Strategy and Policy Committee

Open Minutes

Commencing:             Tuesday 11 August 2020, 9.30 am

Venue:                         Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Regional House, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

Chairperson:               Cr Paula Thompson

Deputy Chairperson:  Cr Stuart Crosby

Members:                    Cr Bill Clark

Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Chairman Doug Leeder

Cr David Love

Cr Matemoana McDonald

Cr Jane Nees

Cr Stacey Rose

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Andrew von Dadelszen

Cr Te Taru White

Cr Kevin Winters

In Attendance:            Namouta Poutasi – General Manager Strategy & Science, Chris Ingle – General Manager Integrated Catchments, Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Shari Kameta – Committee Advisor, Katrina Knill – Communications Partner, Stephen Lamb - Environmental Strategy Manager, Jane Palmer - Senior Planner Climate Change, Nassah Steed - Principal Advisor, Policy & Planning, Julie Bevan - Policy & Planning Manager, Adam Fort - Senior Planner, Sandra Barns - Economist, Santiago Bermeo - Senior Planner, Andy Bruere -  Lakes Operations Manager, Helen Creagh - Rotorua Catchments Manager

                                    External Presenters: Ezra Schuster - Central Government Public Service Lead, Glen Crowther - BOP Regional Manager, Sustainable Business Network, Envirohub: Mary Dillon - Chairperson, Laura Wragg - Manager, Liesel Carnie, Karla Akuhata – Māori Engagement Specialist, Joy Moir - Project Lead; Dean Kimpton - TSP Independent Chair, Neil Mason - TSP Programme Director

Apologies:                  Cr Norm Bruning


1.     Opening Karakia

A karakia was provided by Cr Te Taru White.

2.     Apologies


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Accepts the apology from Cr Norm Bruning and apology for interim departure from Cr Crosby tendered at the meeting.



3.     Order of Business

Item to be Deferred


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Defers Agenda Item 8.5, Regional Pest Management Plan until the Council meeting of 30 September 2020; and that a workshop with interested councillors and staff, to go through the report in detail, be held on 3 September 2020.



4.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

5.     Minutes

Minutes to be Confirmed


Strategy and Policy Committee Minutes - 18 June 2020



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Confirms the Strategy and Policy Committee Minutes - 18 June 2020.




Strategy and Policy Committee Minutes - 25 June 2020



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Confirms the Strategy and Policy Committee Minutes - 25 June 2020.



6.     Presentations


Update on Regional Recovery

Presentation: Regional Recovery: Objective ID A3602055   

Presented by: Ezra Schuster, Central Government Public Service Lead and Director of Education for Bay of Plenty, Rotorua, Taupo


Key Points:

·       Provided background on the role of the Public Service Lead and the Bay of Plenty Collective Impact Governance Group (BOPCIGG).

·       Pre-Covid-19, inequities and disparities within the community were expected to increase, which regional leadership would play a vital role as an enabler of support.

·       Considered the region was still in ‘response’ mode, requiring all partners to work in a way that was enduring.

·       Outlined the Waiariki BOP Charter of principles, which was developed through engagement with several Iwi partners, and agencies.

·       Provided an overview of an approach for recovery driven by principles, leadership, regional ‘eyesight’, local delivery, and a shift from a Central Government focus to ‘line of sight - delivery enablement’.

·       The Public Service Lead could be used to raise concerns, and convene the right leaders to remove roadblocks to inform/support local communities.

In Response to Questions:

·       Provided an example of how the charter principles would be key to addressing the inequities and disparities within the education sector, particularly for rural communities and Māori.

·       Local councils would play a critical part in the delivery of work, thinking and design.

·       Communication at the grassroots level would be an ongoing discussion with relevant partners at a number of different levels.

·       Communication on issues of importance to rangatahi had not been explicit, but was noted to consider and address.

·       Key changes in the Public Services Act sought to breakdown silos between agencies and local communities to improve past system issues, and to provide the opportunity to work together and do things differently.

Key Points - Staff:

·       Chief Executive Fiona McTavish provided an example of collaborative change that had occurred with the support of the Public Service Lead during Covid-19 in relation to Council’s funded school bus service, which had provided a good outcome for the community.

