
Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee

Meeting Date:

26 July 2022



Item under Separate Cover

With reference to the Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee Agenda for the meeting on Tuesday 26 July 2022, the following item is included under separate cover:


Decisions Required

Agenda Item 10     Appointment of Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee Deputy Chair                                                                        1




Pūrongo Ki:
Report To:

Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee

Rā Hui:
Meeting Date:

26 July 2022

Kaituhi Pūrongo:
Report Writer:

Yvonne Tatton, Governance Manager

Kaiwhakamana Pūrongo:
Report Authoriser:

Fiona McTavish, Chief Executive


To consider the appointment of a Deputy Chairperson



Appointment of Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee Deputy Chair


Executive Summary

The Subcommittee members are asked to consider the appointment of a Deputy Chair.



Ngā tūtohutanga

That the Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee:

1        Receives the report, Appointment of Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee Deputy Chair.

2        Selects System B as the voting system for the election of a Deputy Chairperson.

3        Elects __________________ as the Deputy Chairperson of the Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee.


1.        Kupu Whakataki

Regional Council appointed Cr Andrew von Dadelszen as the Navigation Safety Bylaw Subcommittee Chair at its meeting on 23 June 2022.

The Subcommittee is required to appoint a Deputy Chair in the event the Chairperson is unable to preside due to unforeseen circumstances.

1.1      Pou Tarāwaho ā-Ture
Legislative Framework

Provisions for the election of the Deputy Chairperson are set out under the Regional Council’s Standing Orders (Rules for the conduct of meetings) standing orders 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 as follows:

•    The Subcommittee must decide by resolution to use one of two voting systems (as set out in section 2 below) when electing people to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson positions.

•    The appointment must be decided at a meeting by vote and by the majority of members present and voting.

1.1.1    Voting System for election of Deputy Chairperson

The two voting systems as set out in the  Standing Orders 5.3 are:

“System A

(a)    requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives the votes of a majority of the members of the Forum voting; and

(b)    has the following characteristics:

(i)      there is a first round of voting for all candidates; and

(ii)     if no candidate is successful in that round there is a second round of voting from which the candidate with the fewest votes in the first round is excluded; and

(iii)    If no candidate is successful in the second round there is a third, and if necessary subsequent round of voting from which, each time, the candidate with the fewest votes in the previous round is excluded; and

(iv)    In any round of voting if 2 or more candidates tie for the lowest number of votes, the person excluded from the next round is resolved by lot.

System B

(a)    requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives more votes than any other candidate; and

(b)    has the following characteristics:

(i)      there is only one round of voting; and

(ii)     if 2 or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot.”

It is recommended that the Subcommittee selects System B as its voting system.

1.1.2    The Voting Process

The following provides the steps in the voting process:

1.     Subcommittee resolves to adopt a voting system and the procedure in the event of a tie.

2.     The Chairperson calls for nominations for the Deputy Chairperson (nominated and seconded).

3.     Nominees may be allowed up to 10 minutes to make a presentation.

4.     Voting for the appointment of the Deputy Chairperson as per the agreed system.

5.     Deputy Chairperson declared elected.

In agreeing the voting process, ground rules are also agreed.

Ground Rules

a)      A member may nominate or second themselves.

b)      Any member may call for a Division – where the names of members voting for and against and any abstentions, are taken down in random order.


1.2      Te Hāngai ki te Pou Tarāwaho Rautaki
Alignment with Strategic Framework


Safe and Resilient Communities

We support community safety through flood protection and navigation safety.

1.2.1    Community Well-beings Assessment

Dominant Well-Beings Affected

þ Environmental


þ Cultural


þ Social


¨ Economic



2.        Ngā Whakaarohanga

2.1      Ngā Mōrea me Ngā Whakangāwaritanga
Risks and Mitigations

There are no significant risks associated with this decision.


2.2      Huringa Āhuarangi
Climate Change

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature and there is no need to consider climate change impacts.


2.3      Ngā Pānga ki te Māori
Implications for Māori

The matters addressed in this report are of a procedural nature where there are no significant implications for Māori associated with the decision.

2.4      Whakawhitiwhiti ā-Hapori
Community Engagement



Engagement with the community is not required as the recommendation relates to internal Council matters only.


2.5      Ngā Pānga ā-Pūtea
Financial Implications

There are no material unbudgeted financial implications and this fits within the allocated budget.


3.        Ngā Mahi Whai Ake
Next Steps

Once a Deputy Chair is appointed they will assume the role for the duration of the Subcommittee’s appointment.