Tauranga Moana Advisory Group

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 17 September 2021, 09:30 am

Venue:                         via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)


Chairperson:               Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Charlie Tawhiao (Ngai Te Rangi)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Tauranga City Council (TCC): Commissioners Shadrach Rolleston and Bill Wasley

Ngāti Pūkenga: Keepa Smallman

Ngāti Ranginui: Te Pio Kawe

Ngāi Te Rangi: Pia Bennett

Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): Cr Mark Dean and Cr Grant Dally

BOPRC: Cr Norm Bruning; Cr Paula Thompson and Cr Jane Nees


Observer:                    Jeff Milham - Department of Conservation (DOC)


In Attendance:            BOPRC: Cr Andrew von Dadelszen; Chris Ingle – General Manager, Integrated Catchments; Kataraina O’Brien – Director, Strategic Engagement; Pim De Monchy – Coastal Catchments Manager; Rob Donald – Science Manager; Dr Josie Crawshaw – Environmental Scientist; Melissa Williams – Communications Partner; Gina Mohi - Putaiao Mātauranga; Clarke Koopu – Senior Advisor (Treaty); Stacey Faire – Senior Planner (Coastal); Reuben Gardiner - Senior Planner (Water Policy); Gemma Moleta - Senior Planner (Water Policy); Riki-Lee Ainsworth - Planner and Merinda Pansegrouw – Committee Advisor

TCC: Radleigh Cairns - Environmental Programme Leader Infrastructure; Cheryl Steiner – Consultant

WBOPDC: Peter Watson - Manager, Reserves & Facilities; Katy McGinity - Senior Recreation Planner

Other:                          Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences – University of Waikato; Caine Taiapa - General Manager, Cultural and Environmental Research Manaaki Te Awanui

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Stacey Rose (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)


1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera
Opening Prayer

A karakia was provided by Clarke Koopu.

2.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Accepts an apology from Cr Stacey Rose and apologies for lateness from Cr Paula Thompson, Commissioner Bill Wasley and Keepa Smallman as tendered at the meeting.




3.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 11 June 2021

Matters Arising

Minute Item 6.1 ”Matters Arising”

·         Noted that TCC Staff was currently investigating the development of a Story Board Project (“telling stories of environmental and cultural matters/significance to our communities”) for the Gordon Carmichael Reserve in Bethlehem; a report to be provided in December 2021

·         Noted that BOPRC Toi Moana Staff was currently considering details relating to having a symposium in the Bay of Plenty (potentially in 2022), involving all co-governance forums to consider key learnings/support

·         Presentation on “A new care Plan for Mauao and Strategy for the Mauao Trust (An overview of He Korowai Ariki a Mauao 2021-2031)” would be presented at the December 2021 hui.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Confirms the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group Minutes - 11 June 2021 as a true and correct record.




9:49am – Pia Bennett joined the meeting.

4.     Whakaaturanga


Tauranga Moana - Science Mahi

Presentation - He Korowai Matauranga Maori - TMAG 17 September 2021 - Gina Mohi PDF: Objective ID A3939382  

Presented by Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences University of Waikato, Caine Taiapa - General Manager, Cultural and Environmental Research Manaaki Te Awanui and BOPRC Toi Moana Putaiao Mātauranga Gina Mohi.

10:00am – Councillor Paula Thompson, Keepa Smallman and Commissioner Bill Wasley joined the meeting.


Presentation by Caine Taiapa (General Manager, Cultural and Environmental Research Manaaki Te Awanui)

Key Points:

·       Update on Ngā Tohu project (cultural health industries)

·       Cultural Coastal and Marine Assessment Frameworks - Whainga Matua

o   Reclaimed localised māramataka knowledge and practices to inform transformative practice in coastal and marine assessment

o   Utilised māramataka knowledge to enhance reclamation of Mātauranga Māori for the coastal and marine environment

o   Utilised māramataka knowledge to reframe cultural indicator framework development

·       Why did we do it and who would benefit - Kaitiaki of the motu

·       Knowledge applied to different spaces and time

·       Kawa (constants) tikanga (energy)

·       Dials used: Whetū / Tamanuiterā / Matahina

·       Tikanga – Kaupeka

·       Tau: Ahuaranga - Ahuatanga – Ahuahanga

·       Tools and layers of enquiry (science to help understand/assess/mitigate)

·       Application of kete o te wānanga (three kete of knowledge) – a topic to be explored in detail at a future opportunity.

