Komiti Māori

Ngā Meneti

Open Minutes

Commencing:               Tuesday 25 August 2020, 9.30 am

Venue:                           via Zoom (Audio Visual Meeting), Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Virtual Meeting Room


Chairperson:                 Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti (Host-Chair)

Ngā Kopounga

Members:                      Cr Matemoana McDonald (Komiti Māori Chair)

                                       Cr Bill Clark

Cr Stacey Rose

Cr Paula Thompson

Cr Lyall Thurston

Cr Te Taru White

In Attendance:             Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Cr Kevin Winters, Fiona McTavish – Chief Executive, Namouta Poutasi – General Manager Strategy & Science, Chris Ingle – General Manager Integrated Catchments, Kataraina O’Brien – Kaiwhakaruru, Shari Kameta – Committee Advisor, Anaru Vercoe – Strategic Engagement Manager, Sandy Hohepa, Rawiri Bhana  – Māori Policy Advisors, Clarke Koopu – Senior Advisor (Treaty), Ashleigh Grant – Kaikarere (Communications Partner), Nathan Capper – Pou Ngaio (Technical/Cultural), Reuben Gardiner – Senior Planner (Water Policy), Ruakiri Fairhall – Kaiwhakamanawa, Stephen Lamb – Environmental Strategy Manager, Annika Lane – Acting Regional Development Manager

                                       External Presenters/Representatives: Ora Barlow-Tukaki – Hikarukutai Hapū representative, Michal Akurangi – Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Ian Morton, Karl Graydon – Toi EDA, Lloyd Tamarapa, Awhina Ngutuere – Toi Kai Rawa, Simon Stokes, Eddie Sykes - Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Karla Kereopa - Ministry for the Environment

                                             He Toka Tumoana Recipients: Harina Rupapera, Waka Paul, Alethea Hikuroa, Siobhan Nuri, Invited Guests/Iwi Leaders: Wira Gardiner, Arapeta Tahana, Te Waiti Rangiwai, Charlie Tawhiao, Geoff Rice, Maru Tapsell, Ellen Tamati, Merehira Savage

Ngā Hōnea

Apologies:                    Chairman Doug Leeder (Ex-Officio)


1.     Opening Prayer
Karakia Whakatuwhera

A karakia was provided by Cr Te Taru White.

2.     Host Chair to Preside
Ko te Māngai ā-Rohe te Heamana

Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti presided as the Host Chair.

3.     Mihi/Welcome

Host-Chair Cr Iti welcomed councillors, presenters, invited guests and staff to the hui.

4.     Apologies
Ngā Hōnea


That the Komiti Māori:

1         Accepts the apology from Chairman (Ex-Officio) Doug Leeder tendered at the meeting.



5.     Order of Business
Raupapa o Ngā Take

Withdrawal of Item 8.3, Central North Island Iwi Management Ltd

The Host Chair advised that Item 8.3, Central North Island Iwi Management Ltd was withdrawn from the agenda, as the presenter was unable to attend the meeting to present.

6.     Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Whakapuakanga o Ngā Take Whai Taha-Rua

None declared.

7.     Minutes
Ngā Meneti

Minutes to be Confirmed
Ngā Meneti a Ngā Komiti


Komiti Maori Minutes - 30 June 2020



That the Komiti Māori:

1         Confirms the Komiti Maori Minutes - 30 June 2020.



8.     Presentations


Raukūmara Pae Maunga Project

Presentation: Raukumara Pae Maunga Project: Objective ID A3622246   

Presented by: Ora Barlow-Tukaki, Hikarukutai Hapu Representative


Key Points:

·      Outlined the Project’s land coverage, historical occupancy by Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau a Apanui iwi, and shared whakapapa of the whenua with Ngāi Tai, Whakatōhea and Te Whānau a Mahaki.

·      Impetus for the Project had been driven by the large-scale destruction of the environment from pest animals.

·      No large scale pest control had occurred for over 30 years.

·      Secondary impacts from vegetation loss had resulted in some endemic species becoming endangered or extinct, damage to soil health, water quality, aquatic life, and increased sedimentation and erosion.

·      The Project had involved 2-3 years of Iwi wānanga and had submitted a bid to the Crown in February 2020, securing $34.5 million of Crown funding over four years, as part of the Government’s Jobs for Nature programme.

·      The project had been endorsed by Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui, Hapū Chairs, land blocks, Te Papa Atawhai, Forest & Bird, Kiwis for Kiwi, Regional Council, and a recent partnership with NIWA.

·      Iwi were front and centre to the Project. Key goals were to: restore the environment, reconnect people to habitat and place, build local capacity and involve the community.

·      Project timeline between August 2020-March 2021 would involve the setup of an Establishment Group, Governance partnership and operational model and would comprise a multi-generational restoration plan involving: 23 FTEs and 18 seasonal jobs to be implemented by the beginning of 2022, and NIWA’s Carbon Watch research programme to measure carbon recovery, track climate change indicators, and monitor forest restoration.

·      Current funding would not be sufficient to restore 35 years of damage.

·      Engaging whanau and the community to build taiao capacity towards a community workforce would be key.

·      Sought consideration from Regional Council of how it may wish to invest in the whenua and people.

In Response to Questions:

·      Investment from the Regional Council on the same par as the Kaimai-Mamaku ranges would be considered as a reasonable contribution.

·      Welcomed a meeting and site visit between Council and Iwi/hapū to understand what projects and investment may resonate with Council.

·      Plans had been established with the three local kura and kohanga reo to form an environmental rangers rōpu, incorporate a taiao curriculum and hold a series of symposiums.

·      The Project would be submitting to Council’s Long Term Plan to seek funding investment.

·      Success would require strengthening relationships with all those who had a connection with the ranges through whakapapa, whenua, water and its people.

Key Points - Members:

·      Commended the quality of the presentation and congratulated Iwi/hapū in securing Crown funding to support the project.

·      Discussion on potential investment models via Council’s Long Term Plan process and putting the community front and centre of Council’s mahi was supported.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·      Coordinate a site visit and meeting with Ora Barlow-Tukaki and Iwi/hapū.



Korehāhā Whakahau Project

Presentation: Korehaha Whakahau: Objective ID A3622397   

Presented by: Michal Akurangi, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa


Ms Akurangi introduced Project team members: Project Manager Simon Stokes and Senior Communications and Engagement Advisor Eddie Sykes.

Key Points:

·      Korehāhā Whakahau was a Ngāti Awa-led possum eradication project, supported by Predator Free 2050, the Provincial Growth Fund and Te Papa Atawhai via the Jobs for Nature fund. The project was the first Predator Free project to be led by Iwi. 

·      Korehāhā Whakahau vision was for Ngāti Awa whenua to flourish for future generations to enjoy the ecological, environmental and cultural uniqueness.

·      The project was important to Ngāti Awa as a way of passing down Iwi knowledge and values, providing employment, and improving social and environmental outcomes.

·      Project aims were to: eradicate possums via a range of methods and techniques, build iwi/hapū capacity and capability, increase participation within the biodiversity and biosecurity sector, create an employment base and build upon opportunities, collaborate with landowner/community groups, foster innovation, and introduce Mātauranga indicators.

·      The Project covered 4,700 hectares and included natural lines of defence from the Whakatāne River through to the western end of Ōhiwa Harbour.

·      Outlined the progression plan over the five year project span, commencing on the Ngāti Awa farm.

In Response to Questions:

·      The project wished to complement existing mahi that was being carried out by other groups, which would be integral to achieve eradication.

·      A communications and engagement plan would be developed to initiate conversations and leverage and support existing groups and mahi.

·      The project was a first step for Ngāti Awa to pilot its thoughts, with a view to developing a strategy beyond the project to guide and understand future opportunities to support other work/initiatives.

·      Welcomed the opportunity to work with Council staff on how Ngāti Awa mātauranga indicators could be shared as part of Council’s He Korowai Mātauranga framework.

·      The 5 year project had secured $5 million funding and was currently building resource capacity to align with the Jobs for Nature programme,

·      Would be looking for other funding investment streams with plans to expedite conversations with the Regional Council.

Key Points - Members:

·      Commended the presentation and congratulated Ngāti Awa in securing funding for the project.



Central North Island Iwi Land Management Ltd


As noted under Order of Business, this item was withdrawn due to the presenter being unable to attend and present to the meeting.




Jobs for Nature & Climate Resilience

Presentation: Post-COVID Projects - Central Government Funding for Employment Stimulus in the Bay of Plenty: Objective ID A3616778   

Presented by: Chris Ingle, General Manager Integrated Catchments


Mr Ingle provided an update on the different post-Covid-19 Crown funding that was available for shovel-ready projects to stimulate employment in the region, and how Regional Council – Toi Moana was working alongside others to receive the region’s share of the funding.

