Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Tuesday 17 October 2023, 2.30 pm

Venue:                           Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:                 Cr Andrew von Dadelszen - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Deputy Chairperson:   Commission Chair Anne Tolley - Tauranga City Council (TCC)

Members:                      Cr Paula Thompson (BOPRC)

Commissioner Stephen Selwood (TCC)

In Attendance:             BOPRC:

Cr Ron Scott; Cr Kat Macmillan (via Zoom); Cr Lyall Thurston (via Zoom); Mike Seabourne – Director, Public Transport; Oliver Haycock – Manager, Transport Planning; Matthew Kilpatrick – Senior Transport Planner; Claudia Cameron – Committee Advisor.


Commissioner Bill Wasley; Brendan Bisley – Director of Transport; Shawn Geard – Transport Technical Lead, City Centre Team; Tom McIntyre – Team Lead, Transport Development; Gareth Wallis – General Manager City Development; Emily McLean – Programme Lead, City Development.


New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi):

Jess Andrew – Regional Manager System Design (Waikato Bay of Plenty).



Shaun Jones – TSP Programme Manager (via Zoom).

Apologies:                    None.

Minute Note: This meeting was livestreamed and recorded and can be accessed on the BOPRC YouTube channel: Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Meeting - 17 October 2023 (youtube.com)

1.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

2.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1         Confirms the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023 as a true and correct record.




2:35 pm - Jess Andrew (Waka Kotahi) entered the meeting.

3.     Presentations


Transport System Plan (TSP) Update

Presentation: VKT Presentation: Objective ID A4509003  

Presented by: Shaun Jones – TSP Programme Manager


Key Points:

·      There was a legislative requirement to develop a Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) reduction programme for Tauranga (Tier 1 centre), and to support people to walk, cycle and use Public Transport (PT)

·      The 20% VKT reduction by 2035 was based on forecasted projections – a reduction to 1.9 billion light vehicle VKT

·      Urban programme options were outlined; identified where priority investment could be made with potential for an amalgam programme once effective levers were better understood

·      Next steps: evaluate, engage and inform.

Key Points - Members:

·      Highlighted the interrelated nature of Tauranga City and the Western Bay of Plenty in relation to VKT, and noted potential for community confusion with VKT reduction targets as opposed to emissions/carbon reduction targets

·      Recognised that the investment gap for PT, VKT/emission reduction was reliant on increased PT funding. Joined up planning between TSP and regional funding strategies was required

·      Emission/carbon reduction was a key focus of Regional Council. Suggested the TSP team incorporate emissions reduction targets alongside VKT to demonstrate integrated governance.

In Response to Questions:

·      The urban programme options demonstrated scenarios which could be applied to VKT or emission reduction, and could be applied incrementally. The options informed future decisions and the scope of change needed to deliver outcomes

·      In addition to the Managed Lane Study, this programme had funded 13 Bluetooth sensors, a travel demand management scope study and early work on variable ride pricing – this ensured the work was as practical as possible

·      The VKT reduction project was funded by Waka Kotahi.

Key Points – BOPRC Staff:

·      The trip length versus mode data highlighted the need to focus mode shift on trips between 2-25km – TSP data was able to assist with future PT planning.

4.     Verbal Updates


Terms of Reference Update

Presented by: Mike Seabourne - Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)


Key Points:

·      Jess Andrew - Regional Manager System Design (Waikato Bay of Plenty) was introduced as the newly appointed non-voting member for Waka Kotahi as a result of the amendment to the Terms of Reference.



Willow Street Buses Update

Presented by: Ollie Haycock - Director, Public Transport (BOPRC)


Key Points:

·      BOPRC staff had rectified the Willow Street bus layover issue within five working days of the previous meeting and continued to monitor the area, a high level of driver compliance had been seen

·      Additional driver facilities had been secured, and a letter sent to all drivers to inform them of the change

·      Noted that a minimum of 11 layover spots were required within close proximity to the CBD interchange

·      Conscious of the on-going civic redevelopment, and noted the need for advance notice and alternative spaces to be given by TCC if layover spaces became unavailable due to construction.

5.     Reports


Chairperson's Report

Presented by: Mike Seabourne – Director, Public Transport and Ollie Haycock – Manager, Transport Planning

Key Points:

·      National Ticketing Solution (NTS):

o  As BOPRC was a participant in this national project, there was no ability to influence the roll-out programme or timeline

o  There would be an opportunity for lessons learnt from the inaugural roll-out in Canterbury

·      The Tauranga Network Refresh project had been paused:

o  Recent changes and contract constraints had significantly increased the projected cost, staff had attempted to identify smaller changes to be implemented, but was unable to do so within an acceptable budget

o  Submitters would be informed of the delay

o  The new timeline was expected to be 2024, with incremental changes to the network

·      The Tauranga on-demand trial was on track to go live in March 2024

·      Security update - behind the scenes work was on-going and reactionary as incidents occurred.

Key Points - Members:

·      Suggested mode shift targets (as set out in the Regional Public Transport Plan) be made available and reported on. This would track whether mode shift was due to reach the long term targets, and if not, initiatives could be adjusted accordingly

·      As BOPRC was currently in their Long Term Plan 2024-34 process, with a focus on finding efficiencies, a network refresh should achieve cost savings not substantial increases.

In Response to Questions:

·      Patronage numbers were increasing

·      Network reliability was improving, due in part to the increased driver numbers, although congestion was now the key issue/challenge to reliability.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.

von Dadelszen/Selwood


Information Only


Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report

Presented by: Matthew Kilpatrick – Senior Transport Planner (BOPRC), Oliver Haycock – Manager, Transport Planning (BOPRC) and
Brendan Bisley – Director of Transport (TCC)

Key Points:

·      The next parking charge area roll out had been delayed until February 2026

·      Signalisation of Brown Street:

o  Consultation had closed

o  Network efficiency would be balanced with addressing community concerns

o  Brown Street junction at peak caused the longest delays on the bus network, bus priority at that intersection would be investigated

·      Accessible streets:

o  Transitional cycle lane options and locations, similar to those used by Wellington City Council, were being explored. Noted transitional cycle lanes were not temporary

o  Trial cycle lanes allowed changes to be made and tested in a more affordable, efficient manner

o  TCC was working closely with Waka Kotahi on this project

·      Cameron Road Stage 1 was due to be completed by the end of the year. Turning movements at 3rd, 6th and 9th Avenues were to be reinstated to allow east/west movement.

Key Points - Members:

·      Suggested the Transport Emissions Reduction analysis be dovetailed into the current VKT/TSP work

·      Acknowledge the extent of work currently taking place and the professional working relationship between TCC and BOPRC staff and Councils.



That the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Joint Public Transport Committee Update Report.



6.     Public Excluded Section


Resolution to exclude the public

1       Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting as set out below:

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Public Excluded Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee Minutes - 16 August 2023

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

As noted in the relevant Minutes.

To remain in public excluded.


Park and Ride Update

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Projects Update

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Tauranga City Centre Movement Plan

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Cameron Road Stage 2

Withholding the information is necessary to enable any local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(h).

At the conclusion of the business case.

von Dadelszen/Thompson


5:13 pm – the meeting closed.

Confirmed 5 December 2023                                                                                 

                                                                                            Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Chairperson, Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee