Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 1 March 2024, 09:30am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana - BOPRC)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Charlie Tawhiao (Ngai Te Rangi)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Pia Bennett (Ngai Te Rangi) – via Zoom

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston (Tauranga City Council - TCC)

Cr Kat Macmillan (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana - BOPRC)

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen (Alternate) (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana – BOPRC)

Cr Allan Sole (Western Bay of Plenty District Council - WBOPDC)

Cr Murray Grainger (Western Bay of Plenty District Council - WBOPDC)

In Attendance:            BOPRC: Cr Jane Nees – via Zoom; Chris Ingle – General Manager Integrated Catchments; Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement, Ella Tennent – Consents Manager, Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning; Merehine Waiari – Senior Advisor, Herewini Simpson – Kaihautu; Braden Rowson – Team Leader Coastal Catchments Tone Nerdrum Smith – Senior Advisor Governance

Others: Jim Summer – TCC; Katey McGinity – WBOPDC via Zoom; Peter Watson - WBOPDC via Zoom, Radleigh Cairns - TCC via Zoom;

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Paula Thompson (BOPRC), Te Pio Kawe (Ngāti Ranginui), Rehua Smallman and Keepa Smallman (both Ngati Pūkenga), Commissioner Bill Wasley (TCC), Cr Murray Grainger and Cr Allan Sole (both WBOPDC)  


Chairperson Cr McDonald advised those present in Chambers and via Zoom that the hui was being recorded for the convenience of members not present.


1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1           Accepts the apologies from Cr Paula Thompson (BOPRC), Te Pio Kawe (Ngāti Ranginui), Rehua Smallman and Keepa Smallman (both Ngati Pūkenga), Commissioner Bill Wasley (TCC), Cr Murray Grainger (possible early departure) and Cr Allan Sole (possible early departure) (both WBOPDC) tendered at the meeting.



3.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Commissioner Rolleston: Item 5.1 Presentation: Stella Passage - Interim Environment Court Decision, due to his current advisory role to Central Government on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment regarding fast track consenting.

4.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 1 December 2023



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1           Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 1 December 2023 as a true and correct record.



5.     Whakaaturanga


Presentation: Stella Passage - Interim Environment Court Decision

Presentation - Stella Passage Interim Decision - TMAG 2024-03-01: Objective ID A4620569  

Update led by: Ella Tennent – Consents Manager (BOPRC)


Key Points:

·     Noted that due to the BOPRC ownership of the Port of Tauranga (the Port), staff had not been involved in the consenting process to ensure there was no conflict of interest

·     Outlined the main points of the interim Environment Court decision

·     Stage 1: Sulphur Point wharf extension within the already consented area of dredging. Anticipated to be granted

·     Stage 2: Sulphur Point wharf extension/Mount Maunganui wharf proposed works. Decision reserved and expected to go back for further hearings

·     Kaimoana Monitoring: Concerns expressed that required monitoring had not taken place

·     Southern Te Awanui Harbour Health Plan: Detailed scope for the Plan must be prepared by 13 June 2024, with the final date being due two years after the date of the final Court decision

·     The proposed Plan, was based on the Lyttleton Harbour Plan (https://www.healthyharbour.org.nz/the-plan/#goal) and was intended to be developed with Tangata Whenua, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group, the Port and councils

·     Kaitiaki Role: To promote Regional Coastal Environment Plan provisions, including in monitoring programmes and resulting management decisions

·     Wānanga: The Port to convene a wananga with tangata whenua and BOPRC

·     Although there was still a lack of direction and clarity regarding Stage 2 from the Court, there was an expectation for visual simulations to be developed.

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen advised that it would be appropriate to declare a conflict of interest as a Councillor of BOPRC, as the majority shareholder of the Port.

Key Points - Members:

·     Agreed that TMAG had a key role in maintaining and enhancing the health of Te Awanui for the current and future generations

·     Concerned that the recommendations within the interim decision did not already form ‘BAU’ (business as usual) practice for the Port



·     Lack of alignment and aspirations from the start had led to a ‘muddy’ outcome

·     Concerned regarding the current relationship between the Port and local Iwi, and sought opportunities to resolve issue for mutual and future benefit

·     Moving forward, sitting in the same room to talk face-to-face could alleviate tension and clear misunderstandings.


In Response to Questions:

·     The concept of developing a Plan was proposed by the Port as the consent applicant.

6.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners

6.1    Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Presenters: Cr Murray Grainger and Cr Allan Sole.

Key Points:

·     Ōmokoroa: The development of a dog exercise area had generated significant community interest

·     Panepane Point: Awaiting completion of the Treaty Claim before the transfer to Iwi could take place. Public access would be retained, with the majority of the land being returned to local hapū

·     Matakana Nursery: Continued discussions regarding growing native flora for planting at Matakana Island

·     Walk/cycle way establishment was progressing well, with new links finalised in Ōmokoroa

·     Stormwater consents management had been split into distinct areas of responsibility, being developed and undeveloped land

·     Beach Road Katikati: Discussions regarding improvements were progressing well with agreements being reached with the community

·     Katikati outflow pipeline had caused significant problems and was being addressed as a priority.

7.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Te Mana o Te Wai / Ko Wai Mātou

Presented by: Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi (via Zoom)


Key Points:

·     Had delivered its first progress report to the Ministry for the Environment, outlining achievement and milestones to date

·     Was in the final stages of establishing a project administration and management office, with location currently being secured (most likely in Tauranga CBD)

·     Five kaitiaki had been trained over summer period

·     Worked closely with Te Wharekura o Mauao which was likely to develop into an ongoing initiative

·     Nest stage was to onboard the remaining roles

·     Recognised the ongoing support by BOPRC staff

·     Risks identified included oversubscription of those involved, which was being addressed

·     Noted that the financial plan and reporting was well on track.

Key Points - Members:

·     Building capability and capacity in the younger generation was to the benefit of the whole Bay of Plenty region

·     Recognised that all of New Zealand wanted safe and healthy water, and that this should not be negatively affected by the change in direction as signalled in central government.


6.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners - Continued

6.2    Ngāi Te Rangi

Presenter: Charlie Tawhiao.

Key Points:

·     Recognised the uncertainty and lack of clear direction following the national election, however there had been improvements in the relationship

·     Noted the claims to the Waitangi Tribunal in response to direction by Central Government

·     Noted the option to engage in Te Reo Māori only with Central Government following its change in the official stance in English vs Te Reo Māori, however also recognised the impracticalities of relying on translators in all interaction

·     Ngāi Te Rangi AGM would be taking place this weekend, and noted the significant and positive growth within the organisation.

6.3    Tauranga City Council

Presenters: Commissioner Shad Rolleston and Jim Summers.

Key Points – Jim Summers:

·     TCC water allocation policies were currently being updated

·     The existing stormwater bylaw would be reviewed in 2024, with no major changes anticipated at this stage

·     Had employed summer students for 10 weeks over the holiday period, which had proven popular and successful

·     A number of large projects were taking place in the wastewater space.

Key Points – Commissioner Shad Rolleston:

·     Worked through a number of spatial plans, some which had been signed off, that formed a plan of action for a number of issues, such as cycling/walking, roading, water infrastructure etc

·     Currently progressing the underpass/boardwalk connection between The Strand extension and the waterfront in Tauranga CBD, recognising the riparian/property rights of existing landowners

·     There was significant work taking place in the CBD, providing connections between the waterfront and the city, which should all be completed by 2025

·     Had to balance the cycleway commitments to the community  the funding available, which could change under the new government. If no Central Government funding was forthcoming, a number of these initiatives might no longer be possible

·     The TCC Commission would depart on 20 July 2024, when the new Council would be voted in.

6.4    Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Presenter: Chris Ingle – General Manager Integrated Catchments

Key Points:

·     Noted there was two reports within the agenda that would cover a number of the current BOPRC activities and initiatives.

Key Points – Cr Kat Macmillan:

·     Noted the BOPRC decision to extend the notification of the Freshwater Plan until September 2025. The reasons for the extension included the number of consents coming to an end, and the significant legislative changes/repeals currently occurring or being indicated

·     There was scientific findings and data within the draft Plan that would require significant rework if there were further delays

·     BOPRC was committed to freshwater management and Te Mana o te Wai.

Key Points - Members:

·     Concerned that the low attendance at this meeting could be interpreted as  a lack of engagement and interaction between TMAG and the community

·     Noted that this hui conflicted with the SmartGrowth Leadership Group meeting, where there was a crossover of membership

·     Emphasized the significant strain on Tangata Whenua in a vast number of national and local processes, which placed considerable pressure on those participating.

8.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

8.1    Department of Conservation

No attendance at this hui but noted the appointment of the new Operations Manager, Shelly Paul, who would be attending future hui.

9.     Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation

Presentation - BOPRC LTP Consultation pdf - TMAG 2024-03-01: Objective ID A4620544  

Presented by: Merehine Waiari – Senior Advisor (BOPRC) and Herewini Simpson – Kaihautu (BOPRC)

Key Points:

·     Long Term Plan 2024 – 2034

·     Our Strategic Direction

·     Consultation Questions

10.51am – Cr von Dadelszen withdrew from the meeting

·     LTP Consultation

·     Consultation with Māori

·     Next Steps.

Key Points - Members:

·     Recognised and complimented the planned engagement process

·     Noted that TCC had conducted some of its Long Term Plan (LTP) hearings on Marae, which had provided positive opportunities for community connections and interaction.

Key Points - Staff:

·     Due to the stage the regional parks proposals were at, details could not be divulged, however, the LTP consultation questions regarding regional parks related more to BOPRC’s involvement and investments as a principle, rather than any specific parks

·     There was relatively substantial costs associated with the establishment of a regional park, hence seeking public feedback as part of the LTP consultation process.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1           Receives the report, Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation.





Tauranga Moana Land Management Update

Presented by: Braden Rowson – Team Leader Coastal Catchments (BOPRC)

Key Points:

·     The BOPRC catchment team operated in a non-regulatory environment/manner to support landowners in their land management practices

·     Was currently looking to expand the mahi beyond the four main catchments

·     External funding was being sought to continue what had been established through the Public Waterways & Ecological Restoration Fund (PWER) as funding from central government had been fully utilised This funding allowed Council to extend its operational funding further to water quality and biodiversity improvement

·     A number of initiatives that utilised a multiagency approach had proven successful, e.g. plantings of native flora

·     Focussed efforts had been made in catchments with particular water issues. As this mahi now required less resources, staff were exploring other areas to expand into.

Key Points - Members:

·     Suggested the could be an opportunity for Councillors to attend volunteer celebration days and ‘muck in’, in recognition of the volunteers’ efforts.

Key Points - Staff:

·     Connections were being established between BOPRC and Marlborough District Council with regards to research into seagrass, which could provide valuable information pertaining to the health of the Tauranga Moana harbour.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1           Receives the report, Tauranga Moana Land Management Update.





Tauranga Moana Strategic Document Update - Workshop Discussion

Presented by: Antoine Coffin – Manager, Spatial Planning (BOPRC)

Key Points:

·     Noted that this was a verbal progress update on what had taken place since the December 2023 hui

·     Recognised the significant pressure and demand on Tangata Whenua, which created a challenging environment for securing time for meaningful discussions

·     Was currently taking a patient approach to enable the desired conversations and work to take place

·     Had a number of hui set up with the SmartGrowth Tangata Whenua Forum

·     Noted the Kaipara Moana Remediation indicative business case summary. Web link: Programme Overview - Kaipara Moana Remediation (kmr.org.nz)

·     The Kaipara programme was soil management focussed, however did not currently incorporate sediment

·     Noted the strong co-operation between Kaipara District Council and Iwi in the development of the programme

·     There was an opportunity for TMAG to learn from others and discuss what approaches would be best for Tauranga Moana and the Treaty Settlement legislation.

Key Points - Members:

·     Noted the proposal in the Kaipara Programme to potentially plant pine, and queried if areas were being identified at a strategic level where livestock/exotic vegetation was a no-go zone. Suggested that mapping could be undertaken for this purpose

·     Policies and putea tended to be the main drivers when developing Plans.


10.   Rā Hui Whai Ake: 17 May 2024
Next Meeting Date:17 May 2024

11.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Commissioner Rolleston .


11.40 am – the meeting closed.






                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group