
Strategy and Policy Committee

Meeting Date:

9 April 2024




Agenda Item 7.2      Envirohub BOP

Presentation - Envirohub                                                                                    2

Agenda Item 8.6      Update on Plan Change 11 Geothermal

Presentation - Plan Change 11 Geothermal Update                                        2

Agenda Item 8.3      Freshwater Policy Programme: Timeline to deliver proposed Regional Policy Statement Change 7 (Freshwater) and proposed Regional Natural Resources Plan Change 19 (Freshwater)

Presentation - Freshwater Policy Programme - Timeline update                  2

Agenda Item 8.7      Spatial Planning - Work programme

Presentation - Spatial Planning Work Programme                                          2

Strategy and Policy Committee                                                                                                 9 April 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee                                                                                                 9 April 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee                                                                                                 9 April 2024

Strategy and Policy Committee                                                                                                 9 April 2024