Komiti Māori Rārangi Take (Agenda)

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of Komiti Māori will be held in Council Chambers, Regional House,
1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Tuesday 20 June 2023 COMMENCING AT 9:30 AM


This meeting will be livestreamed and recorded.

The Public section of this meeting will be livestreamed and recorded and uploaded to Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website - Bay of Plenty Regional Council - YouTube. Further details on this can be found after the Terms of Reference within the Agenda.


Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

12 June 2023



Komiti Māori




Notwithstanding that Komiti Māori has an appointed Chairperson, Māori Constituency Councillors may host-Chair committee meetings that are held in the rohe of their respective constituency

Cr Matemoana McDonald

Deputy Chairperson

Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti


All Councillors


Seven members, consisting of half the number of members

Meeting frequency

Two monthly


To provide direction and guidance on Council’s obligations to Māori in relation to: growth of  authentic partnerships with Tangata Whenua, strategic direction, emerging issues, legal requirements, effective engagement, awareness and understanding.


·                First and foremost to provide leadership to Council on enhancing the kaupapa of shared decision-making with Māori across all aspects of Council’s work.

·                Drive enhancements to Council’s responsiveness to Māori (including monitoring and reporting) and to ensure compliance with its obligations to Maori under legislation.

·                Facilitate tangata whenua input into community outcomes, Council policy development and implementation work;

·                Formally receive iwi/hapū management plans on behalf of Council;

·                Identify and provide direction on any relevant emerging issues for the region relating to the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, legislative obligations to Māori under different statutes and programmes to build the capability of Māori;

·                Provide direction on effective Māori engagement  and on actions to enhance Māori capacity to contribute to Council’s decision-making, including recommendations for Long Term Plan funding to achieve this;

·                Make submissions on Māori related matters, in conjunction with other relevant Council committees where appropriate;

·                Support and promote co-governance entities;

·                Recommend to Council the establishment of advisory groups or other governance mechanisms, to represent sub-region or constituency areas and/or to consider specific issues;

·                Recommend to Council, and/or appropriate committees, actions to achieve the committee’s purpose and roles.

Power to Act

To make all decisions necessary to achieve the purpose and roles of Komiti Māori.

Power to Recommend

To Council and/or any standing committee as it deems appropriate.

Komiti Māori reports directly to the Regional Council.


Recording of Meetings

Please note the Public section of this meeting is being recorded and streamed live on Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s website in accordance with Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Meetings Protocols which can be viewed on Council’s website. The recording will be archived and made publicly available on Council's website within two working days after the meeting on www.boprc.govt.nz for a period of three years (or as otherwise agreed to by Council).

All care is taken to maintain your privacy; however, as a visitor in the public gallery or as a participant at the meeting, your presence may be recorded. By remaining in the public gallery, it is understood your consent is given if your image is inadvertently broadcast.

Opinions expressed or statements made by individual persons during a meeting are not the opinions or statements of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Council accepts no liability for any opinions or statements made during a meeting.


Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Toi Moana

Governance Commitment

mō te taiao, mō ngā tāngata - our environment and our people go hand-in-hand.



We provide excellent governance when, individually and collectively, we:

·        Trust and respect each other

·        Stay strategic and focused

·        Are courageous and challenge the status quo in all we do

·        Listen to our stakeholders and value their input

·        Listen to each other to understand various perspectives

·        Act as a team who can challenge, change and add value

·        Continually evaluate what we do




Komiti Māori                                                                                                                        20 June 2023

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.

Rārangi Take

1.       Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

2.       Apologies
Ngā Hōnea

3.       Public Forum
Wāhanga Tūmatanui

4.       Items not on the Agenda
Ngā Take Tōmuri

5.       Order of Business
Raupapa o Ngā Take

6.       Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

7.       Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti

7.1      Komiti Māori Minutes - 13 April 2023                                                     1

8.       Presentations

8.1      Ministry for the Environment Updates

Presented by: Eugene Berryman-Kamp - Director | Ringatohu – Te Mana o Te Wai, Lorena Stephen - Director, Investments, Policy, Implementation and Delivery
Anne Haira - Deputy Secretary | Tumuaki Tuarua Partnerships & Public Affairs / Climate Change Adaptation & Evidence

8.2      Toi Kai Rawa Update

Presented by: Te Horipo Karaitiana - Executive Trustee, Toi Kai Rawa



8.3      He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients 2023

Presented by: Refer to Chairperson’s Report for background information

9.       Reports
Ngā Pūrongo

9.1      Chairperson's Report                                                                               1

Attachment 1 - He Toka Tu Moana Summary 2023                                                         1

Decisions Required
Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana

9.2      Proposed engagement plan of draft rates remissions on Māori Freehold land                                                                                                            1

10.     Consideration of Items not on the Agenda
Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro

11.     Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

Komiti Māori Minutes

13 April 2023


Komiti Māori

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Thursday 13 April 2023, 10:35 AM

Venue:                         Te Takinga Marae, 402 State Highway 33, Mourea, Rotorua


Chairperson:               Cr Te Taru White (Host-Chair)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Cr Matemoana McDonald (Komiti Māori Chair)

                                    Cr Stuart Crosby

Cr Kat Macmillan

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Ron Scott

Cr Ken Shirley

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC): Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive (part attendance), Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement, Reuben Fraser – General Manager Regulatory Services, Herewini Simpson – Kaihautu, Te Amorangi Lead, Stephen Lamb – Environmental Strategy Manager, Rawiri Bhana – Senior Advisor (Treaty), Reuben Gardiner – Senior Advisor, Merehine Waiari – Senior Advisor, Sandy Hohepa – Māori Policy Advisor, Sharon Ainsworth – Project Manager – Water Programme, Margaret Courtney – Senior Advisor, Riki-Lee Ainsworth – Māori Policy Advisor, Lisa Tauroa – Kaituitui (Strategic Engagement Coordinator), Gina Mohi – Putaiao Mātauranga, Angela Foster – Communications & Engagement Manager, Ashleigh Grant – Kaikarere (Communications Partner), Helen Creagh – Rotorua Catchments Manager, Shari Kameta - Committee Advisor

                                    External: Presenters/speakers as listed in the minutes, Rukingi Haupapa, Maru Tapsell, Motoi Doherty – Regional Navigator, Ministry for the Environment, Reina Engelen, Norah Smith, Caroline Taute, Georgina Whata, Peter Staite, Roland Kingi, Adrienne Manihera, Tere Tapsell, Joanne Keefe, Heeni Brown, Tawhanga Nopera


Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Malcolm Campbell

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen


1.     Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

A karakia was provided by Cr Te Taru White.

2.     Host Chair Opening Statement

Cr White provided a brief background about the marae, acknowledged those in attendance and recognised the recent passing of Tony Gill, former Chief Executive Officer of the Rotorua Trust whose funeral was being held that day.

3.     Apologies
Ngā Hōnea


That the Komiti Māori:

1        Accepts the apologies from Chairman Doug Leeder, Cr Malcolm Campbell,
Cr Paula Thompson, Cr Lyall Thurston and Cr Andrew von Dadelszen for absence, and Cr Stuart Crosby for late arrival tendered at the meeting.




4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

No conflicts of interest were declared.

5.     Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti



Komiti Māori Minutes - 22 February 2023



That the Komiti Māori:

1        Confirms the Komiti Māori Minutes - 22 February 2023 as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendments:

·      Page 11 of the agenda: Amend reference to ‘Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust’.



6.     Presentations


Hau Kainga Presentation - Te Tākinga Marae Project & Climate Change

Presentation - Te Takinga Marae 2023 AGM Highlights: Objective ID A4349201   

Presented by: Katie Paul, Te Tākinga Marae Trustee


Key Points:

·    Background on Te Takinga marae, its people, values and legacy in relation to Waitangi tribunal claims, formation of Te Arawa Lakes Trust and the principle of kaitiakitanga

·    The marae was a key community resource comprising the tennis court land, peninsula and urupa

10:50 am - Cr Stuart Crosby entered the meeting.


·    Summarised matters and highlights from the marae’s Annual General Meeting in February 2023 regarding: marae assets, 2021/22 grant funding, marae bookings, marae/community projects; and flooding impacts in and around the Ōhau Channel and tennis court surrounds

·    Discussions had been held with Regional Council staff and the Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s wetland restoration team on flood/erosion mitigation options, i.e. wetland restoration, rock protection, silt drainage and board walk connection with the Ohau walkway

·    Outlined projects initiated from the marae/community’s desire to become more sustainable and resilient to climate change

·    Listed new funding grants for 2022/23 and projects that were in progress, including preparations for the next Matariki celebrations in July 2023.

Key Points - Members:

·    Commended the mahi/innovations being progressed for future generations and the activation of Māori wellbeing that was being practiced

·    Acknowledged and valued the support of marae/community volunteers

·    Council was starting to prepare for the adoption of its Long Term Plan in 2024 and wished to keep in contact on how Council could provide further support the marae/community.



Te Arawa Lakes Trust - Brief Update

Presentation - Te Arawa Lakes Trust: Objective ID A4358873   

Presented by: Geoff Rolleston, Chairman, Te Arawa Lakes Trust


Key Points:

·    Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s (TALT) vision under Te Tūāpapa o Ngā  Wai o Te Arawa cultural values framework was for a healthy community, people and water system

·    TALT’s structure was determined by hapū and the fundamental principle for Te Arawa’s survival and identity was the intrinsic connection to their 14 lakes, and rivers and streams

·    Emphasized the critical decline in taonga species numbers (i.e. koura and koaro) and the challenge to implement and ensure whānau, hapū and community voices were heard and for the health/wellbeing of Lake Rotorua to be reflected in the engineering of the lakes’ system.

·    Noted TALT’s partnership with Regional Council and Rotorua Lakes Council, the current review of the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group’s terms of reference, consideration being given to Rotorua Lakes Council’s annual plan, the importance of working together and ensuring accountability within the partnership agreement.

Approximately 11:30 am - Cr Stuart Crosby exited the meeting.

·    Key activity highlights:

o Uwhi geomat trials had been successful in suppressing invasive weed

o Capturing hapū/iwi evidence and Mātauranga/knowledge to create innovative solutions to complex lake conditions

o Te Tūāpapa o Ngā Wai Action Plan and evidence building of Te Arawa whakapapa to freshwater

o Covid-19 pandemic community hub/support and leadership

o Matariki 2022, marae engagement and Te Tūkohu Ngāwhā Te Arawa Science Fair

o Te Ara ki Kopu – Te Arawa Climate Change Strategy

o Catfish programme, wetland restoration and Te Waikai Otaota aquatic weed management, employment of 29 Te Arawa biosecurity officers to monitor water quality and taonga species

o Establishment of Te Papa Ahurewa

o Tarawera collective impact project

·    Recognition of key TALT groups/teams: Te Papa Ahurewa (environmental advocacy), Te Urunga o Kea (Climate Change Group), Pou Whakawhirinaki (marae/hapū/iwi community connectors), Te Arawa Waea mai (call centre) who were supporting important work alongside Board trustees who were driving TALT strategies

·    Acknowledged the late Tā Toby Curtis who had led TALT for 16 years and was proud to be his successor to drive/support TALT entities through the next phase and the support of Te Arawa iwi, hapu and marae.

In Response to Questions:

·    Acknowledged Te Arawa whānau connections within the Tauranga Moana rohe and instances where TALT has been able to support those whānau.

Key Points - Members:

·    Thanked Mr Rolleston for his presentation and acknowledged other Trust Board members who were in attendance.




Te Kotahi a Pikiao - Hau Kainga Strategic Projects

Presentation - Advancing the Collective Unity & Strength of Pikiao: Objective ID A4349475   

Presented by: Arapeta Tahana, Strategy Manager, Te Kotahi a Pikiao


Key Points:

·    Background on Te Kotahi a Pikiao’s journey and strategic leadership

·    Guiding principles/values: whakapapa, kotahitanga, whakaaro tupuna (tikanga/kawa/culture/customs), aronga mokopuna/future generations

·    Governance group and project team

·    2023 strategic focus/projects included: Pikiao Ahurei, collective forestry model, secretarial/share registry service, contact database/customer relationship management system and GIS data platform

12:00 pm - Cr Stuart Crosby entered the meeting.


·    Highlighted the unique position of Ngāti Pikiao and the opportunity to make a collective impact, economic contribution and provide catchment scale solutions

·    Issues of concern included: Lake Rotomā rising lake levels, lakeside soil erosion impacting lake properties, catfish, koura population decline, dama wallabies, and reconnecting with Mātauranga Māori to lead/achieve taiao restoration solutions

·    Resourcing Mātauranga Māori solutions could bring another set of knowledge, solutions and outcomes

·    Noted the need for a change in thinking to assist the natural environment

·    Focus areas which Ngāti Pikiao wished to work on with Regional Council:

o Establishment of a mana whakahono agreement

o Refresh the Pikiao Environmental Management Plan; and

o Establish a Pikiao taiao service that was sustainably funded

·    The critical challenge for Ngāti Pikiao was adequate resourcing to meet their taiao obligations and aspirations.

In Response to Questions:

·    Importance of ground up leadership approach from hapū up to iwi

·    Ngāti Pikiao iwi/hapū affiliations were closely connected to Ngāti Rongomai, Ngāti Taraawhai and Ngāti Mākino

·    Wished to diversify land use rather than maintaining a monoculture

·    Interested in discussing with the Regional Council what support it could provide once land use analysis had been completed

·    Freshwater engagement with Regional Council had occurred at the statement level and wished to drilldown further to vision, outcomes and methodologies however, noted resource/support constraints

·    Ngāti Pikiao were developing a research strategy to apply for the Ministry for Primary Industry funding for dama wallaby control. 1080 had not been used in wallaby control due to a level of opposition from whānau

·    Indicated approximately less than 1,000 hectares around the Rotorua lakes were in dairy, with farm system changes occurring in response to environmental solutions.

Key Points - Members:

·    Acknowledged the point raised in relation to population decline of koaro and frustrations with dama wallaby population within the containment area.



Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Taiao Project

Presentation - Tuhourangi Tribal Authority and Te Mana o Te Wai Aspirations: Objective ID A4358878   

Presented by: Corey Ruha, Taiao Whakahaere - Environmental Coordinator, accompanied by Deliah Balle – Tūhourangi Tribal Authority Trustee


Key Points:

·    Tūhourangi whānui represented 14 hapū (previously 20) and three marae

·    Outlined aspirations/partnerships which Tūhourangi relied on to support wai (freshwater) and current literature, capability and resource issues into a wide range of matters/issues

·    Mahi taiao included: wānanga, updating IEMP, supporting opportunities for Taiao-based roles/positions, resource consent processing, wallaby pest management within the Tarawera catchment, Rotorua geothermal system management plan, environmental data/GIS development, stormwater management plan and research collaboration opportunities

·    First iteration of taiao wānanga series was sponsored by the Regional Council to assist/align with Tūhourangi values to inform the regional plan and aspirations for the wai

o Kōrero/themes from wānanga: acknowledgment of whakapapa, past knowledge, mahinga kai, rongoa and awareness of issues

o Issues/obstacles: capacity/time pressures, policy language barriers, data and protecting Mātauranga and its integrity

o Next steps: needed Regional Council’s assistance to enable Tūhourangi hapū/whānau to determine what Te Mana o te Wai meant and developing mechanisms to allow for implementation.

Key Points - Members:

·    Acknowledged the opportunities highlighted for learning and innovation alongside the scale of the mahi and policy language, culture and timeframe barriers.



Te Wahapū o Waihī Project Overview

Presentation - Te Wahapū o Waihī: Objective ID A4358881   

Presented by: Professor Dr Kura Paul-Burke and Roana Bennett - Project Coordinator, Te Wahapu o Waihī


Key Points:

·    Waihī estuary was a significant kaimoana resource for iwi/Māori that was within a heavily modified catchment and had been severely degraded

·    Outlined Te Wahapu o Waihī’s team, vision, principles and workstreams to bring the estuary back to life

·    Commended the leadership of the project’s independent chair, Cr Te Taru White for initiating and driving the project forward and suggested a time for future reflection of the project’s success may assist other projects

·    Acknowledged the support of Ministry for the Environment’s Freshwater Improvement Fund that had provided $2.9M funding over the next three years, alongside Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) who would be assisting to engage Ahuwhenua Trust within the catchment. Total project value was $7M.

·    Acknowledged the assistance of NIWA and Cawthron Institute who would be providing seagrass restoration expertise

·    Future support was being sought from Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research on wetland restoration approaches

·    Wished to use a restoration system that promoted the uniqueness and revitalisation of Mātauranga Māori

In Response to Questions:

·    Seagrass decline was an accumulative effect of sedimentation and changes in substrate

·    Confirmed that it was possible for seagrass to be restored.

Key Points - Members:

·    Recognised Te Wahapu o Waihī as an example of mana whakahaere and the bringing together of hapū/haukainga to enable connection to place and for them to be at the front end of decision making

·    Waikokopu Society had enabled collaborative discussions with the Ministry for Primary Industries and Ministry for the Environment who were working together with farmers on land use change and freshwater management solutions within the catchment

7.     Order of Business
Raupapa o Ngā  Take

Host-Chair advised that agenda item 10, Open Forum would be received next on the agenda before agenda item 8.1, Chairperson’s report.

8.     Open Forum
Tuwhera ki te Iwi Whānui


Lani Kereopa on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue ki Ōhinemutu

Presentation - A commitment to engagement with Maori: Objective ID A4359795   


Key Points:

·    Provided feedback of her experiences as a former mana whenua representative of the Ahi Kaa Roa group in relation to the Rotorua geothermal system management plan review

·    Outlined issues where, in her view, the processes to engage and work with tangata could be improved

·    Advised that she would no longer participate in the Ahi Kaa Roa roopu

·    Noted that she would forward a written statement.

Key Points – Host-Chair:

·    The concerns that had been raised would be given due attention 

·    Acknowledged the customary connection between tangata whenua and their taonga which could not be extinguished.


9.     Reports
Ngā Pūrongo


Chairperson's Report

Presented by:  Kataraina O’Brien, Director Strategic Engagement

Key Points:

Introduced Motoi Doherty who had been recently employed by the Ministry for the Environment as their Regional Navigator for the Bay of Plenty region. Ms Doherty briefly introduced herself advising of her role to connect and assist Iwi/tangata whenua on national environmental policy matters.



That the Komiti Māori:

1        Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.



10.   Consideration of Items not on the Agenda
Ngā Take Tōmuri Hei Whakaaroaro

Water Services Reform Announcement

Cr Stuart Crosby as LGNZ’s President gave a brief update on the announcement made that day by the Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government regarding changes made to the water services reform for the delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater. 

Key Points:

·      The number of water entities had been increased from four to 10 smaller entities to bring communities and councils closer together to have a stronger influence

·      Some entity combinations had remained, i.e. Northland/Auckland, Te Tairawhiti/East Coast and some within the South Island

·      Key principle of Te Mana o Te Wai and concept of regional representation of 50/50 tangata whenua and councils had remained unchanged

·      The Bay of Plenty region had been a part of Entity B (BOP/Waikato/Taranaki) had changed to a separate entity of itself using the Bay of Plenty regional boundary.


11.   Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

A karakia was provided by Cr Te Taru White.

2:27 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Komiti Māori





Report To:

Komiti Māori

Meeting Date:

20 June 2023

Report Authoriser:

Kataraina O’Brien - Tumu Herenga Tangata – General Manager Strategic Engagement



Chairperson's Report


Executive Summary

This report provides a collective update on matters within Komiti Māori focus areas and general matters of interest across the regional Māori landscape including:

·      Manuhiri – Guest Speakers

o    Ministry for the Environment – kaiwhakatere, funding streams and Māori climate adaptation

o    Toi Kai Rawa – An update on the key insights from their Whenua Māori report 2021 

o    He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients 2023

·      A series of brief updates on matters including:

o    Freshwater – Māori Engagement Update

o    Regional Fish Passage Project overview

o    Climate Change Projects with Tangata Whenua

o    Long Term Plan Update 2024-2034



That the Komiti Māori:

1        Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.


1.        Kaupapa Tuatahi: Guest Speakers

1.1              Ministry for the Environment Updates

              Presenters: Eugene Berryman-Kamp, Lorena Stephen and Anne Haira

Regional Navigators

·      Overview of regional teaming and kaiwhakatere, our regional navigators, in terms of regional presence and connectivity between MfE, local government and iwi/Maori at place.

·      Appointment of an interim kaiwhakatere for the BOP, Motoi Doherty, who has already met with Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) staff.

·      Korero on how we can align with the services and intent of the kaupapa across BOPRC and Iwi/Maori.

Funding Streams

·      Overview of MfE funding streams that are available to councils and iwi

Māori Climate Adaptation and the Climate Change Adaptation Bill

·      Adapting to climate change: Our long term strategy.

·      Climate change risks and Māori.

·      Engagement with Māori on adaptation and key themes to date.

·      Māori-led climate action and the Māori Climate Platform.

1.2      Toi Kai Rawa Update

Presenter: Te Horipo Karaitiana - Toi Kai Rawa Trust (TKR)

Toi Kai Rawa Trust (TKR) has undertaken extensive research through literature reviews, focus groups and surveys to identify the key opportunities and barriers to better understand the potential that exists in the region in the context of whenua Māori.

The key insights from their Whenua Māori report 2021[1] was:

1.    TKR recognises the need for tuakana teina, sharing of ideas, and connecting the    many Māori governors to each other to ensure an eco-system for thriving whenua Māori to ensure the expression of Kaupapa such as whakapapa, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga.

2.    Pure economic analysis when approaching whenua Māori is limiting. Mana     motuhake, te pae tawhiti, and understanding owner aspirations are all central to the utilisation and development of whenua Māori. The Tātaiwhetu Trust Farm case study highlights this.

3.    Māori have a growing presence in kiwifruit, avocado and berries. Whenua Māori in the region presents further opportunities to upscale key industries, particularly horticulture. The challenges are water allocation and initial capital. The Te Kaha 15B Hineora Orchard case study is an example of the growing and successful presence of whenua Māori.

4.    Access to finance remains one of the most significant barriers to the development of whenua Māori. This has been reaffirmed in focus groups, surveys and literature.

5.    Innovation using mātauranga and science provides a platform for moving up the value chain.  The Te Whai Ao case study in Tauranga Moana showcases a Māori collective coming together and partnering with the science sector to access the lucrative bio-actives sector.

Building on from the report above, and through the various engagements of our board in the whenua Māori space over the last 2 years, TKR carried out a strategic scoping report that identified the arising opportunities to accelerate whenua Māori development in the wider Bay of Plenty.

Toi Kai Rawa will be presenting on the key findings of the report.

The report provides a look into 3 dimensions that whenua Māori exists within including Te Ao Māori (Māori world view), Kāwanatanga (government) and Te Ao Hurihuri (changing world), each complex.

The presentation will look at our regional profile including the current challenges impacting whenua Māori. Secondly, an analysis of the regulatory environment and it’s impacts to whenua Māori in a Te Tiriti centric context as well as the hierarchy of Māori rights which is inclusive of Te Tiriti not exclusively Te Tiriti. The current government initiatives will also be explored along with their effectiveness and impact.

The presentation will conclude with a list of recommendations that TKR believes will maximise Māori participation in realising the potential of their whenua development aspirations in the region.

1.3      He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients 2023

Introductions: Kataraina O’Brien – General Manager Strategic Engagement

              Every year, Toi Moana - Bay of Plenty Regional Council allocates approximately $10,000.00 to the He Toka Tu Moana Environmental Scholarship. This year, we received 13 applications and awarded eight scholarships.

              In assessing this year’s applications, we sought to apply a wholistic approach with consideration given to factors such as community involvement, leadership skills and extracurricular activities. This approach aimed to promote greater diversity and ensure a well-rounded selection process.

              The recipients’ academic backgrounds encompass a range of disciplines, all of which are interconnected with the environment. Importantly, all candidates demonstrated a strong connection to the Bay of Plenty.

              The collective profile of this year’s awards, includes:

          •   Greater distribution of students from each major level of study – 3 undergraduate/bachelor, 3 Masters, 2 Doctoral.

                   •   Students from each of the 3 constituencies - Mauao, Ōkurei, Kōhī.

                   •   1:1 ratio male / female.

                   •   Five school leavers direct to tertiary study.

                   •   Three mature students 30+.

•   A mature single parent student, who has recently transitioned to a new career, is currently in their second year of studying for the first time.

                   •   Students studying within both national and regional based tertiary institutes.

                   •   Recipients from diverse backgrounds, representing a wide range of circumstances and life experiences.

                   •   A migrant student (resident in NZ for the previous 6 years) – that demonstrated strong connections and involvement in the Bay of Plenty community and a clear contribution to the enhancement of the regional environment.

                   •   A student who has been selected to attend PACE University in the USA.

              Congratulations to the successful He Toka Tu Moana Scholarship Recipients for 2023.  Attached as Attachment 1 you will find expanded profiles of the successful scholarship recipients.

              Daniel Roper:  NZ Diploma in Environmental Management Marine Strand currently in his second year.

              Hikawai Te Nahu:  Bachelor of Arts and Science Conjoint with a Major in Environmental Science and Māori Studies at University of Auckland.

              Jessica Mules:  Bachelor of Environmental Studies at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

              Akira Huriwai:  Master of Indigenous Studies focused on Maori Resource Management at the University of Victoria.

              Te Maiora Ruruhe:  Master of Laws at PACE University USA - LLM in Environmental Law - Research focus on the legal personality of Te Urewera Forest and Whanganui River.

Liam Benfell:  Master of Laws - research combines Māori and legal perspectives to enhance environmental knowledge.

              Stevee Wickliffe:  Doctorate of Philosophy in Health and Environmental Sciences. Research proposal focuses on the impact of bath soaps on taiao (environment) in Ngawha baths and potential comparative analysis with Onsen baths in Japan and Greenland.

              Siobhan Nuri:  Doctorate of Philosophy in Ecology and Biodiversity, her thesis involves analysing glass eels' catch per unit effort and condition indices, studying otolith microstructures and microchemistry for age and growth rates, and reconstructing migration pathways.

2.        Kaupapa Tuarua: Freshwater – Māori Engagement Update

2.1      Background

The Essential Freshwater Policy Programme (EFPP) is Toi Moana - Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s work programme to implement the requirements of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM) and review the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP). Overall, the EFPP continues to be implemented according to Toi Moana’s agreed programme, although some parts are behind schedule.

Tight timeframes are necessary to achieve notification of freshwater changes to the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) & RNRP in 2024 as required by legislation. This year, the focus is primarily on continuing to involve tangata whenua, community engagement and continuing to develop draft policy options, prior to Toi Moana making decisions about what proposed changes to publicly notify in 2024.

Freshwater is a taonga for tangata whenua. The NPSFM clearly sets out increased expectation of the active involvement of tangata whenua in freshwater management, and provision for cultural values and mātauranga Māori. Across the motu, there are iwi initiated freshwater projects.

Toi Moana staff continue to invite and support iwi and hapū involvement to the extent they want to be involved or have capacity to be involved. Tangata whenua engagement continues into 2023 and staff are maintaining a good faith approach to implementing the aspirations of the NPSFM. Work continues establishing Kaupapa Māori EFPP projects.

2.2      Hui ā-Rohe

Three hui ā-rohe were held in May 2023 as noted in the table below:






Wed 17 May 2023

Thurs 18 May 2023

Wed 24 May 2023


Te Ao Marama, Ōhinemutu, Rotorua

Hungahungatoroa Marae, Matapihi, Tauranga

Eastbay REAP, Whakatane









These hui have proven to be an effective method of communicating to the tangata whenua community on the NPSFM 2020, our progress towards implementation including the critical opportunities that lie within Te Mana O Te Wai, the Mahinga Kai compulsory value, and the progress that we’ve made so far including our work towards a responsive Regional Plan.

The hui offered council the opportunity to highlight the progress we’re making and the tangible opportunities for tangata whenua and kaitiaki to help inform regional freshwater decision making; the hui have proven to be catalytical in terms of willingness to engage and to participate in our programme or to support existing projects being led by tangata whenua.  There has been a marked increase in requests to engage including notable interest from Māori land trusts and incorporations.

Two sessions in each location were advertised from 2pm to 4pm and 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The 2pm session was the most popular with only a few registrations for the second session in each location. As a result, we cancelled the second session for Kōhī. Those who signalled their attendance at the later session attended the first session.

The audience were at various levels of their ‘wai Māori’ journey and the questions throughout the hui reflected that.  From general understanding to specific questions regarding their experience in caring for their wai Māori and taiao. There were also some robust conversations on allocation, freshwater management units and the current state of health for freshwater, water bodies and the surrounding environment.

Council made a particular effort to clarify and delineate the NPSFM 2020, Te Mana O Te Wai and its associated work programmes from other hot topic items such as Three Waters, the question of water ownership and the anticipated resource management reforms.  This was extremely valuable in refocussing discussions on the NPSFM 2020 whilst not being dismissive of the importance these kaupapa have to tangata whenua.

Attendees enjoyed the iwi presentations providing a better understanding of how other iwi have approach this kaupapa.  These presentations were valuable catalyst that generated additional interest form tangata whenua about how they could potentially participate.

Staff will debrief and analysis the feedback from the hui ā-rohe to better understand the themes, issues, and opportunities.

There will be further consideration of the engagement approach for the next round of hui a-rohe in planed for August 2023.  It is anticipated that the next round of hui will have a greater focus on the work and Mātauranga based projects that tangata whenua and kaitiaki are undertaking to inform the implementation process.

An open invitation to iwi, hapū, tangata whenua to engage with Council continues and several attendees have already indicated further individual engagement with staff of the Kaupapa Māori team.








                                                      Photo 1: Engagement hui in Okurei

3.        Kaupapa Tuatoru: Regional Fish Passage Project Overview

Many of New Zealand’s native fish species are dependent on access between rivers, streams, and the sea, including taonga such as tuna (longfin eel) and piharau (lamprey). Fish passage is the means of allowing our desirable native fish species access to key habitats to complete important parts of their life cycle, including spawning and breeding.

Instream structures such as culverts, dams, fords, and flap gates are numerous in our waterways but unfortunately can impede fish passage and can make it challenging for these species to complete these cycles. Approximately 70% of our native fish (nationwide) are threatened or at risk. Their numbers can be reduced, or they may be completely lost from a stream if their movement up or downstream is delayed or completely blocked.[2]

Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) has legislative and statutory obligations under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) and the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES-FW) regarding fish passage, including progressively identifying and remediating these barriers where they already exist, and also ensuring no new ones are created. This work will be lead through the development of a Fish Passage Action Plan and work programme for the Bay of Plenty.

The Council has already been progressively working on different fish passage projects over a number of years as resources have allowed. Recently a desktop survey identified more than 11,000 ‘possible’ barriers around the region, giving a good starting point for BOPRC and its partners to compete field inspections at these locations and undertake remediations to improve fish passage. The inspections involve collecting specific compulsory data on the types of barriers. Remediations can be as simple as providing rope for fish to climb through culverts, adding baffles in culverts to reduce water velocity, adding rocks or ramps to perched culverts, or modifying flap gates to not close so quickly. Sometimes remediations are more complicated and costly, for example replacing culverts with bridges.

Whilst develop the Fish Passage Action Plan progresses, we continue to identify and remediate structures on a catchment project basis. This work is supported by the appointment of a new BOPRC part-time Fish Passage Officer position to provide oversight and coordination to the programme. Some of the catchment projects currently underway in the BOP include:

Ōhiwa – BOPRC partnership with Landcare Trust and ATS Environmental to identify and remediate barriers to fish passage. Over 500 potential structures were identified in the initial desktop survey, since 2021, 600 structures have been assessed with upcoming remediations planned in the existing project. Alongside the structure surveys, staff have undertaken Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling which has identified populations of shortjaw kokopu and freshwater mussels (kākahi).

Rangitāiki – BOPRC and ATS Environmental surveying and remediating barriers in the upper Rangitāiki catchment. Over 2000 structures were identified in desktop survey for the whole catchment, with 900 structure assessments undertaken and 80 remediations carried out.

Waihī – BOPRC partnership with Wai Kokopu Catchment Group and ATS Environmental to survey and remediate barriers in the Waihī Estuary catchment. Over 900 structures identified in desktop survey, 100 structure assessments undertaken, with remediations planned in existing project.

Katikati – BOPRC partnership with Project Parore Catchment group to survey and remediate barriers in the northern Tauranga Harbour catchments. Over 300 structures identified in desktop survey, 200 structures assessed, 40 remediations undertaken.

To support these and future projects, BOPRC are working towards a single dataset of Instream Structures (ISS) which would aid coordination across internal and external projects. Work is currently underway internally (Business Analyst, Science, Land Management) to ensure data collected meets Ministry for the Environment reporting requirements and is accessible across the organisation.