Key Points - Members:

·       Active communication with rangatahi on the ground was needed.

·       Noted concern at the rate of change regarding silos and system issues that still existed.

·       Whānau and communities should sit at the top of the chain of ‘line of sight’ and delivery.


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the presentation, Update on Regional Recovery.





Sustainable Business Network - Regional Strategy Update

Presentation: Sustainable Business Network: Objective ID A3609779

Presented by: Glen Crowther, BOP Regional Manager, Sustainable Business Network


Key Points:

·       Provided background on Sustainable Business Network’s (SBN) purpose, membership, core projects and new strategy.

·       The new strategy’s aim was to deliver more impact across the country. As a result of this, SBN’s regional support would cease, with membership to then be serviced by Head Office in Auckland.

·       Mr Crowther was pursuing funding for a new model to support some of the projects in the region on climate change and transport emission reduction.

·       Provided background on the Million Metres Streams Project, which Council was a regional partner of the programme.

·       Discussed the region’s increased emissions profile and the critical need for Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) and the WBOP Transport System Plan and Blueprint to address the need for increased public transport mode share.

·       Auckland’s Climate Plan 2030 goal was to halve transport emissions, and increase public transport/cycling mode share and electrification by 2030.

·       SBN’s Climate Action 2025 Project goal was to reduce emissions nationwide by 2030, and aimed to deliver this with Central Government and corporate partners, noting that local support would be needed to assist small and medium sized enterprises.

In Response to Questions:

·       Maintaining contact with Bay of Connections and Council staff on climate change and economic development would be important.

·       Local project scope was subject to discussion with funding partners, however would look to focus on climate change and reduction in transport emissions.

·       Partner funding for local projects would ensure delivery on the ground and contribute to a local support role.

·       StatsNZ advice considered the region’s emissions was mainly a result of the urban development model and household and transport emissions.

·       Considered low carbon transport and multi-faceted investment would be needed to reduce the region’s carbon emissions footprint.

·       Wished to support business with integrated planning and reduction barriers at the local and regional levels.


Key Points - Members:

·       The region needed similar targets to Auckland, and to promote multi-modal transport with the community.


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the presentation, Sustainable Business Network - Regional Strategy Update.

2          Records a vote of thanks to Mr Glen Crowther for his contribution to the wider community.





Envirohub Bay of Plenty - Sustainable Backyards Programme Update

Presentation: Envirohub Bay of Plenty: Objective ID A3609825   

Presented by: Chairperson Mary Dillon, Laura Wragg, Envirohub Manager, Liesel Carnie, Karla Akuhata, Māori/Communication Engagement Specialist and Joy Moir, Project Lead


Key Points:

·       Highlighted the need to work together with urgency on important issues facing the region: sustainable water management, biodiversity restoration, decarbonisation of our economy/transport, putting climate emergency at the heart of post-Covid-19 recovery and providing sustainable environments for the future.

·       Envirohub operated 14 different initiatives and had an extensive regional network of over 80 groups to preserve and improve the environment.

·       During March, the Sustainable Backyards Programme (SBY) continued to grow with over 230 events planned, and regional engagement increasing with over 173,000 unique views on social media.

·       Presented the Te Papa Toi-Ora o Te Waiariki National Regional Park initiative that aimed to create a movement to provide greener, healthier, wilder urban areas and enhanced connection to nature.

·       Outlined core values, areas of focus and opportunity, an operating model to effect change, and a platform for launch and implementation.

·       Pathways to success would involve: collaboration with Māori, a long term strategy, formation of an advisory group and regional connectors.

·       Sought Regional Council’s support to be part of the initiative and movement.

·       Key levers were for everyone to be part of making a difference towards becoming more resilient, sustainable, regenerative and co-creative.

In Response to Questions:

·       Funding was needed to support a range of areas, such as: physical resourcing of regional connectors, strategic planning, and website creation.

·       A communication strategy was being developed to connect with rangatahi on social media platforms and would be kept informed via student membership on the Advisory Board and other key school stakeholders.

