Public Transport Committee Agenda

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Public Transport Committee will be held in Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chambers, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga on:

Tuesday 27 October 2020 COMMENCING AT 1.30pm


Fiona McTavish

Chief Executive, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

15 October 2020



Public Transport Committee



Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Deputy Chairperson

Cr Lyall Thurston


Cr Norm Bruning

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Stacey Rose

Cr Paula Thompson

External Members


Two Tauranga City Council representatives

Mayor Tenby Powell

Cr Heidi Hughes

Cr Larry Baldock (Alternate)

One representative each:


Rotorua Lakes Council

Phill Thomas (Lakes Community Board)

Cr Tania Tapsell (Alternate)

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Mayor Garry Webber

Whakatāne District Council

Mayor Judy Turner

Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles (Alternate)

All of whom are voting members.


One NZTA non-voting representative

Natalie van Rossen

Ex Officio

Chairman Doug Leeder


Six members, consisting of more than half the number of voting members of which four must be BOPRC members.

Meeting frequency



Set the strategic and operational direction for approved Regional Council public transport policy and strategy and monitor how it is implemented.


·                Prepare and review the Bay of Plenty Regional Public Transport Plan.

·                Implement, monitor and review operational public transport policy and plans.

·                Implement, monitor and review the Western Bay of Plenty Public Transport Implementation Plan.

·                Advocate for public transport with NZTA, territorial authorities and central government.

·                Set and monitor targets for public transport in the region.

·                Receive reporting on the performance of the Passenger Transport Activity.

·                In coordination with the work programme of the Regional Transport Committee, guide and review the public transport components of the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) and make recommendations to Regional Transport Committee for incorporation into the RLTP.

Power to Act

To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the committee subject to the limitations imposed.

Power to Recommend

To Council and/or any standing committee as it deems appropriate.

The Public Transport Committee reports to the Regional Council.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Toi Moana

Governance Commitment

mō te taiao, mō ngā tāngata - our environment and our people go hand-in-hand.


We provide excellent governance when, individually and collectively, we:

·        Trust and respect each other

·        Stay strategic and focused

·        Are courageous and challenge the status quo in all we do

·        Listen to our stakeholders and value their input

·        Listen to each other to understand various perspectives

·        Act as a team who can challenge, change and add value

·        Continually evaluate what we do



Public Transport Committee                                                                                      27 October 2020

Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as Council policy until adopted by Council.


1.       Apologies

2.       Public Forum

3.       Items not on the Agenda

4.       Order of Business

5.       Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

6.       Public Excluded Business to be Transferred into the Open

7.       Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed

7.1      Public Transport Committee Minutes - 27 August 2020                       3

8.       Public Excluded Section

Resolution to exclude the public

Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting as set out below:

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Item No.

Subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

When the item can be released into the public


Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan

Withholding the information is necessary to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied.

48(1)(a)(i) Section 7 (2)(c)(i).

On the Chief Executive's approval.


Decisions Required

8.1      Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan

Attachment 1 - Western BOP Transport System Operating Framework - Executive Summary

Attachment 2 - Transport System Operating Framework Draft Programme of Activities

9.       Public Excluded Business to be Transferred into the Open

10.     Readmit the Public

11.     Consideration of Items not on the Agenda

 Public Transport Committee Minutes

27 August 2020


Public Transport Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Thursday 27 August 2020, 9.30 am

Venue:                         Regional House Chambers and via Zoom (on-line meeting). A recording of this meeting was made available at the Council's YouTube channel after the meeting.

Chairperson:               Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Lyall Thurston

Members:                    Cr Norm Bruning

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Stacey Rose

Cr Paula Thompson


Rotorua Lakes Council

Mr Phill Thomass


Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Mayor Garry Webber


Whakatāne District Council

Mayor Judy Turner

Deputy Mayor Andrew Iles (Alternate)


Tauranga City Council

Mayor Tenby Powell

Cr Heidi Hughes


Waka Kotahi - NZTA

Member (non-voting) Natalie van Rossen


In Attendance:            Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Cr Stuart Crosby, Cr David Love and Cr Kevin Winters

Namouta Poutasi – General Manager, Strategy & Science, Mat Taylor – General Manager, Corporate, Jessica Easton - Legal and Commercial Manager, Jen Proctor - Public Transport Delivery Team Lead and Ruth Feist - Team Leader Urban, Joe Metcalfe – Consultant (via Zoom), Simon Barnett – Waka Kotahi (via Zoom), Clare Cassidy – Senior Transport Planner TCC (via Zoom), Bron Healey - Principal Advisor, Regional Development (via Zoom), Brendan Bisley –Director of Transport TCC (via Zoom), Tone Nerdrum Smith – Committee Advisor

Apologies:                  Chairman Doug Leeder (Ex-Officio) and Cr Norm Bruning (early departure)


1.     Apologies


That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Accepts the apologies from Chairman Doug Leeder (Ex-Officio) and Cr Norm Bruning for early departure tendered at the meeting.

von Dadelszen/Thurston


2.     Public Forum


Max Lewis

Tabled Document 1 - Accessibility for the elderly to public transport services: Objective ID A3611830


Key Points

·      Concerns centred around the 400m walk to bus stop provisions within Te Papa Indicative Business Plan

·      Those with the condition ‘shortness of breath on exertion’ (SOBOE) would struggle with this walking distance

·      Those physically challenged struggled or were unable to access kerbside bus services

·      Concerned that the Western Bay PT Blueprint did not adequately cater for those with physical disabilities or medical conditions.


In Response to Questions

·      Was aware of the availability of Total Mobility transport services for those unable to use the bus service

·      Main concerns related to those who were still mobile, yet unable to walk 400m due to SOBOE.


Key Points – Members

·      Noted that the 400m walking distance to a bus stop was within the levels of service for the PT Blueprint

·      On-demand transport service was available and subsidised

·      Those unable to walk 400m would be eligibility for a Mobility Support Card.


3.     Petitions


Cr Heidi Hughes - Tauranga City Council

Tabled Document 2 - Cr Heidi Hughes - Petition Links Avenue: Objective ID A3624036

Tabled Document 3 - Petition from Wairakei Avenue/Emerald Shores: Objective ID A3616957



Cr Heidi Hughes presented two petitions on the following topics:

Key Points

·      Wairakei Avenue/Emerald Shores (Tabled Document 3)

The bus route had been changed which meant a high number of buses were going through and idling in Wairakei Avenue/Emerald Shores

The buses were causing road damage; contributing to noise/air pollution and creating an unsafe environment for children who were now reluctant to walk and cycle in the area

Re-route the buses away from Wairakei Ave and Emerald Shores and back to Pāpāmoa Beach Road. Buses could instead turn at the end of Pāpāmoa Beach Road, which was designed for ongoing and heavy traffic.

Sought engagement with the Council with regards to safety and environmental impacts

·      Links Avenue/Gold Road safety concerns (Tabled Document 2)

Significant safety concerns with regards to children travelling to/from school on Links Avenue and the corner of Golf Road

Sought an urgent review of the shared path and the impact of the existing bus lane on pedestrians and cyclists.


Key Points – Members

·      Noted that the Committee was not able to pass any resolutions with regards to the petitions at today’s meeting


Items for Staff Follow-up

·      Petitions were referred to staff for action, then would be reported back at the next meeting of the Committee.



4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

5.     Minutes


Public Transport Committee Minutes of 22 May 2020



That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Confirms as a true and accurate record the minutes, Public Transport Committee Minutes of 22 May 2020.


Matters Arising

·      Noted the current free fare trials,

·      Noted free fare for disabled and sought that funding be considered as soon as possible, i.e.  move on this sooner rather than the LTP

·      Important that all infrastructure costs were included in the overall and complete costings for all projects within the AP/LTP.




6.     Presentations


Rotorua Mode Shift Framework

Presentation: Rotorua Cycleway Update: Objective ID A3610884 

Presentation: SH30 Te Ngae Road Upgrade: Objective ID A3610885   

Presented by: Joe Metcalfe (BOPRC-Consultant) and Simon Barnett (Waka Kotahi - NZTA) via Zoom


Key Points of Presentations

·      Urban Cycleways Update

Since 2015, 30km of shared path network built

Since 2016, an 81% increase in commuters by bike

70% male vs 30% female users

60% used shared paths

Shared pathways were 3m wide

Was exploring secure inner city bike parking to stop cycle usage in the CBD from plateauing

·      SH30/ Te Ngae Road Upgrade

Eastern Corridor stage two

Stage two project goals


Public Transport Improvements

Walking/cycling improvements

CIP funding targeted at stage two

Potential staging.


In Response to Questions

·      Identified the signalised crossing included in the SH30/Te Ngae Road upgrade

·      Clarified the proposed designs, in particular with regards to footpaths

·      Te Ngae Road catered for both local buses and inter-city bus services

·      Recognised that local roads, rather than main access ways, were more suitable for an on-demand service.


Key Points – Members

·      Drew attention to the Timaru public transport on-demand service which reduced the need for established infrastructure, yet met the needs of the community.

10.20 am – Mayor Powell withdrew from the meeting.

10.30 am – Mayor Powell entered the meeting.


7.     Reports


Chairperson's Report

Presented by: Jessica Easton - Legal and Commercial Manager, Jen Proctor - Public Transport Delivery Team Lead and Ruth Feist - Team Leader Urban

Key Points

·      Face coverings on the buses would be mandatory as of Monday 31 August 2020, with some exceptions

·      Waka Kotahi would provide facemasks initially, then passengers would be responsible for their own face covering (not limited to masks)

·      QR codes on the buses would be mandatory from Thursday 3 September 2020

·      It was not the bus drivers’ responsibility to enforce face covering, however further clarification had been sought from Central Government as there were inconsistencies in the information provided

·      Acknowledged that not all people would register for the Covid-19 App and BeeCard, and that this could not be enforced.

Key Points – Members

·      Sought urgent attention to the establishment of the Western Bay Public  Transport Community Panel

·      Must ensure that the community was well informed and supported any proposed changes to the public transport service.



That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Chairperson's Report.




10.45 am – The meeting adjourned.


11.00 am – The meeting reconvened.

Decisions Required


Public Transport Strategic Framework and Activity Planning

Presentation: Public Transport Strategic Framework: Objective ID A3612724   

Bron Healey – Principal Advisor, Regional Development presented this item (via Zoom)

Key Points of Presentation

·      Purpose: Introduce thinking on an aligned regional public transport strategic framework

·      Situation: Complex regional operating environment

·      Regional Framework: Draft RLTP 2021 visions; BOPRC PT Community Outcome; Regional PT objectives

·      Draft PT network principles: Simple and direct; Network hierarchy; consistent and reliable; safe and accessible; legible and convenient

·      Draft KPIs and mission statement

·      Target Levels of Service

·      Subregion specific objectives and KPIs: Rotorua; Western Bay; Eastern Bay.


In Response to Questions

·      Recognised the link between fast/direct services on major access ways vs the services required in the local network

·      KPIs were set to ensure consistency and accountability; recognising the complex nature of public transport strategy

·      Integrated planning ensured overall costs were reflected and catered for at a regional level.


Key Points – Members

·      Important to clearly recognise the safety considerations of the wider community, i.e. all those who interacted with the bus service, rather than being mainly focussed  toward the users

·      Sought the opportunity to have further discussions with regards to the draft KPIs and mission statements

·      Encouraged a more joint approach between TCC and BOPRC in the implementation of infrastructure to support an accessible bus service

·      Sought clarity with regards to emission targets to ensure consistency between all of BOPRC Strategies and Plans

·      When considering bus contracts, the use of low emission vehicles should be taken into account

·      Concerned that WBOP stage 3 of the Public Transport Blueprint review was being postponed as this was a significant component where community and user input would be extensively sought

·      Re-emphasized the importance of actively and successfully obtain community input as part of a comprehensive review

·      Emphasized the importance of infrastructure costs being included in overall cost estimates.


11.28 am – Cr Bruning withdrew from the meeting.





That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Public Transport Strategic Framework and Activity Planning.

2        Receives the Public Transport Strategic Framework and Activity Plan approach as an evolving response to a complex operating environment.

3        Notes that the Public Transport Strategic Framework is designed to reflect and align with the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021, Regional Public Transport Plan 2019, Urban Form and Transport Initiative, and the developing Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan.

4        Notes that any proposed updates or amendments to regional public transport policy will need to be included in the next review of the Regional Public Transport Plan.

5        Receives the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan public transport related investment objectives and key performance indicators, noting that the metrics are subject to further testing and confirmation through modelling, and that the findings be referred back to the Committee for consideration

6        Notes that Rotorua and Eastern Bay of Plenty activity planning will be progressed through programmed network reviews.

7        Seeks clarification with urgency on the status of the Stage 3 review





Improving our Network

Presented by: Jessica Easton - Legal and Commercial Manager, Jen Proctor - Public Transport Delivery Team Lead and Ruth Feist - Team Leader Urban

Key Points

·      Sought an extension of the free bus trial in Tauranga as Covid-19 had significantly impacted on the validity of the findings of the initial trials.


In Response to Questions

·      Waka Kotahi - NZTA had not funded the initial trial. If the trial was to become a permanent arrangement, Council would present a business case to NZTA for funding.


Key Points – Members

·      Important that the public transport targeted rates reserves used for the free trials remained proportional

·      Recognised the social challenges of Murupara and that the provision of free school fares represented a significant social service.

·      Sought that the Super Gold discount be applied to the Matakana Ferry. 




Items for Staff Follow Up:

·    Further feedback with regards to patronage of the Pyes Pā bus service to be provided to the Committee.




That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Improving our Network.

2        Recommends to the Regional Council that the Tauranga school fare free trial is extended to include the 2021 school year, and the extension is funded from public transport targeted rates reserves for 2020/21 and the Long Term Plan for 2021-2031 onwards. 

3        Recommends to the Regional Council that the regional tertiary fare free trial is extended to include the 2021 school year, and the extension is funded from public transport targeted rates reserves for 2020/21 and, if the service is to become permanent, a business case be submitted to Waka Kotahi - NZTA for funding.



Information Only


Public Transport Arotake Tuatoru - Performance Monitoring Report July 2019 to June 2020.

Presented by: Jessica Easton - Legal and Commercial Manager and Jen Proctor - Public Transport Delivery Team Lead

Key Points

·      Highlighted key aspects of the monitoring report, including a 40% increase of patronage in Tauranga in February 2020, however Covid-19 lockdown had subsequently caused a significant decrease

·      Continued to work with the bus operators with regards to the complaints received

·      School bus service was well regarded and supported by the schools

·      High level of positive customer interaction as part of the introduction of the BeeCard

·      The on-line card top ups meant less cash handling and reduced risk for bus drivers

·      Provision of the total mobility service had been more challenging during Covid-19 as its customers were traditionally higher risk.


Key Points – Members

·      Concerned regarding the voluntary aspects of the speed limit in Links Avenue, which did not always reflect a particular situation, and sought a better way to record and report any issues.

Items for Staff Follow-up

·      Provide reporting on the reliability of the data provided to the Transit App, as its reliability was a key aspect of the bus service.




That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Receives the report, Public Transport Arotake Tuatoru - Performance Monitoring Report July 2019 to June 2020.

von Dadelszen/Webber




Presentation: Tauranga City Council - Public Transport Infrastructure

Presentation: TCC Infrastructure Update August 2020: Objective ID A3612735   

Presented by: Clare Cassidy – Senior Transport Planner and Brendan Bisley – Director of Transport (TCC).



·      Cameron Road multimodal project

Stage 1 Design completion: Aug 2020-Apr 2021

Enabling and Early Works: May2021-Oct 2021

Construction: Oct 2021-Sept 2023

Transition from clearway to full bus lanes: 2026-2031 (year tbc)

·      Arataki bus facilities

Concept design and costing based on two sites

New engagement model planned

·      Bus stop upgrades and shelters

Bus stop improvement plan developed and Council increased budget to approximately 30 shelters per year

Real-time roll-out continuing.


In Response to Questions

·      Brookfield interchange was set for further investigation and design in 2021, to identify and incorporate changing needs

·      The review of the Transport System Plan would identify the requirements of the Brookfield interchange

·      Council was required to consult with affected residents with regards to bus shelters

·      Sites for park and ride were being considered as part of the Transport System Plan.


Key Points – Members

·      There was a genuine need for park and ride sites in rural areas if the public transport service was to be successful.


Items for Staff Follow-up

·      Report to be provided by TCC regarding park and ride investigations and the ‘real time’ service/facilities



That the Public Transport Committee:

1        Receives the presentation, Tauranga City Council - Public Transport Infrastructure.





Recording of meeting:

12.55 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                    Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Chairperson, Public Transport Committee