A webform is currently in the process of being developed to meet the requirements of the NES-FW (specifically Regulation 62) which will be available on the BOPRC website similar to the National Policy Statement for Plantation Forestry form which is currently already on the website. This information will go through to the Compliance team to ensure information requirements under Regulation 62 are being met.

Iwi and hapū will also be identifying freshwater values (including mahinga kai) through their contributions towards the Essential Freshwater programme. This information will be able to help inform the Fish Passage Action Plan prioritisation work as it becomes available.

The Fish Passage Work Programme will be working towards establishing and coordinating a Fish Care Bay of Plenty Forum with partners and stakeholders in the region to help advocate for, and coordinate fish passage survey and remediation requirements across the Bay.

The structure of the Fish Care Forum could be similar to the model of that used by Coast Care Bay of Plenty as this model has been operating for a number of years now with success. Partners could include TA’s and other asset owners such as KiwiRail and NZTA, along with community groups and industry. A draft of the Fish Passage Action Plan and Fish Care Forum approach will be presented to Council before the end of 2024.

Below is the BOP Fish Care Forum model diagram which is now operating successfully.











4.        Kaupapa Tuawha: Climate Change Project with Tangata Whenua

Council’s Community led adaptation planning initiative has so far supported six tangata whenua led projects. These projects are led by: Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketū, Ngāi Tamawhariua, Ngāti Ranginui, Motuhoa Island Trust, Te Manatōpū Hau Kainga o Ōhinemutu, and Te Upokorehe Iwi Resource Management Team.

Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketū have completed their planning project and their adaptation plan can be read here HE TOKA TŪ MOANA MŌ MAKETU - MAKETU CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PLAN (maketu-runanga.iwi.nz), the project team are now focused on implementation.

Ngāi Tamawhariua are nearing the end of their project at Rereatukahia and the project featured in this RNZ article 'Our tīpuna knew when to move' - The difficult conversations about managed retreat for Māori | RNZ News.

Ngāti Ranginui are embarking on a new project to produce their own climate risk assessment for three case study marae in their rohe. Motuhoa Island Trust are embarking on a new project to evaluate what is at risk for the island community from climate hazards and develop adaptation options. Te Manatōpū Hau Kainga o Ōhinemutu are building an Ōhinemutu Climate Change Resilience Plan, with a strong emergency management focus. Te Upokorehe Iwi Resource Management Team is working to gain a greater understanding of the nature of the climate risks and identify a range of possible options for the Kutarere community, located on the edge of the Ohiwa Harbour.

5.        Kaupapa Tuarima: Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Update

The Council is in the process of finalising the strategic direction which includes a new outcome ‘Te Ara Poutama – Partnering with Tangata Whenua towards a prosperous and equitable regional future’.  This was approved by Council at their meeting on 25 May 2023.

Next steps for the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (LTP) project include:

June 2023:                        Aligning the organisation to the new strategic direction

July – Sept 2023              Preparing activity plans for all of Council activities

Reviewing key Council policies e.g., Rates Remission, Significance & Engagement and Revenue & Financing policies

August 2023                     Drafting version 1 of the LTP budget

February – April 2024     Consultation (indicative timing, dependent on timing Audit of consultation document)

Specific engagement with Māori is planned as part of the Rates Remission Policy development project.  Further engagement regarding LTP related projects, processes and policy development will form part of the LTP consultation early next year. 


6.        Ngā Pānga ki te Māori

Implications for Māori

The items presented in this report cover a range of initiatives at both a national and regional level, which will potentially have a positive impact on Māori.

The specific focus on enhanced provision for tangata whenua across national policy, will yield a positive impact for tangata whenua locally, as they are brought online at a future point.  The co-design of strategies with tangata whenua groups to align processes with mātauranga have provided impetus on co-partnering and building relationships with tangata whenua and further promoting Te Mana o Te Taiao.

The implications for Māori can only be positive where Council recognises opportunities to enhance shared decision making with Māori, in alignment with its Freshwater Programme around Māori Engagement, and the Climate Change projects which is led by tangata whenua.

7.        Ngā Pānga a-Putea

Financial Implications

He Toka Tu Moana Scholarships has an annual budget of $10,000 which is budgeted for and allocate to successful recipients.


Tuhinga Tautoko

Attachment 1 - He Toka Tu Moana Summary 2023  


Komiti Māori                                                                                                                  20 June 2023

PDF Creator

PDF Creator

PDF Creator

PDF Creator






Pūrongo Ki:
Report To:

Komiti Māori

Rā Hui:
Meeting Date:

20 June 2023

Kaituhi Pūrongo:
Report Writer:

Charlie Roddick, Kaitohutohu Matua, Whenua Maori (Rates Specialist) and Jo Pellew, Rates Manager

Kaiwhakamana Pūrongo:
Report Authoriser:

Mat Taylor, General Manager, Corporate


To inform Komiti Māori of the proposed engagement plan in the development of the draft Rates Remission and Postponement Policy regarding Māori Freehold Land.



Proposed engagement plan of draft rates remissions on Māori Freehold land


Executive Summary

On 25 May 2023, Councillors provided further direction and guidance on the approach and process for review of the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy (the Policy).

This report outlines the proposed engagement plan and actions, with identified owners, occupiers, and trustees of Māori Freehold Land following Council’s guidance on draft principles and objectives of the Policy to enable further work.

Staff have developed an engagement plan that seeks feedback, stories, and experiences of owners, trustees, and occupiers of Whenua Māori to help identify barriers, and ongoing problems that hinder development or fair rating on the whenua.

Insights gathered from an effective engagement process will provide a fundamental role in shaping the design of a suitable rates remission policy.



Ngā tūtohutanga

That the Komiti Māori:

1        Receives the report on proposed engagement plan of draft rates remissions on Māori Freehold land;

2        Provides direction on engagement for the Rates Remissions on Māori Freehold Land Project.


1.        Kupu Whakataki

The existing Rates Remission and Postponement Policy includes an interim provision, ‘Transition remission’, to ensure that remissions based on the Territorial Local Authorities’ (TLAs) policies will be observed until a new or revised Policy is adopted for implementation on 1 July 2024. 

This current review process gives Council the opportunity to design the Policy to express its own values, priorities, and choices more fully.

The first step in this process was to agree draft principles and objectives for the Policy. This was completed in the Council workshop on 25 May 2023. Councillors provided direction to staff for further work, including policy design and high-level direction for remissions which Council can consider at later workshops. 

The next step is for staff to identify groups of ratepayers that should be made aware of the Policy review and impact on property rating.

Staff have developed an engagement plan that seeks feedback, stories, and experiences of the owners, trustees, and occupiers of Whenua Māori to help identify barriers, and ongoing problems that hinder development or fair rating on the whenua.

Using information gathered from this engagement, staff can ensure ratepayer perspectives and concerns are considered, resulting in a more comprehensive and inclusive Policy development process.

Staff present Komiti Māori with the proposed engagement plan and seek comment and direction to ensure the success of the engagement.

1.1      Pou Tarāwaho ā-Ture
Legislative Framework

·      Local Government Act 2002

·      Local Government (Rating) Act 2002

·      Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993

·      Current TLA remission policies

1.2      Te Hāngai ki te Pou Tarāwaho Rautaki
Alignment with Strategic Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the Policy review process milestones and sets the context of engagement process.


1.2.1    Community Well-beings Assessment

Dominant Well-Beings Affected

¨ Environmental


þ Cultural

Medium - Positive

þ Social

Low - Positive

þ Economic

Low - Positive


The Policy review engagement will promote Social, Economic and Cultural well-being and help develop and build trust between Council and our communities.

Staff will be organising engagement hui, where owners, occupiers, and trustees will have the opportunity to share their experiences and provide valuable insights on the existing challenges associated with the rating of Māori Freehold land.

These hui will serve as a platform for gathering information and stories, enabling Councillors to gain a deeper understanding of barriers, and experiences faced. Additionally, an online feedback platform will be used, allowing a wider range of people to contribute their perspectives.

The insights gathered from the engagement hui and online feedback will play a critical role in shaping the design of a suitable remission policy. By addressing the identified barriers, the remission policy will help promote and facilitate the future use and development of Whenua Māori.

2.        Remission Policy Engagement

2.1      Engagement

This section details the consultation material and actions for engagement with identified ratepayers.

Consultation material will consist of the following information and questions

a)   Information about the current Rates Remission and Postponement Policy

b)  Ask for feedback on perceived barriers with rates on Māori land and difficulties with councils’ rates when developing of Māori land

c)   Seek ratepayer stories in relation to barriers faced around rates on Māori land and difficulties with councils’ rates when developing of Māori land

d)  Request any further information that Council should take into consideration in the development of the Policy to support the rating of Māori Freehold land




Staff to send an email to the main Māori Land organisations, owners, occupiers, and trustees of Māori land blocks.

These are the people who look after, assist, and could develop the land


Provide an online platform which provide the same resources, survey questions and feedback opportunity.

This is open to those that would like to participate but are not attending an arranged hui.


Host hui in the three main centres; Whakatāne, Rotorua and Tauranga.

Council staff can attend to listen, guide, and take note of any information and feedback received.


Consider any further engagement, such as, host smaller hui at other locations if requested.


3.        Ngā Whakaarohanga

3.1      Ngā Mōrea me Ngā Whakangāwaritanga
Risks and Mitigations

There are no significant risks associated with this matter.


3.2      Huringa Āhuarangi
Climate Change




Reduce GHG emissions

Produce GHG emissions

Sequester carbon

Anticipate climate change impacts

Respond to climate change impacts

There are no perceived impacts with respect to climate change.

3.3      Ngā Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori

This engagement will enable Māori landowners to express their views on rates and rates remission policies.


They will have the opportunity to provide Council with information on local history, identify barriers and current practices that could be improved. It is the first step in engaging on this Rates Remission Policy review.


3.4      Whakawhitiwhiti ā-Hapori
Community Engagement


Adobe Systems


Mahi Ngātahi

To work closely with affected communities to develop alternatives and recommend a preferred solution.

The engagement strategy proposed is to create co-operation between Tangata Whenua, Council and local TLAs in building trust and developing rates remission policy options for Komiti Māori and Council consideration.

3.5      Ngā Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications

If the recommendation is adopted by Council, will it result in:

1.  Unbudgeted work during the current financial year?

2.  Unbudgeted work for any of the years remaining in the current Long Term Plan?

If the answer is ‘no’ to both questions please select the dropdown option 1 and complete appropriately.

If the answer is ‘yes’ to either question please select “Budget Implications” in the building block below and liaise with your Management Accountant in order to complete the Financial Impact table.

There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.

4.        Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps

Next Steps: What next? What resources are needed? Further analysis? Timeframes ahead. Any consultation planned. Remind Council of the process ahead. Next update to Council?

Conclusion: Short concluding remarks. Referring back to recommendations. No new content.

Staff will use any feedback provided at this committee hui, and amend the proposed actions, where required, in order to commence the rates remission engagement with identified landowners, organisations, and occupiers of Māori Freehold Land from June 2023.






[1] Toi Kai Rawa Trust Whenua Ora Limited Scope Report (March 2021), GHA

[2] Fish Passage Management.  Department of Conservation website.  www.doc.govt.nz