Presentation by Professor Chris Battershill, Toihuarewa – Takutai Chair in Coastal Sciences University of Waikato

Key Points:

·       Overview of mahi relevant to Tauranga Moana

·       University of Waikato celebrated Kīngitanga Day on 16 September 2021 (an annual event that recognised the unique connection of the University of Waikato with Waikato-Tainui and the Kīngitanga)

·       All mahi in the moana was lead and articulated by Mātauranga Māori

o   State of the Rohe Moana (baseline surveys taonga species and spaces)

o   Restoration Taiao Management (shellfish/reef rejuvenation)

o   Taiohi (growing future leaders)

·       International partnerships (InterCoast with Germany to be followed by “Horizon Europe 2021 – 2027”)

·       Overview of NZ Marine Science Society Conference held 5 – 8 July in Tauranga; Theme: Titiro Whakamuri, Kōkiri Whakamua - Looking back, to look forward

·       Current Projects

·       The “Perfect Storm” (More storms of increased strength and duration/sediment smothering coastal nurseries/nutrient enriched catchments discharges/greater pressure on coastal marine resources/ocean acidification/marine invasions/sea level rise and warming seas)

·       State of the environment directed restoration (baseline surveys toanga species and spaces)

·       Biosecurity/Conservation Biology

·       Dynamic changing system constantly monitored in awa and moana

·       Rena – 10 years later – Environmental recovery monitoring programme ongoing.  Report on results to be released in October 2021

·       New initiatives – robotics, sensing and innovation to be used in the moana to automate dangerous processes, identify, count and measure fish and gather data for managing processes

·       Working together to restore estuaries and kaimoana

·       Integrated Spatial Planning Tool (ISPT) – food web-type system; ready to roll-out in the open coast

·       Marine sustainable future – aquaculture, bio products, environmental remediation “Blue2Green” / Green economy

·       Toitu Te Moana, Toitu Te Tangata – Sustainability of the Sea; Sustainability of the People.

Presentation by BOPRC Toi Moana Putaiao Mātauranga Gina Mohi

Key Points:

·       Mātauranga Māori frameworks and methods recognised and provided for Traditional Maori practices and the role of tāngata whenua; particularly mana whenua, as kaitiaki

·       Only tāngata whenua could define, select, develop and adapt their own appropriate Mātauranga Māori monitoring frameworks, tools and methods

·       However, one framework and approach would not suit all iwi and hapū and Council should not attempt to direct or achieve this

·       Council to play a supporting and enabling role

·       Purpose and application of Mātauranga Māori frameworks

·       Vision, Purpose and Muka Strands

·       BOPRC Mātauranga Projects

·       Drivers to success

o   Building cultural competency and confidence of staff to confidently engage with tāngata whenua

o   Developing ways in which relationships with Māori could be enhanced through collaborating on significant council projects

o   Utilising and protecting Mātauranga Māori to better inform policy development in planning relating to kaupapa Māori.

Key Points - Members:

·       Expressed appreciation for the informative presentations and supported that the information be shared with the wider Council community/SmartGrowth at future forums

·       Observed that there was still a gap between theory and reality: neither the wai project nor the marine facilities strategy had referenced this framework.

In response to Questions:

·       Noted that the Integrated Spatial Planning Tool (ISPT) referred to by Prof Battershill could potentially be scalable for the use of marine spatial planning as directed by the Government’s new Strategic Planning Act (SPA) requirements

·       Acknowledged that further mahi was required to link Mātauranga Māori with ongoing projects.


5.     Ngā Whakamārama a Ngā Rōpu
Update from Partners

5.1    Ngāi Te Rangi

Ngāi Te Rangi Representative Charlie Tawhiao provided a verbal update:

Key Point:

·         No further progress had been made to date with the Deed Settlement for Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective/Hauraki Settlement overlapping claims since the June 2021 hui.  Mahi was ongoing.

5.2    Ngāti Ranginui

Update by Ngāti Ranginui Representative Te Pio Kawe as follows:

Key Points:

·         No new updates from Ngāti Ranginui from June hui; status quo remained

·         Supported that the mahi by Caine Taiapa and Prof Chris Battershill be integrated into the iwi spatial plan space and also SmartGrowth’s “bigger picture Joint Spatial Plan”.

