Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Friday 17 December 2021, 10:00 am

Venue:                           Via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)

Chairperson:                 Cr David Love - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Deputy Chairperson:   Mayor Judy Turner - Whakatāne District Council

Members:                      Kawerau District Council (KDC): Mayor Malcolm Campbell, Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui (Alternate)

Ōpōtiki District Council (ODC): Mayor Lyn Riesterer

Tauranga City Council (TCC): Chair TCC Commissioner Anne Tolley

Whakatāne District Council (WDC): Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles (Alternate)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour (Alternate)

Observers: National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Jane Röllin - Senior Regional Emergency Management Advisor; Jaci Sinko - Regional Emergency Management Advisor

In Attendance:             Kawerau District Council (KDC): Russell George - Chair of Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) & Chief Executive Officer

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty (EMBOP): Clinton Naude – Director; Janelle Coradine – Manager, Planning; Julian Reweti – Principal Advisor, Recovery; Cara Gordon – Senior Advisor, Planning; Benjamyn Neave – Graduate Advisor, Planning; Andrea Thompson – Executive Assistant; Savannah Dantin – Summer Assistant

Tauranga City Council (TCC): Marty Grenfell – Chief Executive

BOPRC Toi Moana : Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive; Sarah Omundsen – General Manager, Regulatory Services; Matthew Searle – Corporate Planner; Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor

                                       External: Dr Sharon Kletchko - Director Quality Governance Risk & Compliance Lakes District Health Board; Owen Wallace - General Manager Corporate Services Bay Of Plenty District Health Board

Apologies:                    Deputy Mayor Shona Browne

Mayor Steve Chadwick

Deputy Mayor David Donaldson

Mayor Garry Webber


Declaration of Public Recording


Committee members were reminded that the public section of the meeting was being recorded and would be made available on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website and archived for a period of three years.

Recording of Meeting:  Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - 17 December 2021 - YouTube

1.     Apologies


That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Accepts the apologies from Deputy Mayor Shona Browne, Mayor Steve Chadwick, Deputy Mayor David Donaldson and Mayor Garry Webber tendered at the meeting.




2.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

3.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 25 June 2021



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1     Confirms the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 25 June 2021 as a true and correct record.





Public Excluded Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 25 June 2021



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Confirms the Public Excluded Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee Minutes - 25 June 2021 as a true and correct record, noting that the only business conducted was the confirmation of minutes.




4.     Reports

Decisions Required


Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Controller and Recovery Manager Statutory Appointments

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Director Clinton Naude presented the report.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Controller and Recovery Manager Statutory Appointments.;

2         Endorses the rescindment Julian Reweti as Local Recovery Manager for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group, as defined under s30(1) of the CDEM Act 2002;

3         Appoints Julian Reweti as Alternative Group Recovery Manager for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group, as defined under s29(2) of the CDEM Act 2002;

4         Appoints Barbara Dempsey, Steve Perdia, and Anita Brown as Local Recovery Managers for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group, as defined under s30(1) of the CDEM Act 2002;

5         Appoints Scott Parker as Local Controller for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group as defined under section s27(1).





Bay of Plenty Group Annual Report 2020-21

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Director Clinton Naude presented the report.

Key Points:

·      Annual Report developed in consultation with all member local authorities

·      Provided a snapshot of highlights across local authorities and financial performance of the group over the financial year

·      Endorsed by the Bay of Plenty CDEM Coordinating Executive Group

·      Despite Covid-19 challenges, a significant amount of work had been achieved across the various local authorities and the group as a whole.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Receives the Bay of Plenty Group Annual Report 2020-21;

2         Approves the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Annual Report 2020-21.





Proposed Approach to the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan Review

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Director Clinton Naude presented the report.

Key Points:

·      Group Plans set the strategy and direction for Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups over a five year period; since the current Group Plan was valid until March 2023, a review process would commence early in 2022

·      Significant challenges to be faced as part of this process included:

o  The currently developing new Emergency Management Act;

o  Review of the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan Order 2015 and the accompanying Guide to the National CDEM Plan 2015

o  Ongoing reviews following recent emergencies in the sector

·      Key matters to note in the approach to be followed:

o  Was required to review the hazard scape

o  Minimum requirement for a Group Plan was to circulate a draft plan for public consultation; proposed that a co-design/partnership approach be followed which would include workshops in local authority areas with communities to proactively provide feedback/ensure buy-in

o  Provided an opportunity to embed Māori worldview into the planning process.  Important to note that this approach was taking an approach to the Group Plan review that would incorporate Te Ao Māori into the framework

·      Local Government Elections 2022 would also impact on time constraints.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Proposed Approach to the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan Review;

2         Approves the proposed approach for the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Plan review.





Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Reporting Dashboard

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Director Clinton Naude presented the report.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Reporting Dashboard;

2         Approves the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group Reporting Dashboard.





Regional Safety and Rescue Services Funding

Toi Moana General Manager, Regulatory Services Sarah Omundsen presented the report.

