Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 30 June 2023, 10:00 am

Venue:                         Rotorua Lakes Council, Council Chambers, 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua

Chairperson:               Mayor Faylene Tunui – Kawerau District Council (KDC)

Deputy Chairperson:  Mayor James Denyer – Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Members:                    Ōpōtiki District Council (ODC):

Mayor David Moore (via Zoom)

Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC):

Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong (Alternate)

Tauranga City Council (TCC):

Commissioner Bill Wasley (Alternate)

Whakatāne District Council (WDC):

Mayor Victor Luca; Deputy Mayor Lesley Immink (Alternate) (via Zoom)

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana (BOPRC):

Cr Malcolm Campbell

National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)

Observer Lily Foulds

In Attendance:            KDC: Russell George - Chair of Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) & Chief Executive Officer

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP): Mark Crowe – Acting Director; Stace Tahere - Acting Planning Manager; Cara Gordon – Principal Advisor, Emergency Management; Lisa Glass – Senior Advisor, Communications; Julian Reweti – Principal Advisor - Recovery; Theo Ursum – Advisor Planning

BOPRC: Reuben Fraser – General Manager, Regulatory Services; Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor

RLC: Bruce Horne – Resiliency Manager

TCC: Paula Naude -Manager – Community Development & Emergency Management (via Zoom); Liz Oliver – Advisor. Emergency Management

WBOPDC: Jo Lynskey, Senior Emergency Management Advisor

Apologies:                  Commission Chair Anne Tolley; Mayor Tania Tapsell; Cr Ron Scott and Commissioner Bill Wasley for lateness.


Declaration of Public Recording

Committee members were reminded that the meeting was being recorded and would be made available on the BOPRC website and archived for a period of three years:

Recording of Meeting:        Civil Defence Emergency Management Joint Committee - 30 June 2023 - YouTube


Opening Karakia

Provided by Stace Tahere - Acting Planning Manager.

1.     Apologies


That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Accepts the apologies from Commission Chair Anne Tolley, Mayor Tania Tapsell, Cr Ron Scott, and for lateness from Commissioner Bill Wasley, as tendered at the meeting.

Campbell/Kai Fong


2.     Items not on the Agenda


Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Local Recovery Manager Amendments



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Accepts the report ‘Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Local Recovery Manager Amendments’ for inclusion in this agenda and notes that the reason it cannot be deferred to the next meeting is to enable updating of Schedule 1 of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Appointed Recovery Managers.

Denyer/Kai Fong


3.     Order of Business

Noted that the item not on the agenda, report Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Local Recovery Manager Amendments would be considered as the last item on the agenda.

4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None advised.

5.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 31 March 2023



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Confirms the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 31 March 2023 as a true and correct record.

Kai Fong/Denyer


10:07am – Commissioner Bill Wasley entered the meeting.

6.     Reports

Decisions Required


Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 Approval for Public Consultation

Presentation - Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2023-2028: Objective ID A4419635  

Presented by Mark Crowe, Acting Director - Emergency Management Bay of Plenty and Cara Gordon, Principal Advisor, Emergency Management.

Key Points - Staff:

·       Provided a summary of the key changes incorporated into the draft Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan 2023-2028 (the Group Plan)

·       Following feedback, some changes led to direct changes in the Group Plan (rephrasing/additions), others were incorporated into other documents/plans (e.g. media training/training/exercise attendance that had been included in the Training Calendar)

·       Key changes included the following:

o   Increased community centric focus

o   Significant changes to language/tone

o   Inclusion of “Our Story” - adding experiences/lessons learnt

o   Graphic elements/translations to follow alongside public consultation, allowing the community to feedback on the text of this version of the draft

o   Maintaining the role of the Group Plan as a strategic document

o   Reduction key themes:

§  Effective communication with communities

§  Develop an understanding within communities of the ability/inability to mitigate (“Where do we want to be”)

§  Support for Joint Committee’s role as an advocate for change in risk reduction policy; however balanced with the context of localism

o   Readiness:

§  How to deliver these strategic objectives/ensure everyone was in a position to undertake their roles in an emergency

§  Increased training for elected officials (priority to be media training/understanding of role of lead agencies)

§  Response staff to be properly trained/qualified; contingency planning for staff unavailability; engagement with agencies; effective communication; volunteer management

§  Feedback incorporated into a range of plans/work programmes (Training Plan, Bay of Plenty Response Coordination Plan, Volunteer Management Plans etc)

§  Rephrasing content to show intent to grow and maintain capacity/capability rather than starting from a low base line

o   Response:

§  Recognising the role of elected officials in emergencies

§  Reflecting on lessons learnt/past experiences

§  Building trust with communities

o   Recovery:

§  Addition of objective 1: “The Bay of Plenty CDEM Group coordinates effectively with communities, partners, stakeholders, iwi and volunteer groups and supports them to undertake their recovery actions”

§  Additional focus on Recovery Funding/expenditure section

§  Additional reflection on the pressure of recovery/Bay of Plenty lessons learnt.

Key Point - Members:

·       In terms of organisational readiness, requested that communication training for elected members be added to page 50 of the Group Plan, under the section “Where do we want to be in five years’ time”, fourth bullet point, by adding “CDEM Elected Members and support staff understand, are prepared for, and….”.

Nominations for the appointment of Hearings Panel members to hear submissions on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group from the public on the draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-28:

The Chair called for nominations for the appointment of Hearings Panel members.


Mayor James Denyer nominated Mayor Faylene Tunui and Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong; Councillor Malcolm Campbell seconded the nomination.

Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong nominated Mayor James Denyer, Commissioner Bill Wasley seconded the nomination.

Three nominations were received for the Hearings Panel: Mayor Faylene Tunui; Mayor James Denyer and Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong.




That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-28 Approval for Public Consultation;

2          Approves the draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-2028 for public consultation; subject to the inclusion of the following amendment:

·                Page 50 of the Group Plan, 4th bullet point – to add “CDEM Elected Members and support staff understand, are prepared for, and….”.



3          Appoints the following three representatives to the Hearings Panel to hear submissions from the public on the draft Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan 2023-28 on behalf of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group:

•        Mayor Faylene Tunui;

•        Mayor James Denyer;

•        Deputy Mayor Sandra Kai Fong.





Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Annual Plan 2023/2024

Presented by Stace Tahere, Acting Planning Manager.

Key Points:

·       The Annual Plan aligned with the 2023/2024 financial year and addressed both the 2018/2023 and 2023/2028 CDEM Group Plans. Its development accordingly had to strike a balance between reflecting the 2018/2023 Group Plan priorities as the current strategic document, and working towards the new Group Plan scheduled for approval in December 2023

·       Annual Plan 2023/2024 had been reformatted to align with the 2023/2028 Group Plan’s five workstreams and objectives (Reduction, Readiness, Response, Recovery and Monitoring and evaluation).

Key Points - Members:

·       Encouraged alignment of the 2023-2028 Group Plan with the newly introduced bilingual terms that had been included in the Annual Plan 2023/2024 to ensure consistency; noted that graphics and translations would be incorporated into the Group Plan after conclusion of public consultation process

·       With reference to the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Budget (page 20 of the Annual Plan), suggested that consideration be given to the inclusion of a qualifying statement regarding the importance of resilience for the benefit of the public.

Key Point - Staff:

·       Advised that the confirmed budget, as approved by councils as part of their recent Annual Plan processes, would be added to page 20 of the Annual Plan.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Annual Plan 2023/2024; and

2          Approves the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Annual Plan 2023/2024, subject to the inclusion of (1) updated budget figures and (2) that consideration be given to the inclusion of a qualifying statement regarding the importance of resilience on page 20 (budget) of the Annual Plan.

Campbell/Kai Fong




Changes to the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller

Presented by Russell George - Chair of Coordinating Executive Group (CEG).




That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the report, Changes to the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller;

2          Approves the change to the appointment of Group Controller to by name as set out in the CDEM Act 2002, Section 26(1);

3          Approves the appointment by the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee of Mark Crowe, Manager Operations as Group Controller of Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management as defined under Section 26(1) of the CDEM Act 2002; and

4          Approves the rescindment of Clinton Naude, Director Emergency Management Bay of Plenty as Group Controller of Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management.

Denyer/Kai Fong




Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief Fund - Application Round 2

Presented by EMBOP Principal Advisor, Recovery, Julian Reweti, and Western Bay of Plenty District Council Senior Emergency Management Advisor, Jo Lynskey.





That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief Fund - Application Round 2; and

2          Approves the allocation of a further amount of $100,000 to the Western Bay of Plenty District Council from the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group – Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief Fund.



Information Only


Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 25 May 2023

Presented by Stace Tahere, Acting Planning Manager.

Key Point:

·       Pointed out that following the adoption of the impending Group Plan 2023-2028, reporting processes relating to the Annual Plan Dashboard would be amended as follows:

o   Reporting on progress by territorial local authorities would be directly to their respective elected members;

o   Progress on the Annual Plan Dashboard would be from a Group perspective, providing progress on group activities only.

Key Point - Members:

·       Noted that individual council representatives would liaise with their respective members of staff to populate dashboards for reporting to individual local territorial local authorities where required.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group 2022/23 Annual Plan Dashboard as at 25 May 2023.

Luca/Kai Fong




Update - Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty


Presented by Mark Crowe, Acting Director - Emergency Management Bay of Plenty.

Key Points:

·       Whakaari/White Island Trial was set to commence 10 July 2023 and last for a period of 16 weeks

·       Emergency Management Bill passed its first reading and would progress to select committee stage

·       Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Report 2022 – 2023 (summarising the activities of the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group over the 2022-2023 financial year against the outcomes of the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan and Annual Plan), would be presented to the Joint Committee for approval at its September 2023 hui

·       Media training for elected members to be made available to members/alternates in due course

·       Development of a road map to support elected members in their emergency management role would include elements such as a presentation on lead agencies.




That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the verbal update by the Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty.

Kai Fong/Luca




Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)


Presented by Lily Foulds, Regional Emergency Management Advisor - National Emergency Management Agency/Te Rākau Whakamarumaru.

Key Points:

·       Encouraged members to make submissions on the Emergency Management Bill whilst before select committee to ensure better outcomes for emergency management

·       NEMA was aware of the Future of Local Government Report (He piki tūranga, he piki kotuku), and as the next step, the Department of Internal Affairs would work alongside local authorities to provide the relevant  information

·       Government inquiry into response announced: Cabinet had decided to establish a government inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2013 to review the response to the severe weather events. This was in addition to NEMA’s “After-Action Review” of the North Island Severe Weather Events that took place on 27 January and 14 February 2023

·       Cyclone Gabrielle Welfare Support Grant: Applications for this Grant had been extended to 31 August 2023 (intended to reimburse emergency costs that had already been incurred by marae, iwi, and recognised community organisations caring for people who were affected, displaced, or isolated during the state of national emergency).

Key Points - Members:

·       Future of Local Government Report: Highlighted the importance of considering future proofing in emergency management reforms

·       Emergency Management Bill was silent on the aspect of funding; required due attention as funding was significant to enable communities to be ready/prepared/recover

·       Acknowledged that it was important for the Group to provide feedback on the Emergency Management Bill to address concerns raised by the Joint Committee based on past learnings.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the verbal update by National Emergency Management Agency representative, Lily Foulds.

Denyer/Kai Fong




Presentation – Tsunami Research Trip to Japan

Presentation Japan Tsunami Research Trip Joint Committee 30 June PDF: Objective ID A4411247  


Presented by Liz Oliver, Advisor. Emergency Management - Tauranga City Council and Jo Lynskey, Senior Emergency Management Advisor - Western Bay of Plenty District Council.

Key Points - Presentation:

·       Provided background to the earthquake response on 11 March 2011 when a magnitude 9 earthquake struck on the northeast coast of Honshu on the Japan Trench (Great Tōhoku Earthquake)

·       A tsunami generated by the earthquake arrived at the coast within 30 minutes

·       Highlighted three key learnings from recent Japan Tsunami Research Trip:

o   Importance of planning

o   Resilience was strengthened when it was shared

o   Resilience was an iterative process.

Key Points - Members:

·       Acknowledged that there were several key learnings from Japan’s earthquake/tsunami response:

o      Importance of preparedness/planning

o      Having an appropriate resourcing/funding mechanism to recover, facilitated by central government  

o      Correct spatial planning/appropriate zoning was significant

o      Warned against complacency

o      Key for individual residents to have contingency plans in place

o      Critical not to respond in silos – but for partners to cooperatively prepare

·       Deemed New Zealand’s Climate Emergency as a ‘slow ongoing emergency event’ that required due attention/response/funding

·       Thanked staff for the valuable information/sharing of learnings

·       Suggested that the learnings be shared with the National Emergency Management Agency, via the NEMA representative in attendance.




That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1          Receives the Presentation, Tsunami Research Trip to Japan.

Kai Fong/Wasley


7.     Consideration of Items not on the Agenda


Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Local Recovery Manager Amendments


Presented by Mark Crowe, Acting Director - Emergency Management Bay of Plenty.

This report was distributed under separate cover.


Key Point- Staff:

·       Report to the Joint Committee to follow to update the appointment of Kawerau District Council Alternative Local Recovery Manager.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1       Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Local Recovery Manager Amendments;

2       Rescinds the appointment of Anita Brown as Local Recovery Manager for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, Western Bay of Plenty District Council; and

3       Appoints Rod Barnett as Local Recovery Manager for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, Western Bay of Plenty District Council as defined under s30 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002.




Closing Karakia

Provided by Stace Tahere - Acting Planning Manager.

11:45 am – the meeting closed.

Confirmed 29 September 2023                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                             Mayor Faylene Tunui

Chairperson, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee