Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 16 September 2022, 09:30 am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga and via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana - BOPRC)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Charlie Tawhiao (Ngāi Te Rangi)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Tauranga City Council (TCC): Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston, Commissioner Bill Wasley

Ngāi Te Rangi: Pia Bennett (via Zoom)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): Cr Mark Dean, Cr Grant Dally

                                                      BOPRC Toi Moana: Cr Norm Bruning, Cr Paula Thompson (via Zoom), Cr Jane Nees (via Zoom)

In Attendance:            BOPRC Toi Moana: Pim De Monchy – Acting General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Reuben Fraser – General Manager - Regulatory Services; James Low - Team Leader Policy (Freshwater); Josie Crawshaw – Environmental Scientist; Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments (via Zoom); Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor

TCC: Radleigh Cairns - Manager: Drainage Services Infrastructure; Wally Potts – Acting Director of City Waters (via Zoom)

WBOPDC: Peter Watson - Reserves and Facilities Manager

External:                     Presenters: Chris Battershill – Toihuarewa, Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences, Waikato University, Dan Kneebone, Property & Infrastructure Manager Port of Tauranga

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Te Pio Kawe (Ngāti Ranginui)

Keepa Smallman (Ngāti Pūkenga)

Jeff Milham (Department of Conservation)

For early departure: Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston(TCC), Commissioner Bill Wasley (TCC)


1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Accepts the apologies from Te Pio Kawe, Keepa Smallman and Jeff Milham for absence from the meeting and for early departure, Commissioners Bill Wasley and Shadrach Rolleston, as tendered at the meeting.



3.     Raupapa o Ngā Take
Order of Business

Members agreed to the reordering of items to accommodate an external presenter for Item 10.1 “Health of the Tauranga Moana - mahi by the University of Waikato”.

4.     Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None advised

5.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 17 June 2022



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 17 June 2022 as a true and correct record.





6.     Whakaaturanga


Health of the Tauranga Moana - mahi by the University of Waikato

Presentation Prof Battershill State of the Environment Tauranga Moana - 16 September 2022: Objective ID A4209498   

Presented by: Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences - University of Waikato


Key Points- Presentation:

·       Update on overall assessment - current state of the environment of Tauranga Moana

·       Rimurēhia/Seagrass – overview/roles of seagrass in the marine ecosystem

·       Decline of seagrass in the northern/southern Tauranga Harbour

·       Cumulative impacts as a result of decline in seagrass/seagrass stressors

·       Overview of Cygnus atratus (black swan) numbers in Tauranga Harbour, quantifying grazing impacts

·       The good news:

o   Restoration of seagrass was possible (with habitat improvements)

o   Had observed seagrass coming back to Maketū Estuary following the Kaituna River re-diversion

o   Strong focus on improving water quality and clarity to support the health of our estuaries (including seagrass)

o   New research understanding the optimal environmental conditions for seagrass

o   Active seagrass restoration trials were being conducted across the country; further guidance was being developed (but the cause of decline needed to be addressed first)

·       Kai moana - cumulative impacts on shellfish (Tuangi/Pipi)

·       Shifts/increase in sediment load from Tauranga Moana catchments since pre-development – change in functionality/conditions

·       Biosecurity - high level of involvement with Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital (TMBC)

·       Motiti Natural Environment Management Area: was monitoring changes/understanding dynamics/offered a unique opportunity to learn/monitoring impact on Maketū

·       Sea level rise and storms on coastal Marae and Urupā

·       Circular economy and sustainable futures: environmental remediation, biosecurity, aquaculture and bioproducts (‘Blue2Green’)

·       Robotics, sensing and innovation

·       Education and Training: https://www.mtm.ac.nz/oranga-taiao-oranga-tangata/

·       Toitu Te Moana, Toitu Te Tangata: Sustainability of the Sea, Sustainability of the People.