·       Connecting with Iwi would be kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) via Hui-a-Iwi and attending Hapū/Marae hui where possible, focusing on supporting existing Iwi/Hapū/Marae initiatives.

·       The presentation would be presented to the district councils in due course.

Key Points - Members:

·           Queried the opportunity for presenters to come together and collaborate with each other, staff and other representatives on issues presented.

·           Considered Envirohub and SBN were important voices to be heard alongside UFTI.


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the presentation, Envirohub Bay of Plenty - Sustainable Backyards Programme Update.




11:41 am – The meeting adjourned.


11:41 am - Cr Crosby left the meeting.


12:02 pm – The meeting reconvened.

7.     Order of Business

To accommodate the arrival of the presenters, the Chair advised that Item 8.4, Update on Western Bay Transport System Plan would be received next on the agenda.

8.     Reports


Update on Western Bay Transport System Plan (TSP)

Presentation: Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan: Objective ID A3610062   

Presented by: Neil Mason - TSP Programme Director and Dean Kimpton - TSP Independent Chair.

Key Points:

·       Provided background on the TSP project and its purpose to implement the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) to deliver the preferred strategic form for the sub-region’s key transport network.

·       The project had an aggressive timeline to meet Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) submission timeframes and would be responsible for keeping partners aligned in terms of RLTP programme priorities.

12.20 pm – Cr Crosby returned to the meeting.

·       Project challenges were to identify and deliver: a generational model that would put public transport ahead of cars, practical and realistic modal shift, dedicated safe environments, primary purpose and function of corridors.

·       Partner alignment towards a collective, consistent approach, with deliberate investment would be critical to success.

·       Outlined progress and project delivery timeframes, key achievements, challenges and next steps to seek partner approvals and prepare for RLTP and Long Term Plan (LTP) inputs by 18 September.

·       Expected a number of short range, low cost-low risk initiatives would contribute to the recommended programme.

In Response to Questions:

·       Structure and delivery would be an ongoing conversation in the future.

·       KPIs for transport emission reduction and changes in mode share aligned with UFTI partner objectives and were being reviewed by the technical team. It was noted that interim steps were needed to gauge how these were progressing over time.   

·       Delivering modal shifts to meet future aspirations and expectations would require; more work and rethinking urban form, a safe, clean and highly regulated public transport system, deliberate investment and momentum to drive behaviour change.

·       Some projects (e.g. Cameron Road, Totara Street) were ahead and outside the scope of the TSP, but had been included in gap analysis.

·       Gap analysis on emerging technological disruptions (i.e. micro-mobility) was about regulation, behaviour change and safety, and a willingness to experiment and adapt to various uses.

Key Points - Members:

·       Commended the start of the project and wished to receive updates on the status and completion of milestones.

·       Encouraged TSP to provide strong recommendations to the partner group.

·       Suggested partner approvals be scheduled at the same time.

Key Points - Staff:

·       Annika Lane, Acting Regional Development Manager noted a further update would be given at the Councillors’ informal briefing on 18 August, followed by a joint feedback session with Tauranga City Councillors.

·       A presentation on the public transport activity plan would be provided to the Public Transport Committee on 27 August, followed by a workshop and further opportunities via Council’s LTP workshops over the coming month.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Update on Western Bay Transport System Plan (TSP).

von Dadelszen/Thurston



1:09 pm – The meeting adjourned.


1.09 pm – Cr White withdrew from the meeting.


1:30 pm – The meeting reconvened.



Chairperson's Report


The Chair advised there was no report and that the item was withdrawn.



Operating Environment Report

Presented by Namouta Poutasi, General Manager Strategy & Science.

In Response to Questions:

·       Some Economic Development Agencies had indicated they were struggling with local recovery workloads and contributing to Regional Council’s recovery programme.

·       An update on Bay of Connections Regional Recovery Strategy would be provided at Council’s LTP workshop on 12 August.

Key Points - Members:

·       Queried whether Resource Management Act reform and spatial planning changes would replace the RLTP. 

·       Raised discussion on the 3 Waters, national Iwi matters and impacts of water entities that LGNZ would be commencing discussion on.

·       Highlighted pending challenges at the level of communication that would be required with the community on forthcoming policy reforms.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Operating Environment Report.





Climate Change Action Plan reset

Presentation: Climate Change Action Plan Reset: Objective ID A3610064   

Presented by: Jane Palmer, Senior Planner Climate Change
Stephen Lamb, Environmental Strategy Manager

Key Points - Staff:

·        Outlined the proposed approach for resetting the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to provide a stronger policy and strategic focus.

·        Policy content of the CCAP reset would be discussed through Council workshops as part of the LTP process.

·        Issues to consider through the LTP/workshop process would be to: set a clear vision and direction, agree on Regional Council’s role, and build in councillor input and feedback.

·        Outlined the timeline for reporting back to the Committee on 3 November, prior to seeking adoption by Council on 17 December for consultation alongside the LTP consultation.

In Response to Questions:

·        Policy setting would rest with Councillors to discuss and set a position.

·        Staff proposed to put in place an organisational monitoring programme, which would help to tell Council’s story.

Key Points - Members:

·        Agreed with the reset approach and getting Council’s ‘house in order’ as a matter of credibility and integrity.

·        The CCAP needed to be more visible to the community, as well as articulating what Council was doing.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Climate Change Action Plan reset.

2          Approves the proposed approach to reset the Climate Change Action Plan, as outlined under section 2 of the report.



Regulatory Policy


Regional Pest Management Plan

This item was deferred, as resolved earlier in the meeting under Order of Business. 



Draft Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement

Presented by: Nassah Steed, Principal Advisor, Policy & Planning

In Response to Questions:

·       Confirmed the exclusion of Okere Gates from Policy KR4.

·       Clarified the basis of staff’s recommendations in regard to exercising caution with references made to Te Mana o Te Wai.

Key Points - Members:

·       Sought that appropriate consideration be given to communicate the approved recommendations through to Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority where there had been variation.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Draft Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement.

2          Approves staff recommendations in response to Te Maru o Kaituna members’ requested amendments resulting from the 27 June 2020 workshop and their Independent Advisor contained in sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this report.

3          Approves Draft Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) to the Regional Policy Statement (included as Attachment 1) for community and stakeholder consultation.

4          Approves staff presenting comments received to Te Maru o Kaituna members at their 27 November 2020 meeting.

5          Notes staff propose seeking Regional Council approval to notify Proposed Change 5 for submission at the 17 December 2020 meeting.



Regulatory Policy – Verbal Updates


Government's Action for Healthy Waterways package

Presentation: Action for Healthy Waterways: Objective ID A3610066   

Presented by: Julie Bevan, Policy & Planning Manager and Namouta Poutasi, General Manager Strategy & Science


Key Points:

·       Outlined the Government’s objectives and instruments for change to implement its Action for Healthy Waterways package.

·       National Environmental Standard-Freshwater (NES-FW) regulations would come into effect in September and require more frequent/regular reporting.

·       Regional Councils were collaborating to provide national implementation support and consistency of interpretation of policy and regulatory changes.

·       Outlined the key shifts to implement the Government’s package and next steps for the Committee to workshop the implementation programme on 29 September, prior to staff seeking approval in November.

·       Staff would start to collaborate with industry organisations, provide clear communication and information material early on, and develop systems and tools to support implementation.

In Response to Questions:

·       The first reading of the Water Services Bill had been put on hold until after the national elections, was focused on Three Waters and a small component that related to regional councils for extraction of drinking water.

·       Engagement with Māori would be tailored and targeted for different groups.


Key Points - Members:

·       Engagement with Māori would be challenging due to the National Policy Statement – Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) being time bound.

·       The issue of water rights and interests was a subject that Iwi-Māori would bring into the discussion, which needed to be recognised and should not be in isolation of discussions with Central Government and Kahui Wai Māori.

·       Communication with the community would be critical.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·            Clarify the overlay and impact of the new NES-FW regulation on fish passage barriers for existing consents to inform the upcoming Rangitāiki River Forum meeting.


That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the verbal update on the Government's Action for Healthy Waterways package.





Update on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development July 2020

Presentation: National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020: Objective ID A3610071   

Presented by: Adam Fort, Senior Planner and Namouta Poutasi, General Manager Strategy & Science.


Key Points:

·       Outlined the implications for Council to implement the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD), relating to Tier 1, 2 and 3 local authorities in the region.

·       A series of changes would be required to the Regional Policy Statement, along with the development of three Future Development Strategies, which would require significant resourcing.

Key Points - Members:

·       Needed to work with local authorities to help with necessary tools, identify gaps and work to implement it collectively.

·       Questioned how local government could streamline the process to deliver and work smarter, which needed further discussion.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the verbal update on the Government's Action for Healthy Waterways package.




2:53pm - Cr Leeder withdrew from the meeting.

Non-Regulatory Policy


Transitioning to lower emissions and energy efficiency

Presentation: Transitioning to Lower Emissions and Energy Efficiency: Objective ID A3610074   

Presented by: Santiago Bermeo - Senior Planner, Sandra Barns - Economist, and Stephen Lamb, Environmental Strategy Manager

Key Points:

·       Sought the Committee’s feedback on the use of a voluntary targeted rate (VTR) to encourage energy efficiency.

·       Work was connected to the refreshed Climate Change Action Plan.

·       Outlined StatsNZ and AECOM statistics on regional emissions, noting the two different approaches that had been used.

·       Case studies had promoted low interest VTR over 10 years and carbon reductions through electricity generation and efficiency.

·       While the projects were small in scale, staff considered they were a move in the right direction, to support wellbeing benefits and Covid-19 recovery.

In Response to Questions:

·       Acknowledged that Option 2 was the least beneficial, however noted that all options needed to be further refined.

·       Lists of approved products and certified suppliers would be considered as part of next steps.

·       Potential existed to work with other agencies and to leverage off existing initiatives to address social and health needs.

Key Points - Members:

·       Supported VTR and other incentivised measures as a tool for change and exploring the options further to encourage energy efficiency.

·       Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had charged minimal interest on loans, which benefited both the council and individuals, and became cost-neutral after seven years.

·       Raised for consideration solar water/pellet heating technology as another efficient possible initiative. 

·       Focus on what initiatives could be managed and achieved.

·       Electric vehicles/buses, ride-share schemes, trains and ferries, development of forest carbon sinks via regional parks as offsets, and waste recovery were other areas of opportunity that could be aligned with carbon reduction with Council’s core business.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Transitioning to lower emissions and energy efficiency.

2          Notes, and provides feedback on, the proposed use of voluntary targeted rates to encourage energy efficiency.

3          Notes, and provides feedback on, other potential initiatives that staff could consider in more detail.

4          Notes that, subject to feedback, these initiatives would be developed in more detail and considered against other initiatives and priorities during the development of the Long Term Plan 2021-31.





Lake Water Quality Reporting Update

Presentation: Review of Trophic Level Index (TLI) Reporting: Lake Health: Objective ID A3610076   

Presented by: Andy Bruere, Lakes Operations Manager and Helen Creagh, Rotorua Catchments Manager

Key Points:

·       The new refreshed reporting would be presented in a dashboard format, providing additional water quality parameters, incorporating a Mātauranga Māori perspective.

·       Reporting would evolve to meet the needs of the community to help understand the status and position of the Rotorua lakes.

Extension of Time

That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Approve an extension of time under Standing Order 4.2.



·       Monitoring of lake health would intersect with a Mātauranga Māori perspective, and staff would work with various Iwi/Hapū to bring western science and Mātauranga Māori measures together.

In Response to Questions:

·       Health warnings could be reported to the Council’s Pollution hotline and followed up with the relevant agencies.

·       The reporting provided a historical account of lake water quality.

·       Would consider how swimmability indicators could be incorporated.

·       Trends would still continue to be provided in reporting and included margins of error.



That the Strategy and Policy Committee:

1          Receives the report, Lake Water Quality Reporting Update.



3:43 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                                               Cr Paula Thompson

Chairperson, Strategy and Policy Committee