Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 3 May 2024, 10.45am

Venue:                         Makahae Marae Te Kahika Pā, Te Kahika Road West, Te Puke


Chairperson:               Dean Flavell - Tapuika Iwi Authority

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Matemoana McDonald - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Tapuika Iwi Authority

Geoff Rice (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)

Nick Chater (Lakes Community Board)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Cr Andy Wichers

Tauranga City Council (TCC)

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Informal Members:     Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue

Maru Tapsell

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Cr Jane Nees

Te Hunga i Tae Ake

In Attendance:            BOPRC: Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager, Strategic Engagement, Stephen Lamb – Environmental Strategy Manager, Jo Watts – Senior Planner (Water Policy); Rawiri Bhana – Senior Advisor (Treaty); Jenny Teeuwen – Committee Advisor

WBOPDC: Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour

External: Raponi Te Rangikātukua Wilson, Jo’el Komene, Elva Conroy, and Te Wheoro Dinsdale - Tapuika Iwi Authority; Nathan York – Bluehaven; Akira McTavish-Huriwai, as well as several members of the Tapuika/Makahae/Te Kahika Pā community and those supporting others in attendance


Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Commissioner Bill Wasley – TCC (Alternate); Cr Te Taru White – BOPRC (Alternate); Piki Thomas - Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust; Nicki Douglas - Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust; Cr Lani Kereopa – RLC (Alternate); and Cr Grant Dally – WBOPDC (Alternate)


1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Karakia

Chairperson, Dean Flavell, formally opened the hui, acknowledged those in attendance, and provided the opening karakia.

He then advised that as the members present fell short of a quorum, the hui would transfer into workshop mode to enable the scheduled presentations to go ahead. 

The Minutes for the 23 February 2024 meeting would be held over for confirmation at the 16 August 2024 Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority meeting.


2.     Whakaaturanga


Makahae Marae

Presentation:      Makahae Marae: Objective ID A4663798  


Presented By:     Elva Conroy – Tapuika Iwi Authority

Key Points

·           Presented as a member of the Makahae Marae Committee – to share who they were and the things that they were passionate about.

·           Makahae Marae had strong connections to the work that Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority did.

·           Provided overview of the Marae’s Development Plan and outlined their strategic priorities for 2019-2029:

-      Manaaki Whare - improvements to Te Kahika Pā included a new ablution block, upgraded bore, new wharekai ceiling and roof, wharenui heatpump, and the restoration of carvings.

-      Mana Tāngata - Makahae Marae had representatives on Tapuika Iwi Authority, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority, Western Bay of Plenty District Council Te Ihu o Te Waka Partnership Forum, Waiari Kaitiaki Advisory Group and Te Ohu Parawai – Te Puke Waster Advisory Group. 

-      Mauri Whenua - environmental projects included continued tree planting and pest control, better access to awa, involvement in any restoration project within the Waiari catchment, and exploring alternatives to maize production.

-      Whakahuihui Tāngata – included regular wānanga to share knowledge, forming a kapa haka group, Tamihana whānau reunion, and the 100 year celebration for Makahae.


Key Points Members

·           This presentation was a reminder of the value of BOPRC’s Environmental Enhancement Fund, which was signalled to be reduced by $50,000 through the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (LTP) process.

·           It was noted that RLC were cutting back similar funding to communities through their LTP process.




Project Support for Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Presentation:      Tapuika Iwi Authority project support for Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority: Objective ID A4661916  

Presented by:     Raponi Te Rangikātukua Wilson and Te Wheoro Dinsdale - Tapuika Iwi Authority


Key Points

·           Raponi Wilson was the Environmental Operations Manager for Tapuika Iwi Authority, and responsible for the contract to provide support and project delivery for the unfunded or underfunded kaupapa within Te Tini a Tuna (Kaituna Action Plan).

·           Gave an overview of the scope of the support provided which included Project 9 – Pātaka Kai, and Project 13 (two parts) – April 2025 symposium and the establishment of a Tāngata Whenua Members Forum.

·           Pātaki Kai project:

Update included:

-      employed Freshwater Technician – Te Wheoro Dinsdale

-      two confirmed restoration sites – Pakipaki and Paraiti/Kaiwaka

-      species monitoring equipment purchased

-      worked with BOPRC’s Land Management Officers (LMO) to draft Environmental Management Plans for the two confirmed restoration sites

Next steps included:

-      complete project plan and safety plan

-      purchase further general equipment

-      meet with landowners to discuss plans

-      seek extra funding partners

-      identify other sites for future restorations

-      reignite conversations around the Parawhenuamea Wetland Restoration.

·           Kaituna River Symposium – still early days in the planning with recruitment yet to commence; however, some scoping had been completed to determine priority kaupapa to be covered.

·           Te Maru o Kaituna Tāngata Whenua Members Forum

-      Currently identifying mechanisms to ensure the success of the forum, and what improvements could be made to ensure the intent of the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act was upheld, tāngata whenua representatives were empowered in planning and decision making for their awa, and there continued to be tāngata whenua-led projects within Te Maru o Kaituna work programme. 

-      A number of wānanga would be undertaken with tāngata whenua members to design the forum.

-      The project was being led by Raponi Wilson with support from Elva Conroy and the Tapuika Taiao Operations Team.

-        Next steps included inviting tāngata whenua members to discuss the initial scope and purpose of the wānanga.  There was also an opportunity to bring together the representatives from all advisory groups across the catchment.

·           The feasibility study for the Kaituna-Waiari River Access project had been completed.  The project guided where to prioritise river access to recognise and showcase the cultural and historical heritage associated with the Kaituna River. 

·           In conjunction with the proposed waka landings outlined in the Kaituna River Access project, there was also a traditional waka building project underway at Te Kahika Pā.  Traditionally built waka had not been on the Kaituna River for over 100 years.  The goal was to have one traditionally built waka launched on the river (possibly as part of the 2025 symposium), with the intention to build more, and also to have a school of waka building associated with the river.  This project would see old carving skills handed down to the next generations. 

In Response to Questions

·           Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority had submitted to BOPRC’s LTP.

Key Points Members

·           Commended Tapuika Iwi Authority on establishing a members entity.  Acknowledged the importance of this mahi, not just leading at a local and regional level, but also in the national space, and this had the potential to bring further funding from central government.  BOPRC could be advocates for this.




Bluehaven Development at Wairakei South

Presentation:      Bluehaven Development Wairakei South - Draft mixed use frame-work plan: Objective ID A4663799  

Presented by:     Nathan York – Chief Executive, Bluehaven


Key Points

·           Provided overview of the Bluehaven Group.

·           Bluehaven had aspirations to develop property in Bell Road, known as the Wairakei South Development.

·           The Wairakei South area was approximately 350 hectares, with around half proposed as an ecological wetland area to manage stormwater and improve the water quality before it reached the Kaituna River.  The remainder of the area would be a mixture of residential and employment/industrial land.

·           Submissions had been made through the Smartgrowth Strategy and Bluehaven was now preparing to work through a private plan change process to re-zone land at Bell Road for urban development in the Western Bay of Plenty District Plan.

·           The project was complex and a lot of modelling and engineering work had been undertaken to mitigate the acknowledged flooding issue in the area.


In Response to Questions

·           Consents were already in place for the commercial centre.

·           There would potentially be many new residential dwellings at Wairakei South upon completion of the Pāpāmoa East area.

·           Some areas would need to be built up for flood management which would cause displacement but the proposed ecological wetland area would help with that.

·           The fill used to build up the land was not coming from the dunes.

·           Access to the area would be off the Pāpāmoa East Interchange (PEI) via a local road; this would require a southern leg from the PEI to be created.

Key Points Members

·           Suggested that Bluehaven familiarise themselves with the goals and objectives of the Kaituna River Document and Action Plan.