5.3    Ngāti Pūkenga

Ngāti Pūkenga representative Keepa Smallman provided the following verbal update to the rūnanga:

Key Points:

·         Progress made with the Land Development Remediation Project at Te Kapua Orchard in Welcome Bay

·         In liaison with Prof Chris Battershill explored the usage of seaweed for weed suppression/eradication

·         Voiced a concern regarding a recent water consent application via GWS Consultants and a process that had caused distress.

Item for Staff Follow-up

·         BOPRC Consents Staff to liaise with Ngāti Pūkenga representative Keepa Smallman relating to a recent water consent application process for Te Kapua Orchard in Welcome Bay.


5.4    Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Councillor Grant Dally provided a verbal update, highlighting the following:

·         Te Tawa Ki Tahataharoa Wetlands Reserve: committed to restoring land to wetlands; funding would support the cost to control plant pests, add new plantings for wetland restoration and maintain new infrastructure

·         Opureora Marae Coastal Protection Works: supported any future resource consent application for erosion protection works along the coastal boundary of the Opureora Marae

·         Walking and Cycling

o      Increased walking and cycling development programme (over the 10 years of the Long Term an investment of $16.6 million)

o      Feasibility study had been prepared for Athenree connections and would be presented to Council to inform decision making

o      Staff were working with Pirirākau Hapū to discuss concerns around routes in the Te Puna area, especially regarding Te Tawa Ki Tahataharoa

o      Envisaged to include Bay of Plenty on the list of Ngā Haerenga New Zealand Cycle Trails

·         Provision of boat launching facilities to cater for growth

·         Ōmokoroa Infrastructure - in particular implications of Ōmokoroa Stage 3 Structure Plan and Ōmokoroa wastewater capital works

·         Takitimu North Link (TNL): construction of the TNL included a major new bridge and cycleway; Council vested with a significant portion of the existing SH2 from Ōmokoroa Road to the TCC boundary at the Wairoa River

·         Katikati Wastewater Project currently underway

·         Te Puna Wastewater - introduction of reticulation in the Te Puna commercial area with external Central Government funding

·         Marae Wastewater Projects - continued to work with Marae in the district regarding wastewater reticulation and onsite treatment options, using funds made available through the Three Waters Review/Covid Response (Crown Infrastructure Partners funding)

·         Stormwater network upgrades of approximately $55.8 million for 2021- 2031. Included funding for water quality discharge improvements

·         Te Ranga Reserve/Historic Park: progressing the development plan and working to secure further funding partnering with the Pukehinahina Charitable Trust in association with Ngai Tamarāwaho and TCC.

Key Point - Members:

·         On behalf of Opureora Marae Committee thanked WBOPDC for their support with the Marae Wastewater Project.


5.5    Tauranga City Council

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston highlighted TCC key work streams as follows:

Key Points:

·         TCC’s Long Term Plan 2021-31 (LTP) formally adopted 26 July 2021

·         TCC Commissioners had refocussed its priorities for the next 12 months as housing, transport and the redevelopment of the city centre

·         Acknowledged the work done around the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme

·         Current focus was the Three Waters Project and feedback to be provided to the Crown following consultation with the community

·         Highlighted key concerns on Three Waters from the community as privatisation, risks, co-governance and investments that had been made into the assets. From an iwi-Māori point of view, concerns related to privatisation, the unknown impact on Treaty Settlements/impact on water rights and interests

·         Waiāri Water Supply Scheme Project progressing well. Open Day/Community planting day planned for October 2021

·         Upgrading of Te Maunga wastewater treatment plant and associated assets underway.


Item for Staff Follow-up

·         To address the potential capacity issues that might arise amongst iwi/hapū, particularly regarding consultation on matters relating to Three Waters, it was suggested that Toi Moana, TCC and WBOPDC staff consult with tāngata whenua in a co-ordinated approach so as not to duplicate.


