Regional Transport Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Tuesday 14 September 2021, 9.30 am

Venue:                         Via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting)

Chairperson:               Cr Lyall Thurston - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Jane Nees - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Members:                    Commissioner Stephen Selwood – Alternate, Tauranga City Council, Mayor, Steve Chadwick - Rotorua Lakes Council, Cr Norm Bruning – Alternate, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Mayor Lyn Riesterer - Ōpōtiki District Council, Cr David Moore – Alternate, Ōpōtiki District Council, Mayor Garry Webber - Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Mayor Judy Turner - Whakatāne District Council, Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles – Alternate, Whakatāne District Council, David Speirs - Waka Kotahi

In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Namouta Poutasi – General Manager, Strategy and Science, Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate, James Llewellyn – Transport and Urban Planning Manager, Amanda Namana – Committee Advisor

                                                      External: Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor; John Galbraith – Freight Advisor, Jess Andrew – Waka Kotahi


Apologies:                  Mayor Malcolm Campbell – Kawerau District Council, Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui – Kawerau District Council, Commissioner Anne Tolley -Tauranga City Council, Deputy Mayor David Donaldson – Alternate, Rotorua Lakes Council


Please note that this meeting was recorded via Zoom and is available on Council’s YouTube channel: Regional Transport Committee Meeting - 14 September 2021 - YouTube


1.     Apologies


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Accepts the apologies from Mayor Malcolm Campbell, Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui, Commissioner Anne Tolley and Deputy Mayor David Donaldson tendered at the meeting.



2.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

3.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 9 June 2021

Matters Arising

In relation to Minute Item 6.1, Page 16 of the agenda, it was noted that the independent review of the reasons for Stage 2 of the Takitimu North Link (TNL) project not being included in the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) was underway and being conducted by Dave Brash.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Confirms the Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 9 June 2021 as a true and correct record.






Regional Land Transport Plan Hearings Subcommittee Deliberations Minutes - 28 May 2021


Matters Arising

In relation to Minute Item 5.3, Mayor Webber noted that the final outcome of the Waka Kotahi analysis showed different weightings to that of the RLTP.  Highlighted the first bullet point on page 21 of the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) in relation to activities previously approved for funding that were continuing to be delivered in 2021-24.


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Confirms the minutes, Regional Land Transport Plan Hearings Subcommittee Deliberations Minutes - 28 May 2021.




Minutes to be Received


Regional Land Transport Plan Hearings Subcommittee Minutes - 13-14 April 2021



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the minutes, Regional Land Transport Plan Hearings Subcommittee Minutes - 13-14 April 2021.




4.     Reports


Chairperson's Report

Transport and Urban Planning Manager James Llewellyn presented this item.

Key Points - Members:

·         The significant reforms underway could conceivably create gaps in the work programme

·         Suggested the Committee receive advice on the reform of the Strategic Planning Act (SPA) and potentially make a submission over the next year on the implications for regional transport planning

·         Noted the carbon reduction budget was likely to be released by central government May 2022 at the latest, which would also have transport implications the Committee may wish to consider

·         Proposed that carbon reduction emissions should be built into any applications / proposals that came to the Committee from local authorities

·         Requested the work programme to be updated with Regional Funding and Financing.

In Response to Questions:

·         As part of the RLTP, there was an emissions reduction target which would be reported to the Committee.  Staff were working with Territorial Local Authorities (TLAs) for the best way to present how the target would be met

·         Staff noted the work programme would be updated to include requested elements.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·         Include as part of future Chairperson’s reports:

o    KiwiRail presentation on work programme and business plan

o    Ministry of Transport presentations on their work programme and the implications for regional transport committees and the way transport was delivered e.g. road pricing, congestion charging etc.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Chairperson's Report;

2           Provides feedback on the draft work programme.




Decisions Required


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update

Presentation: Waka Kotahi Quarterly Update: Objective ID A3926854

Tabled Document 1 - 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) Funding Decisions - Bay of Plenty: Objective ID A3926856  

Director of Regional Relationships David Speirs presented this item.