Key Points:

·      Funding categories available were: Provincial Development Unit (PDU), Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Jobs for Nature, One Billion Trees programme, and Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) funding for existing wallaby and wilding trees.

·      Regional Council had been awarded funding for the following projects:

o  Kia Kaha Whakatāne Project ($2.1 million PDU funding) had created 70 short-term jobs and 200 jobs over the whole project. A key goal would be to transition employees into future work once the project was completed.

o  Rangitāiki flood protection (75% CIP funding) providing 54 jobs and five additional projects (80 jobs) that were unbudgeted, which would need to be considered via Council’s Long Term Plan process.

o  Wallaby control ($1.45 million MPI funding) and wilding pine control ($817K) would support a 4-year programme.

·      An application made for Ministry for the Environment (MfE) funding was pending a decision to support Council’s Focus Catchments mahi in the Waihī and Maketū estuaries, Nukuhou stream, Rotorua lakes and the upper Rangitāiki catchment (61 jobs over two years).

·      Regional Council was considering placing 2-3 bids to MfE’s Jobs for Nature second funding round, relating to freshwater outcomes.

·      Regional Council had supported Iwi/community bids to the Jobs for Nature programme, i.e. Bay Conservation Cadet programme and Raukumara Pae Maunga Project.

·      Recognised the strategic value of the Bay Conservation Cadet programme as an opportunity for rangatahi to move into future environmental mahi.

·      Welcomed the opportunity to support Iwi groups that wished to apply for Crown funding that was available.

·      One Billion Trees funding programme helped to support native planting projects for the Kaiate Falls focus catchment.

·      Acknowledged the Te Kūmara Pae Maunga Project, Ngāti Awa predator free project and Te Arawa wetland and environment work in attaining Jobs for Nature funding and looked forward to integrating with the projects.

In Response to Questions:

·      The Regional Skills Leadership Group provided for key opportunities and connection on four bubble areas.

·      A whole of Government agency group were meeting on a 3-weekly basis to coordinate funding, integration and key opportunities.

·      Regional Council had developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi to look at how to collaborate and share resources and was an area that would feature in the MoU.

·      Council’s overall experience in adapting to the new social procurement environment (i.e. Kia Kaha Whakatane) was going well. Composition of employee’s for the majority were young wahine, and younger people of Māori and Pasifika descent, with supervisors playing an important role in supporting employee’s success and enjoyment in the job.

Key Points - Members:

·      Congratulated staff on the success of acquiring funding for the projects.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·      Connect with Te Kūmara Pae Maunga Project and Bay Conservation Alliance Cadetship programme to discuss potential synergies.

·      Investigate employment correlation opportunities between the Kia Kaha Whakatāne and CIP projects.

·      Raise with the Project Steering Group project manager potential training opportunities between polytechnic institutes and local wānanga.



Toi Kai Rawa & Toi EDA

Presentation: Toi EDA - Eastern Bay of Plenty Economic Development Agency: Objective ID A3599781  

Presentation: Toi Kai Rawa Maori Economic Development: Objective ID A3612419   



Presented by: Toi EDA General Manager Karl Graydon and Manager Operations Ian Morton

Key Points:

·      Toi EDA was the Eastern Bay’s Economic Development Agency.

·      Its objective was to create a better future for the next generation, focusing on outcomes, collaboration and partnerships, particularly with Iwi/Maori.

·      Toi EDA’s Strategy was based on three pillars to: create a winning brand, drive economic development and create thriving communities.

·      The Economic Development Strategy over the last 18 months had been targeted on securing Provincial Growth Funds (PGF) for four key projects, as approved by Iwi Chairs and local government representatives. To date $242 million had been secured for: aquaculture, high value horticulture, Kawerau industrial development and Whakatāne tourism/regeneration/ marine centre, which would provide significant benefit to the sub-region.

·      Toi EDA had put in place a mobile business support service during Covid-19, which had now connected with over 1,000 businesses.

·      Outlined other projects targeted for PGF funding, which Toi EDA would look to leverage and support. Attaining high-value jobs was a key goal.

·      Core project/focus areas: EBOP Workforce Strategy, digital connectivity, housing, energy and supporting development of Māori land, by identifying solutions for local level initiatives.

