Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Friday 21 May 2021, 10.30 am

Venue:                         Nukuteapiapi Room, Te Arawa Lakes Trust, 1194 Haupapa Street, Rotorua


Chairperson:               Dean Flavell (Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust)

Heamana Tuarua

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Matemoana McDonald (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                    Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust
Geoff Rice (Alternate)


Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC)

Cr Te Taru White (Informal Member)


Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust

Nicki Douglas

Erin Thompson (Alternate)


Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa

Piki Thomas

Rawiri Kingi (Alternate)


Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC)

Nick Chater (Lakes Community Board)


Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC)

Cr Grant Dally

Deputy Mayor John Scrimgeour (Alternate)


Tauranga City Council

Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Commissioner Bill Wasley (Alternate)


Te Komiti Nui o Ngati Whakaue

Maru Tapsell (Informal Member)

Manu Pene (Alternate Informal Member)

Te Hunga i Tae Ake

In Attendance:            BOPRC: Pim De Monchy - Coastal Catchments Manager; Nassah Rolleston-Steed - Principal Advisor, Policy & Planning; Jo Watts – Senior Planner, Water Policy; Moana Boyd - Senior Planner; Clarke Koopu – Senior Advisor, Treaty; Reuben Gardiner – Senior Planner, Water Policy; Rawiri Bhana – Māori Policy Advisor; Jessica Durham - Committee Advisor.


Other: Matt Leighton – Senior Policy Analyst, WBOPDC; Jenny Riini – Te Tatau; Tom Abbott – Beca; Emma Stiven – Beca; Mihaere Kirby - Te Karangi A 3D 2B Ahu Whenua Trust; Elva Conroy – Conroy & Donald Consultants Ltd

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                  Cr Jane Nees, Cr Tania Tapsell

1.     Karakia Whakatuwhera/Mihi Whakatau
Prayer and Welcome

A mihi whakatau and opening karakia was provided by Chairperson Dean Flavell.

2.     Ngā Pūrongo


Governance Update

Tabled Document 1 - Confirmation of Appointment - Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust: Objective ID A3797586   

Presented by: Jessica Durham



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Governance Update.

2          Confirms the appointments of Commissioners Shadrach Rolleston and Bill Wasley (Alternate) representing Tauranga City Council

3          Confirms the appointments of informal members Maru Tapsell and Manu Pene (Alternate) representing Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue.

4          Confirms the appointment of Erin Thompson (Alternate) representing Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust.

5          Directs each Member of the Authority to complete Attachment 3, Declaration of Interests.



3.     Ngā Hōnea


That the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Accepts the apologies from Cr Te Taru White for early departure, and from Cr Jane Nees and Cr Tania Tapsell tendered at the meeting.



4.     Ngā Meneti

Kia Whakaūngia Ngā Meneti
Minutes to be Confirmed


Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 5 February 2021

Matters Arising

In relation to Minute Item 15.1, NIWA/BOPRC/Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Collaboration, members received an update on progress of the funding application; which had been successful in the first phase of applications and would be further considered in September 2021.



That the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Confirms the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Minutes - 5 February 2021 as a true and correct record.



5.     Whakaaturanga


Rotorua Waste Water Treatment Plant 5-year continued spraying Bridging Consent

Presentation: Bridging and Kawenata Process: Objective ID A3801913   

Presented by: Jenny Riini on behalf of Rotorua Lakes Council


Key Points:

·       Provided background issues around how and when Rotorua’s wastewater came to be discharged in Whakarewarewa Forest by Rotorua Lakes Council, and the process to identify and evaluate alternative options so far.

·       Explained that the previously preferred alternative of upgrading the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and then discharging the treated water to a ‘land treatment bed’ and then into Lake Rotorua was opposed by the local hapū and then by Te Arawa Lakes Trust after lengthy investigations and consultation.

·       The method of applying wastewater to land at Whakarewarewa Forest initially provided good levels of nutrient removal, but over the years this  reduced in effectiveness for various reasons.

·       A bridging consent for five years was deemed necessary to identify and evaluate further alternative options for disposal of the wastewater as well as upgrading the WWTP.

·       Over the five year bridging consent period, consents for necessary upgrades and consideration of alternative options would be pursued in order to find a long-term solution.