Key Points:

·      Outlined the planned two stage approach to implement funding for Regional Safety and Rescue Services (RSRS) in the Bay of Plenty, following consultation by Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) through its Long Term Plan 2021-2031

·      Highlighted the proposed role of the CDEM Group in relation to implementing Stage 2 of the funding approach for 2022/23 and beyond

·      Proposed funding criteria was developed based on other New Zealand Councils who operated a similar funding approach for RSRS.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1         Receives the report, Regional Safety and Rescue Services Funding;

2         Notes the two stage Implementation approach for Regional Safety and Rescue Services Funding;

3         Confirms the proposed operating model for Regional Safety and Rescue Services funding for 2022/23 and beyond as outlined in section 2.2;

4         Confirms the Draft Funding criteria for 2022/23 and beyond as set out in Appendix 1.





Update - New Zealand Covid 19 Health

Presentation Covid-19 Health Owen Wallace BOP DHB: Objective ID A4004088  

Dr Sharon Kletchko - Director Quality Governance Risk & Compliance Lakes District Health Board and Owen Wallace - General Manager Corporate Services Bay Of Plenty District Health Board provided verbal updates from Toi Te Ora Public Health on the latest regarding Covid-19:

Key Points: Dr Sharon Kletchko

·      Lakes District Health Board included Rotorua, Taupō and Turangi

·      Had a total number of 37 cases since the first case on 10th November 2021.  Currently only 8 active cases

·      Partnership approach between iwi, health and community providers (“Community Covid Collaborative”) made the difference to ensure recovery of the Taupō-Turangi cluster

·      75% of case load was Māori

·      75% was under 40 years of age

·      35% - 40% was under the age of 9 (unvaccinated due to current requirements).  Highlighted the risk posed to young people – and young children subsequently infecting parents

·      Vaccination was imperative

·      Stressed that additional public health measures were critical: masking/social distancing/scanning QR codes/switching Bluetooth on/ ensuring sufficient ventilation in buildings

·      Omicron’s significance was not known as yet

·      Important not to underestimate the virus and to focus on keeping communities safe and to keep messaging active.

Key Points: Owen Wallace

·      Overview of outbreak in Bay of Plenty

·      Latest case numbers and vaccination uptake

·      COVID infrastructure changes (physical upgrades to facilities/ Ministry of Health announcement on funding for infrastructure changes at Tauranga Hospital to ensure increased capacity to manage COVID cases)

·      Key issues:

o  Speed of developments and required flexibility of responses; ensuring equity for vulnerable populations; multiple stakeholders and agencies

o  Welfare of self-isolating residents – ensuring comprehensive community support. Multiple welfare/ social support needs. Inter-agency co-ordination – Ministry of Social Development and Kāinga Ora roles

o  Health Sector workforce – significant work load pressures, staff shortages and staff welfare concerns

o  Communications/ Information sharing – with community, between sector and wider multi-agency response teams.

Key Points - Members:

·      Expressed concern over the significant work load pressures/shortage of staff in the Health Sector.  Supported a request to the Government to urgently revisit current arrangements to increase the number of, and ability for, health professionals to enter into New Zealand to support capacity to manage the health impacts, and build resilience to the continuing waves of COVID-19

·      Highlighted the potential social challenges caused as a result of forced isolation due to Covid-infection:  there was a need to reassure the public that they would have sufficient financial support.  Acknowledged the risk of people not going for testing as they might fear losing income if tested positive

·      Voiced unease with the current lack of communication from the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora: Mayors had not been included in any communications protocol and had learnt about cases in their areas via social media.  Did not require to know specifics, but needed to know basic information.  As leaders/representatives of communities, Mayors wanted to be part of the solution; accordingly needed to be up-to-date with the latest/ accurate information to avoid misinformation and being able to prepare

·      Noted that Toi Te Ora Public Health was bound by regulations and that it was ultimately the obligation of the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora, as the single point of truth, to announce details regarding outbreaks. In view of that and as a way forward, Mayors could be provided with the relevant contact details at the Ministry to refer local media to

·      Acknowledged that the inconsistent application of mask wearing amongst the public was problematic and needed to be pursued by the Ministry in its media campaigns

Key Points - Staff:

