Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 17 May 2024, 09:30am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC)) – via Zoom and accordingly not chairing this meeting

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Charlie Tawhiao (Ngāi  Te Rangi) – Acting Chair for this meeting

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Cr Murray Grainger (Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC))

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston (Tauranga City Council (TCC))

Cr Paula Thompson (Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC)) – via Zoom

Commissioner Bill Wasley  (TCC)

In Attendance:            BOPRC: Cr Jane Nees – via Zoom; Cr Lyall Thurston – via Zoom; Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services; Georgia Thomson – Planner; Penny Doorman – Programme Leader, Geothermal; Gemma Moleta – Senior Planner – via Zoom; Greg Corbett – Biosecurity Manager; Tone Nerdrum Smith – Senior Advisor Governance

Other Attendees: Captain Hayden Smith – Sea Cleaners; Michael-Paul Abbott, General Manager and Blair Simmons, Manager – Maritime New Zealand

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Pia Bennett (Ngāi Te Rangi)

Te Pio Kawe (Ngāti Ranginui)

Cr Kat Macmillan (BOPRC)

Keepa Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga)

Rehua Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga)

Cr Allan Sole (WBOPDC)


1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Commissioner Shad Rolleston.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Accepts the apologies from Pia Bennett, Te Pio Kawe, Cr Kat Macmillan, Keepa Smallman, Rehua Smallman and Cr Allan Sole tendered at the meeting.



3.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

4.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 1 March 2024



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 1 March 2024 as a true and correct record.



5.     Whakaaturanga


Sea Cleaners Presentation

Presented by: Captain Hayden Smith – Sea Cleaners.


Key Points:

·       Provided an outline of the purpose and function of Sea Cleaners

·       Educational programmes had been introduced to increase awareness and understanding in the younger generation regarding the impact of waste on the environment/waterways

·       Main business was the vessel fleet that removed waste from waterways – both sea- and freshwater

·       Had made submissions to Long Term Plans across the region

·       Results-driven organisation aiming to clean as much waste from the coastline as possible

·       Was pursuing a number of funding sources that would encourage and enhance cross-agency cooperation

·       Acknowledged the other community groups that did regular clean-ups, and did not duplicate their efforts, rather supported and complemented

·       Recognised the ‘out of sight/out of mind’ attitude, which was challenging to change

·       Having the vessels meant volunteers could be transferred to areas otherwise out of reach

·       Three vessels were operating in Auckland, one in Northland and one in Canterbury. Currently raising funds towards a fourth vessel

·       Securing ongoing funding for operating and maintaining the fleet was challenging

·       Sea Cleaners, as a charitable trust, relied on funders and corporate donations which had reduced significantly during Covid

·       An example of tangible results was the reduction in debris flows in Waitemata Harbour that had improved significantly from when it used to form an almost solid ‘raft’ like coverage in some areas

·       Had worked with public agencies regarding waste minimisation initiatives

·       Recognised the positive difference government policies had made in reducing waste at source, e.g. by banning plastic shopping bags

·       Major corporates such as Coca Cola and Nestlé provided funding/support towards the vessel fleet

·       Worked closely with estuary care groups/stakeholders to assist and support wider regional efforts.

Key Points - Members:

·       Recognised the positive impact the organisation made at both a microlevel (individuals) and macrolevel (Iwi support/cooperation)

·       Creating change in mokopuna would help shape their future behaviour.



Maritime New Zealand Presentation

Presentation - Maritime NZ - TMAG -17 May 2024 pdf: Objective ID A4676248  

Presented by: Michael-Paul Abbott, General Manager and Blair Simmons, Manager – Maritime New Zealand (MNZ).


Key Points - Presentation:

·       MNZ: Preventing harm. Saving lives. Securing our future

·       National Maritime Response Team

·       MNZ core response functions

o   Monitoring; Oversight: Intervention and Response Lead

·       Rescue Coordination Centre NZ (RCCNZ) and Safety Services

·       Maritime Inspections Team

o   Activities

·       Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code.

Key Points:

·       Acknowledged the invitation to present and would like to develop an ongoing relationship with TMAG

·       Worked with a number of different agencies across New Zealand when an event occurred

·       Also worked with international partners, in particular with regards to ships travelling between countries

·       Maritime Transport Act in its current state did not allow for ships to be banned from entering New Zealand waters. However the Act was currently under review and this might change

·       All ships were carefully checked from a safety/risk perspective and remedial work, if imposed, would come with a clear timeline. A ship detention would cause it to be ‘black marked’ in the Tokyo MoU (Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific), which impacted on a ship’s future charter opportunities.



Tauranga Moana System Management Plan for Geothermal

Presentation - Tga Moana SMP Geothermal - TMAG - 17 May 2024 pdf: Objective ID A4676408  

Presented by: Georgia Thomson - Planner and Penny Doorman – Programme Leader, Geothermal, BOPRC.


Key Points - Presentation:

·       Tauranga Moana Geothermal System

·       Purpose

·       Types of low temperature use

·       Some quick facts

·       Geothermal Discharges

·       Policy Framework

·       Building Understanding

·       Issues for Local Councils

·       Summary

·       Next steps.

Key Points:

·       Tauranga Moana was an unusual geothermal system, as it was a ‘warm’ system, compared to the hotter systems in other parts of the region

·       There were 12 geothermal systems across the Bay of Plenty region

·       ‘Geothermal’ meant water above 30C

·       Geothermal water discharge caused environmental effects that required management

·       Natural outflows did not cause concern, rather it was the unnatural discharges that were being assessed for potential negative effects

·       Recognised the strong and cultural interest of tangata whenua in the, in particular, surface level thermal water

·       Geothermal water take in Tauranga Moana was often for the purposes of utilising the water only, rather than the heat

·       There were both pros and cons related to reinjection of thermal water, e.g. that it often occurred at a shallower level than the original take, which was an ‘unnatural’ event

·       Recognised the significant differences between geothermal systems in Tauranga and its use, compared to areas such as Rotorua

·       Introduction of government intervention in the 1970/80s Rotorua, due to wasteful use of the geothermal resources, had restored a system otherwise approaching collapse

·       Trying to identify the best use of geothermal resources as part of future planning was important and Council input would be essential.

Key Points - Members:

·       Suggested liaising closely with Council’s Te Amorangi Team to draw learnings for the Long Term Plan consultation with tangata whenua, which had proven successful

·       Encouraged collating/accessing information regarding the historical use of thermal water, e.g. through increased use of bores, and the potential impacts of this practice.




BOPRC Biosecurity Presentation

Presentation - Biosecurity (Exotic Caulerpa) - TMAG - 17 May 2024 pdf: Objective ID A4676388  

Presented by: Greg Corbett -Biosecurity Manager, BOPRC.


Key Points:

·       BOPRC & Exotic Caulerpa (seaweed)

·       BOPRC Actions

·       Our Mission

·       Marine Biosecurity awareness – Target Audience

·       Surveillance/research

·       Caulerpa locations.

Key Points:

·       Summer assistants had increased awareness in the Bay of Plenty of the risk of spreading Caulerpa via anchoring etc.

·       Recognised the current expectations and pressure on Iwi/hapū, which meant engagement was taking longer than preferred

·       Caulerpa was not yet confirmed in the Bay of Plenty region, however there was significant risk it would arrive

·       Was challenging to eradicate Caulerpa, especially when the infestation was at scale

·       Auckland Council/Ministry of Primary Industries was currently dredging in the high anchorage/frequented areas to minimise risk of spread

·       Eradication was not feasible with the current methods available, so minimisation/management was the necessary approach. It was recognised that this was not always successful.


11.10 am – the meeting adjourned.


11.25 am – the meeting reconvened.

6.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners

6.1    Ngāi Te Rangi

Charlie Tawhiao - Key Points:

·       Main focus was the urgent case before the Waitangi Tribunal regarding Te Reo Māori as part of the official language in the public sector

·       Port of Tauranga share divestment proposal in the BOPRC Long Term Plan (LTP): Primary concerns were potential foreign ownership of this key asset

·       Noted that Pia Bennett was an apology for today’s hui as she was preparing material with regards to the interim Environment Court decision pertaining to the Harbour Health Plan.

6.2    Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Cr Murray Grainger - Key Points:

·       Long Term Plan had been pushed out to later in the year which allowed for extended consultation

·       By-elections were underway to replace current vacancies

·       Community events were taking place across the region

·       Wharf replacement at Panepane Point was currently out for tender

·       Ōmokoroa dog exercise area had created significant community feedback, with differing views being assessed.

6.3    Tauranga City Council

Commissioners Shadrach Rolleston and Bill Wasley - Key Points:

·       Commission/Council had been focussed on improving education and engagement with the community

·       Attitude towards water usage needed to change as it was not an infinite resource

·       Water was an essential resource and needed be recognised as such in strategies and future planning

·       Mount/Arataki Spatial Plan had been adopted, and had included working closely with BOPRC  and other affected parties in the Mount Airshed

·       TCC would be considering allocating some airport land for a possible future managed retreat of Whareroa Marae

·       Would also be considering the potential establishment of a Local Water Done Well Council Controlled Organisation between TCC and WBOPDC, which would allow for retention of ownership

·       This was the final TMAG hui attended by the Commissioners as the TCC election would take place on 20 July, with the swearing-in ceremony for new Councillors taking placed on 2 August 2024.

Key Points - Members:

·       Recognised the significant work undertaken by the Commissioners with regards to Whareroa Marae

·       Acknowledged the two Commissioners for their valuable contribution to TMAG and looked forward to opportunities to work with them in the future.



Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Presentation - Essential Freshwater - TMAG 17 May 2024 pdf: Objective ID A4676233  


Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services and Gemma Moleta – Senior Planner - Key Points:

·       Navigational Safety Bylaws review was underway with a robust range of submissions received

·       Noted the gifting of a large piece of Western Bay of Plenty land  by ex-Councillor Ian Noble, QSM for community benefit

·       Noted that fishing had occurred in the Motiti protection area, which was disappointing, particularly as it included a few fishing charters

·       Outlined the Essential Freshwater Programme timeline

·       An informal workshop on Essential Freshwater would be included as part of the next TMAG hui on 6 September 2024.

7.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

7.1    Department of Conservation

This item was withdrawn as Shelly Paul – Operations Manager was unable to attend.

8.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Te Mana o Te Wai / Ko Wai Mātou

This item was withdrawn as Pia Bennet was unable to attend.

9.     Rā Hui Whai Ake: 6 September 2024
Next Meeting Date:6 September 2024

10.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Commissioner Shad Rolleston.

11.45 am – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group