Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Friday 8 September 2023, 9.30 am

Venue:                           Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom


Chairperson:                 Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:   Charlie Tawhiao (Ngai Te Rangi)  

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                      Pia Bennett (Ngai Te Rangi)

Commissioner Bill Wasley (Tauranga City Council)

Cr Kat Macmillan (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen (Alternate)

Cr Murray Grainger (Western Bay of Plenty District Council)

In Attendance:             Riki Nelson - appearing for Te Pio Kawe (Ngati Ranginui); Mayor James Denyer (Western Bay of Plenty District Council)

Port of Tauranga: Dan Kneebone

Tauranga City Council: Jim Summers and Radleigh Cairns (via Zoom)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council: Peter Watson and Katy McGinity (via Zoom)

Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Kataraina O’Brien – Director Strategic Engagement (via Zoom); Mark Hamilton – Senior Policy Analyst, Josie Crawshaw – Environmental Scientist (via Zoom), Reuben Gardiner – Senior Advisor, Glenys Kroon – Senior Policy Analyst, Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor, Antoine Coffin – Manager, Spatial Planning, Tone Nerdrum Smith Senior Advisor, Governance

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                    Te Pio Kawe (Ngati Ranginui)

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston (Tauranga City Council)

Cr Allan Sole (Western Bay of Plenty District Council)

Cr Paula Thompson (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Charlie Tawhiao (Ngai Te Rangi) - late arrival

Pia Bennett (Ngai Te Rangi) – late arrival

Commissioner Bill Wasley (Tauranga City Council) - late arrival

1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

An opening karakia was provided by Antoine Coffin.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Accepts the apologies from Te Pio Kawe, Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston, Cr Allan Sole, Cr Paula Thompson for absence, and Charlie Tawhiao, Pia Bennett and Commissioner Bill Wasley for late arrival tendered at the meeting.



3.     Ngā Take Tōmuri
Items not on the Agenda


Tauranga Moana Land Management Operations Update



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Receives the report, Tauranga Moana Land Management Operations Update and accepts it as an Item not on the Agenda;

2         Notes the reason why this item was not on the Agenda is that the report was not yet ready, and the reason why it cannot be delayed is to ensure the information is still provided in a timely manner.




4.     Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business

Noted that there may be some changes to the order of business as the hui progressed depending on the availability of speakers.

5.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

6.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 9 June 2023



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 9 June 2023 as a true and correct record.




7.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners

7.1     Ngāti Ranginui

Riki Nelson - Key Points:

·      Attended on behalf of Te Pio Kawe

·      The Iwi was currently working through the Te Tiriti settlement process

·      Continued to pursue opportunities to separate the Hauraki claim from the process.

7.2     Ngāti Pūkenga

Ngāti Pūkenga representatives were not present to provide an update at this hui.

7.3     Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Cr Murray Grainger - Key Points:

·      Western Bay was experiencing significant and ongoing flood repairs following the recent weather events

·      Noted that community dog parks were being established in Te Puke

·      Te Puna Station Road had experienced serious slips due to heavy rain and remained closed. Community consultation regarding temporarily reopening the road and the preferred long term solution was progressing

·      Kauri dieback had emerged in the Kaimai Ranges for the first time and represented a significant concern

·      The ‘mountain to sea’ approach to water management was not forgotten and was integrated in the development of the draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034.

Key Points - Members:

·      Congratulated Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) for the decision to establish Māori Wards, effective from the 2025 local authority election

·      Queried if it was appropriate for Cr Allan Sole to represent WBOPDC on Tauranga Moana Advisory Group (TMAG) as he had publicly expressed his opposition to the establishment of a Māori Ward

·      Noted the comment and agreed that this was a conversation to be had within WBOPDC, rather than at this meeting.

7.4     Tauranga City Council

Key Points:

·      Currently working through options for more efficient water use within the community

·      With the drier season approaching, engagement with high water users was set to commence in October 2023

·      Successful workshops teaching how to collect, store and use rainwater were continuing

·      Council was in the process of developing the Spatial Plan for the development of Mount Maunganui/Arataki

·      Ongoing waterways restoration work was taking place in Pāpāmoa

·      Kopurererua Stream alignment was progressing well, with new cycle/pathways and wetlands areas.


9.47am – Charlie Tawhiao entered the meeting.


7.5     Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Reuben Fraser - Key Points:

·      Anticipated the Environment Court decision on the Port of Tauranga extension to be available in the near future

·      Noted the vessel Achilles Bulker hat had lost its steering in Tauranga harbour and had to be towed to safety

·      Provided an outline of the Te Whatu Ora report regarding the air quality within the Mount Airshed. Recognised that previous reports had identified pollution, in particular with dust from the local industry. Positive to note that although pollutant was still present, there had been improvement in several areas.

Mark Hamilton - Key Points:

·      The Te Whatu Ora Health Report noted the air quality impact of Particulate Matter (PM)10, PM2.5 and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in the Mount Maunganui area

·      Cargo handling, industrial and natural emissions and traffic and shipping were leading causes of these emissions

·      The final Environment Court decision on the appeals against Plan Change 13 (Air Quality) was expected relatively soon, and it would likely direct Toi Moana to change PC13 to control emissions from unsealed yards within the Mount Airshed

·      The PC 13 appeal interim decision recommended the creation of an Airshed Management Plan, which would involve stakeholder collaboration

·      Benzene, as mentioned in the Health Report, was not currently monitored by Council but consideration was being given to how to best monitor

·      Waka Kotahi was currently monitoring NO2 levels.

7.6     Ngāi Te Rangi

Charlie Tawhiao - Key Points:

·      Noted that the Treaty settlement had originally been signed in December 2013 and emphasised the frustrations that negotiations were still ongoing

·      The Crown’s inclusion of Hauraki as a claimant had stalled the negotiations and a briefing to incoming ministers was being prepared to express the ongoing and significant concerns

·      Noted that Pia Bennet might be moving on from her current role, which could affect her current appointment to TMAG.

8.     Whakaaturanga

10.09 am – Commissioner Wasley entered the meeting.



Port of Tauranga Update

Presentation - Item 10.2 Port of Tauranga - TMAG Hui 8 September 2023 pdf: Objective ID A4480337  

Presented by: Dan Kneebone – General Manager Property and Infrastructure.


Key Points:

·      Acknowledged the opposition to the Port berth extension by Iwi and Hapū, and noted that the Environment Court decision was expected to be released relatively soon

·      The Port intended to go over and above the ‘compliance’ approach with regards to discharge into the harbour

·      A vehicle arrival booking system had been introduced as a traffic management tool to minimise peak travel pressure

·      Recognised there were some logistical restrictions regarding the use of rail for cargo movement, however were strong supporters of increased rail use to move away from truck movements.



9.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

9.1     Department of Conservation (DOC)

Presented by: Raponi Wilson - Acting Operations Manager, Tauranga

Key Points:

·      The previous Operations Manager, Jeff Milham, had moved into a national role

·      New workforce and leaders were starting and recognised there were some challenges during the adaption

·      Kauri Dieback situation in the Kaimai Rangers: Routine testing had identified the pathogen in the Ranges for the first time. DOC, in partnership with Iwi, had developed a joint response, and testing and management was ongoing

·      Kaimai access limitation meant closure extended across all tracks, which had generated some public unease, but mainly support and understanding.


10.30 am – The meeting adjourned.

10.49 am – The meeting reconvened.


10.   Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro
Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Tauranga Moana Land Management Operations Update

Presentation (late item) - Tauranga Moana Land Management Operations: Objective ID A4485321  

Presented by: Pim de Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager

Key Points - Members:

·      The Kopurererua re-alignment project had revealed tree remnants that had been pushed up the Valley in a tsunami that had occurred approximately 300-500 years ago.

Key Points - Staff:

·      Detainment bunds and constructed treatment wetlands were identified as nature-based solutions; minimising sediment and other contaminants entering into the harbour

·      The E.coli sampling at Kaiate Falls showed encouraging signs of improvement during the summer of 2022/23 with only three exceedances. Toi Te Ora still had a permanent warning in place, but would consider reviewing this if the improvements in water quality were sustained

·      Council’s Environmental Grants policy, along with the Biosecurity programme, provided for landowner agreements to include pest control, including for pest plants such as Woolly Nightshade, at protection sites of sufficient priority

·      When ratepayer funding exceeded $35,000 or when a Priority Biodiversity Site was involved, Council policy required registration of a Covenant on the title to protect the specific areas from future inappropriate use or development.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Receives the report, Tauranga Moana Land Management Operations Update;

2         Accepts the report as an Item not on the Agenda and notes the reason why this item was not on the Agenda is that it was not ready in time, and the reason why it cannot be delayed is to ensure the information is provided in a timely manner.

von Dadelszen/Grainger



11.10 am – Raponi Wilson withdrew from the meeting.



Wairoa River Valley Strategy Update

Tabled Document 1 - Information - Wairoa River (1) Update report pdf  (April - June 2023): Objective ID A4475301

Tabled Document 2 - Information - Wairoa River (2) WRVS pdf - Plan on a Page: Objective ID A4475299  



Presented by: Glenys Kroon – Senior Policy Analyst

Key Points:

·      Advised that the Wairoa River Valley Strategy was currently on hold due to the current legislative reforms in the freshwater space.



11.   Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Essential Freshwater Policy Programme update

Presentation - Item 11.1 Essential Freshwater pdf - 2023-08-09 TMAG presentation: Objective ID A4475727  

Presented by: Glenys Kroon – Senior Policy Analyst and Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor

11.36 am – Pia Bennett entered the meeting.

Key Points - Members:

·      Suggested that TMAG could be the suitable platform for co-operation and consistency between the three Iwi

·      Noted the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) funding had almost been lost due to co-operation/agreement challenges

·      Emphasized the importance of discussion with Iwi to look at ways to work effectively together

·      Recognised that water management, including allocations, would become an increasingly important issue for the future

·      Sought the view of TMAG regarding fluoridation of drinking water, as was the current direction given to WBOPDC by central government.

Key Points - Staff:

·      Council was the fund/contract holder for the Ko Wai Mātou project until such time as a legal entity was established by the iwi

·      This was an arrangement between Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāi te Rangi, and Ngāti Ranginui

·      Within the Tauranga rohe, there were three other MfE funded projects

·      A Steering Group would be formed between the three Iwi and Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) to oversee the project at a governance level. There were reporting requirements to be met as part of the MfE funding agreement

·      Estimating sustainable limits for groundwater availability and identifying the management unit boundaries was complex and included both geological factors and considerations of demand

·      Tangata Whenua issues and options would permeate all the chapters of the Plan

·      Currently drafting provisions for water quality and quantity as part of the Essential Freshwater work

·      Some surface and groundwater units were fully or over allocated according to draft limits. Groundwater allocation concerns were mainly linked to municipal activities including Baywave and Mount hotpools, plus municipal supplies in the Western Bay District. Small volumes of water use did not require a resource consent.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·      Staff to provide regular updates on the progress of the Ko Wai Mātou project.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1         Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme update.




12.   Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Te Mana o Te Wai Update

Presented by: Pia Bennett - Ngai Te Rangi


Key Points:

·      As discussed, funding of $1.9 million had been secured from Ministry for the Environment and was being channelled directly to Te Mana o Te Wai.



13.   Report Back/Discussion


Tauranga Moana Strategic Document - Initial Learnings and Observations

Presentation - Strategic Discussion Tauranga Moana Advisory Group pdf: Objective ID A4472946  


Presented by: Antoine Coffin – Manager Spatial Planning

Key Points:

·      Provided a recap of the discussion on 9 June 2023, where it was agreed there was an appetite for the development of a strategic document

·      The draft Treaty Tauranga Moana Settlement identified the development of a ‘document’, however there was no description regarding its details and content

·      Advocacy and influence impacted on marine health and habitat, rather than any document by itself

·      There were extremes on the opposite end of the scale, being marine reserve restrictions/application of management tools vs education/’free for all’ and no limitations

·      Considered that the entire water catchment of Tauranga Moana should be covered by the strategic document: Waihī to Pāpāmoa/Mountains to the Sea

·      The current development approach was high level and strategic in recognition of the differing thinking within TMAG.

Key Points - Members:

·      Sought recognition of the harbour as living being/concerned that the strategic document could categorise the harbour as an inanimate object

·      The framework should recognise the essence/mana of the awa

·      The strategic document should encompass more than the strictly legislative requirements set out in a statutory document

·      The ocean should be included within the catchment for the purposes of the strategic document

·      Recognised the frustration that the settlement negotiations were progressing so slowly, however also acknowledged the desire for the Group to develop a Strategic Document to be well placed for the future when a settlement was reached

·      Acknowledged the significant piece of work ahead in the development of the Strategic Document

·      Important to consider the implications of a narrower focus vs wider strategic approach

·      ‘Mountain to sea’ approach was well anchored in the draft SmartGrowth Strategy that was about to go out for public consultation

·      Noted that co-governance structures were set through Treaty Settlements

·      Concerned that Council was progressing the strategic document framework too rapidly, without iwi/hapu involvement in this early development phase

·      Prioritising the Tauranga Moana Harbour had meant accepting a lesser settlement agreement 10 years ago.

Next Steps:

·      Would continue to review and scope available literature until October 2023, then move onto measures and implications before reporting back to TMAG in the new year (2024).



14.   Rā Hui Whai Ake: 1 December 2023
Next Meeting Date:1 December 2023

15.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A closing karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.


12.57 pm – the meeting closed.







Confirmed 1 December 2023                                                                                 

                                                                                              Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group