Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Friday 1 December 2023, 9.43 am

Venue:                           Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga


Chairperson:                 Cr Matemoana McDonald - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                      Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi

Cr Kat Macmillan - BOPRC

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen - BOPRC (Alternate)

Te Pio Kawe - Ngāti Ranginui

Cr Murray Grainger – Western Bay Of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Zane Jensen – Department of Conservation (DOC)

In Attendance:             Ngāti Ranginui: Riki Nelson

WBOPDC: Peter Watson (via Zoom) and Katy McGinity (via Zoom)

Tauranga City Council (TCC): Jim Summers

BOPRC: Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services; Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Shane Iremonger – Team Leader Science; Claudia Cameron – Committee Advisor

Presenters: Brodie Davis – Project Parore

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                    Charlie Tawhiao - Ngai Te Rangi; Commissioner Bill Wasley - TCC; Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston - TCC; Cr Paula Thompson – BOPRC and Cr Allan Sole – WBOPDC



1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Te Pio Kawe.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Accepts the apologies from Charlie Tawhio, Bill Wasley, Shadrach Rolleston, Paula Thompson, and Allan Sole for absence tendered at the meeting.



3.     Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business

Chair, Cr Matemoana McDonald noted that the order may change to accommodate presenter availability.

4.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

5.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 8 September 2023



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 8 September 2023 as a true and correct record.



6.     Whakaaturanga


Project Parore

Presentation: Project Parore Update 1 December 2023: Objective ID A4555514   

Presented by: Brodie Davis – Project Parore, supported by Pim de Monchy - Coastal Catchments Manager (BOPRC)


Key Points:

·      The logo represented a project ambition of restoring the Parore habitat and species back to abundance

·      Emphasis on enjoyment, connection, collaboration, partnerships and relationship building through all facets of the project

·      Project aspects and aspirations:

o  Catchment review/restoration/monitoring, native planting, land retirement, improved land management and water quality

o  Five year environmental restoration plans, aiming to plant over 100,000 trees in 2024

o  Fish passage restoration and water testing/species monitoring

o  Land owner involvement, either financial or through hands-on mahi

o  Development of community and land owner awareness of the benefits of the project, the positive impacts certain practices (such as land retirement and native planting) and awareness of species varieties

o  Genuine communication with marae, hapū and the community, highlighted the importance of sharing kai together.

09:57 am – Cr Andrew von Dadelszen entered the meeting

·      Sediment flowed from the hills into the harbour, therefore improvement in the hills was required first

·      Funding partners were identified, including Jobs for Nature

·      Community trapping projects were partially funded through the Ministry for Environment (MfE), but traps required private funding.

10:10 am - Cr Andrew von Dadelszen withdrew from the meeting

·      A focus on education through college/school planting groups, teaching about planting, soil quality, pest animals and the importance of restoring the environment

·      The Project employed nine staff members and had experienced recent growth with volunteer numbers increasing significantly. It was a challenge to support and thank them all, but acknowledged support from councils, for example through providing hi-vis gear

·      Highlighted the importance of different community groups working together and sharing the same message to landowners – the kaupapa of improved water quality

·      Importance of local people in the organisation, develop local talent/skill/knowledge.

Key Points - Members:

·      Importance of genuine engagement with mana whenua, understanding the rohe/hapū to develop capabilities

·      Emphasised the importance of kōrero to establish the appropriate use of Mātauranga Māori, drawing on the appropriate hapū knowledge, particularly if applying for funding

·      Appreciated the connection with schools, mana whenua and communities, and the whakawhanaungatanga

·      Acknowledged the environmental knowledge base within Project Parore, and it being one of the largest, more autonomous groups able to achieve big goals

·      Highlighted the importance of urban areas contributing to the wellbeing of the moana.

In Response to Questions:

·      Aspirations of future kaupapa and collaboration to develop plant nursery capacity

·      Acknowledged there was only two and a half years remaining of Jobs for Nature funding, the goal was to leave a legacy of education to allow the community and hapū to continue the mahi

·      Tree felling was not in the Project Parore space, but once trees were gone, the team could then prepare and restore the land.



Mount Air Quality Update

Presentation: Ambient Air Quality Data Update - 1 December 2023: Objective ID A4549993  

Tabled Document 1 - Mount Maunganui Air Quality Working Party Flyer: Objective ID A4555527  

Tabled Document 2 - Te Mahere Ahumahi o Mauao Mount Industrial Planning Study Summary: Objective ID A4555523   

Presented by: Shane Iremonger – Team Leader Science and Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services


Key Points:

·      Continuous air quality monitoring was taking place to determine exposure to a range of contaminants, in a range of locations

·      International standards were used as a gauge not a target; the aim was to be well below

·      A combination of multiple contaminants in one area added complexity and contributed to air pollution

·      Typically concentrations diminished the further away from the source, therefore air monitors were mainly focussed around the Port of Tauranga (the Port)

·      Contaminant spread was affected by weather patterns, climate patterns and anthropogenic changes, this created analysis difficulties which had to be factored in when looking at data sets

·      Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) caused adverse health effects. Levels in 2019 were highly elevated; however, 2023 saw the introduction of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Regulations), this had contributed to level reductions

·      PM10 (particulate matter of 10 micrometres or less in diameter) were fine dust particles, easy to inhale and could cause lung issues

·      The monitoring of SO2 and PM10 at Whareroa Marae  were showing downward trends, which may indicate improvements in industrial emissions control. The dramatic downward SO2 trend seen at the Rata Street monitoring site had not been seen at the Marae, although levels at the marae were below international guidelines

·      Levels of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), responsible for the rotten eggs odour, was regularly recorded higher than the permitted level at Whareroa Marae; although there were no associated adverse health effects above the permitted level constituted ‘nuisance’

·      There was a need to minimise odour events impacting Whareroa Marae but this was challenging as not all events were caused by the industrial area

·      It was important to understand, for effective on-going management, what was causing poor air quality at Whareroa Marae, and when. BOPRC were increasing monitoring instruments and activities

·      Referenced the Ambient Air Quality Data Update 2023 and the residential monitoring website Mount Maunganui residential air quality | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | Toi Moana (boprc.govt.nz)

Key Points - Members:

·      Questioned whether the stillness and coolness of the air at night could make monitors less effective, as plumes may not reach them, also whether the daily average taken at 12:00pm (instead of 12:00am) would make any changes in the discharge rate between day and night easier to detect.

In Response to Questions:

·      Modelling exercises had indicated Methyl Bromide should not be a concern for the Marae due to its distance from the port

·      Other sources of contaminants were being investigated, for example tyre/road/brake dust

·      Investigation into data set changes for SO2 monitoring relied on a good relationship between industry and the compliance officer. Often by the time a complaint had been made and the compliance officer had arrived (even a short time later) the odour had dispersed. This also meant a reliance on industrial site data monitors to capture changes

·      If a programme of respiratory monitoring was to be conducted, it would be carried out by a health agency not BOPRC

·      Raw filter analysis investigated a multitude of fine particles, therefore modelling and investigation were required to establish the source and distinguish individual particles

·      As there had been concern for the wellbeing of children at Whareroa Marae, the air monitor had been placed adjacent to the Kōhanga Reo, but noted there were monitor limitations as the wind may take the plume either side of the monitor

·      The Toi Te Ora Report into the health risks in Mount Maunganui was due to be peer reviewed by BOPRC and TCC; the report used the same data as presented to TMAG.

11:36 am – The meeting adjourned.

11:54 am – The meeting reconvened.

7.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners


Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Presentation: BOPRC Update: Objective ID A4555512   


Presented By: Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services and Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager

Key Points:

·      Consents Update:

o  No decision on the Port of Tauranga proposal

o  The Genera consent application to discharge into the Mount Maunganui airshed was under appeal

o  The Lawter application was open for submissions

·      Maritime Update:

o  There had been patrols all year in 2023, close calls between recreational boats and larger ships had been seen

o  BOP Navigation Safety Bylaws were currently under review and due for public consultation over summer 2023/24. The committee reviewing the bylaws consisted of BOPRC Councillors and Tangata Whenua Representatives. Encouraged submissions on options for Hunters Creek

·      Pāpāmoa Hills update:

o  Dawn blessing ceremony for the new tracks, carpark, facilities and interpretive art material had been a success with 170 attendees, organised by Te Uepu, Papamoa Hills governance group and staff

·      Ongoing sampling and monitoring was taking place at the Kopurererua stream realignment with the focus on improving the wellbeing/mauri of the wetlands

·      Mediterranean fanworm had been discovered in the harbour potentially from being scraped off a hull of a vessel while moored. That outbreak had been contained, but constant vigilance was required

·      The summer bathing surveillance monitoring had commenced on Labour Weekend with results available on the BOPRC website: Safe swimming areas | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | Toi Moana (boprc.govt.nz)

·      A bittern had been seen in BOP, which showed progress and was a good news story.



Ngāti Ranginui


Presented By: Te Poi Kawe – Ngāti Ranginui

Key Points:

·      The Settlement Bill was progressing, there was optimism the legislative process would be completed in 2024.




Tauranga City Council


Presented By: Jim Summers - TCC

Key Points:

·      Engagement had commenced for Water Watchers

·      Water restrictions in place for Tauranga from 1 December 2023 to April 2024: Water Watchers - Tauranga City Council

·      Smart Water Plans for TCC contractors

·      Te Maunga wastewater treatment plant project:

o  Desludging pond one was progressing well

o  Construction of clarifier 3 had commenced

·       City Centre redevelopment:

o  Coastal path to connect CBD waterfront to Memorial Park. The Strand redevelopment (Stage One) was underway, Stage Two would link Memorial Park to the Strand

o  Seawall renewal planned, which included pre-cast ecological pods to promote sea life and create a promenade and landscape reserve for community events

o  Waterfront playground in the design phase to replace and extend the existing playground and include a fully accessible amenities block

o  Masonic Park redevelopment underway to link the waterfront to the civic precinct.



Western Bay of Plenty District Council


Presented By: Cr Murray Grainger - WBOPDC

Key Points:

·      A new service delivery contract for road maintenance was upcoming, with local contractors used in the interim

·      The Panepane Wharf replacement was progressing well and would be 45 metres long with access stairs

·      The dog exercise facility in Te Puke was well used but as there had been community pushback in Ōmokoroa the next facility would be in Katikati

·      Beach Road Peninsular stakeholder engagement was complete, a concept plan was due to be presented to WBOPDC followed by further consultation.



Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga


The updates from Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga were deferred to the next hui.


8.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

8.1     Department of Conservation

Presented by: Zane Jensen – Interim Tauranga Operations Manager DOC

Key Points:

·      Noted some unfilled DOC positions in the Tauranga district, with recruitment underway

·      New Ministers relevant to DOC:

o  Minister for Conservation, Tama Potaka

o  New portfolio Minister for Hunting and Fishing, Todd McClay

o  Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Shane Jones

·      It was too early to understand the impact of the new Government on the DOC structure

·      Kaimai-Mamaku rāhui area had reduced to two tracks, there had been no further detection of phytophthora agathidicida (PA/kauri disease/kauri dieback). Future management would be co-designed with mana whenua

·      Thermal drone monitors and active listening monitors data was due to be analysed; had located a female bittern

·      Dotterel work was continuing on Mount Maunganui Main Beach

·      Continued to support community group conservation and pest control projects

·      Supporting Jobs for Nature partnerships and looking at long term opportunities/self-sufficiency/autonomy to maintain the gains from the previous years.

Key Points - members:

·      Interest in a myrtle rust area/plan pathogens area update being brought to TMAG.


9.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Te Mana o Te Wai / Ko Wai Mātou

Presented by: Pia Bennett


Key Points:

·      A steering group had been made up of three iwi groups

·      MfE officials were involved to observe the project status

·      There was potential for Matakana hapū to become involved.

Key Points - Members:

·      Suggested an already established entity which had admin/reporting/ financial accountability experience be utilised to assist.

In Response to Questions:

·      The contract with MfE was an interim arrangement which could be varied; anticipated an individual structure could be set up to transition to an independent entity

·      Wanted the new entity to be environment and kaitiaki focussed with long term visions to support the people being represented.


10.   Rā Hui Whai Ake:  
Next Meeting Date:

Friday, 1 March 2024

11.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Te Pio Kawe.

12.35 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                              Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group