·           Tapuika and Waitaha needed to be part of the korero and in the mix.




Dissertation - Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority and Co-Governance

Presentation:      Dissertation - Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority and Co-Governance: Objective ID A4666303  


Presented By:    Akira McTavish-Huriwai

Key Points

·           Thanked the forum for the opportunity to present her dissertation.

·           It had been a privilege to korero with interviewees Dean Flavell, Cr Matemoana McDonald, Pim de Monchy, Elva Conroy and Piki Thomas; to learn about their roles and how Te Maru o Kaituna had evolved since its inception.

·           Felt fortunate to be able to focus on an area that she had whakapapa to; it had made the work more meaningful.

·           The overarching question for the dissertation was “How does an effective form of co-governance produce positive environmental outcomes?”. 

·           This research was largely in response to the widespread discourse regarding the effectiveness and success that is generated by these co-governance entities.

·           The research was grounded in a kaupapa Māori methodology, and conducted using a qualitative method.

·           Divided the overarching research question into three research questions:

1.     What factors contributed to the effectiveness of a co-governance entity? – included looking at the past for future learnings, honouring whakapapa, and relationships.

2.     What were ways to mitigate the impacts of power imbalances to remain effective? – included Māori Councillors, tikanga-informed meetings, iwi-based Secretariat, and websites.

3.     How could you bridge the gap between theoretical thinking and practical implementation? – included the Kaituna River Document, and Te Tini a Tuna: Kaituna Action Plan.

·           Research conclusions:

-      Building upon the past, creating seats at the table, relationships and leadership were key to an effective foundation.

-      Māori councillors, iwi-based secretariat, and tikanga-informed meetings helped to mitigate inherent power imbalances which increased effectiveness.

-      Creating accountability for the agency partners helped to bridge the gap between theory and practical implementation which created many positive environmental outcomes.

·           Acknowledged that the journey for Te Maru o Kaituna was far from over but it was a great example of a co-governance structure.

In Response to Questions

·           The biggest challenge in terms of the mahi was working 32 hours per week (at WSP) as a Graduate GIS Analyst as well as studying; in terms of the research topic, marrying the scope – focussed more on co-governance as a structure, rather than the outputs.

Key Points Members

·           Congratulated Akira on her amazing presentation and the mahi involved.

·           Suggested that the presentation be brought to a full BOPRC Council meeting.



3.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Chairperson's Update

Presented by:     Dean Flavell


Chairperson Dean Flavell provided an update for the Tapuika Iwi Authority primary (currently Dean Flavell, Chairperson) and alternate (currently Geoff Rice) representative roles on Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority as the three year terms for both roles would expire following this meeting.  The Tapuika Iwi Authority confirmed that Dean Flavell would step down as Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Chairperson and as their primary representative.  It was also confirmed that Geoff Rice would be standing down as the alternate representative.  Tapuika Iwi Authority had confirmed Jo’el Komene as the new primary representative, and Dean Flavell as the new alternate representative.

Formal agreement/confirmation of these appointments by Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority, and the election for a new chairperson, would take place at the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority meeting on 16 August 2024.



4.     Tuwhera ki te Iwi Whānui

Open Forum


·            Nick Chater extended an invitation to Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority to present at the next “Green Drinks” event, held every second Wednesday of the month.  Those interested could contact Nick for further information.

·           Dean Flavell was acknowledged for his contribution to the establishment of this co-governance forum and the journey that co-governance has taken to get to this point.

·            Geoff Rice was also acknowledged for his mahi over a number of years.

·            This was Shad Rolleston’s last Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority meeting as TCC would have a newly elected council before the next meeting in August.

·           A reminder that there was a new Māori ward in the upcoming TCC election.  It would be great to see a number of good people nominated to stand.



5.     Karakia Kati
Closing Karakia

A closing karakia was provided by Jo’el Komene.


1.10pm – the workshop closed.



Confirmed 16 August 2024                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                            Dean Flavell

Chairperson, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority