Komiti Māori

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Tuesday 17 August 2021, 10.33 am

Venue:                           Te Papaiouru Marae, Mataiāwhea Street, Ōhinemutu, Rotorua


Chairperson:                 Cr Te Taru White – Host-Chair

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:   Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                      Cr Matemoana McDonald – Komiti Māori Chair

                                       Cr Norm Bruning

Cr Bill Clark

Cr Stuart Crosby

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Stacey Rose

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:             Fiona McTavish (Chief Executive), Kataraina O’Brien (Director Strategic Engagement), Namouta Poutasi (General Manager Strategy & Science), Rawiri Bhana (Māori Policy Advisor), Sandy Hohepa (Māori Policy Advisor), Herewini Simpson (Senior Advisor (Treaty)), Clarke Koopu, (Senior Advisors (Treaty)), Gina Mohi (Pūtaiao Mātauranga), Ashleigh Grant (Kaikarere Communications Partner), Lisa Tauroa (Internal Services Officer), Nathan Capper (Pou Ngaio Technical/Cultural), Sanjana France (Communications Partner), Natalie Ridler (Communication Engagement Advisor), Freya Camburn (Senior Policy Analyst), Penny Doorman (Programme Leader – Geothermal), Helen Creagh (Rotorua Catchments Manager), Lynda Frew (Legal Counsel Commerical Lead), Rachel Boyte (Legal Counsel), Shari Kameta (Committee Advisor)

                         Externals: Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Rawiri Waru, Jude Pani (Te Tatau o Te Arawa), Nicki Douglas, Te Rangikaheke Bidois (Ngāti Rangiwewehi - Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust) Tanira Kingi, Bill Young (Te Arawa Arataua), Elva Conroy, Lani Kereopa (Te Ahi Kaa Roa Roopu), Kepa Morgan (Ngāti Pikiao), U Brown (Ngāti Rangiwewehi), Harina Rupapera, Renee Kiriona (Te Arawa), Peter Staite (Ngāti Hurunga te Rangi), Kiri Pōtaka, Karla Kereopa (MfE/Ngāti Whakaue), Jenny Riini (Te Tatau o Te Arawa), Monica Waititi (Office of MP Rawiri Waititi), Pirihira Haira, Paul Warbrick (Whakatāne District Council), Anthony Olsen, Kenneth Raureti (Ngāti Rangitihi), Roku Mihinui (Tūhourangi), Maramena Vercoe, Maxeen Newton (Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa), Maryana Garua (NZME), Awhina Coffey (Ministers Office), Tamati Coffey (Labour Party Member), Geoff Rice, Eileen Jones, Geoff Rolleston, Vicki Bhana, T Williams, Raina Meha, Possum Roberts, Sonia Cooper, Ike Retimana, Tere Tapsell (Ngāti Whakaue), Moananui Pedlow, Ken Dinsdale (Tia/Tapuika – Rangitihi),Tony Wihapi, Maru Tapsell, Paki Nikora

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                    Cr David Love

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen


1.     Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

A karakia was provided during the pōwhiri by kaumātua Monty Morrison.

2.     Apologies
Ngā Hōnea


That the Komiti Māori:

1         Accepts the apologies from: Cr David Love and Cr Andrew von Dadelszen and from tangata whenua/members of the public: Blanche Hohepa-Kiriona, Karen Vercoe and Joseph Tuhakaraina tendered at the meeting.



3.     Deputations
Wāhanga Manuhiri


Opening Address by Hon Nanaia Mahuta


Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Local Government and Associate Minister for Māori Development provided a keynote address on her perspectives and insights regarding some key kaupapa for local and central government involving partnerships with Māori.

Key Points:

·      Aotearoa New Zealand was at a critical juncture of resolving past Treaty issues, looking forward to the future and willingness within society to move towards partnership in the tenants of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

·      Role and interface of central and local government was a part of the picture.

·      Central government could create some conditions in partnership with local government to ensure communities flourished by enabling co-design of outcomes, and applying a Treaty based approach in a practical way to achieve broader environmental, economic, social and cultural wellbeing outcomes.

·      Relationships were key to the aspirations of partnership.

·      Noted significant matters that were being addressed as first priorities:

o  Major investment in infrastructure, with Three Waters reform to:

§  Strengthen long term resilience, financial sustainability, asset management and the health and environmental wellbeing.

§  Lift partnerships and long term aspirations of Iwi-Māori on the health of waterways

§  Underpin economic opportunity and growth in the regions and smaller communities in a coherent way

o  Future for Local Government Review

§  Had announced the commencement of a review panel to engage with councils/iwi/communities/business/stakeholders to look at current local and central government systems to help design a road map on how partnerships could be better achieved.

§  Partnership models to support projects that enable communities to define who they were, provide sense of purpose, connectedness and place.

§  Aspirations to co-design a new innovative way of working together.

§  Treaty relationship and climate change objectives were a part of this.

§  Public Sector Act had changed to become more agile for local/central government to work more coherently together, with consideration being given to where delivery/implementation might be best achieved alongside community/iwi/business.

·      Recognised accountability of ensuring better outcomes for Māori, bringing Māori voices to the decision making table, and enabling Māori and ethnic inclusion to bring greater diversity and innovative solutions.

·      Central and local government needed to be courageous to amplify a partnership approach.

·      Social procurement stewardship goals within Māori development portfolio:

o  Vibrant communities underpinned by whānau participation within the local economy to lift Māori socio-economic household levels and amplify circular economy within a (holistic) climate change aware future.

o  Support to small-medium Māori and Pacific entrepreneurship would bring local benefits through bespoke support, research, science and innovation and capital investment.

o  Enabling succession to Māori whenua and papakāinga to break down legal barriers and provide access to capital investment.

·      Opportunity of partnership would not be without challenge.

·      Needed to be courageous and prepared to listen to each other to contest a space for a new future, which would be critically important to shaping New Zealand’s identity while the global community reset itself, particularly from the Covid-19 pandemic.

·      Looked forward to hearing tangata whenua presentations to gain insight into local issues.

Minister in Response to Questions:

·      Light earth homes and affordable housing - Te Puni Kokiri had initiated a project to find pathways and eliminate barriers to support whānau to build on their whenua, noting some of the challenges in regard to navigating the Building Act, Papakāinga Planning standards and access to grant funding.

·      The Three Waters reform did not affect private water suppliers and only affected Council water infrastructure. The reform incorporated Te Mana o Te Wai principles, safeguarded against privatisation, set direction for new entities tasked with managing and operating investment, ensured community voice was heard, and lifted the representative opportunity for iwi/mana whenua to be involved in the conversation to the benefit of the whole community.

·      Acknowledged there would be challenges, which would require councils and mana whenua groups to work out what was most important for their catchment across an entity.

4.     Presentations


Te Tatau o Te Arawa - Te Arawa 2050 Vision

Presentation - Te Tatau o Te Arawa 2050 Vision: Objective ID A3903721  

Presented by: Rawiri Waru, Te Tatau o Te Arawa Deputy Chair and Jude Pani Manahautu


Key Points:

·      Background on Te Tatau o Te Arawa and Te Arawa 2050 Vision.

·      The Vision document encompassed:

o  Vision statement: Mauri tu, mauri ora, te Arawa e!

o  Value statements (Ngā Mātāpono) provided by Te Arawa elders

o  Seven pou/strategic directions (Te Whakaterenga o te Waka)

o  2021-23 strategic priorities/plan included: a transformational economic plan, model for housing, spatial plan, embedding Te Arawatanga into Rotorua City, hapū capacity building and marae connectivity

·      Te Tātau o Te Arawa would work with its local government partners where there was alignment with its strategic priorities.

·      Collaborated with Auckland University in the national science challenge to develop a compass indicator for housing and community wellbeing.

·      Hoped for central government support of local government/initiatives.



Ngāti Rangiwewehi - Implications of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and Three Waters Reform

Presentation - Ngati Rangiwewehi: Objective ID A3903590  

Presented by: Nicki Douglas supported by Te Rangikaheke Bidois


Provided Te MoTW, partnerships around Te Tiriti and whenua, what was happening next for Ngāti Rangiwewehi.

Key Points:

·      Ngāti Rangiwewehi ancestral rohe, confiscation of whenua, wai and rangatiratanga (authority) and reclamation of authority of Pekehaua Awahou awa.

·      Confiscated in 1996 for town water supply, Pekehaua Awahou was returned to the iwi through a series of court challenges and treaty settlement.

·      The iwi had since agreed to a joint consent process for town water supply, incorporating western science and Mātauranga Māori model to inform how the water would be used and protected.

·      Expectation of the iwi was to be directly involved in all decisions regarding the joint consent, whichever entity managed the wai.

·      Ngāti Rangiwewehi’s 2040 Vision and Strategy, mission statement, values.

·      Key pillars/focus was on: taiao, education and economic development and development of the Pekehaua story (available online).

·      Ngāti Rangiwewehi whenua holdings.

·      Supported the Minister’s commitment to Wai 262, the Waitangi Tribunal report, Ko Aotearoa Tenei, and the commitment for an action plan to ensure taonga, whakapapa, Mātauranga, and iwi connections are protected.

·      Acknowledged BOPRC and the Treaty partnership/relationship that was in place regarding how Ngāti Rangiwewehi Mātauranga was applied and used to protect taonga, and hoped that it would give effect to kawanatanga (governance) and rangatiratanga (authority) of the iwi.

In Response to Questions:

·      Regarding unique responsibilities of Ngāti Rangiwewehi in regard to the town water supply joint consent, a model was being developed to measure instream minimum flow applying Te Mana o te Wai hierarchy principles and Ngāti Rangiwewehi values and uses in regard to allocation, and the role of iwi in regard to flow monitoring, management of infrastructure and capability and capacity building.

·      Ngāti Rangiwewehi had chosen a joint consent process for Taniwha Springs as their preferred option.

Key Points - Members:

·      Acknowledged the progress made by Ngāti Rangiwewehi.



Te Arawa Arataua (Te Arawa Primary Sector Inc)

Presentation - Te Arawa Arataua - NPSFM & Te Mana o Te Wai: Objective ID A3903586  

Presented by: Dr Tanira Kingi


Key Points:

·      Background on Te Arawa Arataua (TAPS) established in 2011.

·      Te Arawa Te Ture Whenua Māori rohe profile.

·      Current policy environment and challenges for Māori land entities whose responses would depend on their profile.

·      Smaller blocks would be under considerable pressure to comply and need support.

·      Mana Whakahaere was an important concept/structure within Te Mana o te Wai and RMA reform to enable iwi/hapū/ahi kaa/land entities to participate in policy design/implementation decisions over their taonga.

·      TAPS was working on four outcomes in response to Te Hononga and implementing NPSFM and were in discussion with BOPRC to understand how Mana Whakahaere would work within Te Arawa rohe.

·      Other activity to support this mahi were:

o  Presentations to Te Arawa and Tūwharetoa land entities on proposed freshwater farm plans on 27 August and 3 September.

o  Aligning policy programmes of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM) and TAPS Partnership, He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN) to simplify messages to farmers and considering a number of solutions to achieve mutual outcomes

·      Questioned central government’s and BOPRC’s role in supporting moving beyond compliance and transitioning to alternative high value/low emission land uses and infrastructure investment of local processing and manufacturing chains.

·      Provided examples of alternatives to land use and improving farm management practices to achieve climate change and water outcomes.

In Response to Questions:

·      The 80 hectare HWEN threshold could comprise a number of titles/blocks or a single title.

·      Appetite for carbon farming and establishment of forests for carbon revenue as a long-term investment was in front of land entities, however noted the challenge of high conversion and establishment costs.

Key Points - Members:

·      Local production for large Māori land entities would benefit from vertical integration of supply chains entities utilising collective structures.



Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Presentation - Te Papa Ahurewa: Objective ID A3903577  

Presented by: Te Rangimārie Williams and Mariana Te Rangi


Te Rangimarie Williams and Mariana Te Rangi provided a presentation on Te Papa Ahurewa, the newly established organisation and initiative of Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT).

Key Points:

·      Te Papa Ahurewa was responsible for providing environmental policy, planning and resource consent expertise from a kaupapa Māori perspective in response and to support iwi/hapū/whānau.

·      Supported by one year funding from BOPRC and comprised a team of four.

·      Vision:

o  Support Te Arawa hapū/whānau/iwi to ensure their values were reflected in policy and consents to ensure environmental outcomes.

o  Iwi-Māori were constantly reacting to Government reform and regional and local councils, therefore wished to drive environmental policy change at the central government level to effect change.

·      Guided by iwi/hapū/whanau.

·      Opportunities supported by Te Papa Ahurewa:

o  Building relationships with central government to influence policy decisions

o  Engagement hui with hapū/whānau on resource management reforms

o  Working with BOPRC on projects and policy changes

o  Partnerships with central/local government based on relationships

o  Capacity building of iwi/hapū/whanau

o  Supporting the reconnection and health of the taiao and people.

o  Designing outcomes for future generations

o  Building partnerships with and investing in the community at any levels.

·      Carbon wetland restoration was a key focus to enable better water quality outcomes and to build opportunities within the community.



Te Ahi Kaa Roa Roopu

Presentation - Ngā Wai Ariki o Rotorua: He Kohikohinga - Hau Kāinga Perspectives on the Health of Geothermal Taonga within Rotorua: Objective ID A3903588  

Presented by: Elva Conroy and Lani Kereopa


Elva Conroy and Lani Kereopa provided an update on behalf of Te Ahi Kaa Roa Roopu on work that was being developed, which included the Ngā Wai Ariki o Rotorua Report included within the agenda.

Key Points:

·      Te Ahi Kaa Roa Roopu was a working group that had been established with BOPRC to determine the health of geothermal taonga within Whakarewarewa, Ōhinemutu, Tārewa Pounamu and Ngāpuna villages from a hau kainga perspective to inform and provide for Mātauranga Māori of the resource within the Rotorua Geothermal Regional Plan review.

·      Key findings:

o  Mixed recovery of the taonga since the 1980 bore closures programme.

o  Significant change and reduction/loss in geothermal use by hau kainga.

o  Loss of intergenerational knowledge, practices and ability to be kaitiaki of the resource

·      Te Arawa’s vision/strategy for whānau/hapū included energy security and sovereignty that included:

o  Healthy homes for whānau, recognition and protection of their taonga

o  Sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of environment

o  A township and surrounds supported by green infrastructure

o  Hau kainga utilising geothermal taonga for heating, cooking, bathing

o  Whānau empowered to transition to green jobs, inter-generational and sustainable prosperity

·      Sought a genuine partnership/commitment to co-design, co-governance and co-management of the geothermal resource.

·      Where to from here:

o  Geothermal planning/decision-making that reflected: inter-generational thinking, our place in the world, and balance and reciprocity

o  Geothermal allocation that prioritised use for: tangata whenua cultural activities, followed by Rotorua ratepayers, community facilities, and then industrial/commercial.

In Response to Questions:

·      Establishment of the Ahi Kaa Roa Roopu had been BOPRC initiated-led as the first phase of engagement in the policy development process; and had included three hui-a-iwi with the representative communities.

·      Resourcing of tangata whenua engagement in a way that worked for tangata whenua was something that councils needed to look at.

Key Points - Members:

·      Sought collaboration with Central Government agencies to identify/target gaps in funding, support participation of Iwi-Māori to assist in capacity building in local government sphere.

·      Kahui Wai Māori had re-purposed the Te Mana o Te Wai Fund ($30 million) for Iwi-Māori capacity and capability building; and needed to ensure that Crown and BOPRC funding was aligned.

·      BOPRC had provided funding to Te Arawa initiatives through its Long Term Plan.

Minister - In Response to Questions:

·      Congratulated the presentation and perspective on energy security and community roles.

·      Regional Sector Group had raised/identified the issue of delegated mandates given to local government regarding Treaty settlements and engagement obligations.

·      Ministers were mindful of specific legislative reform proposals and enabling conversations around successful implementation.


5.    Host-Chair’s Announcement


On behalf of Komiti Māori, Host-Chair Cr White thanked Minister Mahuta and presenters for their time and attending the hui.


12:35 pm – the meeting adjourned.


1:25pm – the meeting reconvened.  Chairman Leeder withdrew from the meeting.


6.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

None declared.

7.     Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti


Komiti Māori Minutes - 24 June 2021

Matters Arising

·        Host-Chair Cr White acknowledged the recent passing of Te Whareoteriri Rahiri who had previously presented in the public forum of the meeting held on 24 June 2021.



That the Komiti Māori:

1         Confirms the Komiti Māori Minutes - 24 June 2021 as a true and correct record.



8.     Reports
Ngā Pūrongo

Decisions Required
Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana


Chairperson's Report

Refer Draft Komiti Māori Work Plan and Draft Partnerships with Māori Position Statement circulated under separate cover.

Presented: Kataraina O’Brien, Director Strategic Engagement

Key Points:

·      Sought approval of the draft Komiti Maori Work Plan 2021/22 and draft Partnerships with Māori Position Statement, which amendments had been made following the Komiti Workshop on 11 August 2021.

Key Points - Members:

·      Commented on the Three Waters reform which only applied to water services held in public ownership and not private schemes. Private suppliers were interrelated in terms of health, but would be managed under different legislation. The Water Services Bill had ramification for BOPRC, which would need BOPRC oversight; and a mechanism for transfer of privatisation. All 67 authorities were presumed to be opted in, but at a point in time could choose to opt out.



That the Komiti Māori:

1         Receives the report, Chairperson's Report;

2         Approves the Draft Komiti Māori Work Plan for June 2021 – August 2022 (circulated under separate cover);

3         Approves the Partnerships with Māori Position Statement (circulated under separate cover), subject to an amendment to include “working towards” within the heading.



9.     Open Forum


Maru Tapsell


Key Points:

·      Sought meaningful consultation and understanding from BOPRC regarding the Waitaha Claims Settlement Act and historical links to Pāpāmoa Hills, and requested more consultation as an affected party.

·      Noted there was still a lot of misunderstanding regarding the concept of social capital which took priority over economic capital within the Waitaha Settlement.



Harina Rupapera

Presentation - Te Arawa Taiohi Toa: Objective ID A3900248  


Harina Rupapera, Pou Taiohi, Te Arawa Lakes Trust (TALT) and social researcher for Chatham Islands gave a presentation on Te Arawa Taiohi Toa.

Key Points:

·      Founded in 2019 and previously endorsed by Komiti Māori, Te Arawa Taiohi Toa was a programme investing and contributing to the development of future leaders of Te Arawa and was in its fourth year.

·      Framework had been endorsed and supported by TALT, kaumātua and iwi.

·      Wānanga were held by pūkenga (experts) each year to contribute/share knowledge to benefit the teaching of rangatahi.

·      Strengthening and building knowledge/relationships of iwi/hapū/marae.

·      Kaitiakitanga practices and wānanga were interwoven with tangata/taiao.

·      Vision and mission: Arawa Ahu Hawaiki was aligned to deliver outcomes for: the taiao, hapū/iwi environmental plans, Te Arawa 2050 Vision, Te Arawa Climate Change Strategy, Te Tuāpapa o Ngā Wai framework, Te Arawa Lakes Trust Mahere Taiao.

·      Thanked BOPRC and kaumātua for their support, belief and contribution to the kaupapa.

·      Te Arawa Taiohi Toa Environmental Youth Summit was planned in January 2022, which included opening a forum and space on 23 August at Ngāti Pikiao Board Room for those who were interested in contributing.


10.   Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

A karakia was provided by Cr Toi Iti.

1:57 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                               Cr Te Taru White

Host Chairperson, Komiti Māori