·       In recent years, the science on emerging contaminants such as hormones and micro-plastics had grown.

·       Cultural impact assessments should consider the mauri of the wai right the way through from the WWTP through to the receiving land or water, and then down to the moana.

·       Engagement with iwi and hapū would be done in ever-widening circles, beginning with the most affected parties.

·       The Authority requested ongoing progress updates.



Masterplan outcomes developed between Beca and Te Karangi A 3D 2B Ahu Whenua Trust

Presentation: Karangi Masterplan: Objective ID A3801734   

Presented by: Tom Abbott, Emma Stiven, and Mihaere Kirby


Key Points:

·       Introduced the background, history, and whakapapa of the block.

·       The Trust’s objectives were to derive income from the block in an ongoing, sustainable, and culturally sensitive manner.

·       The project and investigation began in March 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, undertaking desktop research. 

·       Part of that research led to their discovery of Te Tini a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan (Te Tini a Tuna).

·       After considering risks and hazards in the area, eight options were developed which were further whittled down to a final development plan.

·       Stage 1 of the development would be horticulture and nursery planting.

·       Further stages would be funded from reinvesting income derived from existing stages.

·       Stage 2 would be further horticulture and nursery planting.

·       Stage 3 would be riparian planting in wetland and drain areas.

·       Stage 4 would be the inclusion of a tourism opportunity.

·       The Trust was considering opportunities to feed into achieving Te Tini a Tuna.

·       Members supported the development and ongoing discussion towards achieving Te Tini a Tuna.



Wai Ora funding application for Kaituna Pataka Kai Project

Presentation: Pataka Kai Project: Objective ID A3802157   

Presented by: Elva Conroy


Key Points:

·       Outlined background and process in developing Te Tini a Tuna.

·       The Pataka Kai project gave action to Te Tini a Tuna.

·       Pataka Kai increased and enhanced kai awa habitats, and enabled hapū and iwi to demonstrate kaitiakitanga.

·       The project was within stage 1, which incorporated identifying where kai awa are, where they used to be, and prioritised efforts.

·       Stage 1 objectives would research species, develop a monitoring plan, create a baseline, engage and connect hapū and iwi to the project, and prioritise restoration efforts.

·       Ms Conroy was exploring funding for the project team from various mechanisms and entities on behalf of the Authority.

·       Timeframes were subject to funding.

·       The Authority would assist with seeking funding where possible.

12:00pm – Cr Te Taru White withdrew from the meeting.

6.     Ngā Pūrongo
Reports Continued


Updates from Members

Chairperson’s Update
Presented by: Chairperson Dean Flavell

Key Points:

·       Highlighted a request from the Ministry for the Environment (MFE) to hold a hui with iwi members via Zoom regarding the Freshwater Implementation Programme.


Western Bay of Plenty District Council Update
Presented by: Cr Grant Dally and Matt Leighton

Key Points:

·       Ongoing engagement was taking place with tangata whenua and KiwiRail regarding cycleways.

·       Work was underway on the Ford Road reserve, with a concept plan having been developed.

·       Investigations were in progress into funding marae wastewater reticulation upgrades.

12:07pm – Nick Chater withdrew from the meeting.


Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust Update
Presented by: Nicki Douglas

Key Points:

·       Working with WBOPDC on scoping and prioritising $50k of funding for
Te Tini a Tuna.


Tauranga City Council
Presented by: Commissioner Shadrach Rolleston

Key Points:

·       Commissioners were appointed in February 2021 and were focussed on ensuring TCC’s LTP provided for infrastructure and urban development.

·       Working closely with WBOPDC and BOPRC.

·       Providing for communities and ensuring ongoing provision of services.


Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Presented by: Pim De Monchy

Key Points:

·       Pursuing best practice management of assets, including fencing all lowland drains and waterways, which would contribute to Te Tini a Tuna.

·       Scoping Ford Road Pump Station upgrade. The preferred option of relocating the pump station upstream would reduce the percentage of the drain discharge entering Te Awa o Ngatoroirangi / Maketū Estuary from about 86% to about 29%, thereby decreasing the ecological and cultural effects (the rest of the discharge would flow out to sea at Te Tumu Cut).

·       Flow levels, surface water, and aquifer recharge was at low levels, with the Kaituna River sitting at its lowest flow since continuous records began in 1986 for much of the past two years.

