Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Friday 24 November 2023, 1.00 pm

Venue:                           Rotorua Lakes Council, 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua

Chairperson:                 Chairperson Tania Tapsell – Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)

Deputy Chairperson:   Deputy Chairperson Victor Luca – Whakatāne District Council (WDC)

Members:                      Chairman Doug Leeder – Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC)

Commission Chair Anne Tolley – Tauranga City Council (TCC)

Mayor Faylene Tunui – Kawerau District Council (KDC)

Mayor David Moore - Ōpōtiki District Council (ODC)

Mayor James Denyer – Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

In Attendance:             Staff: Gina Rangi - Acting Chief Executive (RLC); Fiona McTavish - Chief Executive (BOPRC); Namouta Poutasi - General Manager Strategy & Science (BOPRC); Marty Grenfell - Chief Executive (TCC); Peter Bridgwater - Group Manager Finance and Corporate Services (ODC); Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning (BOPRC); Megan Wilson (WBOPDC) – via Zoom; Steve Groom – Governance Manager (BOPRC); Tone Nerdrum Smith – Senior Advisor, Governance (BOPRC)

Presenters: Endine Dixon-Harris and Teeina Kaiaruna (both via Zoom) – Te Whatu Ora; Hayden Smith and Jamie Reid – Sea Cleaners

Apologies:                    Mayor Trewavas, Julie Gardyne, Stephanie O’Sullivan, John Holyoake, Stace Lewer and Chris Marjoribanks   


Noted that the meeting was being recorded and that the recording would be uploaded to the BOPRC website following the meeting Mayoral Forum Zoom Video Recording - 24 November 2023 (

1.     Opening Karakia

A karakia was provided by Mayor Tania Tapsell.

2.     Apologies


That the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum:

1         Accepts the apology from Mayor David Trewavas, Julie Gardyne, Stephanie O’Sullivan, John Holyoake, Stace Lewer and Chris Marjoribanks for absence tendered at the meeting.





Items not on the Agenda



That the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum:

1.    Accepts the item “Seeking feedback on the Pyrolysis of Tyres” as a new item to the agenda;


2.    Notes that the item was not available when the agenda was issued and that feedback is sought before the end of 2023.




4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

5.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes - 21 April 2023



That the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum:

1         Confirms the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes - 21 April 2023 as a true and correct record.





Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes - 11 August 2023



That the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum:

1         Confirms the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes - 11 August 2023 as a true and correct record;

2         Confirm the public excluded Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes – 11 August 2023 as a true and correct record (as there was no discussion regarding these minutes, they were confirmed as part of the public minutes).




6.     Presentations


Te Whatu Ora: Localities and Locality Boundary Determination

Presentation: Te Whatu Ora Localities Presentation: Objective ID A4569531  

Presented by: Teeina Kaiaruna - Principal Advisor, National Locality Design Team And General Manager Iwi Relationships, Te Aka Whai Ora, and Endine Dixon-Harris, Senior Advisor, National Locality Design Team, Te Whatu Ora – both via Zoom.


Key Points - Presentation:

·      Whakapapa of localities

·      Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act

·      Health Systems Reforms

·      Determining locality boundaries

·      Boundary determination steps

·      Commissioning cycle

·      What is a locality

·      The Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora support

·      The First Localities

·      Key learnings

·      Regional Integration Teams (RIT).

Key Points:

·      Noted that a copy of the presentations had been included in the agenda.

In response to questions:

·      Acknowledged the significant inequity within the current health system

·      Aim was to place the community/people at the centre of the service provided

·      Recognised the finite nature of health funding and the challenge of deciding how the available funding could be best applied, which included opportunities for partnership agreements to extend/increase funding

·      The locality map would be amended to reflect the correct boundaries for the Eastern Bay of Plenty

·      Was currently awaiting confirmation regarding the localities of a number of areas, including Tauranga and Kawerau

·      Clarified the two co-leads for Te Manawa Taki

·      Recognised that the current direction of Toi Te Ora and this project could be changed following the change in Central Government

·      Noted that an element of co-funding would be required for this stream of work, as it could not all be covered within allocated health budgets.

Key Points - Members:

·      Noted the split between private vs public health provision in New Zealand and queried the ability of Toi Te Ora to deliver under the current model/funding

·      Sought further information regarding progress made

·      Noted the reference to the ‘local government budget’ and queried what - if any – financial commitments were expected was as the region’s councils were currently progressing/developing their 2024-2034 Long Term Plans (LTPs)

·      Cautioned against ‘overpromise and under delivery’ due to the significant commitments and pressure on the current health system.



Sea Cleaners - Looking After Our Environment

Presented by: Hayden Smith and Jamie Reid – Sea Cleaners


Key Points:

·      Presented using their website: Sea Cleaners | We remove rubbish from the Sea, Harbours and Oceans

·      Noted that a copy of the August 2023 quarterly report had been included in the agenda

·      Noted that Trustees Paula Bennet and Sir Bob Harvey had been unable to attend

·      Sea Cleaners was a nationwide, volunteer based service, and relied on donations, grants and funding to operate

·      Five vessels were currently in operation, with five more prepared to launch

·      Each vessel/team currently collected approximately 2m3 of rubbish per day

·      Currently received support from a number of councils and organisations, including the Port of Tauranga

·      The service was not limited to the ocean, but also included rivers and lakes

·      Recognised the various waste streams that contributed to water pollution, and had practices in place to best address this in its service

·      The vessels were well maintained to optimise performance and minimise emissions

·      Had applied for funding three times from the governmental Waste Minimisation Fund, however remained unsuccessful to date

·      Total funding sought towards the Bay of Plenty service was $300,000

·      Support in principle from the Mayoral Forum would carry weight when applying for funding from various streams.

Key Points – Members:

·      Recognised the value of the service and the significant efforts of the volunteers involved

·      Noted that the councils were all currently preparing their LTP 2024-2024, and encouraged Sea Cleaners to make submissions for funding/support as part of the consultation process.



Items for Staff Follow Up:

·      Chief Executives to apply a co-ordinated approach in ensuring submissions were lodged with each Council, recognising the support of the service provided by Sea Cleaners.



7.     Reports

Decisions Required


Bay of Plenty Climate Risk Assessment Update

Megan Wilson – WBOPDC attended the meeting for this item (via Zoom).

Key Points:

·      Noted that the report, although prepared by TCC staff, had not been overseen/authorised by Chair Tolley as such

·      Sought discussion on how the Mayoral Forum could progress this initiative with the new central government.



Briefing for Incoming Ministers

Presentation: Manawa Initiative: Objective ID A4570932  

Presented by: Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning (BOPRC) and Namouta Poutasi - General Manager Strategy & Science (BOPRC)

Key Points:

·      Noted the ‘first draft’ nature of the Briefing for Incoming Ministers (BIM) paper.

Key Points - Members:

·      Noted the current development of a ‘city deal’ between TCC and  WBOPDC, and considered the preparation of a regional BIM could confuse and distract, rather than inform

·      Agreed that a BIM should be high level and strategic

·      Considered that the BIM as presented was relatively BOPRC focussed, and that it may not reflect the issues as addressed in the city deal, i.e. there was a risk of potential conflict in the messaging between the two documents

·      TCC would not be supportive of the BIM in its current/traditional form

·      Queried the value/accessibility of traditional BIMs, considering the workload of the Ministers given the ministerial portfolio division

·      BIMs needed to be solution focussed, rather than covering issues/challenges only, yet also emphasize what the Bay of Plenty region aspired to achieve

·      Recognised the significant differences across the region and three distinct subregions, both in respect of issues and suggested solutions

·      Recognised the three distinct subregions in the Bay of Plenty

·      Suggested a direct approach/letter and a ‘sit down’ between Ministers and the Mayoral Forum might be more efficient/achieve results

·      The letter to the Minister for Local Government should identify issues and potential solution across the region and cover what we want to discuss

·      Noted that economic growth was a key topic for the new coalition government and agreed that, as a growth area, the Bay of Plenty could make significant contribution to this discussion.


Action for Staff Follow-Up:

·      The Chief Executives to work together on the letter to the Minister for Local Government [refer resolution 3].



That the Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum:

1         Receives the report, Briefing for Incoming Ministers;

2         Invites the new Minister for Local Government to the next meeting of the Mayoral Forum;

3         Prepare a letter to the Minister for Local Government, covering the following:

·        Direct approach/letter rather than a traditional BIM, identifying issues and potential solutions across the region;

·        Recognise the Bay of Plenty as a growth region and identify opportunities to work with central government to address and resolve the unique challenges this presents.




8.     Verbal Update


Focus on Efficiency and Effectiveness - Verbal Update


Presented by: Chief Executive McTavish and Chairman Leeder.

Key Points:

·      Sought increased efficiencies across the region through shared services, e.g. in areas such as management of reserves, building consent applications etc. and that this could be pursued through expanded responsibilities for BOPLASS

·      Noted that the current efficiencies and savings of BOPLASS in procurement services were significant

·      Considered that there needed to be an appetite for and support of increased types of shared services, beyond procurement. An example was BOPRC’s support of Gisborne District Council in its Cyclone Gabrielle recovery.

Key Points - Members:

·      Noted the cross regional benefit by procurement via BOPLASS, and considered there was significant scope for further enhancement/expansion

·      Queried where the responsibility would sit if e.g. consenting was provided at a regional basis and something failed, and that such possible implications needed to be clearly identified and resolved

·      Any expansion of shared serviced required region-wide support to be implemented and provide improved efficiencies

·      Due to the different nature/requirements of each Council, there might be services that could not successfully be shared, rather needed to be provided/retained separately

·      Important to recognise and explore the potential benefit to the ratepayer/consumers.

Action for Staff Follow-Up:

·      Further reporting to be provided at the next meeting of the Mayoral Forum by the ODC Chief Executive, who was leading this initiative.

9.     Consideration of Items not on the Agenda


Late Item: Pyrolysis of Tyres


Presented By: Mayor Victor Luca (WDC)

Key Points:

·      Recognised that waste was a continuing and increasing issue for the region

·      A quote provided by an international, well established operator totalled $30m and would process all tyres nationwide, rather than for the Bay of Plenty region only

·      Sought direction for the Mayoral Forum if there was an appetite to explore this further as a regional waste initiative.

Key Points - Members:

·      Noted that there was work currently taking place between councils at a staff level on how to deal with waste across the region and supported that such discussions should include how to manage end of life tyres.

Action for Staff Follow-Up:

·      Additional material prepared by Mayor Luca regarding this initiative to be circulated after the meeting

·      The business case for the Te Maunga Transfer Station redevelopment was scheduled to be presented to TCC in February 2024 and would then be shared with the Mayoral Forum

·      Supported pursuing this initiative as part of the regional waste management strategy, currently underway, and that this be relayed to the relevant TCC staff.

10.    Public Excluded Section


Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Public Excluded Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum Minutes - 11 August 2023

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

To remain in public excluded.

Minute note: As the Public Excluded minutes from 11 August 2023 were confirmed as part of the public minutes, there was no requirement to move the meeting into public excluded.



11.   Closing Karakia

A karakia was provided by Mayor Tania Tapsell.


3.26 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                       Mayor Tania Tapsell

Chairperson, Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum