be thinking and looking at regional and city deals – collaborating not only with central government, but also the private sector, philanthropic trusts, iwi etc.

·         The new government elected in October 2023 would be looking to help those councils that were “first in, best dressed”.  Regional Council needed to be in that space.

·         Believed Regional Council still had collective wealth/resources and it was about how this was used; however, would like to see a three year transition into a balanced budget.

·         It was important that Regional Council did not lose sight of the changing environment that we were living in.

10.26am – the workshop adjourned.

10.45am – the workshop reconvened.

In Response to Questions

·         Strategic goals had been prioritised for the first three years (as discussed at a previous workshop), and had more weighting in terms of the scenarios.

·         The Quayside dividend would be as stated in their Statement of Intent (SOI)  (adopted in June 2023), until advised otherwise.

·         Operational expenditure funding for business as usual would not come from reserves, but one-off projects/grants that fell under operational expenditure would come from reserves.

·         The Consumers Price Index (CPI) adjustment had been added in for each year.  These would be updated as things changed.

·         Version two of the DLTP would factor in the deliverability of the capital programme.

·         A list of the projects approved for reserves use (Table 3, Page 9 of the workshop paper) would be provided to the Councillors.

·         The opening balance of the Regional Reserves Fund for 2023/24 would be provided to Councillors as soon as it was available.

Direction Provided

Healthy Catchments

·         Biosecurity – Scenario 1 and 2 – and requested that staff continued to look for other sources of funding.

·         Rotorua Catchments – Scenario 1

·         Catchments (incl Regional Parks) – Scenario 2 - and requested that staff continued to look for other sources of funding.

12.08pm - The Chairperson vacated the chair and withdrew from the workshop and the Deputy Chair assumed the chair.

12.16pm - The Chairperson entered the workshop and resumed the chair.

·         Freshwater Programme – new category and placeholder only, no proposed budget at this stage.  It was expected that the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) budget would eventually be transferred into this space.

·         Climate Change – Scenario 1

12.39pm - The workshop adjourned.

12.39pm – Cr Campbell withdrew from the workshop.

1.10pm - The workshop reconvened.

Regulatory Services

·         Resource Consents – Scenario 2

·         Regulatory Compliance – Scenario 1

·         Maritime Operations – Scenario 2 – with no reduction in summer patrols.

·         Emergency Management – Scenario 1

1.22pm – Cr Campbell entered the workshop.

Democracy, Engagement and Community Participation

·         Governance Services – Scenario 2

·         Community Engagement – Scenario 1


·         Transport Delivery – Scenario 1 – with a more in depth discussion at a future workshop.

·         Transport Planning – Scenario 1 – with a more in depth discussion at a future workshop.

Regional Planning and Development

·         Policy and Planning – Scenario 1

·         Spatial Planning – on hold - will require further discussion post the October 2023 general election.

·         Regional Development – Scenario 3

·         Te Amorangi – Scenario 1

·         Māori Capacity Building – new category and placeholder only, no proposed budget at this stage.


2.48pm – Cr McDonald withdrew from the workshop.

Flood Protection and Control

·         Flood Protection and Control – Scenario 1

·         Rivers and Drainage – Scenario 1 – but consider re-looking at insurance costs.



3.     Conclusion

The remainder of the activities not considered at today’s workshop would be considered at the DLTP workshop on 26 September 2023.

Accumulative savings identified at today’s workshop for Year One of the DLTP was $3.3 million.




3.12pm – The workshop closed.