·       Funding sought within the Long Term Plan for driving and enacting relevant BOPRC-led kaupapa identified in Te Tini a Tuna. This would be confirmed or amended by 30 June.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·       Brief TCC commissioners on the Authority’s purpose and Te Tini a Tuna.

·       Authority workshop to be held to discuss impacts of RMA reforms and Three Waters, consequent strategic planning, Treaty settlement implications, and to receive advice from MFE on the same matters.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Update from Members.





Operations Update

Presented by: Pim De Monchy

Key Points:

·       The Kaituna Mole Upgrade would require closure of the mole from June 2021, looking to reopen by Labour Weekend in late October 2021.

·       Te Arawa Management Ltd and Otama Marere Trust were pursuing best practice farm management, creating wetlands and planting kauri. Homman Tapsell from Otama Marere invited the Authority on-site to see the work if they were interested.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Operations Update.



Ngā Whakatau e Hiahiatia Ana
Decisions Required


Implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management

Presentation: Implementing the NPSFM: Objective ID A3801749  

Presented by: Jo Watts and Reuben Gardiner

Key Points:

·       Updated progress on BOPRC’s Essential Freshwater Policy Programme.

·       Sought input from the Authority on engagement methods.

·       Considering ways to engage with tangata whenua meaningfully, particularly given implementation timeframes.

·       Iwi were at different capability and capacity levels, and required different support and engagement mechanisms.

·       BOPRC sought to work with whatever best suited iwi and make engagement as accessible as possible.

Key Points – Members:

·       Extend invites and seek nominations for paid roles on the technical roopu (being established by BOPRC’s water policy team) from interested members, while acknowledging that this could be quite a lot of work.

·       Keep engagement with Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority as a whole at the governance level, with a particular focus on ensuring that “Kaituna, He Taonga Tuku Iho” and “Te Tini a Tuna” are front and centre in the Kaituna-specific provisions of any plan change for the NPSFM.

·       Encouraged BOPRC to engage with iwi, hapū and land trusts within the catchment for their specific feedback.

·       Encouragement from some members for staff to look at Treaty Settlement legislation for guidance.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·       Authority workshop to be held to further understand the Authority’s role, separating out governance functions, and discuss engagement options, including any groups that could be established through which to engage with tangata whenua.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report Implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

2          Considers how and to what extent TMoK wish to be involved in implementing the NPSFM for the Kaituna River and its tributaries.

3          Considers how the implementation of the NPSFM 2020 will recognise and provide for the vision, objectives and desired outcomes in Kaituna, he taonga tuku iho – the Kaituna River Document.



1:22pm - Erin Thompson withdrew from the meeting.

Hei Pānui Anake
Information Only


Update on Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement

Presentation: Freshwater Planning Process: Objective ID A3802280  

Presented by: Moana Boyd and Nassah Rolleston-Steed

Key Points:

·       Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement (PC5) would be following the new Freshwater Planning Process.

·       Outlined the process and limitations on rights of appeal.

·       Freshwater hearing panel appointments are made by the Chief Freshwater Commissioner and will include a tangata whenua member.

·       Nominees must have an MFE Making Good Decisions certification.

·       Reiterated the importance of making a submission in order to be involved  and influence ongoing discussions and decisions surrounding PC5.

·       The panel would look to resolve areas of dispute prior to the hearing phase.

·       The tangata whenua nominee would be nominated by tangata whenua and, via BOPRC be, passed onto the Chief Commissioner.

·       The Authority would need to endorse a nominee at the next Authority meeting on Friday, 27 August 2021.

1:38pm - Erin Thompson entered the meeting.

·       Members could submit individually as well as the Authority as a whole.

·       Individual submissions would allow submitters autonomy of opinion on matters.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·       Provide a list of potential tangata whenua MFE certified commissioners.



That Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority:

1          Receives the report, Update on Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement.

2          Delegates authority to Chairperson Dean Flavell to lodge a submission on behalf of Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority with input and agreement from members via email.



7.     Karakia Kati
Closing Karakia

A closing karakia was provided by Piki Thomas.

1:44pm – the meeting closed.



Confirmed 27 august 2021                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                            Dean Flavell

Chairperson, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority