Ngā Meneti
Open Minutes
Commencing: Friday 22 September 2023, 9:30 am
Venue: Bay of Plenty Regional Council Office, Waiariki Room, Corner Fenton & Pukaki Street, Rotorua and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)
Chairperson: Pou Tākiwaiora Arapeta Tahana
Heamana Tuarua
Deputy Chairperson: Councillor Kevin Winters (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC))
Ngā Kopounga
Members: Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT)
Mariana Te Rangi; Georgina Whata (Alternate)
Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)
Mayor Tania Tapsell; Cr Gregg Brown; Phill Thomass – Lakes Community Board Chair (Alternate)
Chairman Doug Leeder; Cr Te Taru White (Alternate)
Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Observer Lorena Stephen - Director, Investments, Policy, Implementation and Delivery (via Zoom)
Te Hunga i Tae Ake
In Attendance: TALT: Dr Daryn Bean - Tumu Whakarae (Chief Executive); Soweeta Fort-D'Ath - Lakes Programme Coordinator; William Anaru - Biosecurity Manager
RLC: Gina Rangi – Acting Chief Executive; Stavros Michael – Deputy Chief Executive Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions
BOPRC: Cr Lyall Thurston; Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Greg Corbett - Biosecurity Manager; Te Wakaunua Te Kurapa – Biosecurity Officer; Rosemary Cross - Senior Projects Manager, Rotorua Catchments; Gemma Moleta – Senior Planner (Water Policy); Esther Coenen – Communications Advisor (via Zoom); Melissa Williams - Communications Partner (Via Zoom); Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor
Other: Te Kuramea Karere – Public Forum Speaker; Cyrus Hingston Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Chairman; Dr Kenneth Kennedy - LakesWater Quality Society; Lana Ngawhika - Director Te Rani Consulting.
Ngā Hōnea
Declaration of Public Recording
Committee members and the public were reminded that the meeting was being recorded and would be made available on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website following the meeting and archived for a period of three years: Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Meeting - 22 September 2023 - YouTube
1. Karakia
Opening Karakia
Karakia provided by Pou Tākiwaiora Arapeta Tahana.
Extended a warm
welcome to Dr Daryn Bean, new Tumu Whakarae (Chief Executive) for TALT and Mariana
Te Rangi newly appointed TALT representative on Rotorua
Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group.
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Accepts the apologies from Nuki Nicholson, Cr Te Taru White (for lateness) and Chairman Doug Leeder (for early departure), as tendered at the meeting. CARRIED |
3. Wāhanga
Public Forum
Te Kuramea Karere – Lake Rotoma and Lakes Rotoehu Reduction Proposal Tabled Document 1 - Public Forum Lake Rotoma and Rotoehu Reduction proposal Lakes Strategy Meeting: Objective ID A4491678 ⇨ Tabled Document 2 - Public Forum - Rotoiti Rotoma Proposal Additional Data: Objective ID A4491679 ⇨ |
Presented by Te Kuramea Karere. Key Points - Te Kuramea Karere: · Presented a proposed solution to reduce the water volume in Lake Rotoma and Lake Rotoehu to address the challenges posed by high water levels in the lakes (Reference Tabled Documents 1 and 2) · Aspiration was to be resilient/innovative and think “outside the box” in order to reduce water levels through the implementation of a mechanical evaporation system · Took six weeks off work to develop this concept/report · Highlighted the negative impacts of high lake levels on properties, infrastructure and the environment; emphasised the need for a solution to mitigate these impacts, even though there was currently a dry spell / summer season · Referenced various aspects of the project, including technical details, site considerations, environmental implications, logistical challenges, regulatory requirements and basic cost analysis · Highlighted the need for collaboration between stakeholders, including TALT, BOPRC and local iwi · Engagement was crucial for effective communication, regulatory compliance, and addressing cultural and environmental concerns · Focussed on the contents of Tabled document 2, which provided additional data and focused on the variations observed in Lake Rotoma's water levels during different documented El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) related weather patterns · Data supported the proposal and helped in understanding the relationship between ENSO weather patterns and Lake Rotoma's water levels. Key Points – Members: · Acknowledged the hard work/dedication by Te Kuramea Karere in supporting the community with the innovative proposal and thinking big; encouraged him to consider further possibilities for future use · Recognised that further investigation into financial planning and regulatory compliance would be required. |
· Referral of Te Kuramea Karere’s Lake Rotoma and Lakes Rotoehu Reduction Proposal to the Te Arawa Lakes Technical Working Group · Pou Tākiwaiora, on behalf of members of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group, to respond to Te Kuramea Karere with a letter of appreciation, advising of the next steps. |
4. Whakapuakanga
o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed
Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes - 23 June 2023 |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Confirms the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Minutes - 23 June 2023 as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Correspondence Received Tabled Document 3 - Letter to TALSG partners from Mayor Tapsell - Rotoiti Rotoma Wastewater Scheme Funding - 21 September 2023: Objective ID A4490875 ⇨ |
The Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group noted the following correspondence: · Letter to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group partners from Mayor Tapsell regarding the Rotoiti Rotoma Wastewater Scheme Funding, dated 21 September 2023. |
Appointment of Representatives for Te Arawa Lakes Trust on the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Appointment of Representatives for Te Arawa Lakes Trust on the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group; 2 Notes that Te Arawa Lakes Trust Board, at its meeting held on 28 June 2023 had confirmed Nuki Nicholson and Mariana Te Rangi as representatives on Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group with Rangitihi Pene and Georgina Whata as the alternate representatives for Te Arawa Lakes. CARRIED |
Verbal Update: Freshwater Gold Clam Response Update Presented by: Greg Corbett, BOPRC Biosecurity Manager and Cyrus Hingston Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Chairman, supported by William Anaru - TALT Biosecurity Manager and Te Wakaunua Te Kurapa – BOPRC Biosecurity Officer. Key Points – BOPRC Staff: · Freshwater gold clams (Corbicula fluminea) had been detected in the Waikato River near Lake Karapiro in early May 2023 · Gold clams had the potential to destroy native habitats and clog water supplies. They were self-fertile prolific breeders · Experience from overseas had shown the gold clam was highly invasive and difficult to control – it had never been eradicated from any site where it had established · Immediately following the detection of gold clam in the Waikato region, BOPRC and TALT staff surveyed potentially vulnerable areas of the Rotorua lakes with no detections to date · Gold clam mainly spread through vessel movements · Biosecurity New Zealand staff had been undertaking further ongoing surveillance · There was a high likelihood that freshwater gold clam (Corbicula fluminea) would be discovered in the Bay of Plenty region · BOPRC had directed its staff to continue surveillance for gold clam in the region and continue supporting the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)/discuss potential ways to manage gold clam · Surveillance for gold clam had been incorporated into BOPRC’s biannual surveillance programme for the Lakes · BOPRC would continue with boat ramp compliance (Rule 7 of the Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP)) to help reduce the risk of gold clam arriving in the region Key Points – TALT Staff: · TALT had received notification of the freshwater gold clam (Corbicula fluminea) threat from the iwi collective and not MPI · Was extremely concerned about the threat; therefore deemed the matter as serious · Whānau had supported that more needed to be done in this space as MPI’s response might be insufficient · Had requested an Open Forum with MPI to discuss the latest biosecurity threat facing roto moana (Hui was scheduled for 27 September 2023). Key Points – Cyrus Hingston, Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Chairman: · Provided Tarāwhai Iwi’s perspective to the freshwater gold clam threat · Was gravely concerned about the threat and possible spread to Lake Ōkataina (Lake Ōkataina was of great cultural, spiritual and ecological importance to the people of Ngāti Tarāwhai) · Had been given the mandate by Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust beneficiaries to take all steps possible to prevent the spread · Had accordingly approached TALT, who held all the lake beds in trust · Within the next week the fishing season would open with numerous fishermen coming across from the Waikato region, increasing the risk of spread · Had attended a recent hui with Biosecurity New Zealand who had indicated that they were monitoring/testing and informing the public accordingly; however, voluntary compliance was all they could do at this stage. Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust viewed this action would not stop the spread · Was looking at all options to protect the Lake and seeking a temporary closure of Lake Ōkataina to boat traffic while a long-term plan to manage the threat of the gold clams could be established. Enquired about a legal option to temporary close the Lake until proper measures were in place to stop the spread · Acknowledged that the closure would have a negative economic impact on the community. However, stressed that the impact on the wai would be of far bigger significance · Noted that several public lakes events had been planned for the 2023/24 summer period. Key Points - Members: · TALT supported the temporary closure of Lake Ōkataina; acknowledged the potential negative economic impact · Under the Maritime Transport Act 1994, a harbourmaster could only close lakes for the purpose of ensuring maritime safety/navigational safety issues · Recognised that the Biosecurity Act 1993 provided MPI with the power to close a lake to place a controlled area notice as a temporary means to prevent the incursion of a pest to an area · Acknowledged the power of “community buy-in” · Members expressed general support to further investigate the temporary closure of Lake Ōkataina by MPI and furthermore encouraged MPI to support Ngāti Tarāwhai to protect the Lake; acknowledged that there had not been an opportunity to consult with the respective organisations that members represented · With the opening of the fishing season, recognised the urgency and the need to elevate the matter to a level of action · Members concurred that the Open Forum (to discuss the latest biosecurity threat facing rotomoana, hosted by TALT and MPI) scheduled for Wednesday, 27 September 2023 at 5:30 pm at the Millennium Hotel, 1270 Hinemaru Street, Rotorua would be an opportunity for the Strategy Group to voice their support for Ngāti Tarāwhai’s request for a temporary closure of Lake Ōkataina until such time that proper measures to prevent the spread of gold clam had been put in place. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Verbal Update: Freshwater Gold Clams Response Update; and 2 Supports in principle (encourages), the urgent investigation into the temporary closure of Lake Ōkataina to boats by the Ministry for Primary Industries under the Biosecurity Act, based on the significant biosecurity threat posed by the Freshwater gold clams (Corbicula fluminea). CARRIED |
10:26am – Cr Te Taru White joined the meeting.
Verbal update on Strategy Review Process Presented by: Lana Ngawhika – Consultant/Director Te Rani Consulting. Key Points: · Provided a verbal update on progress made with the review process to date · Currently reviewing the terms of reference · Had undertaken interviews with 25 individuals (including the lead negotiator for the Te Arawa Lakes claim) · Two sections of the draft report, including the governance review, had been completed · Next step would include a discussion with the panel to review the recommendations to the Strategy Group · Thanked all for their robust/honest contributions · Timeline for completion: scheduled to present the report for consideration by members of the Strategy Group at a workshop to be held on 8 December 2023. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Verbal update on the Strategy Review Process. CARRIED |
10:45am - The meeting adjourned.
11:00am - The meeting reconvened.
Te Arawa Lakes Trust Update to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group - 22 September 2023 Presented by: Soweeta Fort-D'Ath - TALT Lakes Programme Coordinator. Key Points: · Outlined the activities of TALT in the Rotorua/Te Arawa Lakes Programme · Focus had been the uplifting of Te Whakapapa o Te Wai (the Guiding Values): Waiora/Wairua/Waiata ·
Waiora – through partnership, pursuing opportunities and
resources to secure long term positive outcomes for the health and wellbeing
of ·
Wairua – facilitating space and building on the
connection between · Waiata – celebrating Te Arawa mātauranga excellence and success as it related to te taiao and inspiring the next generation to pursue opportunities in these spaces ·
The second annual Fish Futures Symposia was being
held on 28-29 September 2023 at Tāheke Marae (119 Ōkere Road,
Ōkere Falls, Rotorua), the purpose being the Fish Futures research team
to gain insight into Key Points - Members: · Commended TALT staff for the comprehensive report and passionate commitment/mahi · Looked forward to seeing the outcome of Phase 2 of the Uwhi Project, particularly the impact on koura · Invited TALT staff to share the Aquatic Lake Weed Spray Programme with the Rotorua Lakes Community Board to enable the sharing of information on social media to increase public awareness/inform the relevant communities. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Te Arawa Lakes Trust Update to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group - 22 September 2023. CARRIED |
11:20am – Georgina Whata joined the meeting.
Verbal Update - Ministry for the Environment |
Presented by: MfE Representative Lorena Stephen, Director, RM Implementation, Policy, Implementation and Delivery. Key Points: The Spatial Planning Act (SPA) and the Natural and Built Environment Act (NBA) began coming into effect on 24 August 2023 · SPA and NBA to be gradually phased in over a 10-year period; MfE would work with representatives from local government, iwi, hapū, Māori organisations and the sector to consider what information, guidance and training would be required to support the dual system · Some changes in the new legislation started on 24 August 2023. Examples included: o fast-track consenting for certain housing and infrastructure developments o a new maximum duration for new freshwater-related consents o changes to council enforcement powers and penalties o changes to the management of contaminated land o changes to aquaculture management o changes to who can apply to be a requiring authority · Over the coming months more detail would be made available as MfE worked with advisory groups, partners and the sector to inform guidance, information and support that was required for implementation. · New laws enacted for resource management reform | Ministry for the Environment Natural Hazards · MfE had released a discussion document on the Proposed National Policy Statement - Natural Hazard Decision-making (NPS-NHD) on 18 September, and were currently seeking feedback · Aimed to support local government decision making on new development in areas that were at high risk from natural hazards, to manage risks to people and property from natural hazards such as floods, landslides and coastal inundation · NPS-NHD would ensure that local government considered the risk of all natural hazards (including the effects of climate change) when making decisions relating to all new developments · This would be developed over the next one to two years. Consultation period to close 13 November 2023 · Have your say on managing natural hazard risk | Ministry for the Environment National Planning Framework · MfE was developing a transitional National Planning Framework (NPF), which would provide direction and guidance for both regional spatial strategies and natural and built environment plans on the things that matter at the national and regional level · The NPF would bring together 23 pieces of existing national direction – such as the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and the National Policy Statement for Urban Development – into one cohesive document. The transitional NPF would also include new national direction on infrastructure, environmental limits and targets, and implement outcomes including the relationship of iwi and hapū with their taonga · MfE had conducted engagement on the transitional NPF up to the end of June 2023 and would conduct further targeted engagement on the Statutory Engagement Draft through the remainder of 2023 · Targeted engagement would focus on engaging Māori groups to ensure they had an early opportunity to give feedback on the proposed NPF, and in particular Post Settlement Government Entities (PSGEs) in accordance with existing Treaty settlement commitments. There would also be targeted engagement with local government as key implementers of the NPF · Notification of the transitional NPF proposal was likely to occur in early 2024. Once the transitional NPF was notified, an independent board of inquiry process would begin. During the board of inquiry process, iwi/hapū/PSGEs would be encouraged to provide feedback via submissions and/or hearing · The Minister would make final decisions on the NPF proposal, having regard to the board of inquiry report · The final version of the transitional NPF was anticipated to come into effect in mid-2025. National Policy Statement for highly productive land · The Government wanted feedback on potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) · Since the NPS-HPL took effect in 2022, concerns had been raised about how it may restrict the development of activities not relying on highly productive land (HPL) but needing to be located on it for particular reasons. The activities included: o renewable electricity generation (particularly solar) o intensive indoor primary production (e.g. indoor pig, poultry and mushroom farms), and o greenhouses · Feedback was required from those interested in renewable electricity generation, indoor primary production and greenhouses. Consultation was open until 31 October. More information available: Potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land | Ministry for the Environment. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the verbal update by the Ministry for the Environment to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group - 22 September 2023. Tapsell/Winters CARRIED |
Rotorua Lakes Council Update Report to Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group 22 September 2023 Presented by: Stavros Michael, Deputy Chief Executive, Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions, RLC. Key Points: · Provided an update on RLC activities that related to lake water quality · Activities currently underway included wastewater treatment, stormwater projects, and planning policy matters · Rotomā/Rotoiti Sewerage Scheme was progressing well; recent weather patterns (high lakes levels) and complex legal whenua Māori consents had slowed down the rate of installations, however, appropriate extension of time had been granted to fully complete the scheme · Upgrade of the Rotorua Wastewater Treatment Plant was progressing well · Sustainable Forest Alternative - detailed feasibility of the preferred site would soon commence and once the outcome was known the next phase of design work would commence · Tarawera Sewerage Scheme - Stage 1 construction and work was currently well underway; next step for Stage 2 included community engagement during October with the aim of transitioning to physical works commencing early 2024 · Stormwater Resource Consent: RLC were currently implementing a comprehensive management system process, with an application to the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (estimated at $120M over the next seven years) · RLC Future Development Strategy (FDS) - majority of submitters had expressed their support for the direction of the FDS at the hearings · RLC Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 – anticipated that the Panel would provide their recommendations to Council by the end of the year. Key Points - Members: · BOPRC Councillors expressed interest in joining RLC Councillors on any site visits to projects that related to lakes water quality · Advised that RLC Chief Executive Geoff Williams had recently announced his retirement and that Gina Rangi had been appointed as Interim Chief Executive while the recruitment process was being completed · Expressed sincere appreciation for Geoff Williams’ leadership and the positive and constructive relationships he had developed with iwi, government agencies, and other community partners during his time as Chief Executive. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Rotorua Lakes Council Update Report to Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group 22 September 2023. CARRIED |
Programme Status Update and Purongo ā-tau 2022-2023 Tabled Document 4 - Daily Mean Lake Levels from April 2022 to Sept 2023 - RTALSG Hui 22 September 2023: Objective ID A4493018 ⇨ Presentation - Constructed Wetlands Progress Sep 2023: Objective ID A4493657 ⇨ Presented by: Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments and Rosemary Cross, Senior Projects Manager (Rotorua Catchments). Key Points: · Provided tabled document with daily mean lake level graphs from April 2022 to September 2023 for the following lakes: Rotomā, Rotoehu, Rotorua (at Mission Bay) and Rotoiti (at Okawa Bay) · Provided key programme updates for the programme as at September 2023 · Highlighted progress made with constructed wetlands: commenced construction of a 9-hectare wetland in the upper Puarenga catchment and continued work to secure access to and approvals for further sites (31 Ngongotahā Road). Key Points - Members: · With reference to the 3 year average Trophic Level Index (TLI), suggested that a 5 year TLI would be more useful · Expressed disappointment at not making the desired impact/achieving the TLI level targets; particularly in the context of all the time/resources that had been dedicated to date. Suggested a reinvention in terms of next steps in order to achieve the TLI targets · Noted that the science review, recently completed under the leadership of Prof Deniz Özkundakci (Toihuarewa Waimāori Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chair), had suggested a wider range of monitoring measures to be implemented to review lake statistics/water quality attributes. |
· Presentation to be provided to the Strategy Group at a future meeting, explaining/clarifying the allowed lake levels (regulatory requirements for opening/closing of the gates) to ensure a clear understanding by all. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Programme Status Update and Purongo ā-tau 2022-2023. 2 Approves the Purongo ā-tau 2022-2023 for submission to the Ministry for the Environment, as per the requirements of the Deed of Funding for the Programme. CARRIED |
11:50am - Chairman Leeder withdrew from the meeting.
Draft Terms of Reference for Te Arawa Lakes Technical Working Group Presented by: Chris Ingle – BOPRC General Manager, Integrated Catchments and Stavros Michael, RLC Deputy Chief Executive, Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions. Key Points: · Purpose of the Te Arawa Lakes Technical Working Group (Working Group) would be to undertake a strategic assessment of the foreseeable risks to lakeside communities of climate change driven lake level fluctuations across the Te Arawa Lakes; and make recommendations to the Strategy Group on measures for feasible short, medium and long-term adaptation action and possible options for funding these · The Working Group’s first meeting was to be scheduled for October 2023, with monthly meetings to follow ·
Working Group to present its recommendations
report to the Rotorua Key Points - Members: · Acknowledged that the issue of managed retreat would require further collective consideration · Assured members of the public present that the Working Group would work closely with affected communities (as per Objective 3 of the terms of reference) · Respectfully recognised the ebb and flow/moving boundaries of the lakes/ unpredictable character of Mother Nature claiming back what was once hers. |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Draft Terms of Reference for Te Arawa Lakes Technical Working Group. 2 Approves the Terms of Reference for the Te Arawa Lakes Technical Working Group. CARRIED |
12:35pm – Mayor Tapsell withdrew from the meeting.
Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update Presentation - Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update to RTALSG hui - 22 September 2023: Objective ID A4492907 ⇨ Presented by: Gemma Moleta – Senior Planner (Water Policy). Key Points: · Since 23 June 2023, two community drop-in events were held (23 June and 8 July) with a small number of attendees at each event · Final Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) event scheduled for 22 September 2023 · Feedback could be provided via: in person, online and in hard copy · Cited key concerns/questions raised at events · Tangata whenua engagement had focussed on current engagement projects/relationships · Highlighted community feedback received to date. Key Point - Members: · Highlighted the importance of protecting native species and ensuring the lakes returned to their original pristine conditions (i.e. the protection/closure of Lake Ōkataina). |
That the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group: 1 Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update. CARRIED |
7. Karakia
Closing Karakia
Karakia provided by Cr Te Taru White.
12:45 pm – the meeting closed.
Chairperson, Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group