
Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group

Meeting Date:

7 November 2023


Tabled Documents and Presentations


Agenda Item 8.1      Draft Tarawera Awa Aspirations Document and Strategy Group Logo

Presentation - Tarawera Awa Aspirations Document - Summary of changes 1

Tabled Document 1 - TARSG Tohu (Logo) Draft                                             1

Tabled Document 2 - Aspirations Document Draft Cover Letter to Stakeholders                                                                                                        1

Agenda Item 10.1    Oji Fibre Solutions Letter

Tabled Document 3 - Oji Fibre Solutions letter                                               1

Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group                                                              7 November 2023

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Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group                                                              7 November 2023

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Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group                                              7 November 2023

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Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group                                              7 November 2023

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