Executive Employment Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Tuesday 5 November 2024, 9:30am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom (Audiovisual meeting)

Chairperson:               Cr Jane Nees

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Doug Leeder

Members:                    Cr Stuart Crosby

Cr Te Taru White – Via Zoom

In Attendance:            Karen Aspey - General Manager, People & Leadership, Yvonne Tatton - Principal Advisor, People & Leadership


1.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

2.     Public Excluded Section


Resolution to exclude the public

1       Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting as set out below:

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Short listed CE Recruitment Suppliers presentations

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities; Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h); 48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(i).

On the Chief Executive's approval.




12.15 pm – the meeting closed.






                                                                                          Cr Jane Nees

Chairperson, Executive Employment Committee