·      Key inputs were connecting with social providers (i.e Kainga Ora), DHBs, community organisations, technology providers and Iwi/Māori groups.

·      Toi EDA’s objective was to create 7,000 jobs over the next ten years to 2030 via the PGF, and to work directly with sector leaders on skills development. 

·      Toi EDA had built good relationships with Iwi/Māori organisations and welcomed working alongside others to support and accelerate initiatives.

In Response to Questions:

·      Estimated 4,500 direct jobs and 2,500 indirect jobs (total 7,000 jobs) would be created from the PGF over the next 10 years.

·      Toi EDA’s involvement in the four key PGF projects was one of assisting to build application bids, providing support in the gaps, and connecting the right people.

·      Toi EDA were liaising regularly with Toi Kai Rawa to maximise areas of focus. As TKR rolled out across the Eastern Bay, Toi EDA would be there to collaborate, maximise and support focus areas (and vice versa).

·      Rangatahi involved in workforce training initiatives focused on youth below 24 years of age, but would expand beyond this to support all unemployed.

Key Points - Members:

·      Congratulated the work and collaboration occurring in the sub-region.

Toi Kai Rawa

Presented by: Toi Kai Rawa Chairman Tamarapa Lloyd and General Manager Awhina Ngatuere

Key Points:

·      Toi Kai Rawa Charitable Trust (TKR) was an independent entity focused on Māori Economic Development which had launched in January 2020, having originated from He Mauri Ohooho - Bay of Connections.

·      TKR’s kaupapa/goal was to ensure its people were connected, healthy, well and thriving.

·      Outlined the regional context for the Māori economic base and pre-Covid-19 statistics, which TKR was striving to advance and mobilise.

·      Outlined key priorities and enablers and the four strategic priority areas of: Whenua Ora (unlocking the potential of Māori land and water ecosytems), Tangata Ora (unlocking the potential of Māori communities), Rangatahi Ora (mobilising the future Māori workforce) and Pākihi Ora (energising and mobilising the Māori business network).

·      Highlighted the growing potential for social procurement, activation of trade services, whenua Māori solutions hub, annual innovation summits, digital hubs and S.T.E.A.M. hubs for cadetships and scholarships.

·      Focus for 2020 was to: deploy strategy action plans, connect to what works, collaborate to build partnerships, reach out to international indigenous whānau to look for opportunities, coordinate hubs, and create design solutions to fill into the gaps.

In Response to Questions:

·      TKR was working with Toi EDA to share kōrero and an approach.

·      TKR covered the wider Bay of Plenty region.

·      Rationale for the establishment of TKR had been picked up by Wellington Regional Council who were developing a similar initiative as TKR.

Key Points - Members:

·      Congratulated the work being initiated by TKR.

·      Supported TKR’s mahi, recognising that what was good for Māori, was good for the whole region.

·      Need all involved in the economic development space to work together.

9.     Reports
Ngā Pūrongo


Komiti Maori Chair Report

Key Points:

·      The report was taken as read and accepted without further comment.

·      Kataraina O’Brien, Kaiwhakaruru introduced Harina Rupapera, Waka Paul, Siobhan Nuri and Althea Hikuroa, who were four of the ten recipients of
He Toka Tumoana Scholarship.

·      Students thanked Council for accepting their scholarships, and provided a brief summary on their current studies.

Key Points - Members:

·      Applauded the tauira (students) on their scholarships and studies, and looked forward to seeing them as future leaders.

·      A request was raised to further discuss He Toka Tumoana Fund noting the value of the scholarship in building Māori capability.


Items for Staff Follow Up:

·      Follow-up Harina Rupapera’s request of a letter of support for her Para Kore youth initiative, as requested at the Komiti Māori hui on 25 February 2020.

·      Coordinate a debrief for Komiti Māori members to discuss matters raised at today’s meeting, pending the forthcoming Long Term Plan process.



That the Komiti Māori:

1         Receives the report, Komiti Maori Chair Report.




10.   Closing  Remarks

The Host-Chair and members thanked presenters for their excellent presentations.

Comments were raised that remarked on the collaboration being undertaken to face the challenges of climate change and Covid-19 recovery, along with the shared learnings, opportunities and resilience expressed to provide oranga (wellbeing) for the future generations.

11.   Closing Prayer
Karakia Kati

A karakia was provided by Cr Te Taru White.

12:33 pm – the meeting closed.




                                                                                                            Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti

Host Chairperson, Komiti Māori