5.6    Bay of Plenty Regional Council

BOPRC Toi Moana Coastal Catchments Manager Pim De Monchy outlined BOPRC priorities as follows:

Key Points:

·         Resource Consents Portal for tāngata whenua and the wider community to view consents, both current and in process. The Mapping interface was easy to use and provided a direct link through the documents associated with the consent: map-gallery | Bay of Plenty Maps (boprc.govt.nz)

·         Port of Tauranga – Stella Passage Extension application was in process. Based on Council’s interest in Quayside and the Port, the application was being processed by an independent consultant. No notification decision had been made yet

·         Kopurererua Stream Re-alignment Project: This $4.5m kaupapa was a collaboration between TCC, Ngāi Tamarawaho, BOPRC and community groups, and aimed to restore a more natural form and function to the Kopurererua Stream between Tauriko and Judea. The proposal included re-introducing curves to the stream, creating and restoring wetlands, and incorporating design elements that would allow sediment-rich floodwaters to spill out into a secondary channel, and over the flood plain

·         Tauranga Harbour Protection Society (THPS) had written to the Minister of Conservation in her capacity as Minister for both DOC and Fish and Game, seeking information and advice on how to achieve a reduction in Black Swan and Canada Goose populations where these were affecting sea grass beds and increasing bacterial concentrations. This was of interest to TMAG and Council as well, so the agencies would be in discussions about how to respond

·         Motiti Protection Area had been operative since 11 August. People could no longer take any kind of marine life from the three offshore reef areas surrounding Motiti Island. Scientific monitoring of the Protection Area had begun

·         SH29A Stormwater Discharge – the Compliance Team had been working with NZTA and Matapihi hapū on the consented discharge of stormwater from SH29A

·         New mapping dashboards for Care Groups/Environmental Programme work in progress.


11:10am - Jeff Milham withdrew from the meeting.

6.     Ngā Whakamārama Te Papa Atawhai
Conservation Update

6.1    Department of Conservation

Item deferred to the next meeting.


7.     Whakahoutanga Kōrero
Verbal Updates


Update - NPSFM 2020 Māori Engagement/Te Hononga

Presentation NPSFM 2020 Maori Engagement/Te Hononga September 2021 Reuben Gardiner PDF: Objective ID A3939391  

Presented by BOPRC Toi Moana Senior Planner (Water Policy) Reuben Gardiner.


Key Points:

·       Provided and update on progress made with the implementation of the NPSFM 2020

·       Highlighted changes for freshwater policy work

·       National Implementation

o   Tighter timeframe for whole region/notified plan by July 2024

o   Strengthened involvement of tāngata whenua

o   Compulsory mahinga kai value

·       Te Mana o te Wai – fundamental importance of water

o   Health and wellbeing of water bodies/freshwater ecosystems

o   Health needs of people, e.g. drinking water

o   Ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural well-being, now and in the future

·       Regional Implementation

·       Mahinga Kai – tāngata whenua

·       Participation

o   Te Hononga – Regional Māori Engagement Plan for Implementing the NPSFM (2020)

o   Options for engagement

o   Overview of time frames.

Key Point - Members:


·       Co-ordinated consultation with communities and the sharing of information amongst Toi Moana, TCC and WBOPDC was critical

·       Was of the opinion that the National Objectives Framework (NOF) provided for the bare minimum as Tauranga Moana had a wider range of values and attributes of importance. Although the NOF was a starting point, there were greater aspirations for water quality than “within” the band for a number of attributes.

11:37 am - Cr Nees withdrew from the meeting.



8.     Ngā Pūrongo

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Engagement Opportunity - Values and Environmental Outcomes

Presentation - Engagement Opportunity - Values and Environmental Outcomes - Gemma Moleta PDF: Objective ID A3939387  

Website link: Mapping our treasured freshwater sites | Participate BOPRC (online engagement tool for mapping freshwater sites and values)

Website link: https://www.participate.boprc.govt.nz/freshwater-values-mapping-maori (Kaupapa Māori page - password protected)

Presented by BOPRC Toi Moana Senior Planner (Water Policy) Gemma Moleta and Planner Riki-Lee Ainsworth.

Key Points:

·       Presented two online participation webpage tools that were now live and available to the wider community and tāngata whenua to identify freshwater values that would help the National Objectives Framework vision, values, objectives, attributes and limit setting for the region’s freshwater management units

·       Requested the public to provide feedback on which rivers, wetlands and lakes in our region were important to them and how happy they were with the current state

·       Encouraged Tauranga Moana Advisory Group members to socialise this opportunity with their iwi, hapu, tangata whenua, Council organisations and members of the wider community who care about freshwater

·       Two values reasonably unique to the Freshwater Management Units (FMU) in Bay of Plenty were hydro-electric power and geothermal warm water

·       Feedback from iwi, hapū and tāngata whenua, through a dedicated page (as opposed to public)

·       Kaupapa Māori page

o   Was dedicated to tāngata whenua to identify and map freshwater values through a kaupapa Māori lens

o   Required a link, password and completion of registration to access

o   To allow opportunities to contribute to cultural values and environmental outcomes relating to their experiences and knowledge by identifying and mapping their values for Ngā Taonga Wai Māori

o   Tāngata whenua could share stories and/or photos of areas significant to them, identify areas where they gather kai, share ngā kōrero o neherā and describe how they fish from ngā taonga wai Māori

o   Could also include areas of importance for tohi (ceremonial practices) or areas where they may gather rongoā or harakeke

o   Information that was identified as sensitive could be withheld from public accessibility. Pages could be secured where data sovereignty wished to be maintained.

Key Point - Members:


·       Acknowledged that the recognition/application of Mātauranga Māori in the water space was critical and was currently work in progress as it required relationship building

·       Noted that the online participation webpage tool for the freshwater values mapping project would be open until March 2022.



That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Receives the report, Engagement Opportunity - Values and Environmental Outcomes.





Tauranga City Council Marine Facilities Strategy

Presented by TCC Corporate Services Consultant Cheryl Steiner.

Key Points:

·       Progress made with the development of a Marine Facilities Strategy for TCC

·       Since there was currently no strategic approach in place specifically for the marine facilities network, a strategy was being developed to guide the provision and management of marine facilities around Tauranga Harbour, and included boat ramps, wharves and jetties

·       Strategy would be developed in a 2 phase approached

·       Phase 1 (2021): Gather information to better understand how people accessed the harbour and the role of marine facilities, the values placed on the harbour, what was working well, what could be improved, and what priority areas of focus should be. This included a planning and asset information stocktake

·       Phase 2 (2022):  To identify responses to the matters raised through Phase 1 and undertake any further work on information gaps identified through Phase 1.  Engagement likely to be more focused on specific issues.  Development of Strategy

·       Who had been engaged to date

·       Issues/opportunities identified to date.

·       Purpose of the update was to invite feedback from TMAG members.

Key Points - Members:

·       Mātauranga Māori to be integrated as a key part of phase 1

·       Discussion/engagement with TMAG should be ongoing; item to be included as a regular item on TMAG’s agenda

·       Suggested further discussion/engagement with presenters on Tauranga Moana Science Mahi (item 4.1 of the agenda) to incorporate information/link/join the dots

·       TMAG would be interested in the outcome of impacts identified

·       Encouraged engaging the SmartGrowth Joint Spatial Plan (JSP)

·       Since the current approach to consult on marine facilities specifically may inadvertently exclude sections of the community who enjoyed passive use of the moana, suggested that consultation be as wide as possible to capture wider but relevant perspectives (wider community to have a voice)

·       Network of facilities/information on a sub-regional level also to be included

·       Noted that all councils within the wider Bay of Plenty (endorsed by mayors and chief executives from Ōpōtiki, Whakatāne, Kawerau and Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Tauranga City Council and Rotorua Lakes Council) had an agreement through a Spaces and Places Strategy.  Although it was mainly recreational focussed it offered a region-wide perspective. Spaces and Places Strategy planned to undertake a review of access to water/rivers/lakes/coastal and all current infrastructure: this would offer an opportunity to feed further region-wide information into the Marine Facilities strategy

·       Suggested that consideration be given to include off-shore islands in the scope

·       “Joining the dots” - was important to use all the tools in the toolbox (Mātauranga Māori/iwi spatial plans/JSP).



Update on Long Term Plan Funded Projects in the Tauranga Moana (2021-2031)

Tabled Document 1 - Tauranga Moana TCC 2021_31 LTP and Projects Briefing 17 September 2021: Objective ID A3929514  




That the Tauranga Moana Advisory Group:

1          Receives the report, Update on Long Term Plan Funded Projects in the Tauranga Moana (2021-2031).




9.     Rā Hui Whai Ake: 10 December 2021
Next Meeting Date:10 December 2021


10.   Karakia Kati
Closing Prayer

A karakia was provided by Charlie Tawhiao.

12:35 pm  – the meeting closed.



TO BE Confirmed                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                     Cr Matemoana McDonald

Chairperson, Tauranga Moana Advisory Group