Regional Transport Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Thursday 3 December 2020, 12:00 pm

Venue:                         Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:               Cr Lyall Thurston - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Jane Nees - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Members:                    Cr Norm Bruning – Alternate, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui – Alternate, Kawerau District Council, Mayor Lyn Riesterer - Ōpōtiki District Council (via Zoom), Deputy Mayor David Donaldson – Alternate, Rotorua Lakes Council, Deputy Mayor Tina Salisbury – Tauranga City Council, Mayor Garry Webber - Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles – Alternate, Whakatāne District Council, Cole O’Keefe - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Cr Larry Baldock – Alternate, Tauranga City Council

Councillors:                Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Cr Paula Thompson, Cr Andrew von Dadelszen, Cr Stacey Rose

                                    Tauranga City Council: Cr Kelvin Clout, Cr John Robson

                                                      Whakatāne District Council: Cr Gavin Dennis

In Attendance:                  Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor, Dan Kneebone – Port of Tauranga Advisor

                                                      Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Namouta Poutasi – General Manager, Strategy and Science, Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate, James Llewellyn – Transport and Urban Planning Manager, Rachel Pinn – Contractor, Andrew Williams – Transport Planner, Amanda Namana – Committee Advisor

Apologies:                  Inspector Brent Crowe – NZ Police, Mayor Malcolm Campbell – Kawerau District Council, Mayor Steve Chadwick – Rotorua Lakes Council, Steve Mutton – Waka Kotahi NZTA


1.     Apologies


That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Accepts the apologies from Inspector Brent Crowe – NZ Police, Mayor Malcolm Campbell – Kawerau District Council, Mayor Steve Chadwick – Rotorua Lakes Council and Steve Mutton – Waka Kotahi NZTA tendered at the meeting.



2.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

3.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 7 August 2020



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Confirms the Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 7 August 2020 as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendments:

·       Remove Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson from attendance as he was not present



4.     Reports


Chairperson's Report



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.






Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update

Presentation - Waka Kotahi Update: Objective ID A3685903  

Cole O’Keefe – Lead Strategic Planner, Waka Kotahi NZTA presented this item.

Key Points:

·            A separate session would be held with members via Zoom to cover a number of projects in the region, including the Takitimu North Link

·            The significant impacts of Covid-19 was expected to last for several years, including travel patterns and the drop in revenue for Waka Kotahi

·            Outlined the proposed changes at Pilot Bay and Marine Parade at Mount Maunganui.

Key Points - Members:

·            Noted the late timing of the Waka Kotahi prioritisation framework and the need for the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) to align with this

·            Highlighted concerns over the road condition of State Highway 29 over the Kaimai Ranges and State Highway 36 to Rotorua

·            Design work and the purchase of land would absorb a large proportion of the $933M allocated to the Takitimu North Link project

·            Requested speed management outside of schools in Rotorua to be progressed at pace.


In Response to Questions:

·            Was unable to comment on specific work around the maintenance programme or delays in relation to Takitimu but would respond to the committee on these matters in detail at the Waka Kotahi Zoom session to be held in December 2020

·            Arataki was in place as a ten year outlook and this was a key document in assisting with forming RLTP’s, the next stage of this document would be extended to a 30 year outlook.



Items for Staff Follow Up:

·            An update to come to the next meeting regarding implications of proposed legislative changes from the Strategic Planning Act and potential impacts on the RLTP process going forward.




That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Update.




Decisions Required


Appointment of an External Advisor – NZ Automobile Association

Key Points - Members:

·            It was important to consider the structure, role and purpose of the Committee in appointing external advisors.




Items for Staff Follow Up:

·     The Committee requested a report of options for role and function of external advisors including tangata whenua.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Appointment of an External Advisor;

2           Appoints a member of the New Zealand Automobile Association as an external advisor to the Regional Transport Committee




Mayor Webber opposed the motion.





Regional Land Transport Plan Variation - Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review

Transport and Urban Planning Manager James Llewellyn responded to questions.

In Response to Questions:

·         The request was to fund undertaking an indicative business case in the current RLTP - the upcoming draft RLTP would decide whether any further business case work was required.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan Variation - Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review;

2           Approves the proposed variation – Rotorua Public Transport Strategic Review – to be included in the Bay of Plenty Regional Land Transport Plan 2018;

3           Determines that the proposed variation is not significant for the purposes of public consultation.




Information Only


Regional Land Transport Plan Annual Report Card 2019/20

Presentation - RLTP Annual Report Card 2019/20: Objective ID A3698196  

Transport and Urban Planning Manager James Llewellyn and Transport Planner Andrew Williams presented this item.

Key Points:

·         State Highway traffic volumes continued to increase across the region

·         There had been approximately 5% growth in traffic volumes per annum on all major corridors

·         Almost 442,000 containers were transported within the region

·         Road fatalities had increased by six from the previous year

·         Nitrogen dioxide levels were a marker for exposure to traffic related emissions.

In Response to Questions:

·         There had been an increase in electric vehicles, however with the overall increase in traffic it was difficult to determine the contribution this made to the lowered emissions recorded

·         The Rotorua site on the nitrogen dioxide slide was located at the corner of Old Taupō Road and Pukuatua Street

·         Clarified that the transport emissions stated on Page 43 of the agenda referred to nitrogen dioxide only.




That the Regional Transport Committee:

1           Receives the report, Regional Land Transport Plan Annual Report Card 2019/20.




5.     Round the Table – verbal update from members and advisors

Mayor Riesterer – Ōpōtiki District Council

·            Ōpōtiki District Council had completed the road to be used for trucks out to the site for the  Ōpōtiki Harbour development project

·            Waka Kotahi report on page 26 of the agenda correction: a future wharf was not being developed, rather harbour walls or groynes would be developed

·            Expressed safety concerns over the lack of action in reducing speeds on Ōpōtiki state highways as requested.

Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles – Whakatāne District Council


·            Wainui Road safety improvements were well underway

·            Bay of Plenty Regional Council had offered support in principle to work together with Whakatāne District Council on cycle trail opportunities

·            Whakatāne District Council were also interested in working together on the upcoming review of public transport services to the Eastern Bay of Plenty due to commence in 2021

·            Met with Waka Kotahi planners to discuss the upcoming Eastern Bay of Plenty Mode Shift Plan due to commence in 2021

·            Work would be commencing with Waka Kotahi on the Eastern Bay of Plenty speed management review within the next six months

·            Whakatāne access project was nearing completion and would inform improvements for access into and through Whakatāne

·            Requested the Waimana Gorge resilience report be reinstated in the review of Waka Kotahi projects for the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson – Rotorua Lakes Council


·            Noted that drivers had not been adhering to the 30km/hr speed limit imposed at the State Highway 30 Te Ngae Road upgrade which was a concern for the safety of those working on the road.


Deputy Mayor Faylene Tunui – Kawerau District Council


·            State Highway 30 speed reviews were a key issue.  Provincial Growth Fund industrial development investment was an opportunity to join these programmes of work together and get them completed

·            Disappointed at the lack of KiwiRail involvement in the Committee.


Glen Crowther – Environmental Sustainability Advisor


·            Commended the Climate Change Action Plan released by Whakatāne District Council and noted its relevance to all Bay of Plenty councils.


Dan Kneebone – Port of Tauranga Advisor


·            The Port was progressing plans for the southern berth extension at Sulphur Point

·            Welcomed the prioritisation of Totara Street and Hewletts Road under the Transport System Plan (TSP).

1:33 pm – the meeting closed.


Confirmed 2 March 2021                                                              

                                                                                   Cr Lyall Thurston

Chairperson, Regional Transport Committee