Komiti Māori

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Tuesday 20 June 2023, 9:30 AM

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Cr Malcolm Campbell

Cr Stuart Crosby

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr Kat Macmillan

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC): Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement, Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Namouta Poutasi – General Manager Strategy & Policy, Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services, Staff presenters – as listed in the minutes, Reuben Gardiner – Senior Advisor, Merehine Waiari - Senior Advisor, Via Zoom: Herewini Simpson – Kaihautu (Te Amorangi Lead), Rawiri Bhana – Senior Advisor (Treaty), Lisa Tauroa – Kaituitui/Strategic Engagement Coordinator, Riki-Lee Ainsworth – Māori Policy Advisor, Gina Mohi – Pūtaiao Mātauranga, Shari Kameta – Committee Advisor

                                    Externals: Presenters – as listed in the minutes, Maru Tapsell and Harina Rupapera  

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Cr Ron Scott

Cr Ken Shirley

Cr Te Taru White

Cr Paula Thompson (late arrival)


The Chair reminded those present that this meeting was being livestreamed and recorded and that the recording would be made available on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council YouTube channel following the meeting – Komiti Māori Meeting - 20 June 2023 - YouTube.

1.     Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

A karakia was provided by Reuben Gardiner.

2.     Apologies
Ngā Hōnea


That the Komiti Māori:

1          Accepts the apologies from Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti, Cr Ron Scott, Cr Ken Shirley and Cr Te Taru White (for absence) and Cr Paula Thompson (for late arrival) tendered at the meeting.



3.     Items not on the Agenda
Ngā Take Tōmuri

Noted that BOPRC Winter Student Samuel Taylor would provide a verbal update on his learning journey as a Harvard University student - following agenda item 8.3, He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients.

4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

None declared.

5.     Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti


Komiti Māori Minutes - 13 April 2023



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Confirms the Komiti Māori Minutes - 13 April 2023 as a true and correct record.



6.     Presentations


Ministry for the Environment (MfE) Updates

Presentation - Regional Relationships - Kaiwhakatere | Regional Navigators: Objective ID A4401557

Presentation - Essential Freshwater Fund Project Descriptions (External): Objective ID A4406445

Presentation - Access to Experts Summary: Objective ID A4406446

Presentation - Māori Climate Adaptation & the Climate Change Adaptation Bill: Objective ID A4401556  

Presented by: Eugene Berryman-Kamp - Director | Ringatohu – Te Mana o Te Wai Patsie Karauria – Principal Advisor
Anne Haira - Deputy Secretary | Tumuaki Tuarua Partnerships & Public Affairs/Climate Change Adaptation & Evidence


Key Points - Eugene Berryman-Kamp:

Ngā Kaiwhakatere – Regional Navigators:

·       Overview of MfE’s Policy Implementation and Delivery Leadership team and Ngā Kaiwhakatere/Regional Navigators. Noted that Motoi Doherty was the interim regional navigator for Bay of Plenty region

·       Kaupapa/current focus was to: strengthen regional presence, improve relationships with Māori and local government, freshwater and Resource Management (RM) reform implementation, establish effective and enduring relationships with Treaty partners and ensure communities had access to the right people and information

·       Outlined scope of MfE’s engagement, how they could support regional relationships, noting a desire to work together.

MfE Funding Streams:

(On behalf of Lorena Stephen):

·       Outlined the Essential Freshwater Fund established to support freshwater reforms and various projects over three years from 2022

·       The RM team was awaiting confirmation on funding appropriation to support Māori capacity and capability

·       BECA and New Zealand Landcare Trust had been commissioned to provide a free ‘Access to Experts’ service for councils, tangata whenua and community groups for the Essential Freshwater reform programme, which would be open for registration in late 2023 and end in June 2025.

9:57 am – Cr Thompson entered the meeting.

          In Response to Questions:

·       MfE had robust internal evaluation frameworks to assess if projects were delivering on intended outcomes, and was connected with Local Government New Zealand via the freshwater implementation directors framework to assess effectiveness

·       The Kaiwhakatere role would assist with crossover guidance on various governmental workstreams

·       MfE was predominantly working with regional councils, but would be connecting with territorial local authorities on water resource management reforms

·       Recognised the need for local support, noting capacity/capability that would be provided for freshwater reforms and resourcing which had been factored into the RM reform budget and following budget rounds.

Key Points - Members:

·       Acknowledged the current engagement being undertaken with tangata whenua and the journey ahead to work together closely to reduce the extra burden on tangata whenua who had a specific role to play in the Te Mana o Te Wai space.

Key Points - Anne Haira:

Māori Climate Adaptation & the Climate Change Adaptation Bill

·       The widespread destruction that had occurred from Cyclones Gabrielle and Hale and other weather events over the last few years illustrated the significant impact that climate change was having on people, communities, the environment and economy

·       Provided an overview the Government’s long-term strategy for adapting to climate change, noting the release of the national risk assessment (August 2020), national adaptation plan (August 2022) and the dramatic shift in context from mitigation to adaptation

·       Outlined the risks that were of particular significance to Māori and engagement undertaken with Māori on adaptation to date

·       $30M Government funding in 2022 had been provided to establish a Māori Climate platform to support Māori communities with Māori-led climate action, planning and solutions

·       Regarding the new Climate Adaptation Bill and system:

o   Further work would be required to ensure Māori-led climate work would be supported by the Bill and system

o   A select committee inquiry process was being proposed to advance key questions/challenges around four problem definition areas in regard to there being: no direction for local authorities to act; no funding framework was in place; limited powers for retreat; and Māori-faced barriers to participation

o   Outlined key policy shifts, noting Māori rights and interests sat across all areas

o   The intention was to utilise various legislation to require local authorities to undertake risk assessments, risk prioritisation and develop adaptation plans.

In Response to Questions:

·       Two interventions utilising the existing Resource Management (RM) system were being considered while the new RM reforms were in transition, to:

o   Develop a National Policy Statement (NPS) on Natural Hazards Decision Making within the next six months to help local authorities with decision-making around consents and within planning documents

o   Develop a comprehensive natural hazards planning framework as a more enduring solution, with the expectation to release a consultation document post-election in late 2023/early 2024

·       Timing of the select committee inquiry was anticipated to commence in August prior to Parliament closing and continue post-election to March-April 2024 and to bring across lessons learnt from the RM reforms

·       Acknowledged local government’s stretched ability to resource short, medium and long-term issues. Considered the funding framework would be the most critical component of the Climate Adaptation Bill that was proposed to be considered by the select committee inquiry

·       Emphasized the fact that communities would not be able to retreat from all climate change impacts and that learning to live with climate change, utilising a full suite of interventions before considering managed retreat would be needed

·       Recognised the tension between the (proposed) NPS for Natural Hazards Decision Making and the NPS for Urban Development, and the intention of national direction to provide clarity for local authorities. The Ministry for Housing and Urban Development would be closely involved in the process to ensure both NPS outcomes were achieved safely.

Key Points - Members:

·       Acknowledged the presenters and recognised the substantial work that was in progress

·       Invited a further update to Komiti Māori on the progress of the national climate change adaptation policy at a future time.

10:45 am - The meeting  adjourned.

11:07 am - The meeting  reconvened.

11:18 am – Cr Campbell withdrew from the meeting.


Toi Kai Rawa Update

Presentation - Toi Kai Rawa Whenua Update: Objective ID A4410093

Tabled Document 1 - Toi Kai Rawa Whenua Maori Strategic Case Report - FINAL Revised: Objective ID A4410107  

Presented by: Te Horipo Karaitiana - Executive Trustee, Toi Kai Rawa
Awhina Ngatuere – Kaihautū, Toi Kai Rawa


Key Points:

·       Noted changes within Toi Kai Rawa’s (TKR) Governance Board and strengthened network connections within whenua Māori

·       Outlined TKR’s strategy purpose and key focus areas for igniting Māori economies within the wider Bay of Plenty region

·       Key strategic priority areas had been consolidated into three areas: Paikihi Ora, Tangata Ora and Whenua Ora

·       TKR’s Operational team would be leading implementation across sectors to build scale

·       Outlined TKR’s five year work plan which included: Council contracted mahi working with Māori business networks and Hihiko Te Rawa Auaha - STEM programme within schools. Noted all activity utilised TKR’s Mātauranga Māori framework (Mauri Ora)

·       Regarding the Whenua Ora strategic priority area:

o   Outlined the regional context of the unique Whenua Māori profile

o   Aspirations and successes of Whenua Māori collectives operated within a Te Ao Māori context which could only be defined by them

o   Described the three spheres (triple helix) of influence for Whenua Māori development: Kawanatanga (Government), Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) and Te Ao Hurihuri (changing world); and the key trends/resets taking place around the Treaty relationship, hierarchy of Māori rights and interests and the interrelationship with Government

11:18 am – Cr Campbell entered the meeting.

o   Current issues within Whenua Māori development:

§  Māori were influencing offshore trade policy that was starting to be reflected in free trade agreements

§  The number of Government initiatives and regulatory reviews that were underway were having an overwhelming impact

§  Noted the need for Māori to build resilience by applying a Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori lens, describing these as super powers for Māori

§  TKR was in search of world class research, science and innovation to provide solutions that could work alongside Mātauranga Māori

§  BOPRC had an opportunity to lead a reset and redesign of the Treaty relationship and facilitate by Māori-for Māori whenua solutions

o   Highlighted some of the key recommendations from the Strategic Case report (refer tabled document):

·       Appreciated BOPRC’s support which had enabled progress in the Māori economic development space.

In Response to Questions:

·       Year one of the work plan was for the year 2024

·       Provided a snapshot of high level outcomes from the previous year:

o   25 initiatives reaching up to 3,400 people and 56 schools

o   Ko Māui Hangarau Māori Tech Innovation Summit - had extended nationwide to Porirua and Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland)

o   Rollout of the Māori professional internship programme within the kiwifruit/horticulture sectors and extending to primary industries. Noted substantial success with two recent cohorts undergraduate programmes

o   Initiatives had not existed previously and successes achieved over the last three years could be used to leverage over the next five years

·       Regarding challenges with Whenua Māori governance, TKR was in the design phase of setting up a governance internship programme

·       Regenerative horticulture overarched Whenua Ora and Tangata Ora.

Key Points - Members:

·       Raising the Māori economic development profile would be a journey

·       Noted challenges with existing governance experience of Māori land incorporation trusts, which the new generation of Māori would provide the biggest shift

·       Supported the statements around Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori being the ‘super power’ for Māori and the whenua as the connector

·       Recognised the Ahu Whenua Trust Awards which provided evidence of successes being made within Whenua Māori development.



He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients 2023

Presentation - Siobhan Nuri - PhD study insights into the early life history of New Zealand longfin and shortfin eels: Objective ID A4415970  

Refer Video Recordings YouTube link - HTTM video 2023 - YouTube


Presenters:  Via Zoom - Hikawai Te Nahu, Te Maiora Ruruhe, Akira Huriwai and Siobhan Nuri; and Video Recordings of Daniel Roeper, Stevee Wikiriwihi, Jessica Mules and Liam Benfell



Key Points:

·       Scholarship recipients provided background on their current field/focus of study and future aspirations

·       Acknowledged the support provided and recognised Council for providing the scholarship.

11:55 am – Chairman Leeder withdrew from the meeting.

12:05 am – Chairman Leeder entered the meeting.

Key Points - Members:

·         Congratulated the scholarship recipients on their inspiring achievements and enthusiasm and wished them well with their studies and future mahi.

7.     Verbal Updates
Whakahoutanga Kōrero


Samuel Taylor - Winter Student Update


Key Points:

·       Acknowledged the He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship recipients that had presented at the meeting

·       Recognised how programmes that encouraged an understanding of the intersect between indigenous cultures, local government and management of cultural practices were vital, respected and making a difference globally

·       Highlighted the importance of rangatahi/youth participation in local planning to ensure  the longevity of local leadership and a perceived lack of desire from youth to remain/return to live and work in Tauranga

·       Provided background on his learning journey, early interest in local government and current undertaking of a double degree in government with honours and economics at Harvard University

·       Was currently completing his honours thesis with Dr Daniel Carpenter on a comparative study of the form of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and treaties between the Crown and indigenous tribes of Canada to identify how the forms had impacted indigenous wellbeing and survivance  

·       Current work as a winter student with BOPRC involved working in the Essential Freshwater Kaupapa Māori workstream to ensure mahinga kai was being incorporated into freshwater plans, which provided an opportunity to see his current academic study in practice.

In Response to Questions:

·       Getting rangatahi/youth engaged and interested in local government could be assisted by going into schools, establishing panels to talk about the future, and simplifying complex issues

·       Viewed lowering the voting age to 16 years as a distraction and that the focus should be on increasing the percentage of those who were already eligible to vote (e.g. under 25 year olds).

Key Points - Members:

·       Recognised the breadth of rangatahi coming through and the need to reflect youth voices in local government decision making

·       Commended Sam on his address at the recent Instep Youth Leadership breakfast which was inspiring and assisting to bridge the gap

·       Raised the need to consider further support for youth development within the next Long Term Plan process to retain the next generation of leaders

·       Wished to invite Sam back to present an update on his honours thesis study at a future time.

8.     Reports
Ngā Pūrongo


Chairperson's Report

Presented by: Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement

Key Points:

·       Noted that a summary of the Toi Kai Rawa and He Toka Tu Moana presentations were included in the Chairperson’s report.



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.



Decisions Required
Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana


Proposed Engagement Plan of Draft Rates Remissions on Māori Freehold Land

Presented by: Charlie Roddick – Rates Engagement Team Leader (Whenua Māori – Engagement & Relations), Jo Pellew – Rates Manager

Key Points:

·       Outlined the proposed engagement plan that would be undertaken prior to developing the draft rates remissions policy for Māori freehold land

·       Noted that BOPRC did not have a comprehensive policy, rather guidelines and policies based on territorial authority policies

·       Sought feedback from Komiti Māori on any further direction or additional opportunities for engagement that could be included in the process

·       Invited councillors to be involved in the engagement hui to take in the feedback, experiences and knowledge received by the participants.

In Response to Questions:

·       Regarding engagement in relation to unrateable land along the East Coast, staff had wide network connections within the area and the wider region

·       Additional engagement hui would be provided where requested

·       Provided clarification of the reductions that were applied to Māori land valuations to acknowledge the limited transactive use and ability to receive a mortgage or for land to be sold. Valuations took into account the current productive use and numbers of owners.

Key Points - Members:

·       Supported the engagement plan

·       Noted the regional profile of Whenua Māori presented by Toi Kai Rawa (TKR) and suggested that staff connect with TKR to gain their views on Māori land collectives and challenges around Whenua Māori

·       Information on areas within the region that had the most rates arrears and remissions to be provided in a future update to Komiti Māori.



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Receives the report on proposed engagement plan of draft rates remissions on Māori Freehold land;

2          Provides direction on engagement for the Rates Remissions on Māori Freehold Land Project.



9.     Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

A karakia was provided by Reuben Gardiner.

12:53 pm – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 22 August 2023                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Komiti Māori