Key Points:

·         As part of the NLTP process, the additional $2 billion of debt financing had enabled Waka Kotahi to provide the minimum requirements for each of the funding allocations across the ten allocation areas, with additional funding across public transport and cycling areas.  A highlight of this was being able to meet the minimum maintenance standards for the roading network

·         Commercial connections were included in freight connections and were also a focus for the next NLTP

·         Acknowledged projects that did not make it into the NLTP and noted that the maintenance spend was enough to maintain current levels of service but not to improve them

·         As part of the Waikato funding allocation, State Highway 1 up to the connection with State Highway 29 was a strong focus in terms of creating the corridor in the safest possible way

·         Projects that were ranked as ‘possible’ were subject to funding becoming available or being released from other projects, at which point these would be reconsidered for funding with considerations made to deliverability

·         Waka Kotahi had indicated they would support the 2000 households unit equivalent, with conditions to be implemented within the Tauriko growth area to support mode shift

·         Further details on the impacts of Covid-19 on specific projects would be forthcoming over the next two weeks

·         There were a range of interventions to drive action as part of the wider Road to Zero programme, with the aim of a substantial reduction in death and serious injuries each year.

Key Points - Members:

·         Considered the Ōmōkoroa interchange was a far higher priority than the median barrier, although both were required

·         Highlighted the work being carried out on congestion and road pricing in Auckland and Wellington, and the Select Committee’s recommendation that this potentially be carried out across the country.  Suggested the Committee consider this type of work and analysis to identify opportunities across the region to manage traffic more efficiently, increase traffic flow, reduce carbon emissions and improve productivity whilst raising funds for future investment

·         A member expressed concern over the inability to complete Stage two of the SH30 Eastern corridor and the gap remaining to the Rotorua airport.

In Response to Questions:

·         Waka Kotahi were looking at available options to vary the NLTP to cover the Ōmōkoroa interchange, and would bring any options identified as realistic and viable back to the Committee, after which they would undergo a review process

·         There were criteria that had to be used as part of the assessment process and the full investment suite available was under consideration

·         It had been agreed that the urgent strategic business case for Rotorua southern block would be worked on, acknowledging the safety and network challenges involved

·         Future cost escalations would be an additional future challenge for the implementation of the NLTP

·         Funding to address aspirations for housing could be applied for through the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund to the extent that it released housing

·         Was cognizant of the different challenges pertaining to each area of the region and would speak to each council individually regarding their specific programmes and challenges.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·         Strongly supported the issue of future investment and funding tools being placed on the work programme and that the Committee be proactive in advancing this.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update.




5.     Update from Committee Members and External Advisors

     David Speirs – Waka Kotahi

·            Acknowledged the work of Treasury and flexibility of thinking in making the NLTP possible.      

10.18 am - Commissioner Selwood and David Speirs withdrew from the meeting.

Mayor Riesterer – Ōpōtiki District Council

·            Commended the outcome of the NLTP and looked forward to continuing work with Waka Kotahi.

Mayor Turner – Whakatāne District Council

·            Current focus was on growth and the spatial planning work required, which would translate into infrastructure requirements.

Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor

·            Raised the issue of transport emissions reduction plans and the transport emissions reduction groups set up in Auckland and other areas to deliver the plans and meet targets, which the Bay of Plenty region did not have.

Cr Thurston – Bay of Plenty Regional Council

·            Advised that KiwiRail were in the process of appointing a member to the Committee, which would occur at their September board meeting.

Mayor Chadwick – Rotorua Lakes Council

·            Highlighted the need for a rail plan for Taupō, Rotorua and the upper North Island for both freight and tourism

·            Work on the Eastern corridor was starting to flow and cycleways were being appreciated by the public.


10.24 am – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 5 November 2021                                                       

                                                                                   Cr Lyall Thurston

Chairperson, Regional Transport Committee