Regional Transport Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Thursday 15 June 2023, 9.30 am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Rotorua Lakes Council, 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua

Chairperson:               Cr Lyall Thurston - Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC)

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Ken Shirley (BOPRC)

Members:                    Mayor David Moore - Ōpōtiki District Council (via Zoom), Commissioner Stephen Selwood – Alternate, Tauranga City Council, David Speirs - Waka Kotahi, Cr Andrew von Dadelszen – Alternate, BOPRC (via Zoom), Cr Berice Julian – Alternate, Kawerau District Council (via Zoom), Mayor James Denyer - Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Mayor Victor Luca - Whakatāne District Council, Angus Hodgson – KiwiRail (non-voting, via Zoom)

In Attendance:            External Advisors: Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability (via Zoom), Greg Pert – Freight, Stacey Spall - NZ Automobile Association

                                    BOPRC:  Cr Malcolm Campbell, Cr Ron Scott (via Zoom), Cr Jane Nees (via Zoom), Mike Seabourne – Public Transport Director, Presenters – as listed in the minutes, Amanda Namana – Committee Advisor

Apologies:                  Mayor Tania Tapsell - Rotorua Lakes Council, Chairman Doug Leeder (BOPRC), Mayor Faylene Tunui - Kawerau District Council, Stacey Spall – NZ Automobile Association (for lateness)

Please note: This meeting was livestreamed and recorded, and can be accessed on Council’s YouTube channel: Regional Transport Committee - 15 June 2023

1.     Apologies


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1          Accepts the apologies from Mayor Tapsell, Chairman Leeder, Mayor Tunui and Stacey Spall tendered at the meeting.



2.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

3.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 9 March 2023



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1          Confirms the Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 9 March 2023 as a true and correct record.



4.     Reports


Chairperson's Report

Manager, Transport Planning Oliver Haycock presented this item.

Key Points:

·         Due to Cyclone Gabrielle, the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) had been delayed and was yet to be released in draft form

·         Winter vehicle safety checks taking place across the region had proven popular, particularly with commuters.

In Response to Questions:

·         PM3 particulate emissions released into the atmosphere through car tyre and brake wear was an emerging source of concern.  These particulates were observed through Regional Council’s air monitoring sites and would continue to be monitored.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·           Clarify whether the Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Amendment 2012 reference to Euro standards 4, 5 and 6 referred only to diesel vehicles.  



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.





Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Quarterly Update

Presentation: Waka Kotahi Quarterly Update - June 2023: Objective ID A4407821  

Director Regional Relationships David Speirs presented this item.

Key Points of PowerPoint:

·         Additional Budget 2023 funding

·         Speed Management Planning

·         State Highway Speed Management Plans

·         Bitumen supply chain review – also noted the challenges of transporting bitumen

·         VKT Reduction Programme:

o    Highlighted that the reprioritisation of the work programme did not alter the focus on public transport investment

·         He Tohu Huarahi Māori bilingual traffic signs

·         Maintenance and Operations update:

o    There had been disruption to both Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty  programmes due to extreme weather events

·         Changes to Ōpōtiki driver licensing

·         State Highway 30 to Awakeri and the State Highway 2 Wainui Road to Ōpōtiki safety improvements

·         State Highway 2 Waihī to Ōmokoroa – the original part of the project was near completion and would be followed by median barrier installation.  The work was being carried out at night wherever possible to try and minimise disruption for drivers.

9.55 am – The meeting adjourned.

9.58 am – The meeting reconvened.

Key Points - Members:

·         Acknowledged the high level of frustration for road users around delays caused by roadworks on State Highway 2 Waihī to Ōmokoroa

·         Noted the research undertaken by Toi Ohomai and others around the country regarding potential uses for discarded tyres.

In Response to Questions:

·         Work was being carried out on a range of alternative options to using bitumen for road surfaces

·         Tier 1 councils included Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council

·         There was a national piece of work looking at alternative routes for the local road network during disruptions such as weather events and what level of investment would be required

·         Technology in bridge construction had shifted over time and there were many other considerations to be made including what was best for the entire catchment, land use change, being fit for purpose long-term and cost drivers (price of materials, supply chain etc)

·         Transport was no longer funded solely through the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF), so at a regional level projects needed to consider other funding sources during the process of developing Regional Land Transport Plans (RLTP).



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Receives the report, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Quarterly Update.




10.34 am – The meeting adjourned.


10.55 am – The meeting reconvened.

Decisions Required


Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024 - Strategic Framework Development

Presentation: Draft RLTP 2024 - Strategic Framework Development: Objective ID A4407822  

Manager, Transport Planning Oliver Haycock presented this item.

Key Points of Presentation:

·           Outlined background and process to date of the development of the 2024-2034 RLTP

·           Provided a recap of the timeline and informed members of the upcoming workshop on 4 August 2023, with expected purpose and outcomes

·           Described the options to be considered for the Vision Statement

·           Objective Themes were not a requirement under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA), however they were present in the current RLTP and recommended as best practice.

Key Points - Staff:

·         It was important to assess regionally significant issues within the Objective Themes and to note that highlighting certain themes would ultimately affect prioritisation during that part of the RLTP process.

Key Points - Members:

·         Transport should be an enabler of development and urban growth, particularly housing supply.

In Response to Questions:

·         A Vision Statement was also not a requirement under the LTMA and choosing to include one in the RLTP was at the discretion of the Committee

·         It was important to keep national guidance and the scope of funding through the NLTF in mind when considering the Objective Themes.

11.25 am – The meeting adjourned

11.33 am – The meeting reconvened.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024 - Strategic Framework Development;

2        Endorses the Vision Statement for RLTP 2024:

a)   Confirms the preferred Vision Statement as ‘Our transport system meets the needs of our diverse communities, our environment and our economy’;

3        Endorses the  five Objective Themes proposed in the report for incorporation into the RLTP 2024;

4        Adds an additional Objective Theme Six of ‘Enable Housing Supply’ and a related Headline Target

5        Endorses the seven Objectives as outlined in the report for incorporation into the RLTP 2024:

a)   Confirms the substitution of “reduced” with “minimised” in Objective 2 and Objective 4;

6        Endorses the high-level direction of the headline targets developed by staff;

7        Adds an additional Headline Target to address congestion under the Economic Prosperity Objective Theme.



Information Only


Regional Land Transport Plan - Implementation Report

Team Leader, Transport Planning Andrew Williams and Manager, Transport Planning Oliver Haycock presented this item.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1          Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan - Implementation Report





Regional Land Transport Plan - Annual Monitoring

Team Leader, Transport Planning Andrew Williams presented this item.

Key Points:

·         A clearer copy of Page 83 of the agenda was supplied to members and the 2021/22 Annual Report Card was displayed on screen for ease of reference: Regional Land Transport Plan | Bay of Plenty Regional Council | Toi Moana (

·         Amended that 14, rather than 15 of the 27 KPI targets had been met over the past financial year.

In Response to Questions:

·         Some of the KPI’s were ambitious and going through the rationalisation process during development of the RLTP involved ensuring headline targets and KPI’s were easily measurable and deliverable.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1          Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan - Annual Monitoring.





Verbal Update Opportunity from Committee Members and Advisors


Greg Pert – Freight Advisor:

·             The condition of the roads, ongoing congestion and resilience issues were the biggest concerns to the freight industry.

Stacey Spall

·           Road maintenance and resilience were the main focus for New Zealand Automobile Association members.

Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor:

·           There was concern over future funding levels which were perceived as being likely to hold back environmentally beneficial projects.

11.53 am – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                                   Cr Lyall Thurston

Chairperson, Regional Transport Committee