Komiti Māori

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Tuesday 30 April 2024, 9:30 AM commencing with a pōwhiri before the start of the meeting

Venue:                         Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru o Te Arawa Marae, 1128 State Highway 30, Lake Ōkataina


Chairperson:               Cr Te Taru White (Host-Chair)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Cr Matemoana McDonald (Komiti Māori Chair)

                                    Cr Malcolm Campbell

Cr Stuart Crosby

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr Kat Macmillan

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Ron Scott

Cr Ken Shirley

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC):

                                                      Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement, Herewini Simpson – Kaihautu (Te Amorangi Lead), Rawiri Bhana – Senior Advisor, Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor, Lisa Tauroa – Kaituitui (Strategic Engagement Coordinator), Shari Kameta – Committee Advisor

                                                      Guest/Staff Presenters: as listed in the minutes

                                                      Tangata Whenua/Members of the Public: Nicki Douglas – Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Raina Meha – Ngāti Tamateatutahi/Ngāti Kawiti, Aleisha Mitchell – Ngāti Whakaue, Ngawhakawairangi Hohepa – Ngāti Rongomai/Ngāti Pikiao/Ngāti Mākino

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Tangata whenua/Members of the public: Maru Tapsell and Buddy Mikaere


A pōwhiri took place at 9:30 am before the meeting was declared open by Host-Chair Cr
Te Taru White at 10:32 am.

1.     Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

A karakia was provided by Tiipene Marr.

2.     Host-Chair’s Opening Statement
Whakamihia ko te Māngai ā-Rohe te Heamana

Host-Chair Cr White provided a mihi to acknowledge the hau kainga for their invitation to host the meeting at their marae and to welcome everyone to the meeting. He provided background on the establishment of BOPRC’s Māori constituency wards, the composition of Komiti Māori and that the meeting would be conducted using Council’s standing orders.

3.     Apologies
Ngā Hōnea


That the Komiti Māori:

1          Accepts the apologies from Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti, Cr Paula Thompson, Cr Andrew von Dadelszen, Buddy Mikaere and Maru Tapsell tendered at the meeting.



4.     Items not on the Agenda
Ngā Take Tōmuri

The Chair advised that Nicki Douglas wished to speak in the Open Forum on behalf of Ngāti Rangiwewehi regarding the initiation of a Mana Whakahono a Rohe.

5.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

None declared.

6.     Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti


Komiti Māori Minutes - 27 February 2024



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Confirms the Komiti Māori Minutes - 27 February 2024 as a true and correct record.



7.     Presentations


Te Rohe o Te Rape-Puatatau-a-Rākeiao - Ngāti Rongomai Environmental Management Plan

Presentation - Ngāti Rongomai Iwi Trust - Iwi Environmental Management Plan: Objective ID A4653444

Tabled Document 1 - Ngāti Rongomai Iwi Environmental Management Plan (Confidential)  

Presented by: Dr Frances Teinakore-Curtis and Wairangi Whata


Key Points:

·       Thanked BOPRC for its financial support in developing Ngāti Rongomai’s Iwi Environmental Management Plan (IEMP)

·       An important component of the IEMP’s development was the participation of whānau to ensure their aspirations and concerns were included

·       Key elements of the IEMP were comprised of:

o   Ngāti Rongomai whakapapa/genealogy/history which was of significant importance and woven into their connection with the taiao/environment

o   Areas of interest, i.e. lakes, waterways, noting there were overlapping interests with Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Taraawhai and Ngāti Mākino

o   Processes and goals to protect areas of interest, including whānau participation and adequate resourcing/support to help measure and monitor activity

o   A cultural values/statements framework that encompassed solutions, recommendations and expectations for mana whakahaere/autonomy, kaitiakitanga/stewardship and manaakitanga/collaboration

o   Key issues of importance and an environmental policy framework for interaction with externals, i.e. councils and developers

·       Five copies of the finalised IEMP were provided for lodgement with BOPRC for internal staff use (refer Tabled Document 1)

·       Iwi/hapū requested that the document not be outward-facing or published on BOPRC’s website to avoid the content from being misused by externals without first engaging with them.

In Response to Questions:

·       Regarding overlapping areas of interests, Ngāti Rongomai worked collectively with Ngāti Pikiao and the other iwi/hapū to maximise on resourcing efficiencies, and referred to the proposal of establishing a collective environmental hub that would be presented next on the agenda

·       Iwi/hapū were exploring overseas models used for pest control

·       Despite the challenges of continual environmental and legislative changes, the iwi/hapū were committed to developing and growing local skill base and rangatahi and progressing programmes to enable the taiao and their people to thrive.

Key Points - Members:

·       Thanked Ngāti Rongomai for the lodgement of their IEMP

·       Acknowledged the Iwi goal for mana whakahaere agreements that were driven by the iwi, which differed to mana whakahono a rohe (derived from legislation)

·       Acknowledged the challenge for Council regarding the number/extent of iwi/hapū within the region to engage with, however noted the necessity to advocate, acknowledge and hear the kōrero of iwi/hapū

·       Would be interested to understand the future impact that the IEMP would have for the Iwi/Hapū

·       Supported local solutions and empowering communities of interest.



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Formally receives the lodgement of the finalised Te Rohe o Te Rape-Puatatau-a-Rākeiao - Ngāti Rongomai Environmental Management Plan (refer Tabled Document 1);

2          Confirms that the public be excluded from the circulation of Tabled Document 1, on the grounds set out in the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 under Section 48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(ba), as withholding the information is necessary to protect tikanga Māori/waahi tapu.





Te Kotahi a Pikiao - Te Tari Taiao o Te Tokotoru o Manawatokotoko / Ngāti Pikiao Iwi Collective Enviro Hub

Presentation - Introduction slide and Submission to BOPRC LTP from Te Tokotoru a Manawakotokoto collective iwi - April 2024: Objective ID A4657021   

Presented by: Arapeta Tahana


Key Points:

·       Presented Te Kotahi a Pikiao’s Long Term Plan (LTP) submission that sought funding/support to establish a formalised environmental office ‘Te Tari Taiao o Te Tokotoru a Manawakotokoto’ (tari taiao) to actively monitor and care for the taiao/environment and people

·       The name of the tari taiao originated from the tupuna of Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Rongomai and Ngāti Mākino

·       The paramount purpose of Te Kotahi a Pikiao was maintaining their connection their lands and waters, thereby sustaining their wellbeing

·       Outlined the Iwi’s shared land interests and contributions, underpinning values and the purpose, objectives and concept of the proposal

·       Summarised why Council should support the proposal, noting alignment with BOPRC’s strategic priorities and values

·       The Iwi now had the right leadership and capability in place, along with an innate relationship/connection and knowledge of the taiao, to support the proposal.

·       Without Council funding, the Iwi would progress its mahi in its current state of voluntary and limited resource/capability.

Key Points - Members:

·       Endorsed the mahi being undertaken by and for iwi/hapū

·       Noted that Council’s hearing of LTP submissions were yet to take place and that there would be no predetermination until Council made its decision on all submissions.




Tarawera Awa Aspirations Document

Presentation - Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group Aspirations Document: Objective ID A4657047  

Presented by: Leith Comer, Dr Frances Teinakore-Curtis, Keri Topperwien and Tiipene Marr


Key Points:

·       Provided background on the historical context and formation of the Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group and its purpose to restore the mauri of the Tarawera Awa

·       Outlined the aspirations informed by the Strategy Group’s Iwi partners to communicate to stakeholders and inform the development of a strategy document

·       A significant amount of work was still to be done, including communication and collaboration with stakeholders and the involvement of the Strategy Group’s partner councils to support wastewater schemes

·       Further work and investigation was needed to determine if the aspirations to ‘rechannel/connect’ and ‘restore’ were possible

·       Clarified that the aspiration was not to return the Rangitāiki Plains to pre-drainage times, but to restore Te Awa o Te Atua to its original state.

Key Points - Members:

·       Acknowledged the aspirations to restore the mauri of the Tarawera Awa noting the inter-generational journey that may be needed to achieve it

·       The aspirations to reconnect and restore Te Awa o Te Atua were admirable but would need to be driven by science/engineering, time and effort

·       Acknowledged the need for wastewater management to be addressed and supported by Crown remediation and community ownership

·       Considered achieving the aspirations were possible

·       Noted the environmental improvements undertaken by the Kawerau mill sites and acknowledged the Strategy Group for how they had conducted themselves in their engagement with key stakeholders/community

·       Noted that the pipeline for the Lake Tarawera reticulation scheme was in progress and suggested that the Strategy Group make a submission to Rotorua Lakes Council’s Long Term Plan (due to close on 6 May 2024) to support the scheme.



Order of Business


The Chair accommodated a change to the order to receive an item in the Open Forum, before consideration of Agenda item 7.4 (refer Open Forum item 9.1).



Long Term Plan 2024 – Friend of the Submitter Initiative

Presentation - Te Mahere Tūroa Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034: Objective ID A4655846  

Presented by: Merehine Waiari – Senior Advisor (Te Amorangi) and Huiarau Stewart (Contractor)


Key Points:

·       Overall feedback received on the Long Term Plan (LTP) engagement approach with tangata whenua had been positive with an increase in submissions from tangata whenua

·       The key critique received from tangata whenua entities was that the submission period had been too short to enable sufficient time for them to seek input from their iwi/hapū/land trust representatives

·       Huiarau Stuart provided independent support to submitters and summarised her insights of the service:

o   Good uptake and representation had been received from both tangata whenua and the general community

o   Support included providing clarity on the submission process, scope and content, interpreting submitter’s thoughts and assisting them to prepare written submissions

o   Considered the service was a great initiative and commended Council on their leadership in providing the service

o   Recommended that Council continue to provide the service in the future

·       Noted the LTP Hearing dates/venues that had been extended to all submitters, with the first day to be held at Huria Marae on 10 May 2024.

Key Points - Members:

·       Thanked Huiarau for her expertise and providing the friend of the submitter service

·       Very pleased that the engagement approach had been well received and achieved greater engagement and participation from tangata whenua and the community

·       Maintaining the connections and relationships would be important.

8.     Reports
Ngā Pūrongo


Tiamana o Komiti Māori Ripoata

The report was taken as read.

Key Points - Members:

·       Noted a correction on page 19 of the agenda regarding the year that the
Te Whānau ā Apanui Deed of Settlement was initialled was 26 September 2023 (not 2024)

·       Acknowledged councillors for attending the meeting with Te Whānau ā Apanui on 18-19 April 2024.



That the Komiti Māori:

1          Receives the report, Tiamana o Komiti Māori Ripoata.



9.     Open Forum


Raina Meha – Tapuaeharuru Marae


Key Points:

·         In response to the earlier question raised during the meeting regarding the impact of iwi/hapū management plans (HMP), Tapuaeharuru Marae HMP was launched in 2015 and had been the catalyst for a number of cultural impact assessments for the hapū and land trusts

·         Raised an issue that parts of Tapuaeharuru’s HMP had been plagiarised in another HMP without acknowledgment or permission from the hapū

·         As a result of this issue, Council staff were requested to:

o    Remove Taupaeharuru Marae’s HMP from Council’s website

o    Include within their processes, advice for iwi/hapū representatives regarding copyright and etiquette when referencing information from external sources.



Nicki Douglas - Notice of Initiation of a Mana Whakahono a Rohe

Tabled Document 2 - Written Statement of Ngāti Rangiwewehi Notice of Initiation of a Mana Whakahono a Rohe: Objective ID A4658848  


Key Points:

·       Provided notice of Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi’s initiation of a mana whakahono a rohe with BOPRC, noting that the matter had been provided within a submission to BOPRC’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (LTP)

·       Gave a written statement (refer Tabled Document 2) that provided background on the earlier undertaking to initiate an agreement, which had lapsed

·       Ngāti Rangiwewehi wished to restate and reaffirm mana motuhake (authority) within their rohe and re-engage with BOPRC to progress with a participation agreement.

Key Points - Members:

·       Thanked Nicki for the preliminary notice and statements provided

·       Acknowledged Ngāti Rangiwewehi’s position regarding their rights and connection with their ancestral waters

·       Noted that Council would wait for the hearing of LTP submissions before making any decisions.


10.   Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

A karakia was provided by Tiipene Marr.

12:59 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Komiti Māori