·      Toi Moana Chief Executive Fiona McTavish advised members of a recent workstream “Te Kāhui o Te Waharoa/Getting Through Covid”:

o  Was a co-ordinated response across the region following collaboration by staff from local authorities in the Bay of Plenty (BOP)

o  Included iwi, local councils, health providers, community organisations, government agencies and others who had come together under the umbrella of Te Kāhui o Te Waharoa to support the region and its people through the next phase of Covid

o  Not only included immediate health responses, but also welfare responses to whānau and families living with Covid

o  The coordination hub in the BOP District Health Boards (DHBs) area involved a communication group (involving staff from all territorial authorities, in liaison with CEOs from the DHBs)

o  Concerns raised by the Joint Committee would be conveyed to the communication group

o  Further information on the activities of Te Kāhui o Te Waharoa could be provided to a future meeting of the Joint Committee.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.    Receives the verbal update from Toi Te Ora Public Health representatives on the latest regarding Covid-19;

2.    Supports that a letter on behalf of members of the CDEMG Joint Committee be send to the relevant Minister, in the context of emergency management, expressing support for New Zealand’s borders to be opened to allow an increase in the number of sufficient health professionals to enter into New Zealand to support the capacity to manage the health impacts of Covid-19.





Update - National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)

Presented by: Jane Röllin, Senior Regional Emergency Management Advisor – (NEMA), supported by Jaci Sinko, Regional Emergency Management Advisor (NEMA).

Key Points - Members:

·      Acknowledged and thanked Jane Röllin for her contribution to the Joint Committee and wished her well with her new role as Manager Engagement at the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora

·      Welcomed Jaci Sinko, Regional Emergency Management Advisor who would be NEMA’s representative at future hui.

Key Points – Jane Röllin:

·      Update on progress with the “Trifecta” Programme (which included a review of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act, a review of the National CDEM Plan and the development of the National Disaster Resilience Strategy):

o  As part of the engagement process, workshops at governance, executive and operational level had been planned for early 2022

o  Format would be on-line introductory sessions in the week beginning 17 January 2022. Members would be sent two invitations, but were only expected to accept one (purpose would be to kick-start and provide an overview of some of the significant changes in the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act)

o  Supporting papers would be provided by NEMA

o  Five key topics to be covered:

§  Greater recognition of hapū/iwi Māori participation

§  Clarification of roles and responsibilities

§  Leading agencies

§  Disproportionality impacted people

§  Life-line utilities / critical infrastructure

o  This would be followed by an opportunity to provide written feedback on the draft legislation, to be submitted to NEMA by 11 February 2022

o  Acknowledged the tight timeframes; subject to Ministerial and Cabinet Decisions, envisaged for Bill to be introduced to the House of Representatives mid-2022.



That the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.    Receives the verbal update from the National Emergency Management Agency.





Update - Director, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty

Presented by: Clinton Naude, Director - Emergency Management Bay of Plenty


Key Points:

·      Acknowledged the Covid-19 update by Toi Te Ora Public Health. Added that in the dynamic environment and with Covid-19 response becoming part of everyday life, from a civil defence point of view, civil defence management was still engaged in terms of assisting where needed, with Health as the lead agency; however, the Ministry of Social Development was now coordinating welfare and support

·      Civil Defence was now re-focussing on concurrent emergency planning – “what do we do for all other hazards within a Covid environment” (i.e.  supporting/evacuating communities with Covid in emergencies)

·      Taupō District Council had jurisdictional boundaries that posed some challenges: they fell under the Lakes District Health Board and also under the Bay of Plenty Regional Leaders Group.  They however, technically/legally formed part of the Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group.  In the interim an arrangement had been put in place with Waikato that Taupō, for the purposes of support required for Covid related matters, would be supported by EMBOP

·      High level focus areas following sequence of three earthquakes from 5 March 2021 and subsequent tsunami warnings:

o  In addition to the current reference group, the National Agency had formed a National Working Group for Tsunami to progress work in this space

o  EMBOP had appointed a Senior Advisor responsible for coordinating the Bay of Plenty’s Tsunami Programme

o  Currently, local and regional tsunamis were number one and three on the BOP hazard scape list, with pandemics being number 2

o  Tauranga City Council’s Emergency Management Department was presently focussing on their tsunami readiness programme, which was complementary; mahi would be expanded across the rest of the coastline

o  GNS Science were doing national survey work with communities to understand behaviours following the March 2021 event.  Within the Bay of Plenty they would be doing work in Whakatāne, Ōpōtiki and Tauranga

·      Workshop material for the January 2022 review of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act would be circulated as soon as received from NEMA

·      Completion of the EMBOP Group Emergency Coordination Centre (GECC) at Regional House was scheduled for February 2022.

11:45 am – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 18 March 2022                                                                                         

                                                                                                                    Cr David Love

Chairperson, Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee