Extraordinary Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Agenda

NOTICE IS GIVEN that an extraordinary meeting of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee will be held via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting) on:

Tuesday 22 August 2023 COMMENCING AT 4:00 pm

This meeting will be recorded.


The Public section of this meeting will be recorded and uploaded to Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website Bay of Plenty Regional Council - YouTube. Further details on this can be found after the Terms of Reference within the Agenda.

Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

Administering Authority

16 August 2023




Bay of Plenty Civil Defence
Emergency Management Group



Mayor Faylene Tunui (Kawerau District Council)

Deputy Chairperson

Mayor James Denyer (Western Bay of Plenty District Council)



Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Councillor Malcolm Campbell

Councillor Ron Scott (Alternate)

Kawerau District Council

Deputy Mayor Aaron Rangihika (Alternate)

Ōpōtiki District Council

Mayor David Moore

Councillor Tom Brooks (Alternate)

Rotorua Lakes Council

Mayor Tania Tapsell

Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong (Alternate)

Tauranga City Council

Commission Chair Anne Tolley

Commissioner Bill Wasley (Alternate)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour (Alternate)

Whakatāne District Council

Mayor Victor Luca

Deputy Mayor Lesley Immink (Alternate)


Lily Foulds - Representative from the National Emergency Management Agency


Four members, consisting of the majority of the number of members

Purpose and Role

The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group was established in accordance with Section 12 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 as a joint standing committee of the BOP member Councils under clause 30(1)(b) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. Membership includes all local authorities in the Bay of Plenty region. The Group operates pursuant to a Constitution approved by the Councils.

Power to Act

The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group has a constitution and this specifies the functions and powers of the group.

By virtue of section 12(2) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, this committee is a permanent committee and is not deemed to be discharged at, and continues in existence following local authority triennial elections.

Under Section 23(1) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council is the Administering Authority for the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group.

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group reports to the various Councils.


Recording of Meetings

Please note the Public section of this meeting is being recorded and uploaded to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website in accordance with Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Meetings Protocols which can be viewed on Council’s website. The recording will be archived and made publicly available on Council's website within two working days after the meeting on www.boprc.govt.nz for a period of three years (or as otherwise agreed to by Council).

All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery or as a participant at the meeting, your presence may be recorded. By remaining in the public gallery, it is understood your consent is given if your image is inadvertently broadcast.


Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.


1.       Opening Karakia

2.       Apologies

3.       Items not on the Agenda

4.       Order of Business

5.       Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

6.       Reports

Decisions Required

6.1      Appointment of a Replacement Hearings Panel Member: Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028                                                                  3

7.       Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

8.       Closing Karakia






Report To:

Extraordinary Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee

Meeting Date:

22 August 2023

Report Writer:

Merinda Pansegrouw, Committee Advisor

Report Authoriser:

Steve Groom, Governance Manager

Mark Crowe, Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty


Appoint a replacement Hearings Panel Member to hear submissions as part of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 process



Appointment of a Replacement Hearings Panel Member: Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028


Executive Summary

The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Joint Committee appointed a Hearings Panel to hear submissions on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group as part of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 review process.

One of the Hearings Panel Members is no longer available and a replacement member for the Hearings Panel is required.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1        Receives the report, Appointment of a Replacement Hearings Panel Member: Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028;

2        Notes that Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong is no longer available to serve as a Hearings Panel member to hear submissions on the draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2023-2028 on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group;

3        Appoints ________________________ to the Hearings Panel to hear submissions on the draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-28 on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group, alongside Mayor Faylene Tunui and Mayor James Denyer.



1.       Background

At the CDEM Group Joint Committee meeting held on 30 June 2023, the Joint Committee appointed a Hearings Panel to hear submissions on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group as part of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 review process.

The appointed Hearings Panel members are:

·      Chairperson Mayor Faylene Tunui

·      Deputy Chairperson Mayor James Denyer

·      Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong.


2.       Hearings Panel Membership

Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong has subsequently advised that she is not available to attend the Hearings scheduled in September 2023 due to other commitments.

Hearings have been scheduled for 4 and 5 September 2023. Due to the tight timeframe for finalising the Group Plan 2023-2028 review process, there is limited flexibility regard the allocated dates.

The appointment of a new member to the Hearings Panel is required to replace Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong to hear submissions on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group as part of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 review process.

3.       Considerations

3.1      Risks and Mitigations

Based on the Local Government Act, a subcommittee requires a minimum number of two members (LGA, Section 7, clause 31 (6)).

The Hearings Panel could continue with two members. However, this poses a potential risk for the process: should either Mayor Tunui or Mayor Denyer become unavailable, the Hearings Panel would be unable to convene. Appointing a replacement member to the Hearings Panel would accordingly ensure continuity.

There are no further significant risks associated with this matter.

3.2      Climate Change

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts.

3.3      Implications for Māori

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature.


3.4      Community Engagement


Engagement with the community is not required as the recommended proposal / decision relates to a procedural matter only.

3.5      Alignment with Strategic Framework

This paper supports the statutory requirements of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group to review the Bay of Plenty Group Plan every five years.

3.6      Financial Implications

There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.

4.       Next Steps

The Hearings Panel will attend hearings/deliberations scheduled on 4 and 5 September 2023 to:

•   hear from the submitters who wish to present their submission,

•   deliberate on the points that have been raised in the submissions, and

•   make recommendations following deliberations.

At the CDEM Group Joint Committee meeting scheduled for 29 September 2023, the Joint Committee will consider any recommended amendments to be incorporated into the draft Group Plan following the hearings and deliberations and approve the Draft Plan for Ministerial Review.