Key Points - In response to questions:

·       The increase in sea temperatures had negatively impacted pipi numbers

·       Forest & Bird New Zealand was looking at humane methods/long-term solutions/reproductive suppressors to control the numbers of Black swan

·       Acknowledged that the declining of the health of the sea grass/kai moana/health of Tauranga Moana should be seen as the proverbial “canary in the gold mine”

·       Fast climate change/extreme marine heatwaves/rising sea water temperatures/ocean acidification/violent winter storms were real and required urgent intervention

·       Access to the Marine Interspatial Tool was available for usage by kaitiaki (Prof Battershill to liaise with Pia Bennett).


7.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners

7.1    Ngāi Te Rangi

Ngāi Te Rangi Representative Charlie Tawhiao provided a verbal update:

Key Points:

·       It was evident that the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations had prioritised the Hauraki Settlement for conclusion before Christmas 2022; ultimately Ngāi Te Rangi and other iwi would be affected by the contents of the Hauraki Settlement; expected the situation to potentially become challenging between now and Christmas

·       With reference to Prof Chris Battershill’s presentation “The State of the Environment”, and in the context of the Port of Tauranga Limited’s (POTL) expansion plans and iwi/hapū’s appeal court case scheduled for February 2023, the community was at a point in time where it needed to decide that a healthy harbour mattered - the alternative choice was to be willing to live with a puddle. This statement was not being made lightly: there was some wonderful work going on; however, none of it was looking at the global situation

·       The University of Waikato’s research had demonstrated why it was important to look at the “whole system”; beginning with the water that entered the harbour as opposed to seeing the harbour as “the port/that species/this weed/that bird/a mangrove problem”; it was critical to consider the harbour and its health as a whole, as a living organism

·       POTL Stella Passage Application currently before the Environment Court had forced iwi/hapū into a legal situation; it was a matter that could not be avoided since it was necessary to receive compensation

·       $300 million allocated to Kaipara Moana - committed to the Restoration Programme of the harbour - was inspiring as it allowed action to be taken in the harbour

·       Preference for the forthcoming court case was that iwi/hapū and the POTL teamed up together as leaders in the restoration of the moana and the harbour health.  If iwi and the POTL worked together, there could be a significant shift

·       The proposed Stella Passage Project by the POTL was annoying people as it pointed to a much larger problem: the health of our harbour

·       Now was an opportunity to get the “scale” that was needed across the whole of the ecosystem/to get the work done that needed to be done

·       Was critical to start thinking of scale: if iwi and the POTL could agree to become leaders in the process, could inevitably attract a whole lot of funding to address the real issue

·       Important for the POTL to be involved, otherwise they would forever be seen as being reluctant to engage in the restoration of the harbour; which was not the case; however, because a legal court battle always required “someone to lose” and “someone to win” there was no other way for the public to perceive it

·       This was not only an “iwi issue”, there had been lots of calls of support from other members of the community expressing appreciation that somebody was taking action/drawing attention to the larger issue

·       To further complicate issues, iwi had individual hapū who saw the POTL as the cause of whatever problem they had. Solving their problems did not address the larger problem, which the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group (TMAG) was here to consider: this was more than just looking at what had been done (and there has been amazing things done by the Regional Council and other groups in the community)

·       TMAG needed to take action immediately; should not wait until legislation formally mandated the group via settlement; needed to start working on the challenges straightaway; not to allow the politics of government/iwi to get in the way of restoring and rebuilding the health of the harbour

·       Professor Battershill’s Presentation was timely – the science would be valuable/key in determining the next steps

·       Required an integrated approach to tackle the “whole of the system/view on the harbour”.

7.2    Ngāti Ranginui

Following an apology received from Ngāti Ranginui Representative Te Pio Kawe, update deferred to the next meeting.

7.3    Ngāti Pūkenga

Following an apology received from Ngāti Pūkenga Representative Keepa Smallman, update deferred to the next meeting.

7.4    Western Bay of Plenty District Council

WBOPDC Councillor Mark Dean provided a verbal update, highlighting the following:

Key Points:

·       Katikati Wastewater Treatment Advisory Group: concerns were raised regarding possible compliance breaches at Katikati Sewerage Plant following the recent heavy rain/excess water entering the plant, consequently resulting in higher levels of nutrients being discharged in the ocean; this matter had been addressed

·       Desludging of wetlands at Katikati Wastewater Treatment Plant was underway

·       New UV-treatment plant upgrade currently in progress

·       Development of a masterplan was underway to identify options to keep the plant compliant/trials for solutions planned for 2022.  Alternative discharge options were currently being investigated/consulted on as a long-term solution

·       Stormwater Management Plan for the central area (Te Pune/Minden) had commenced with early conversations between Council and Tangata Whenua

·       Waipapa River Cycle Bridge completed.  Planting currently underway – trail however not open as yet

·       Crown Infrastructure Partner Funded Project: used for upgrades for on-site treatments/reticulation at marae which had been completed.

Key Points- Members:

·       The Wairoa River Strategy needed to be escalated as a matter of priority, particularly in the context of developments in Tauriko West

·       With regard to the status of the progress on the cycle way from the Wairoa River Bridge to Bethlehem, Tauranga City Council representatives confirmed that engagement with Ngāti Kahu was ongoing and that the design-phase for connections at the Wairoa River Bridge was currently underway.


Item for staff follow-up:


·       Combined report on the status of the Wairoa River Strategy (by all parties involved) to be presented to the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group in 2023.



7.5    Tauranga City Council

TCC Manager: Drainage Services Infrastructure Radleigh Cairns provided a verbal update, highlighting the following:

Key Points:

·       Tauranga’s Water Watchers Plan:

o     Year-round plan to help maintain the city’s water supply, provided clarity about usage of water at home/work/in the community while promoting the establishment of long-term water efficient behaviours

o     Plan was launched in 2021 in response to consecutive dry summers impacting groundwater levels

o     Tautau and Waiorohi water streams remained at low flows; while the winter has had plenty of significant rain, this would take around a year before impact on stream flows would be visible. TCC would begin raising awareness/reminding the community of the plan from October annually

·       Wastewater Management:

o     Several projects underway at Te Maunga Wastewater Treatment Plant:

•   Upgrading of the landward section of the outfall pipeline was almost complete. Final stage would be the relining of the last 450m of current pipeline through to the beach manhole

•   Contractors were establishing a work site to begin desludging the sludge lagoon pond (in 2019 TCC commissioned the Thickening and Dewatering Plant that enabled the cessation of sludge disposal to the pond)

•   Trialling of foundation piling methodologies continued for a second bioreactor and preliminary design of a third clarifier was complete

o     Terms of Reference for the Matapihi Southern Pipeline Group were ready to be signed off by the representatives from TCC/community. (The group was an outcome of discussions between Matapihi Community/Council following a significant wastewater overflow into the Harbour).  The group would be looking at the impact of the Southern Pipeline on the community/current maintenance processes and potential improvements that could be made

·       TCC Freshwater Management Tool:

o     Data collation/analysis completed in July 2022. Technical review of the model configuration was underway. A Te Rangapu representative was close to being appointed to the review panel. Next steps included identifying management interventions to take account of scenario testing scheduled for 2023. Initial model outputs providing an overall picture of the current state were expected by the end of January 2023

·       Kopurererua Stream Realignment:

o     Planting of the southern stream realignment/new southern wetland area have progressed well over the winter months. Excavation of the northern realignment would begin in the next few weeks with the first of the new bridges due to be installed in October

·       Gordon Carmichael Interpretive Story Boards:

o     Staff were currently in the process of collating a species list for the information boards and engaging a graphic design company for a preliminary design. Designs would be shared with Tauranga Moana Advisory Group members

·       A condition of TCC’s wastewater discharge consent (RC62878) required council to establish an Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund:

o     A total of $750,000 was available in the fund; currently a process underway to establish an independent panel to assess applications to the Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Fund (EMEF) and make recommendations to the Wastewater Management Review Committee  (WWMRC) regarding eligible projects.

7.6    Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Toi Moana Acting General Manager, Integrated Catchments, Pim De Monchy, provided a verbal update as follows:

Key Points:

·       As part of an integrated approach to the health of Tauranga Moana, hopefully both spatial planning changes and the catchment based review of the Regional Natural Resources Plan would contribute to a macro scale approach from a regulatory perspective

·       Update on implementation of the amended measurement and reporting of water takes regulations:

o    First implementation stage of the amended RMA Measurement and Reporting of Water Takes regulations was now in place. Regulations would see all water users that take more than 20 litre/second having to submit (on a daily basis) an electronically readable file containing their water use over every 15-minute interval of the day

o    As an underlying principle, the value of data was only realised in its use, so there has, and would continue to be, a focus on developing reporting tools that extract the value from the submissions

o    First stage of reports was focussed on seeing where/when breaches of consent requirements occurred so an appropriate and timely response could occur

·       Maritime Team had been working on oil spill response exercise in the Tauranga Harbour

·       Environment Court Case regarding Port of Tauranga Stella Passage hearing scheduled from 27 February 2023

·       Science Update:

o    Tauranga Harbour sensitivity to freshwater inflows and ecological state assessment report was now available on the BOPRC website publications page:

§   https://www.boprc.govt.nz/your-council/documents-and-publications/publications

§   04 Setting sediment load limits to protect ecological values of Tauranga Harbour sub-estuaries 

§   07 Tauranga Harbour sensitivity to freshwater inflows and ecological state assessment

o    Biodiversity of Te Awanui and estuarine health in general: could be negatively affected by nutrients entering the estuarine environment. Nitrogen in particular was of concern. As nutrients accumulated in Te Awanui, there was increased risk of algal blooms, which in turn, reduced the natural nutrient recycling capability of the estuary resulting in a negative feedback loop and a cycle of worsening health

o    Baited Underwater Video (BUV) monitoring of the Motiti Protection Area report covered the survey of the reefs before the Motiti Protection Area was put in place a little over a year ago. Baited underwater monitoring was being used to survey fish populations at 60 sites around the protection area

o    Environmental Scientists visited the saltmarshes of the Ōhiwa and Tauranga Harbours earlier this month to survey the elevation ranges that could support saltmarsh habitats. The data collected would help calibrate a model to predict the effects of sea level rise on saltmarshes, the results would be reported in a future environmental publication

·       Regional Council currently had 30 summer experience vacancies open for students interested in career in environment science/management.

Key Points - Members:

·       Expressed the need for both terrestrial and marine spatial planning processes to link to the vision for the harbour

·       Needed to look at a strategic plan for TMAG going forward, revisiting the role of the Advisory Group was critical – further discussion on this would be required in the new triennium (suggested modelling the strategic plan approach/action plan developed by Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority).

·       Requested the reinstatement of an Integrated Tauranga Moana Work Progamme Report to the TMAG on a regular basis, demonstrating the contribution by all parties towards the health of the harbour; this would ultimately feed into future spatial planning



Items for Staff Follow-up:


·       At the first meeting of the new triennium in 2023, a workshop be scheduled to enable TMAG to review its role and responsibilities/the Group’s work programme for the new triennium/consideration of strategy/ spatial planning matters/ potential reporting mechanisms.


11:25am - The meeting  adjourned.

11:45am - The meeting  reconvened.

8.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

8.1    Department of Conservation

Following an apology received form Jeff Milham, Pou Matarautaki/District Manager Te Papa, the item was deferred to the next meeting.

9.     Whakaaturanga



Te Mana o Te Wai update

Presented by: Pia Bennett - Ngāi Te Rangi


Key Points:

·       Approval had been granted by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) for the Tauranga Moana Te Mana o Te Wai Funding application

·       Project timelines had to be amended/reduced to align with timeframes set by MfE; completion date for all Te Mana o Te Wai projects was June 2025

·       Currently working through technical/administrative processes and requirements as set out by MfE as part of funding requirements and coordinating processes between MfE and Regional Council as administrative support; based on a tripartite agreement approach

·       Draft Deed of Funding and Memorandum of Understanding were currently being finalised (to be completed by end of September)

·       Main purpose was the establishment of sound financial management/accounting processes

·       Project scheduled to begin in October 2022

·       Tauranga Moana Advisory Group (representative of all parties) to be a vehicle of support for the project – assisting with the line of accountability for the project.




Port of Tauranga Update

Presentation - Port of Tauranga Update TMAG - 16 September 2022: Objective ID A4209499

Presented by: Dan Kneebone, Property & Infrastructure Manager Port of Tauranga Limited (POTL)


Key Points - Presentation:

·       Acknowledged the current Environment Court Case regarding Port of Tauranga Stella Passage and hearing scheduled for February 2023

·       In the context of TMAG’s brief, the presentation to primarily focus on environmental matters

·       Expressed POTL’s commitment as a partner to working alongside iwi to prioritise the health of Tauranga Moana

·       POTL New Zealand’s largest and most efficient port/lowest carbon emission in international supply chain

·       Highlights and Challenges identified

·       Cruise Vessels – expected first arrival 15 October 2022

·       Ruakura Inland Port (extension of the POTL, connected by rail) construction almost complete, due to open late 2022

·       Challenges relating to port congestion and congestion impacts

·       30 years of prior planning to address the congestion:

o   Berth extension development planned since RMA inception

o   Included in the 1996 Coastal Occupation Consent & 2003 Regional Coastal Environment Plan

o   Restricted discretionary activity

o   All proposed development within the existing Port footprint

·       Current consent request (clarifying the proposed extension)

·       Critical New Zealand Infrastructure

·       Future Capacity identified

·       Terminal Automation explained

·       Bigger ships equals lower carbon supply chain

·       Coastal shipping supporting big ships

·       Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (successful emission reduction programs included waste minimization project, electrification (reducing diesel generator use), hybrid straddle transition

·       Significant investments to increase air quality initiatives & improvements

·       Water quality initiatives & improvements (comprehensive stormwater monitoring/compliant with resource consent’s water quality limits/continuous improvement pathway)

·       Harbour water and sediment quality shown

·       Sponsorships & Community Partnerships (POTL Rescue Centre – Surf Lifesaving Eastern)

·       Outlook for 2023 provided.

11:55am – Commissioners Wasley and Rolleston withdrew from the meeting.

Key Points – Members:

·       Acknowledged the excellent work undertaken by the POTL; however, considered the activities/actions by the POTL as compliance requirements dictated by resource consent

·       POTL had obtained significant value from occupying prime waterfront property to the exclusion of other users; acknowledged that it brought economic value to the country/region, but was interested in the extent to which the POTL had accepted, as a corporate citizen, its responsibility to also think about “what can they do to start changing the way everybody else was thinking about the harbour”

·       Recognised the contribution the POTL as industry in Tauranga had made to the growth of whānau Māori in Tauranga over the past two decades; however, suggested the POTL should go beyond compliance with its vision.

Key Point – In response to Questions:

·       Reaffirmed that the POTL was keen to work alongside/engage with iwi/hapū to work on all matters relating to the health of the harbour.




Maritime Navigation Safety - Harbourmaster Update

Presentation - Harbourmaster Maritime Navigation Safety  TMAG - 16 September 2022 PDF: Objective ID A4209500   

Presented by: Jon Jon Peters, BOP Harbourmaster/Manager.


Key Points:

·       Chatham Explorer:

o   After almost 15 years of sitting alongside at the Vessel Works Bridge wharf, the Chatham Explorer, a 30m long steel hulled fishing boat weighing about 270 tonnes was lifted out of the water by the Maritime Team

o   Owner was overseas and had stopped maintaining the boat for many years. As a result its condition deteriorated and there was a strong possibility that it would break up or sink in a bad weather event which would result in a pollution disaster

o   After inspection, the Harbourmaster declared the vessel a wreck and using powers under the Maritime Transport Act, seized the boat

o   Following a legal process and an agreement to share responsibility with Vessel Works (Tauranga City Council) the boat had 14 tons of pollutant liquids pumped out in order to mitigate the risk, and on the 10 August 2022 it was lifted onto the site at Vessel Works where it would be cut up

o   When the vessel was out of the water two holes (each one measuring approximately a finger width) and a few fractured welds below the water line, were discovered after the marine growth was scraped off

o   Just layers of paint and marine growth prevented the ingress of water; timely action had prevented a major disaster for the environment

·       Close encounter between a Yacht and a large ship in Tauranga Harbour Entrance:

o   Ship MSC Sagitta inbound had close encounter with a yacht

o   Harbour Patrol team was onsite and gained initial contact and information from yacht skipper to carry out infringement process

o   Thorough investigation followed. Pilot interviewed/POTL Video footage reviewed/Harbour Patrol team interviewed and interaction footage reviewed/Yacht Skipper interviewed and infringed/Incident report filed with Harbourmaster and Maritime New Zealand

o   Yachting New Zealand picked up on the news report and included a reminder about “Give way to Shipping” rules in their members Newsletter

o   The Yacht skipper, after some encouragement and more education, paid his fine

·       Education Campaign:

o   Maritime Officers would be delivering presentations at Yacht Clubs this Spring, with a POTL Pilot as guest speaker,  Highlighting the risks and providing education around shipping in Tauranga harbour

o   Planned an increase in harbour patrols throughout the year

o   Summer Students to assist with the campaign to increase awareness.


10.   Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update

Presentation - Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update TMAG - 16 September 2022 PDF: Objective ID A4209501  

Tabled Document 1 - Tabled Item - Tauranga Moana values visions and environmental outcomes short doc: Objective ID A4209502   

Presented by James Low, BOPRC Team Leader Policy (Freshwater).

Key Points - Presentation:

·       Draft Policy Options

·       Kaitiakitanga chapter review - Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) specific policy

·       Alternative Long-term Vision

·       Te Mana o te Wai - hierarchy of obligations:

o   The health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems

o   The health needs of people (such as drinking water)

o   The ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural well-being, now and in the future

·       “Participate” feedback received to date:

o   31 contributions for Tauranga Moana FMU

o   Recognised the recreational value of Kaiate Falls, Wairoa River, Poripori waterhole and McClaren Falls

o   Significant improvements sought to Uretara River in Katikati

o   Contributors sought improvements to access, natural character, water quality to provide for clean, swimmable water, thriving aquatic life and healthy kaimoana downstream

o   All contributors sought freshwater goals to be achieved within the next 10 years

o   As a next step, the priority for all was the vision, to understand the outcomes sought.  Invited feedback from group/individuals.

Key Points – Feedback from Members:

·       The alignment of all messages before consultation with communities commenced, were critical

·       Appreciated the direction the “aspirations for the Tauranga Moana FMU” were heading

·       Under the “Long-term Vision for Freshwater” six action points had been identified for the mauri of all water within Tauranga Moana to be restored and protected. Suggested that Item 6 “Te Awanui as the receiving environment is healthy and abundant, kaimoana stocks are replenished, and levels of sedimentation and pollutants are low” be trimmed down to express the bottom-line that we were looking for “Te Awanui was healthy and abundant; kaimoana stocks are replenished

·       Multiple statements/visions could potentially provide limitless room for “wiggling” as opposed to be focused on end goal

·       Suggested that the “vision is to be achieved within a 20-year timeframe” – be reduced and achieved within at least 10 years – needed a tighter timeframe to addressed the emergency

·       With reference to the Te Mana o te Wai (TMotW) Environmental Outcomes table – it seemed that principles were being assessed against Environmental Outcomes table. Suggested that these instead be assessed against TMotW and how they fitted into the Environmental Outcomes – shifting towards tangata whenua thinking and priority be given to TMotW

·       Highlighted the importance to have a simplistic vision.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Receives the report, Essential Freshwater Policy Programme Update.





2022 Local Government Elections Update

Presented by: Toi Moana Acting General Manager, Integrated Catchments, Pim De Monchy.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Receives the report, 2022 Local Government Elections Update.





Activities of Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium

Presented by: Toi Moana Acting General Manager, Integrated Catchments, Pim De Monchy.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Receives the report, Activities of Tauranga Moana Advisory Group - 11th Triennium.

2          Notes the activities of the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group for the 11th Triennium.




11.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.


1:10pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group